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MichelleRae 07-02-2004 09:47 AM

OMG Leigh I'm sooo sorry, I forgot to congratulate you on your loss!! Way to go girly you are doing awesome!!

Kristin I know its just wonderful to be out of the house even for just a few hours a week. I keep my patience much better (I think)

Ok back to cleaning. TTYL

Loveliam 07-02-2004 10:03 AM

Hi Michelle and Kristin! Thanks for the kind words about my loss.

Kristin - DH is "Dear Husband" - did someone else already answer that question? Anyway, hope that helps :)

Michelle- well, maybe Teagan and Liam can get together and have a little conversation about mama and dada :lol:

Might go for a quick trip to target once Liam wakes up from his nap, but I'm not positive. We'll see . . .

watkinsguru 07-02-2004 10:09 AM

Morning Gals.
I've been feeling so much better. I only start feeling bad when I get hungry, every few hours. If I eat, I feel better. I don't know why or how it happened so fast. I hope it stays this way.

WELCOME KRISTIN, I absolutely love your name. I really wanted to name one of my kids that, but we went with A's. All of them start with A's. I'm Crystal, 26 yo, sahm of 3, almost 4. Alisa 5, Ally 3, and Andrew 19 months. I'm due February 1st. So glad you found us. You shouldn't ever need any more support than what you get here. This place is great. I stuck around after I found out I was pregnant so I could hopefully make this one a healthy one. Hopefully I can get back to counting calories and exercising in my second trimester, which I'm 3 weeks away from. Welcome aboard.

Jaymi, I am so sorry you're having such a hard time. I know things can really get ugly sometimes, remember that they always get better, always. I know that's easier said than done. Hope things start to look better for you.

Penny, hope you have so much fun this weekend, you're gonna be one busy mama.

Michelle, I know you were just concerned and that's wonderful.

Spryng, where are you???

Cindi, I am so sorry you were up so late or early. Hope today is good for you.

What does everyone have planned for this 4th of July weekend? I have NOTHING planned. My MIL was gonna have something, but she cancelled that. I think my dh's grandparents may cook out but that's it. We live out in the country and I think we'll just stay outside and enjoy the fireworks from all around. Hope everyone stays really safe.

I've got my errands to run today, actually just cleaning my mom's house I think.
Well, I'll check in later.

spryng 07-02-2004 10:42 AM

WoW! I go to bed one night without posting first and a new thread is started with 2 pages worth of posts!!!! AHHHHH!!! LOL... I feel so behind and I posted like crazy yesterday. :)

Ok, I will try and catch up.
First, My WI! I'm down to 127.5!! A 2.5 lb loss this week!!! I can't believe I'm only 2.5 lbs from my personal goal! I'm so happy to see a loss like that, it really does insure me that my long plateau really is over.
also, my dinner last night came out good (I had honey bbq flounder, didn't have any salmon) and it was light and tasty. The recipe called for bacon on the fish so I did that but then I cooked up the rest of the bacon for the kids and that's what they ate for dinner, bacon and potatoes and green beans, lol. But i guess protein is protein. They will eat fish whole heartedly if I don't tell them what it is. But I slipped last night and told them it was fish so they thought GROSS! LOl and wouldn't touch much of it. O-well... next time I'll stick with "it's chicken, really!" LOL.
Other than that my evening went fine. I was just so tired by last night for some reason. I didn't have any energy to clean the house up before bed time or read the kids a book. They went straight to bed and so did I. My back was hurting too, I think when I did my bootcamp dvd I pulled a muscle in my back, between my shoulder blades. But it's better today.
ok, enough about me... let's get personal! :)

Crystal, I'm so glad you found out your are 9 weeks along. That may mean an end to your morning sickness is sooner than you think. At 10 weeks along the placenta takes over for the baby and most women stop getting morning sickness. So only one more week to go! When do you your weeks change? What day of the week I mean will you be 10 weeks along? Have you started buying anything for the baby yet?

Leigh, is there such a thing as a quick trip to Target? LOL... I thought that was an excursion! :lol: Congrats on losing that lb!!! Fantastic! And it's normal to feel like you are in a slump with ww. or any plan for that matter. I've been there, Ginny has been there. I think we all have. But look at your progress so far and look at what you can eat and it makes it worth it, it really does. You are deprived of nothing you just have to fit it into your pts and that is wonderful. So hang in there and maybe that zeal you had at first will come back. Wait until you go down another pant size, that excitement is enough to keep you going! My size 10's are finally baggy!! I may see an 8 really soon afterall which means that whole 9 week plateau was worth it because I waited it out and now I'm on the move again. So hang in there!

Ginny, sounds like you have been so busy lately! So did your dd ever find a college she will attend this fall? I know that was a long ordeal for you a while back. How was her graduation? Emotional?

Cindi, that potatoe story had me cracking up! Tanner was into my potatoes yesterday too! But every potato he got out he took a bite out of, lol. He was so proud of himself, lol. They are cute when they are young.

Michelle, no I didn't get a workout in yesterday because thursday are my day off. I heard it's best not to workout the day before WI because your muscle will retain water after a workout. So it's just a "thing" with me, LOL. Probably not a great theory but it makes me feel my WI's are more accurate. But I do plan on getting a workout in today. Maybe my Firm Abs. We'll see. Definitely something.

wow, there are so many posts and I'm running out of time! LOL. So I guess I better stop there. I'm sorry if I missed anyone and I promise I'll be around alot today so I'll catch you all later and HELLO! to anyone I missed and welcome to our newbies! Please post often!
Gotta get dressed, make my bed and start in on this house which I left a mess last night. I plan on working like crazy today on it so I'll TTYL!

sydsmom 07-02-2004 10:48 AM

Thanks Leigh for the 'lingo low-down" ;)

Crystal - I am liking my name more and more myself :) I never used to, It was to boring to me. glad you are feeling better this morning! The first trimester is so exhausting and for me was the most difficult too. Hang in there! :o

I started last week planning my meals for the week and then shopping and eating accordingly for dinner. It is working great, and saving us $$$, I only buy whats on the list, and don't wander around searching for stuff that I don't need to eat!

My DH has the kitchen and dining room all tore up as we are laying new laminate wood floor this weekend, and my parents always have a big 4th of July thing, so those are our plans, and maybe the zoo on mondya the 5th since its a holiday everyone has off, my dh could go with us! that would be fun. We have such a great zoo here, and sydney always takes such a great nap after we return home! :cp:

well off to finish planning my meals and then I need to run to the store, catch you all al little bit later!

spryng 07-02-2004 10:53 AM

Kristin, welcome! I didn't get a chance to welcome you before. I am Spryng (pronounced spring) mother of 3. I think planning your week before hand is a great idea! That way there is no wondering around your kitchen when you are hungry wondering what to fix, you know? I do a menu too. The zoo sounds like fun! We went a couple months ago and it was alot of exercise too.

Leigh, I was popping in on the ww boards (on ww.com) and came accross this thread and it's just what you were talking about. These women share how they keep their inspiration and motivation to keep plugging along with ww. Here is the link: http://www.weightwatchers.com/commun...e=OPENDATEDESC

ok, gotta get. Bye!

watkinsguru 07-02-2004 11:00 AM

Hi all, fixing to leave to go clean mom's house.
Spryng, I'm not sure when my weeks change. The doc took 2 sonos and one said I was 8.6 and the other said 9.3, so we avereaged that at 9 weeks. Since I don't know I may make my own week change every Wednesday, you know midweek. I go back July 27th and the next time after that in August, they may be able to see what it is.
No I haven't bought anything. I need a carrier, swing, clothes, blankets, bottles and a new baby bed, but I don't want to buy that stuff brand new if this is definitely my last. Next weekend, my sister and I and my two best friends spend an entire day garage saling and have SO MUCH FUN, so I'm gonna be looking for alot of that stuff. My FIL's wife had a girl in April, so she's keeping everything in case I have a girl, I'll get alot from her. Anyways, I've got to go clean. Sorry about your back, glad it's better today. Have a good day.

sydsmom 07-02-2004 11:01 AM

HI Spryng - Congrats on the loss, I can't wait to be in your shoes! I'll be back to cat more later! :) have a great rest of the morning ya'll !!

need2losemore 07-02-2004 11:41 AM

Good morning everyone. Welcome to all the newbies. I am Ricci (pronounced Ricky) sahm to two boys, RJ 3, (4 in two and a half weeks) and Eric 5. Eric will be in kindergarten this fall, and I am going to go to cosmotology school. There is way to many posts to catch up on right now. I can't belive how late some of you were up last night. I got my house cleaning done this morning, and the boys really helped me this time. Got my exercise in too. Hope you all have a fantastic OP holiday weekend.

DianeJ 07-02-2004 12:17 PM

OH My God, I stay quiet for one day and the board practically explodes!! LOL Now I feel lazy for not keeping up. LOL

Well, I'll try and catch up this afternoon eventually. Things are OK here, still on track but still no TOM! So I'm feeling really bloated etc... and achy. I had a dream last night I was pregnant and really happy. It was really weird, I just kept looking at the pee test stick and smiling, wondering how to tell Steve. Bizzare dream to have considering the week I've had with the twins don't ya think? LOL ;)

Nikki, it's so weird to hear you talk about the cold, I keep forgetting where you are. I live in California, so you can imagine what it's like here. Actually the past couple of day have been mild, not too hot, because of the Delta breezes. Love that.

Jaymi, hope you get things back on track soon. In the mean time don't stress out about it too much and blow it out of proportion. Just keep plugging away and I hope you feel better soon.

Cindi, sorry to hear about your hubby's accident at work. How is he feeling?

Geri and Michelle, we should ALL go to Margaritaville to compare stories of our little devils. I could really use a Margarita. ;)

Leigh, congrats on the LOSS! You go girl and keep up the good work. We are all so proud of you!!

Crystal you sound like you are feeling better. This weekend we are just doing some work in the backyard, making it pretty and BBQing. Our favorite thing to is plan elaborate meats to cooks. Should be fun.

Spryng, you must be soo thrilled to break that plateu, what an awesome job you are doing and truly an inspiration to us all. All the hard work, finally paying off. Great Job! :) :) :) :) :)

Kristen, Hi there, I don't think I got to introduce myself to you yet. :) I'm Diane (Di) and I have twin boys, Logan and Ethan who will be two years old on July 26th. I'm currently counting points with Weight Watchers and eat more South Beach style. I'm trying to lose like 25-30 pounds. Goal weight being 135-140. Guess I'll just see when I get closer. Anyways, nice to meet ya.

Boys are pitching a fit again, so Hi to everyone else I didn't get to talk at.


BIGtimeLOSER 07-02-2004 12:20 PM

My Weigh In!!!!
Okay, so I finally went to sleep around 3:30am, Christian was out by about 2, but then DH was snoring SOOOO Loud I could hear him in the living room!!!!Even after that late night Christian was up before 10, so I am slow moving today. But I got my shower and that has picked up the pace a bit. Need to call the doc about his meds making him hyper.(Note to self)

AS for my weigh in...I am down to 197!!! So if you count the 3 pounds I gained(You would, wouldn't you?) and the 1.5 pounds I am down from the week before, that's 4.5 pounds down this week!!!!!!! A good weigh in is all it takes for me to get back on track and get motivated! It's so nice to see a new number on the scale. I haven't seen this one since before I was PG with Christian and he's almost 2.

Maybe we need to all concentrate on an exercise challenge(even just 15 minutes, if that's all we can do!) a water challenge or one area to work on for a week or two, so that we all can get on track together. Feeling a small success will help keep us going. What do you all think?

Back later, Christian is into something by now I am sure!! LOL!

spryng 07-02-2004 01:05 PM

Hello again!

Cindi congrats on that 4.5 lb loss!!! And yes I count what you gained the week before as a loss... I mean a lb is a lb right? And you had to re-lose that 3# gain so it's counts!! Great job!! And I am all for an exercise challenge... maybe we can start with 15 min per day if we want to do more we can and if not stick with 15 min with one day off or something like that??? I am with you!

Di are you 100% sure you can't be pregnant?? BC is only 99% effective you know ;) But I have those dreams about being pregnant too and I know it will be another 4 years before I have to worry about that again. Sometimes in my dreams I'm really happy to be pregnant and sometimes I'm angry and upset. So who knows how I'd react in real life. I think at first I'd be upset just because I want my body back you know? But another baby would be welcome in our hearts and home if it happened and I do love being pregnant so it wouldn't be that big of a deal. lol.

Ricci sounds like you have been productive today! And don't let all the posts overwhelm you, just jump in where you can!

Crystal, sounds like you need everything for this baby. I did alot of yard saling when I was pregnant with Tanner. I got rid of everything so I needed to buy stuff cheap (dh wasn't in a good job then and then his whole back problems happend and he had no work for 12 weeks) What kind of bottles do you use? I have those playtex bottles with the disposible bags... I bought like 60-70 of them off ebay! LOL. Ebay is a great place for baby stuff.

Kristin, I think you will be in my shoes before you know it. I've been part of this thread for almost 3 years now so I've been battling my weight here for quite some time. I did hit my goal weight over 2 years ago (then it was 135) but this is the first time to hit my goal weight and then go even lower so I feel good about that. But after 3 kids my poor body needs some work still! LOL. It not all about the scale, body fat counts too and according to my body fat percentage I'm still very much fat, lol. O-well... I'm working on it. :)

ok, I have dinner in the crock pot. Greens and Beans (17 g of fiber per serving!!) what are you all having?

gotta go!

ECmom 07-02-2004 01:19 PM

Brother, am I glad I was here this am.........this is so busy!!!!! No way I will keep up with the posts.....hi to everyone.....and I am NOT having fun with either of my two teenagers at this point..... How can you love somebody to much and want to strangle them so badly at the same time?????

COngrats to the losers out there.......I skimmed the posts enough to see that there were quite a few of them.
Off to weed........

DianeJ 07-02-2004 02:22 PM

LOL, Soryng, yes BC is only 99% but abstinence is garaunteed! ;) It's still remotely possibe but the whole horizontal thing has been very remote for Steve and I this past month. My libido has run away somewhere, I'll let you know the year I find it again. That coupled w/infertilty leaves a pretty remote chance, but hey stranger things have happened.

Cindi, what great news about your big loss! You definately had to re-lose the pounds you gained, so they sure as heck count. Great Job.

Ginny, it constantly amazes me how you can love your children sooo much and still want to throttle them. LOL It's hard because everyone keeps telling me that the new issues just keep coming with each age etc, ect... somehow that's not making me feel much better. I'm barely treading water as it is. Then I feel guilty for admitting I'm having a hard time with them. My family knows what I went through to conceive and a few aren't very supportive with comments like "well, it's what you wanted and waited for!" I guess I'm not entitled to have a sh!tty day because of my infertility issues in the past. :(

Steve is off on the boat today. I was so jealous as he was leaving that I wanted to cry. It's kind of a "work" thing with his boss and some co-workers, so even if I could find some poor Sap to watch the twins, I wouldn't have been invited anyway. The idea of drifting on the water with a cold beverage, preferable alcoholic, sounds like pure heaven right now. It sounds like I'm having a Pity Party and I forgot the party hats! I'll stop now. :)

I'm still on track so far. It's going to be a tough day so I need to keep busy till Steve gets home.

I'm praying that I lose at least a pound on Monday. Fingers crossed as I have a long way to go.

I'd like to join an exercise challenge as well, sign me up and tell me the rules!

hugs to you all,

spryng 07-02-2004 02:27 PM

Here is something that was emailed to me today... thought we could all use a laugh and to nod our head in agreement...LOL enjoy!


Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the **** happened.

-Cora Harvey Armstrong-

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.

-Helen Hayes (at 73)-

I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray eyebrows.

-Janette Barber-

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse.

-Lily Tomlin-

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car.

-Carrie Snow-

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.

-Laurie Kuslansky-

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being, hitting my head

on the top bunk bed until I faint.

-Erma Bombeck-

Old age ain't no place for sissies.

-Bette Davis-

A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't.

-Rhonda Hansome-

The phrase "working mother" is redundant.

-Jane Sellman-

Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the windows.

-Jennifer Unlimited-

Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body

starts falling apart.

-Caryn Leschen-

I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.

-Jennifer Unlimited-

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

-Katherine Hepburn-

When I was young, I was put in a school for ******ed kids for two years

before they realized I actually had a hearing loss. And they called ME slow!

-Kathy Buckley-

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not

dumb -- and I'm also not blonde.

-Dolly Parton-

If high heels were so wonderful, men would still be wearing them.

-Sue Grafton-

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually

shut the ***** up with cookies.

I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.

-Roseanne Barr-

When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade

another country.

-Elayne Boosler-

Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.

-Maryon Pearson-

In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.

-Margaret Thatcher-

I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.

-Gloria Steinem-

I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.

-Zsa Zsa Gabor-

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.

-Eleanor Roosevelt-

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