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Scuzin 06-18-2004 01:16 PM

Good Morning
I'm 1 pound down since monday which makes it 4 pounds since I last weighed in on a friday two weeks ago. I'm happy with that :D. Afterall...now my signature is telling the truth again ;). I cannot wait till I'm past 184!!!! That is a major bench mark for me. Next week might be tricky because I'm going on a camping trip and I'm not sure what's going to happen...In my family they are notorious for "bad" food...but last year I went on one with my sister, had a bunch of milkshakes and sat in a car for days and days...when I got home...I had lost 6 pounds. Go figure.

Thanks for all the words of advise, I knew that's what it was I had to start doing...and have been trying to do...its just still gets to me sometimes...but I'll be moving out VERY SOON!

Jaymi_Dol_78 06-18-2004 02:51 PM

Hi Everyone

Another Short Post..."Jaymi Style" :lol: My day is already shot and wasted, since I've missed "Wednesday Woes"..., Dont think I had time for myself on "Time for Us Thursday" and today of course isnt my weigh in day....so I suck! :lol: I might as well just say that although, I stayed under calories, exercised, and drank water yesterday, and the day before, I'm not sure if I even deserve any points. I'm pretty pis*sed at myself, I have eaten 3 burgers in the last 2 days.... :cry: Why 1 reason is because:

1. :nono: "You cannot eat a stupid salad and drive"
2. :nono: "Chicken sandwiches are the same or more calories as burgers"
3. :nono: "There is no subway, plus I dont have subway money"

So there, got that out. Today I havent eaten anything, and I havet exercised. I'm sitting here being depressed :stress: and upset because MY weigh-in is tomorrow and I have done some stupid things. I dont even want to eat right now...because that means I have to stand up and cook....and I'm too nauseaus for that. Then I need to go to the store, but I'll be hungry, and that will probably lead to another burger, I also need to work out because my daughter just took her nap, but I also have 50 million other things to do...

Well this turned into longer than I thought. Sorry for me feeling like crap!! I've been trying to stay positive and be positive...but it's just not working for me right now, and I dont feel like pretending today! :( Thank everyone for listening to me even though it's not Wednesday.

Scuzin- Congrats on the loss! :bravo:

Beth- That was scary!! Now I'm gonna have nightmares!! :lol: I'm glad you are having a good time! Keep up the good work. :cp:

Julie- Thank God for Bones!! :cheer:

Satine- Sorry about your scale :(

Faye- Congrats on your 2 lbs! :cheer:

Well I dont want to depress anyone any further :dz: So I will be going now!!
Sorry I havent been posting...Time is flying by! Talk with you all later!! I love you chickies!!! :grouphug:

:flow1: Jaymi :flow1:

gma22 06-18-2004 03:05 PM

For those of you asking about the pool, he was there when I went over this morning. I looked at him said good morning bruskly with this kind of grumpy look and got into the pool. I stayed in the pool until he got in the pool then I got out. I think he knew I was pretty pissed about the whole thing because he stayed WAYYYYYYYY away from me and never said anything else, but I also kept my eye on him and it was glaringly obvious I didn't want to be there when he was. He left me alone and that is all I wanted. I am not a very fearful type and speak to anyone that comes to the pool no matter the age, color, gender whatever. Beth as far as what you said, I would normally have done so but felt that since I was in a situation where I have a broken arm and bad knee now so getting away would be difficult, he was stronger than I , the pool cannot be seen well by others, that the best thing to do was kind of push away and excuse myself and get out. Sometimes, you have to take the safest route and since I did not know what he would do if verbally attacked, I felt leaving it alone was best. Truthfully, I think now he started trying to help me because I wasn't standing straight, but figured he'd cop a feel a little! I can laugh about it now as he got the message this morning from how I acted that I was pretty pissed off about the whole thing.

Boy is it hotter than hades here. The humidity is about 85% and it is around 93 degrees. I went shopping like a dolt and carried stuff in one bag at a time with my left arm so it took forever! Jack is going to be mad at me for not waiting to have him go with me, but I hate to mess up his weekend by dragging him to the grocery store, which he hates. Bought my little guy his Gameboy Advance SP for his birthday, 2 games and 3 beginning reading books(I believe in education along with mindless playtime! :lol:) Ok, for you ladies over 40, do any of you remember Trixie Belden books? I saw one at the Barnes and Noble this afternoon when I went to get his books. They are a kind of serial book. I used to read those, Cherry Ames (who was a nurse), didn't like Nancy Drew, The Bobbsey Twins and I loved historical books like Clara Barton etc. I am still a voracious reader, probably 4-5 books a week if I have lots of time. I guess it was from having a crummy home life with lots of fighting. I could lose myself in those books and I passed the love of reading to both my kids and my dd is passing it on to my dgs.

Well, I have blabbed about myself long enough. Have to go get my honey from work and convince him on the way home to "climb the stairs" with me this afternoon! :o ;) (Julie, I only have like 2 day periods anymore and they aren't much of anything except awful cramps)

Faye :)

beth_on_the_beach 06-18-2004 03:41 PM

Faye - I'm glad things went better for you at the pool today. I just wouldn't let my guard down.

Carri- I forgot to post this earlier as I went off on a rant lol. I did try the new coke c2. It is pretty funny really. I don't have tv so I have no idea about what new products are coming out, and add to that I don't buy pop to bring home I had no idea there was such a thing as this new coke. Yesterday I mowed for about 2 hours with a push mower in 90+ degrees and when my father and I went to the store to get something for lunch I decided to get a bottle of pop as a treat. Figured I deserved it lol. I can rationalize with the best of them. Anyway, they had the Coke C2 in ice so I grabbed one. I just figured the new label and the C2 was promoting a new movie or something. Boy I guess I'm out of it. Well, I ate my lunch, with my C2 and when I was almost finished with it I picked up the bottle and actually looked at it. I noticed it said low sugar. I had no clue what it was talking about so looked closer and noticed that it also only had 45 calories and pretty low sodium as well. You could of knocked me over with a feather. I drank it in a glass with ice. I don't like to drink pop right out of a bottle or can, but I couldn't tell a bit of difference between it and regular coke. I hate diet and refuse to drink it. If I had noticed that it was low in sugar/calories when I got it at the store I would never have bought it. But I'll tell you, from now on when I want to treat myself with a glass of pop I won't buy anything else. I think it is wonderful and thrilled that they came out with something like that. I mean pop no matter how you look at it isn't good for you, but I can drink that when I really want one and not feel so bad about it. Hope you like it as well. I bet if someone gave you a glass of it and you didn't know it wasn't regluar coke you'd have no idea. Just goes to show you that things don't need all that sugar to taste good.

Well...I'm off again. (Or maybe I always am lol.)


cat90 06-18-2004 04:49 PM

:lol: Well Said Beth :cp: about the perverts not the C2 :rofl:

2lbs down this week :dunno: must have been water retention cuz i have'nt done anything to warrant it :o :lol:

Carri, have you tried taking the battery out and putting it back in? it may reset it :dunno: if it does'nt take the damn thing back :rollpin: ;)

Well Done Susan :cp: at least your mother problem is'nt interfering with your weightloss ;) Good for You :D i'm afraid it would if it was me :o i always hit the fridge or cupboard if i'm upset, depressed or bored :rofl:

Great Job Faye :)

gma22 06-19-2004 06:44 AM

SATURDAY: today is Sunny Thoughts Saturday. Let's try and be as cheerful as possible today and enjoy our weekend.

POINTS: (Thursday's program)

Julie :cp:
Faye :dancer:


Susan 1, Faye 2 Good job! :yes: :encore: :bubbles:

Beth: I solumnly promise! Thank you so much for caring so much! This is Pepsi's equivalent and I think it came out first. Have no clue what it tastes like. I only drink diet now. I hated, despised, etc diet too, until I faced up to the fact that if I wanted cola I had to go that route. A co-worker said the way she switched from a 10 drink a day habit to diet was to drink it only when eating food. I rarely drink it any other way because like you, I didn't like the taste.

Pepsi EDGE (8 fl. oz)
Contains: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffeine, sucralose, natural flavors, citric acid, gum arabic

Calories 50
Total Fats (g) 0
Sodium (mg) 25
Total Carbohydrates (g) 13
Sugars (g) 13
Protein (g) 0

Hope you all have a great weekend. It is not quite 6 am and it is already near 80 degrees this morning!

Faye :)

Amanda Panda 06-19-2004 03:35 PM

Hi Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. I've been struglling with my PMS as always - I have gone off plan, but it has been in a more controlled way. I haven't binged or anything - but I have gone over my points allowance for the past couple of days, just through eating crispbreads and low fat cheese and stuff.(plus some chocolate - purely for medicinal purposes ;) ) This is an improvement on my previous blow outs - so I'm not beating myself up about it (well not too much!) I'm at the 'pick n mix' stage of my PMS now (where I have an overwhelming craving for pick n mix sweets) - but I haven't succumbed. I was sorely tempted to get on a bus into town just to buy some (believe me, I've done it before! :lol: ) - but I managed to talk myself out of it. I said to myself - 'yes, it will taste nice, but it will not improve my PMS symptoms AND I will feel guilty and depressed about pigging out!'

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Love Amanda xx

mscat816 06-19-2004 07:50 PM

Hi Chickies
Just checking in to say I had a fabulous Friday! I started teaching bellydancing this week at work and voilla! The new level exercise has paid off - I am back down to 227.5! :cb: :cb: I have a renewed hope that my dancing is a definite plus with everything else I am doing in facilitating my return to health.

My personal issue is working itself out and I am living the with consequences with empowerment. Thank you for your prayers.

How about those Pistons!!!!!! Detroit is rockin' this week and the city is still in one piece!

Beth - I think I have said this to you before -I think you said you don't like it but here it is again for what it's worth - perhaps someone else will try it - We only drink diet Vernors and diet Rite Cola - both have 0 carbs, calories, sugars. Diet Rite is better for us because it is made with splenda and has 0 salt. Vernors has 15 grams of salt and is made with aspartame.
Jaymi - Try getting the burgers and or chicken sandwhiches and throw away the bread - its the mayo and bread that holds the carbs and calories!

Scuzin' - congrats on your loss!!!
Amanda Panda - the course I am taking is through Landmark Education. It is not religious - It is a curriculum for living, for discovering your self, your potential for self-empowerment, and maximizing your potential to live the life you love. For me it is the most extraordinary experience of my life with the exception of the birth of my two children. You can check out their website at www.landmarkeducation.com and feel free to pm me for more details.

Great day, great weekend to all. Mscat816

beth_on_the_beach 06-19-2004 08:44 PM

Hello Everyone-

Not much going on here. I spent the day running around with my father and then took a nap lol. A much needed nap. My dad makes me get up earlier than I normally would and it is hard to sleep well at someone elses house, but I'm having a good time.

Mscat816 - I've tried Diet Rite...didn't like it. Can't stand any of the diet pops. My solution is to just not drink any. I only drink water or ice tea at home. I did like the C2 Coke which is cool for those times...rare but still there...that I just HAVE to have a bottle of pop. I think this was the first time I've had pop in about 2 months actually.

It is a nice break up here in SC. It is warm and sometimes hot, but just not nearly as bad as Florida. Of course when I go back to Florida in August it will be horrible lol.

Well, I hope everyone is having a great day. Or I should say had a great day.

gma22 06-20-2004 08:10 AM


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