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spores 04-22-2005 11:19 AM

Debbie: Wow, you are an early riser! Good for you for making it ti Curves so regularly. Do you find that the workout is easier than it was in the beginning?

Holly: Oh, those feedbag sessions can be disheartening. I’m sure you can just put it behind you! Great question about what we’re all reading. I am in the middle of “Descarte’s Error” by Antonio Damasio – all about the nuerobiology of reason and emotion. I have been on a big neuroscience kick lately, obsessed with the brain. Also revisiting some favorite poets – Alice Notley and Jaques Roubaud.

Annie: Good for you on the italian resturant success! That’s a really good feeling to stare temptation in the face and say no. Sorry to hear about the sleeping – that can really mess up your day. Have you tried chamomile tea? An old old remedy, but it usually works for me.

Girlie: I know just what you mean about a stretch of bad food and no exercise. I know you can bounce back!

Sandi: Glad to hear your doggie is doing well. So stressful! Congrats on the A as well. That’s a great accomplishment!

Well, it’s Friday and I have not had a super week, but it has been a bit better than the last. I exercised once, which is better than nothing! I started a second job this week (at an Aveda salon...I know where my paychecks are going!), so I have been pretty swamped. Already they have added more hours to my schedule. So for the next three weeks I will be very busy with the new job and the final weeks of school. I know that the best way for me to get through this is to plan plan plan so that I don’t wind up overwhelmed and eating a bag of chips in front of the tv to relax. My BF’s parents are coming into town this weekend, so I will spend Saturday cleaning and then Sunday we will spend with them. Ugh. I am not wild about my not-in-laws (as I call them), and I kind of resent having to spend my weekend with them when I have so much to do. I’m really feeling ready to re-commit and focus on my health. These last couple weeks of slacking off have left me feeling gross and tired. So it’s time to get off my butt and make some changes!

annie175 04-22-2005 01:59 PM

Just trying something....

judydc 04-22-2005 05:09 PM

Hi, just a note to say that I'm back and think I did pretty well with food and exercise while out of town. It was nice to deal with stress, airports, temptations and time to kill without feeling out of control! Gee, I guess this is how people who don't have food issues live, imagine that!

I will read all the posts over the weekend and try to catch up.

siouxchef 04-22-2005 09:35 PM

Good Eve Ladies,

Well, Maggie Jane is home with us, although she came home and went straight to her kennel, and hasn't left it once. Don't know if she is happy to be home, or just worn out, or both. She still looks ill to me, but vet said to try her at home, and see if she can tolerate it? Lots of antibotics, and pedialyte. Got the IV out at 2p. I am happy, hope she can pull out of it.

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, checking in and reading these posts. It feels so good, and can really inspire, motivate, and just keep you grounded all at once. Life is good. Thank you !!

Holly-- Yep, I used to be a partier also. My DH is 7 years older than me, so I always ran with the "older" crowd, and learned how to have a good time. Although, as I have gotten older, they have really gotten "old". Now, If I can make it past midnite, I have truly accomplished something. And am quite proud of myself. LOL. My problem is we live in a very small town, (300) people, and if we go to a party, we often run into kids from the highschool, who's parents allow them to carry on like an adult, with drinking. So, It really makes for a short nite for us. I WILL not be around that, to condone it, and I don't want our friends to think it is OK.
BOOKS--hmmm, I usually have about 3 going at once. Right now, I am reading two that my son bought for me, both on Pope John Paul 11. They are truly amazing, inspiring, and thought provoking. But, I love a mindless read, so Janet Evanovich is hysterical, and brings humor into my life. Hope you have a good weekend not going anywhere. I love those too.

Annie--I am so jealous, you got to shop with your daughter. I have a son, and the only places he will go with me is a sports center, Cabella's, Scheels, or the Ski and Bike shop. You lucky dog. And for a baby gift besides. You won the lottery. Nothing better than shopping for a baby gift with girls.

Girlie--Sushi, YUM, I really wish I was closer and I would go with you to garage sales. I love them, and you just never know what you are going to find. Good luck, and happy hunting.

Spores--Oh my, you have had a hectic schedule. You really need to find some pamper time for yourself. I can relate. Usually the more hectic my schedule is, the more cranky I can become. You don't sound one bit like that. I could really learn from you. I am looking forward to school getting out on May 19, so I can focus on the classes I am taking, my family, and my other business. Teaching gets in the way of that sometimes, so I really enjoy summers.

Judy--I am impressed. You are one of the people who thinks like a "skinny" person. You didn't obsess with food, and you sounded kinda bored with the whole experience. But I bet it really felt impowering. Good for you. I have only had that experience once, This week, I had to run into the university, my DH came with and stopped at McDonalds, for a quick bite to eat. I had already eaten with my kids at school. Spinach salad, and 1/2 sand. He said, Grab a bite with me. I didn't say anything, but said OK, got to the order, and said, I'll have a diet coke. That's it. And it truly didn't bother me in the least that I didn't order one food item. I wasn't stressed about it, I wasn't trying to come up with a plan of what was the best thing to order? Just didn't want anything, and decided, Don't need it, I am full from lunch. And it worked out fine for me. SO, I do know what a psychological jump that is for us. It really is HUGE. Congrats.

Hope all have a great weekend. I am just going to be home with Maggie, and DS, and Hubby is working on race car all weekend. Going to get up early to go for a walk with a freind.

Wishing all a HUGE dose of sunshine, and some pinwheels for the kids.


siouxchef 04-22-2005 09:41 PM

How do you get the little scale for the posts? I have tried doing it but it is so confusing.

Also impowering should be empowering. DUH.

Hollyhock 04-22-2005 10:14 PM

Great post Sandi. I actually didn't eat supper tonight before gymnastics because i just wasn't hungry. I ate whe we got home and I was hungry. It felt good.

I am already trying to figure out how to use my time to it's best advantage this weekend. I had been thi king gardening but snow and rain are forcast. DD has been asking for a big girl room. I think I might switch her room for the spare room.
Totally relaxing tonight. Everyone else is asleep.

Spores~ a BIG hug for you. Prioritize the stuff you need to do. Leave the small stuff. Yikes on the not in laws. Doesn't sound fun. Take some "me" time.

Nighty night chicks!!!!

siouxchef 04-23-2005 03:08 PM

Good Afternoon,

Got up early for a walk with GF (5:30) and walked for about 45 min. Came home, started cleaning house, and just now decided to call it good. Maggie is still in kennel, although she did get up with me when I came home, and took her med's, and ate a nibble. She just wanted some company I think. I am going to try and take her for a walk tonite to see if she can get some energy back.
Need to run get a few grocery's out of all the veggies, and Jake said he wanted me to make him cupcakes. Going to buy him one at store.
Holly--Wish I lived closer to you. I would LOVE to help you with a "big girl" room. Sounds great. It is rough being the only "girl" in my house. My DH, DS, and Maggie for that matter are ALL BOY! Maggie being a tom-boy. No foo-foo here. Even our house is decorated in all boy fabric's, paper, and paint. The ONLY room I have that looks like a girl's is our formal living room. It is in pink/sage plaids, and florals. And, the boys and Maggie won't go near it. Hate it. I am just fine with that. Stays clean that way. LOL
Enjoy your weekend. I am going to scrub shower, and do some errands.

siouxchef 04-23-2005 05:44 PM

Does anyone know how you can have this automatically attach? Or do you have to do the step everytime? This is really cool, and I like seeing everyone's weight tracker, but it really is alot of work?


just seeing if this works. ;) :df:

Hollyhock 04-24-2005 12:25 PM

Sandi~ I left instruvtions yesterday but must not have posted it.
Scroll up to the top for UserCP and paste it in Edit Signature.

I just unplugged the fireplace from the generator cause I was going bonkers with out journalling!!!
The hydro went out yesterday at 3ish, came on for a wee bit in the evening and has been out since. It seems to be a 50 km range. DH just went to the city for more gas for the generator.The sump pump has been going staedy so no flood.
Yesterday ROCKED. We moved the rug and 2 chairs to the basement lounge area, and a shelf unit and a bunch of toys. It looks wonderful. The kids love it!!!
WE have a few inches of snow. It has been steady since yesterday morning.
DH and the kids and I throughly cleaned the entire upstairs and we switched DD with the guest room.Windows and walls were washed.Much sweeping and vacuuming. DD’s new room is an absolute delight!!!! This is the first time in 5 years that every room upstairs is reno free and functional. I was more than exhausted when I went to bed. Between feeling excited about the house and the power outage I didn’t sleep much. Church was cancelled.

To keep me humble and not convinced I am super human, I am having a super allergy flare up from all the dust. Headache is just clearing. TG for antihistamines.
On Friday I went to the Doc for a mental health checkup. He was thrilled with the changes in me in the last few months.He is a wonderful man. I didn’t realize how crappy our old Doc was until I started with him.

I wil unplug the the computer, plug is coffee maker, and then plug the fireplace back in. I really want to do more cleaning( more like sorting things away). I have a load of stuff for the thrift shop and to put out in the dump pile.
Best make the kiddies lunch. They were bummed about missing Sunday school so I did my lesson here at the kitchen table for them.Funny.

Have a glorious day dear chicks!!!!

siouxchef 04-24-2005 05:10 PM

Holly, YOU GO GIRL. I wish I had that energy and sense of direction you have. You amaze me, and I am feeling horrible guilty that I don't do something in the office. I just may have to jump in and get going.

I am too suffering from what I think are allergy's. I have been taking Advil Cold and Allergy all day with no relief. Switching over to Claritan. Sorry to hear about the power trouble. YIKES that is awful when that happens. That is what we have to do here too.

Going to get a little nap in. I am whooped. I got up and did treadmill first thing this morning, so at least I got that in.

Happy Sunday.

MyChoice2bfit 04-24-2005 06:32 PM

I've been missing a lot from the boards this week. I just had so much to try to catch up on. My new job is keeping me very busy. Then there is school and of course home. But who isn't busy these days?

I had a great loss at Tops on Thursday. I was down 2.5 lbs! Out of the 240's, but ladies, I've been eating today like there is no tomorrow. I've got to stop. My first step was to come here. I don't feel like anything is bothering me or that I'm trying to cover up an emotion but I can't seem to get full! Regardless I'm stoping...I will..and I am. I do not want to sabatoge my next weighin.

I did something really amazing (for me) yesterday. Our local Women's Center had a 5 mile walk. I did the walk in a snow storm! Yep, it was snowing here in Ohio. It didn't stick to the ground but it sure made everything wet. I completed the walk in 1 hr and 50 min. I raised $150 and the total raised was $35, 052. Maybe I'm hungry from all that walking?

I will be around more this week. I have to be...need to be for me.


justjodi 04-24-2005 07:06 PM

hello chicks!
sorry i have been MIA again. doing well just very busy! trying to get the house spring cleaned, working on the yard and garden every chance i get, 2 kids in basebal. uggg just so many things going on. i slipped up a bit this week and it showed at my weigh in on saturday up 1.8. still trying hard to get used to the schedule changes etc i'll do better this week. doing my regular sunday stuff, laundry, cleaning, cooking, planning. today for some reason i am feeling very resentful about having to do it ALL myself. it doesn't usually bother me but today i really want to scream!!! oh well Cinderella must return to the laundry room hope you all have a great evening!

Debbie 04-25-2005 07:49 AM

Good morning everyone,
I've had a couple of great days. I made it to curves sat, making it 4x times last week. I've did great sat on food. Yesterday I ate too much at dinner. BBQ
chicken, spuds and homemade creamstyle corn. At least I had a salad with it. I let the guys decide what we were having. I plan to go to curves when they open. Then I am going to with a friend to get his motorcycle license. This state is goofy If you have a learners permit you can ride as long as someone with a m/c licenses is following you in a car. Hes been riding without a license for years. but I have to follow him to take the test. They will check to make sure there is a license rider and give him a ticket if there not one with him.
Sounds like everyone had a good weekend. Snow and all.

Holly: You always make the best of every situation.. Hope allergies are doing better.

Jodi: I know what you mean. Being the only girl I don't get a lot of help around the house. Dh works 12 hr days and usually 6 days a week so I really don't expect him to do anything except pickup after his self. Ds1 will help. He does the mowing ect, but ds2 won't do much. He is like my handyman. He does all our home repairs. Other than that it's hard to get him to keep his room clean and laundry done. you can forget asking to get the trash carried out or help with the dishes.

Susie: CONGRATES.. Great loss. Glad to hear you are doing well.

Judy: Glad your trip went well and you made it back safely.

Spores: How was your weekend?

Sandi: I hope maggie is getting her energy back.

I'm sitting here in my robe. I better go get my shower and get ready.

Everyone have a great day!!

Hollyhock 04-25-2005 09:28 AM

What do your rooms say about you??? You gotta try this!!!!

I did an “exercise” a few months back where you sit in each room and describe what you see and feel. Then you replace the"room" with “I am” for a good look at yourself.
at the time it showed me that I was in better shape psychologically/emotionally than I thought but it also showed me where I needed to do some work.
I thought about this again last night. Everyone was in bed by 9. I wandered around my home. For the first time in 5 1/2 years. EVERY room in our house is CLEAN all at once and all of our belonging have a proper place. I am sooo excited by this.

We knew it would take 5-10 years to get this house in a good place. But living through the day to day in hard sometimes. There has always been at least 1 room under construction or full of stuff meant for other places etc.
With all the purging of “stuff” DH and I have been doing there is now a home for the few things we have left that are keepsakes. Each of us have only our own belongings in our closet.There are coats in the back hall closet...........
The kids have been playing a LOT in the basement!!! Which creates more peace if you want to just sit in the livingroom and watch the tube.
I am going to paint the livingroom soon. I picked a colour called garlic bud and that is what it looks like. With the light wood furniture and cream curtains it will be very Zen.

The “ exercise” April 2005: Our room- warm,cozy,soft,comfortable,very me
DD room- light,airy,fresh; DS room-cozy,safe, memories; spare room- country chic, old fashioned, cozy, gentle; bathroom- 1/2 done
computer room- light,bright,family,comfy; diningroom-bright,clean, warm ; kitchen- busy; livingroom-almost a grown up space; toyroom- bright, cheerful,sunny, fun,crafty;basement- fun,exciting, invigorating,sporty

These adjectives are a HUGE change from a few months ago. I feel so excited. I am not sure I believed it was possible to feel like this. I am absolutely certain of who I am and where I am headed for the next while.I am confident.
The old adjectives were a “lot of clutter, unfinished,dark,choas, nothing is mine”......


spores 04-25-2005 11:19 AM

Judy: Glad you had a good trip. Good to see you back!

Sandi: Glad your dog is home and doing better. What do you teach? I too am dying for summer to get here! I don’t think students realize that teachers look forward to the break as much as they do!

Holly: Ha, cute new avatar. The not-in-laws were better behaved than usual and only stayed for five hours (instead of the usual intolerable all day and evening!). Yikes, no power, that must be hard! Hope you are staying warm. Ugh, allergies are the worst. I have been using some saline nasal wash I got from my doctor, and it helps a lot. Washes the dust and gunk out of the sinuses so it doesn’t just sit there making me miserable. Wow, cool rooms exercise. I am afraid that if I try it i will discover that “I am” in desperate need of cleaning! That is so cool how we are so connected to our spaces. I am very affected by my environment. I am going to try the exercise this week.

Susie: Wow, congratulations on the 5K! In the snow! What an accomplishment.

Jodi: I know what you mean about having too much going on. Jut take it one thing at a time and don’t forget to make time for you. The world won’t end if it doesnt all get clean!

Debbie: Mmmm, bbq is one of my weaknesses. Sounds like you were sensible about it, though. Keep up the awesome exercise; I am so impressed at how well you are doing with Curves! So inspiring.

Well, not a great week, but not horrible. I was down 2 lbs when I weighed this morning, but sinceI only worked out once last week and did poorly on food, I am kind of chalking that up to water loss. But it is still a nice way to start the week. These next two weeks are going to be crazy (finals and final grades at school, extra shifts at the salon, BF’s birthday), and I know that whenm I get busy I neglect diet and exercise. So I spent some time yesterday scheduling my days and planning my meals. That helps me feel less overwhelmed. I am reminding myself that exercise is MY TIME to relax and stop obsessing about work, and I deserve that time.

Hope everyone’s Monday is going well and we are all starting off on a great week!

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