Home of the Loozing Floozie's.....(#78)

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View Poll Results: Since Joining This Forum, Have You........
Lost 5-10 lbs.
Lost More Than 10 lbs.
Lost Weight But Gained It Back
Gained Weight
Stayed The Same Weight
Don't Know....I Never Weighed
Voters: 10. You may not vote on this poll
  • Hello

    Here at McSkinneys, Our mission is to motivate,support and lose those pounds & inches.We must keep those Loozing Floozies loosing!!

    Feel free to join our group of wonderful ladies.Come on in.....Give us YOUR motivation,support and ideas.We would love to have you!!!

  • Don't Forget To Go Back To #77 And Read The Last Few Posts There!!
  • Sher thanks for the survey. I am the one that gainned weight. I am still heavier than when I joinned. I know someone that had shingles on their face so have yours checked out. Take care.

    Debbie I loved your blond moment story.

    I will miss you all. I will check in but I am not sure if I will have time to check in every day.

    Larry, Dez, and I are going on a date. We are going to a coffee shop with awesome desserts. I allow myself one dessert a week besides fruit. Larry and I will share. It will be fun because it is in a funky part of town. We are surprising Dez as to where we are going. She loves it there.

    Well I will be up bright and early to head off to the airport. I am getting up at 4:30. Gayle keep everyone in line here.

    Love you all. I hope to read some good news!
  • Have fun Dee!!!! We'll miss you! Make sure and check in when you can get away from the servants and pool boys. Remember poor, poor us as your having fun!!!! I hope you REALLY do enjoy yourself!
  • Have fun, Dee!

    I'm going back to work today! Ugh! Not only that, I am leaving early for a root canal. Whoopee, can't wait!
  • Shingles are usually on the torso, but you can have them anywhere. They are caused by a chicken pox type virus that can lie dormant in the body for years. If it were shingles, you would probably be in a great deal of pain. It causes the nerve endings to be exposed and even the sound of someone's voice can cause terrible pain.

    I was getting ready for work this morning when I heard a terrible crash and my dad screaming. My mom had tried to walk by herself and she fell against the book shelves in the bedroom. I ran to her room and she was lying in the floor crying and blood was everywhere. She had hit her head on the shelves. I couldn't get her up by myself because her paralyzed side is just dead weight. Luckily my brother hadn't left for the clinic and I got in touch with him. He came and we got her up. He dressed the wound and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Head wounds just bleed so much! It scared the s*** out of me! Thank goodness she didn't break anything. My dad was beside himself because he was helpless and all she wanted was for him to comfort her. She has fallen before, but never this bad. It looks like I will be staying there for quite a while longer.
  • Ramona, I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I bet your dad feels so helpless right now trying to recover from his surgery. I had a patient to go see today that could not respond or even hold his head up. It was a challenge trying to cut his hair in bed and trying to move him around because of the dead weight. Just remember with your mom to always try to have some help lifting her. You will be of no use to either parent if you end up hurting yourself. (((HUGS)))

    Shelley: OUCH!!!!!! i will be thinking of you today! I hope you get along ok!!! If you need something, just shout.
  • Ramona- I am so sorry to hear about your mom falling. You have your work cut out for you right now, with a new job and caring for your parents. You are a wonderful daughter, and I'm sure your parents are very aware of it!

    Gayle-Thanks for the concern. Actually, the root canal went quite well. I didn't even feel the needle when he stuck it in. This guy was great. I'm not hurting right now. I'm hoping that it won't hurt at all. We'll see.

    I had a person email me saying that he wants the coins, but he thinks it's too risky dealing with me since I don't have hundreds of feedback. He wants me to send them COD. I told him absolutely not and to look at the last item and I sold and the feedback from it. To heck with him! I don't want to take the risk of sending something COD. I had another person email me asking how I would take payment on the doll that is at $2700.00 right now. I told her that my auction wasn't even over yet and I would take paypal, cashier's check or money order just like it says. People are too much!!
  • Sherry, did you go to the doctor? How is your face?

    Shelley, I'm glad the root canal went so well. I've never had one, but i can't imagine it would be very fun.

    We took my mom to the doctor today. She had a rash come up on her back yesterday and I was afraid it might be shingles because she has had them before and once you get them, they are always dormant in your body. She does indeed have shingles(herpes zoster), so now I have to add 8 more pills to the 23 that I give her twice daily already. The doctor looked at her ear and cleaned it up again and redressed it. She is really doing quite well considering everything that happened today. What a day...and this is only Monday!!!

    We had a state trooper get shot today, but luckily he was wearing his vest and wasn't killed. There are 2 state troopers in the offices across the hall from my office and they have been staking out this complex for a couple of weeks. It is a group of survivalists. The FBI is here now and they have a man hunt on for the two men that shot the trooper. NEVER A DULL MOMENT FOR ME!!!!

    Well, my brother is here to sit with my folks for a while, so I think I'll go to the tanning salon. That always relaxes me and I'm going to take advantage of it!!!

    Good night my friends.
  • Howdy

    Well tonight was my 1st night doing water aerobics at the "Y" and I loved it!! I put this fat, white bod in my swimsuit and "went for it" and I'm so glad I did! Man, It was fun!! When I got out of the pool, my legs felt like spaghetti.

    I agree...You have your hands full!! Your Mom & Dad are so lucky to have you. You know, 23 pills are a lot to take! Bless her heart! I will continue to say a little pray for her.I didn't go to the Dr. about my face.It's still there and hasn't improved at all.If it's still the same on the 28th when I go for my b/p, I'll have her see if she knows what it is.

    I'm glad that you didn't suffer any pain today! That's the kind of dentist I like!! Wasn't it hard to go back to work today??! I didn't think I was ever going to get moving this am!!

    I hope you made a safe trip. I miss you already!! Check in soon!!

    Where are all the missing Floozie's???? Please post soon, if only for a quickie!!

    Gotta iron & get things ready for work tomorrow.

    Hugs to all I didn't mention.
    Love Ya'll.......
  • Good Morning!

    Dee Hope you have a safe trip and have lots of fun.

    Shelley you are lucky to have a great dentist. My sis in law had a lot of work done on her teeth including root canals and she was down for several days -of course she does have a low tolerance for pain.

    Ramona you are a great daughter. You are under a lot of stress please try to find a little time for yourself.

    Shelley I would stick to what you have stated in your auction. Your feedback is good enough for me to trust. Tell them to purchase postal insurance if they are worried about it. Or you could see if the people you have refunded money to could give you a reference. I get some crazy emails too. I was selling a Jersey my husband had in his collection and I got an email from a guy claiming to be in Iraq. He wanted to buy the jersey and would pay me $150 if I could wait 2 months for him to get home so he could pay me. He said it was against Army policy to buy/send money online. The jesey was only worth about $30.

    Just talked to my dad he said my uncle now has a high fever.
    Gayle do you have any good websites on the stages of dieing. Does it depend on the type of cancer. The nurses have said 2 or 3 times he only has 2 days at the max and he keeps holding on.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • Tina, I will PM you.
  • I hope everyone is having a better Tuesday then what your Monday was!!!!

    Shelley, you lucky dog! I hope you never did feel any pain with the root canal. Yep, there are some "fruit loops" on the ebay board!

    Ramona, is mom better today?

    Sher, if the spot isn't better on your face today, you REALLY should call the doc. It could be serious and get into your system.

    Tina, I hope you received my PM, I went ahead and sent you a second one with all of the info. Please feel free to ask, I may not know the answers, but I can help you with the search.

    Dee, drink a BIG drink for me!!!! Oh ya, pat the pool boy on the butt for me too!!!

    Deb, oh Deb, where is our little Deb? Visiting her new church?????

    Vickster must be visiting mom?

    Jennelle, I hope life is treating you well! Did you find out about the test yet?

    Who did I miss??? I'm sure I did miss someone...

    Thank you all today for being such dear friends. I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. Hopefully, one of these years we can all FINALLY meet!

    Going to try to stay OP today! Wish me luck!
  • Hi Girls

    I am off work for 4 days this week for bereavement days, but I haven't rested once. Yesterday I helped Mom all at Grannymom's apartment cleaning and throwing things out. Wondering how one little old lady could collect so much. But we got finished and now it is ready for the 4 sisters to spilt everything up.
    My son was off yesterday but I made the mistake of telling him anyday he and I was off together, I would take him up to the old farm where Grannymom and Granddaddy lived before he passed. SO...he took today off and I lived up to my promise. It is about 50 miles from Nashville, between Portland and Westmoreland. We had the best day, so many good memories. It was sold in 1990 but no one has lived there since Grannymom moved out. My Mom had told if I saw anything I wanted the new owners wouldn't care if I got it. I found lots of little goodies that belongs to my grand parents. Even got an old piece of wood from the "Indian House" little shed out back. An old washtub nailed up in the chicken house, that Grannymom put up for the chickens to lay eggs. I even dug up some buttercups from the front yard to replant in my flower garden. Grannymom could see them from her kitchen window. My Grannymom spend her happiest days there. It was a good day!!

    Ramona...Hope your Mom is doing better today. You sure do have you hands full. Glad you got to take a few hours for yourself today.

    Tina....I probably wasn't very far from you today. We went up through Gallatin but come back through Portland. My prayers are with you and your family and especially your couisin.

    Gayle...LMAO!! New church!!!! I didn't go back Sunday, too afraid someone would remember me.

    Sherry...I knew you would love the Y, so glad everything turned out where you could join. I DO plan on trying the water aerobics either tomorrrow or Thursday. I'm planning {right now} to have two Debbie days in a row. I sure need it!!!

    Shelley...Everyone needs a dentist like yours. Glad you aren't in any pain.

    Dee.....Hope you are having a wonderful time!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

    Carol....Please post soon and let us know how you are doing. We miss ya!!

    Well...My house is still in a wreck!! I'm getting kind of used to it...LOL. I went to the Y yesterday but skipping it today, I think. We walked about 3 miles up on the farm today. So I know that counts!

    Summer count down!!!!

    27 days down...69 TO GO!!!

  • Who asked me the question about the test...was it Gayle? Anyhow, I will find out the week of April 6. I could pay $20 extra and find out on April 2 over the phone, but what's the point when I have to have it "in writing" anyway.