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miniDoodles 10-03-2015 01:32 PM

Hi Girls :smug: It's difficult to fathom our temps dropping 20* from last Friday when I was swimming in our pool @ 78* I hope that you'all aren't in the 50's like we have had since Monday.

Annie, What r U & Dh & S & C dressing up as while standing in the street watching the kids trick or treating :witch: :bunny: :cheer2: :mouse: :corn: I make little surprise bags w a whistle or toy flute to drive the parents crazy & a Mc.D's gift coupon & Hershey candy. Last year a local parent told me her Dh took the whistles away from the kiddos & use it to call their doggy & kids to come indoors instead of yelling @ them, so I stopped by & gave the kids a big bag of M&M's & taffy not to share w daddy :m: :m: C goes fishing in your back yard pond, I thought U were a city girl :o & that U were driving to go fishing. I just Luv to ice skate & play hockey, Dh would rather ice fish, U r so lucky.

Laura, I Luv your new pic ;) Happy Anniversary :celebrate: Laura!! Kelly Ripa on TV said she was having her half-way to 90 yrs old b-day on Thursday & I liked when Annie said she was double nickels :D It was awesome that your company celebrated your anniversary. W my Dh's 25th, they just gave him a mantle clock inscribed & $100 bonus check & 2 days more pd. vacation. Your company was wonderful to give U the gift certificates & I have the anti-fatigue mats in my home office @ my design tables & also in my kitchen & I love them. Out in the garage workshop area, we have the gym mats for a cushion & r easy to vacuum the wood shavings up.

Shad, Thank You for caring about me :hug: I'm a Lover, not a fighter, a romantic @ heart & I know Dh Luvs me because he shows me daily in many ways. I hope everything works out for your son, I'm sure his pride & self confidence was hurting. Jesus made many wonderful parents like 'you' are for our young & adult kids during their difficult times. I hope U r feeling better today. Your summer is coming, so U can lay outside soon :beach: no more colds or stress, your family can b your gardeners & U can harvest it & enjoy it :T

Happy, I have a question for U. Last month Amazon had the balance ball chair w Gaiam ball as their deal & I bought it & I do like using it @ my desk & my sewing table. Did U also buy the balance ball chair cover for it? I think my tush will get cold sitting on it during the winter. And did U get your cover from Amazon or @ a Sports store? Our mean Michigan business owners were PO @ the internet stores that don't have MI locations not charging sales tax & forced our Governor to change that law, so when I placed a Amazon order on Oct.1 I had to pay my 6% state tax :( but then I read that Amazon is having a location in Detroit & hiring ppl, so I'm fine about the tax law now... The universe is back into balance, like 'when a door closes, a window opens' I think that's what it was, or vice versa :dizzy:

This morning I had a early apt @ 8:30, some sewing alterations to pick up; I put zippers in the bottom 6" of 4 college girls 'skinny' jeans (15 prs of jeans), that they couldn't get their feet into to put on their shoes/boots. Has anyone ever gotten a Whooping Cough shot as a adult? I have a friend almost 40 yr old that got it & it cracked her rib she coughed so badly, her doc then gave her entire family a booster shot including her. Oh I just saw the time, I gotta go now.

Everyone I didn't say Hi to :wave: I hope you'all r doing well & that the hurricane didn't affect anybody's plans this weekend.

Laura705 10-03-2015 02:25 PM

Afternoon all. Thanks ladies for the kind comments re my avatar pic. I'll probably pull it off there in the next week or so...

Dee - I had a DPT vaccine booster within the past year. My doc said that there was a resurgence of whooping cough in the US that was a concern, and that's why she advised it. It's nice of my employer to celebrate service anniversaries. I can't recall - I think they do that in 5 years increments. I bet the kiddies love trick-or-treating at your house!!

Terra - There are some horror movies from the 70's & 80's I've never seen because I'm generally not into them, but I'd like to finally see the classic/iconic ones - The Exorcist, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, and yes, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, & Friday the 13th like you mentioned. I'll have to see what my library and/or Netflix has. Enjoy the birthday party tomorrow.

Hellos to the rest of you!

Bf left the house early-ish for some work stuff. I got out in the yard around 10-ish. It's overcast and windy, but the air temp wasn't bad and I was fine in a long sleeve t-shirt, jeans and an old flannel shirt.

I dug out a couple clumps of phlox growing in with the hydrangea and transplanted them into the flower border. I also dug up some tulip bulbs from that area and replanted them because I love the color of them. I also had some bulbs that I'd dug up from where our new front parkway tree was planted and I replanted those. I hope all the relocated stuff does okay come spring. I also cut back the rest of the phlox foliage.

I saw a few bees buzzing in the hydrangea, so no digging there.

I picked a few cherry tomatoes, but they are pretty much done. By that time, I didn't feel like dismantling the veg garden though. Maybe tomorrow.

Our backyard is a mess of overgrown grass and a ton of twigs and small branches from our oak tree. All the wind we've had this week has brought all that down. I suppose this is a sign that this tree needs trimming. I've been trying to pick up all this stuff and put it in the brush pile in the back of the yard, but there's just so much right now, it would be a pretty big job. And all the bending to pick them up would be tiring on the back. And then there's all those clumps of green leaves the squirrels chewed off in there attempts to get at the acorns - sigh. What a messy yard. It's really like it needs raking, but that would be a bear because the grass got so long thanks to bf putting off the mowing. Aaargh.

Well, I have all kinds of mulch in bags in the garage that I never spread during the summer. It seems like a waste to spread it now - it's not like I'm worried about smothering weed growth right now. But we will need the space in the garage for parking the car, so I'm thinking I will move the mulch bags to the area alongside the house. I will lay down a tarp and put the bags on that, and maybe cover it with a tarp too. What a PITA. But we never did get around to re-doing our garden bed border edging. There's always next year...

Last night bf learned of the death of a long-time friend of his. He'd had a kidney & pancreas transplant about five years ago. Very sad, as he'd finally decided to relocate out of state for a fresh start. We will go to the wake tomorrow, and bf will go to the funeral on Monday.

That's about it for me. Gonna make myself some lunch now.

Terra1984 10-04-2015 09:46 AM

Laura ~ I hope you are able to find some of the classic horror movies you mentioned. Scott and I talked about watching Tales From The Crypt but I dont know how much horror that series is but we talked about watching that series on Halloween night.


Good Morning Everyone,

I got up for the day at 6:00 a.m. Its now almost 9 a.m. We are gonna go to Dillions to do some shopping here soon. I'm not sure what else we are gonna do today. I do know I need to work out sometime today and fold and put away my clean clothes and get my dirty clothes ready to be washed. I sure wish our laundry room was upstairs I feel sorry for Scott and my mom when they always have to go take my clothes down stairs and bring them back up. I wish our laundry room was up stairs to I could do my own laundry. Well anyway I hope everyone has an awesome On Plan day today. Take Care All.

annie175 10-05-2015 08:24 AM

Happy Monday Everyone!!

Another week in front of us and let's make it rock!

TERRA...why can you not take your own clothes downstairs for laundry day? Just curious. Did you make it to Dillions? Buy anything exciting? Actually when I refer to Sis or Sissy, it is my daughter, Samantha, and the grandbabes.

LAURA...it was mighty chilly and rainy in Indy on Saturday. Didn't stay outside any at all for me. Sounds like you need to have a huge bon fire with all the crap from the yard, of course that would mean Smores. lol Sorry to hear of your BFs friend. To go through all the transplant stuff and then only live another 5 years. Sad. Hugs to you and BF

DEE... C and I do drive to the fishing spots. The pond out back is just when C needs a fishing fix. He and a neighbor go out and fish for a couple of hours. C and his brother are going to Lake Lemon southwest of Indy on Wednesday for some real he man fishing. lol. These silly girls and their skinny jeans. Why not just paint the dang things on?

SHADDIE...hope you on on the mends. Sounds like you have coughed a lung up. Hugs.

Saturday was errands, left the house at 8:15 and didn't get home till 3:30. Put a pot of chili on, we ate at 6:30. My son was at drill, called and asked if he and a couple of buddies could come up and eat, thank God I had the pot of chili. I made fresh cornbread for them, they ate 3 bowls each, all the cornbread and an entire box of oyster crackers. Son got news that the army is not extending him due to his health issues. He will get out in January. Secretly, I am very happy he is getting out. He made it 6 years without getting deployed.

Yesterday was church, lunch and more errands. We watched a Star Trek dvd that we had not seen and went to bed. Here we are on Monday morning! That is about it for me.

HELLO to everyone.

Gotta get busy. Make it a great day/night. Hugs

annie175 10-05-2015 08:25 AM

HAPPY oh HAPPY...come out, come out wherever you are!!!

Laura705 10-05-2015 12:25 PM

Morning all. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Need some sun around here!!

Awfully quiet around here. Hope everyone's doing alright.

Annie - Seems like whenever I think of trying to light a fire in our fire pit, it's really windy. So I'll have to bundle the larger stuff for curbside pickup. The smaller twigs are suitable for spreading around as mulch (especially after I step around on the pile to crunch them up). I prefer to do that, but there's so much more than usual that most will be left in the grass. BF says the small twigs can be mowed without a problem. I think the mower blades will need sharpening after that...good thing the end of the mowing season isn't too far off.---After I got back inside from doing the yard work on Saturday, I finally decided I needed to turn the furnace on!! Of course it's gonna get back to the upper 60's & maybe even 70 this week, so the furnace won't be kicking in much this week.---Wow, you had several hungry men! Good you had that chili going. What a relief for you that DS's army time will come to an end. I bet he'll miss some of the benefits he qualifies for, but thank goodness he won't be in harm's way.

Terra - I don't have issues getting down to our basement to do laundry, but it sure would be nice to have a laundry chute instead of hauling the dirty laundry down there in a hamper.

Nothing super exciting to report. I watched the dvd "Unbroken" on Saturday night. I'd read the book and wanted to see how the movie compared. It was alright, but the book was so much better. As usual.

On Sunday, bf and I went out to breakfast. Afterwards I went to the farmers market, but all I bought was a half gallon of apple cider. We went to the wake for our friend M. in late afternoon. In the evening, we watched the dvd "Beginners" with Christopher Plummer and Ewan McGregor. It was a good movie - there's a cute little Jack Russell dog in it that stole the show at times.

I had typical Monday-itis this morning - moving slow, forgot a couple things I wanted to bring to work, etc. Bleh.

I have Pilates class tonight. I'm not in the mood for it, but I'll drag my butt there anyway.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with a work buddy.

I cancelled an all-day training session on Wednesday. I started doing the pre-work on Friday and realized I'd already taken the course. Doh! :doh:

Thursday I'm getting a flu shot here at work. Friday is a "lunch and learn" session concerning volunteer opportunities for an organization my company supports.

The sr. manager in our group told us last Friday at lunch that she's having surgery and will be out for a month starting this Thursday. I'm sure the boss knew about it before that, but I thought it was odd she didn't say anything to us any sooner. But good or bad, my activities don't really depend on hers, and I've said before that she's the type we work "around" in stead of working "with", so it probably won't have an impact on me or the admin. The boss will probably have to pick up most of her slack. As if he's not busy enough.

I have vacation days to use up - I think I'll take Friday or next Monday off.

That's it for me. Have a good day everyone.

happy2bme 10-05-2015 12:32 PM

Hello everyone,

OMG - what a horrible week. So glad it's past. The worst part is that I was so busy and lost track of time that I forgot it was my sister's birthday on Saturday and her cards are sitting here on the counter waiting to get mailed. I felt just awful. :( She said it was ok, had they arrived early (I am ALWAYS notoriously late) she said she would have taken it as a sign of the impending apocalypse to come. :rofl:

I did get the software evaluated for the shelter. We had a meeting and in between the lady who kept constantly interrupting my presentation - she kept interjecting useless information because she talked to someone at the conference so I guess that made her an expert. ;) I was able to make my recommendations so I just need to tidy up a few things today and we are good to go. There is the usual drama at the thrift shop, I am trying hard to stay out of it completely. Deep breath - this does not concern me, deep breath, I can't fix everything, deep breath - take care of your own house first. ;)

I was so overwhelmed at all that needed to be done. I have gotten backed up at the house and things needed to be done like cleaning out the refrigerator, I have a stack of things that needed to be returned back to Amazon, too many books that I picked up from the thrift shop which looked interesting but quite frankly if I did nothing but sit and read for the next 2 years, I'd still not finish the books. My sister is coming up here for a week to stay at a cabin to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary with her hubby. While they are staying at the cabin (not sure how long she can stay in my house with her allergies and my cats, I still want to do a deep clean and get things tidy). I was also beating myself up because once again, I did not start my diet like I was supposed to and wound up tossing into the garbage a lot of food that went bad or soft and felt guilty about the waste and the deferral. With the cool weather coming in I am also in alot of pain from what I'm sure is inflammation as well as the colder weather - more reason to get on this diet. I was just suffocating under all this stuff and sometimes the more I have to do the more I "cope" by ignoring it and doing something else. :dizzy: I kept saying to myself, if I can just get in front of it I'll be ok. My buddy the prez of the Humane Society asked if we could maybe cover the graffiti on the alley side of the thrift shop and DH wanted to do that this past weekend because it's getting too cold outside to do painting much longer and he had some plans for the next few days. I felt I had to go because it was wrong to expect him to do it all himself even though looking at the job the others did, we will have to give it a second coat to go over all the spots others missed being in too much of a hurry or maybe they didn't know better. Turns out he could not do as much as thought he would and was getting frustrated so I told him to just quickly cover the graffiti and leave it at that. I worked inside. Turns out someone donated the containers and the exercise dvd for the diet plan I am considering - the containers are color coded for portion control. I did legally buy the diet plan and containers on my own but I did not invest in the dvd because so many people complained about the poor quality of it (and they are correct). It's handy to have an extra set of containers for making and measuring your food out so I took this as a sign that I REALLY need to get off my duff and on with the plan. Then last night I was watching some recorded shows as our DVR is about to fill up with movies I recorded and didn't watch :o I had about 6 episodes of Extreme Weightloss and one caught my eye. I was about a 52 year old woman who was dealing with not only excess weight but she was a hoarder to boot. It was really interesting. I am not one of those people whose home is just a narrow path of open space with walls filled to the brink of all sorts of garbage, but I do tend to hang on to things much longer than I need to. I could relate to what she said about having an emotional attachment to "stuff" and unable to part with it. For example, for years DH bought me beautiful jewelry for Christmas and my birthday because I asked him to stop buying me clothes I didn't like and anything else I wanted, I just got as I needed it. I have some really pretty pieces that I never wear anymore - a couple of diamond necklaces, some bracelets and the worst is several pairs of gemstone earrings. I have always hated pierced ears and since I moved up here, I let the holes close up so I can't even possibly wear those. Yet... I can't seem to part with them. DH sold his gold jewelry 2 years ago and split the take with me so we went on a getaway weekend. I keep saying I should do the same. It's just that I look at the sapphire earrings and think - he gave me these for our 10th wedding anniversary :cry: Same with keeping my music CDs - I put most of my music on my iPOD or my computer, why keep the CDs? Except for a few to play in the car (the new one has an iPOD interface, the old car does not so we still play music the old fashioned way since we only literally get about 4 radio stations up this way). The show was one of those brick in the head moments - was really helpful to me. I also just picked up the book - The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up which is supposed to be a best seller and everyone who read it said it was wonderful. Anyway, the last couple of weeks I have been crazy busy and struggling for time and the desire to just "take care of stuff". I know I was putting too much effort into the shop and shelter and now we are done with fundraisers, events, tasks and assignments. I am looking at my calendar for October and it is blessedly clean! I am quite motivated to do things that make me happy.

So, I have made a big list of to do's to stay focused and have inventoried my freezer and made meal plans for the week that incorporate the diet for me and healthy meals for DH. I picked up fresh food but instead of 8 apples, I got 2, 2 bananas, small portions that won't go bad before they get used up. I am ready for a fresh start! :D

Right now I need to get ready and go drop a check off in town, pay my dentist what I owe and drop the cards for my sister off at the post office. I will be back this evening for personals. Sorry to have been away for so long. Ready to reclaim a more peaceful life!

Terra1984 10-05-2015 12:37 PM

Annie ~ I have C.P (Cerebral Palsy) so I dont have good balance so I have to hold on to the railing to go up and down the stairs and I cant hold on to the railing and hold on to my basket of clothes at the same time so thats why I cant take my laundry downstairs for laundry day.

Laura ~ Thats good that you dont have a problem getting your laundry downstairs.


Woke up at 3:25 a.m. Its now 11:30 a.m. I went to bed at 6:30 last night cause I was so tired yesterday and I dont know why I was so tired cause I wore my c-pap mask the night before last. Oh well though. I hope everyone have a great Monday. Take Care Everyone.

ceejay52 10-05-2015 12:57 PM

not sure what i'm doing.
Hi ladies, no Internet at work today. Im on my phone. I've been depressed and don't feel like doing anything. Not sure why I am depressed. I will come back later tonight when I have access to my tablet.

MyChoice2bfit 10-05-2015 10:32 PM

Hi All--quick post as work is consuming me. On Thursday at 4:30 p.m. my Director handed me a binder that had 8 sections with about each section having 40 pages each, front and back and asked me to make 70 binders and he needed them for the meeting on Monday.

I about fainted! He gave it to me too late to send it out to document services. I couldn't take it to a kinkos because it is all confidential and highly restricted info.

So, at 7 a.m. on Friday, me and 3 other Admins started coping it, breaking it down into sections.

I also got 4 other people who would start putting it in binders as we copied.

We copied until 3 p.m. and had 3 more sections to copy when all three copiers we were using shut down. Out of ink, belts needing replaced...it was crazy.

So we finished where we could. I left at 9 p.m. other left me at 6 p.m. and we started again today. I was able to get service to come at 7 a.m today and they had us going by 8 a.m.

I was told when we got 40 copies complete to bring them to the offsite meeting. I took off with them at 11:30, delivered them and went back. We were finally finished with all of them at 4 p.m. today. I worked until 7:30 on other things I hadn't touched in 2 days.

I work tomorrow and then have a all day offsite on Wed and then on vacation Thursday and Friday for my anniversary and I am walking out of there and not thinking about any of it until Monday morning.

I will come back over the weekend and check on everyone . I did some reading of posts tonight.

Sorry I can't do personals right now.

I do want to ask if anyone else is struggling to find the thread now that they went to this new format?

I sure am!

ceejay52 10-06-2015 09:00 AM

We have internet at work today. So maybe I can get some things done that I need to. I'm to tired to get on after work.
Text with my bff last night.
I'm proud of you for taking your days off and not worrying about your work.

Didn't realize you had CP. I'm proud of you for all the exercising you do. Stairs are getting hard for me because of my knees, especially when they are stiff or swollen. I'm going to try your recipe this week end. Sound simple and good.

Will you slow down some. You are making me tired. Is your mom coing with your sister when she comes for her visit?

Hello's to the rest. I'll need to go back and read some of the post.

happy2bme 10-06-2015 09:22 AM

Good morning boys and girls,

DH took a road trip this weekend for a couple of days wayyyy up north. He was only about 90 minutes from the Canadian border. I told him to be careful where he crossed - Canada would let him in with open arms but his own country would not let him back without the proper papers. Keep meaning to get a passport... He said it was pretty up there but the colors were dull - sort of like here. There's a pretty tree or two but for the most part, it looks like it will be more brown and yellowish. Plus his brand new, one year old camera decided to stop working on the second day of the trip. He had to pay for a 2 night stay at the hotel so decided just to ride it out and look for picturesque spots for the next time.

I was looking forward to being alone, figured I would get SO much stuff done. Ha! I swear I moved in slow motion and the clock sped up to double time. Yes, I did get some things done, but not as much as I'd hoped. Today I have to head off for my shift at the shop soon. Ever onward.

Susie - I can't believe the audacity of the director to give you such a humongous print job, tie your hands by not allowing you to outsource it and then expecting such ridiculous turn around time! I don't care what they pay you - there comes a point when it's over the top and that's it. And they will continue to ask for such ridiculousness because you always come through. Sorry... having been through that before, it just peeves me. I'm glad you will be having some much needed get away time shortly. Don't you DARE stay late or answer your phone! :mad: And yes, I agree with you - the new format on the home page did throw me for a loop when I saw it. I'm sure it did for a lot of people too. But at least you found your way back to us :hug:

Hi Ceejay - are you depressed or just not motivated? Sometimes it's hard to plug away when your get up and go leaves. You've had a lot on your mind lately - maybe your head just wants a rest. Feel better.

Terra - I'm not a big horror fan - too much of a scared chicken I guess :o but I did like Tales from Crypt when it was a TV series. I think they made a movie named like that too. Have you ever watched American Horror Story on cable tv? I saw that once and it gave me the creeps for weeks!

Laura - thanks for the tip on the movie Unbroken. I recorded it also having read the book but if it's not that great, I won't waste my time. Congratulations on your 20 year service anniversary. That's a pretty important milestone that with all the mergers and acquisitions and downsizing that not many people get to make. And then there's that lovely vacation time that comes with longer service :love: I liked your avatar shot - very pretty. Bummer that you didn't get around to laying out all that mulch. You could cover it on the patio - less to shovel this winter :lol: BTW - I had the same experience with the corn - 2 ears were fantastic, the next 2 were what I call "starchy" or tough. I wound up tossing out the last 6 ears I bought (usually I buy a dozen from the farm truck) as it was end of season I guess and they were not as good as the summer corn. Not even for making a chowder. :(

Annie - "he man" fishing. :lol: I can relate to that with the people up this way. Hope they get enough for a good dinner or two. Sorry to hear about your son getting a medical discharge but like you, I was glad to hear he did not get deployed. I know you were always so worried about it. Did everything work out ok with the dentist - I really lay it on about giving me numbing stuff because they never give enough! Are you kind of relaxing a bit now that the wedding is all behind you? Time to start building up the wallet a bit before Christmas comes and empties it again :lol:

DH just called - figured out what happened to his camera. He has a remote control cable on it (for night shots because sometimes just the tiny movement of hitting the button to take a shot moves the camera enough to blur the picture). Anyway he hit some setting on the cable that froze the camera so all is well now. He will be able to hit 2 spots on his way back home to get a few more pictures so he is happy. He was going to bring me back some donuts but the shop seems to be closed. I said that's God's way of saying I don't need no donuts! :rofl:

Dee - the doctor talked me into getting a whooping cough booster last year. Sometimes my seasonal allergy cough is enough to pop the eyeballs out of my head. I figured I didn't need whooping cough on top of that so I got the vaccine. I opted out of getting the ball cover for the chair - many reviews said it made it uncomfortably warm to sit on. I figured I could put a towel over the chair if I needed it. Amazon started charging us tax on our orders also because they built a distribution center somewhere in Wisconsin. :sad: The tax man always gets their money. We have to charge sales tax at the Thrift Store too - sometimes people complain about that also, can't help that we have to follow the rules :shrug:

Michelle - good to hear that your rotator was not as bad as your feared it could be. Whew!

Shad - are you still sick and feeling poorly? Working 16 hours a day doesn't do much for getting your stamina and strength back!

Well coffee cup is empty - I need to find something for a mid morning snack. This 21 Day Fit diet sure does take some planning - I must have spent 3 hours on it yesterday. I know what my choices are - just have to figure out something that sounds appealing to me and first thing in the morning, no food ever sounds good :lol: Have a good day everyone.

happy2bme 10-06-2015 09:25 AM

Ceejay- no my Mom is not coming up. At a few weeks shy of 89, the long drive is getting to be too much for her so I will fly/hitch a ride down when I can to visit her instead. She is staying with my nephew at my sister's when they come up. My sister has recruited a bunch of neighbors, friends and family to keep an eye on them. Mom is telling everyone J (nephew) is going to babysit Mom :lol:

Sorry to hear you are still a bit on the down side. Maybe it's the gloomy cooler weather moving in. :hug: I hear you on the sore knees. I am seriously considering cutting out the sugar to help with the aches and pains myself.

annie175 10-06-2015 10:26 AM

Hello Everyone!

HAPPY...Glad DH got his camera figured out. What a bummer if it was defunct. Guess it was just OE...Operator Error. lol. He sure does get a lot of gorgeous shots. I am waiting on your combined book with DH, you and Shaddie. Get one it. I look forward to being alone sometimes too. Don't seem to get many "me" days. Altho C is going to his parents house next Tuesday and will stay over coming back on Wednesday. Looking forward to that. Off to the thrift shop. Hey I did find a thrift shop when I took a detour home to avoid a train and saw it, unfortunately it is in a bad area and don't have the nerve to stop. Too many random shootings in that area. Company is a sure motivator to cleaning the house. It sure motivates me. Congrats to Sis on her 25 yr anniversary.

CEEG...perk up girl. Get out of your funk. Sending happy vibes your way.

SUSIE...geez, you are such a miracle worker at your job they expect the impossible from you. Write that down for amo when it comes review time. Blow it right back at them. Hope you have a wonderful time off for your anniversary. Congrats to you and yours.

TERRA...sounds like a great reason not to take your laundry downstairs. Yikes didn't realize you had CP.

LAURA...Thanks for the movie reviews. I wrote them down for a future rental. Yeah for the boss to be out of the office. My manager is out the week of the 19th, looking forward to it very much. Enjoy your day off whichever you chose.

Last night's AA meeting was very good. I am now secretary of that meeting on Monday nights. I am really enjoying the meetings and some of the information applies to other areas of my life. Weightloss for one, getting grounded, and the quilt with some things.

Got on the scales and since working with this Fitbit for one week, I am down another 1.7 lbs. If nothing else it helps me with tracking calories. The rest of the things, steps, miles, heart rate, etc are just a bonus feature for me. I am also sleeping better than I expected. Between C getting his pap and me changing my life, I have slept through the night more often than not. What a difference.

We are having a surprise birthday gathering for Michael as he will be 64 on October 11. The gathering will be on the 17th so he won't expect a thing. I am baking him a carrot cake as that is his favorite. He is still hanging in there. Last week's check up came back extra good. Keep praying please.

That is about it for me. Have a marvelous day/night.

Hugs to all.

Laura705 10-06-2015 12:01 PM

Morning all. Still no sun here. Bleh. Maybe tomorrow.

Happy – I’m glad you’ve got a more sane week lined up for yourself. You were really busy last week! ---Yeh, I guess when I start thinking of all the stuff around the house that needs to be done, I get a bit overwhelmed. ----Re the organizing/de-cluttering – I’ve heard of that book you mentioned. One of main concepts is that if an object doesn’t bring you joy, you shouldn’t keep it around you. I have to say that all the !@#$% paperwork I have hanging around certainly doesn’t bring me joy, but I know I can’t just get rid of it all. So I’m sure the book must address stuff like that too – the necessary evils, LOL. Maybe I’ll get myself on the hold list for that book at the library. --- How nice that your sister will be visiting for a week. ---Cool that you now have a 2nd set of the food plan containers. I browse the FB virtual garage sale sites and saw someone selling those items. ---Good that dh’s camera isn’t broken!! LOL re the nephew babysitting his grandma. :D

Terra – I didn’t realize you have CP. The wife of one of my bf’s friends has CP and she too has balance issues. You had a really early wakeup the other day – I hope you’re back to a more normal sleep schedule.

Ceejay – I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed. Maybe it’s the time of year – getting darker earlier, etc. You've got to plan something fun for your weekend!

Susie – Your Director had a lot of nerve with a request like that on such short notice!! Don’t let them forget that when you meet to discuss your workload in November!! I bet you’re really looking forward to your time off on Thursday & Friday. I wasn’t aware that 3fc had a new format, but then again I either view the mobile site format on my android phone, or on my work computer. And at work, our IT group has not updated the version of Internet Explorer that we use (we're still on version 9, and there are a lot of sites that don't work right with it), so maybe that's a factor with me not seeing the new 3fc site format.

Annie – I’m so glad you’re sleeping better now. Yes, a lot of changes for you! And positive one! :carrot: I’m glad AA is working for you. Great job on the weight loss. Are you using the fitbit to track your eating? I honestly haven’t been utilizing mine to its fullest benefit or even learned all the features. In fact, the app didn’t carry over with my phone’s operating system update whenever that was and just this morning was when I finally reinstalled it, hahaha. Now that it’s been cooler outside, I should get out for some walks at lunchtime - in the short window before it’s too cold for me to want to do that. Yay for M’s good checkup. You’ve got a nice b-day gathering planned for him.

Hellos to the rest of you.
I dragged myself to the Pilates class last night and was glad I did. I have to get myself to work out a couple more times per week…

Dunno if I’ll go to movie night tonight. Just not up for it lately.

Nothing much to report, so I’ll post.

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