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2times2much 08-26-2013 09:05 PM

Guilt made me correct my tracker...I'll do my best to get it back to where is was, then after that, where it should be!

My short term goal is to get back to 225 by Jan 12, when it is vacation time. Hoping to get that vacation to Cancun booked very soon. Been waiting on friends' decision on if they are going.

Took the cycle to work. It is HOT, hot, hot!! Watered the plants as soon as I got home. So disappointed to see that several of our transplanted trees are dying. :(

ladyrider72472 08-28-2013 08:45 PM

SUPER LONG POST..... sorry
Hey all!!!! I have skimmed through the board.... so forgive me if I miss some events I missed.

Ian- Welcome... my name is Tammy.... I have been super busy but I used to be and plan to become a regular here again. Congrats on your test!

Sunster, I agree with the others on the board. You are so vibrant. It would be soooo super cool to meet up one day.

Dawn-hope you are not working yourself to death with the jobs.

Colleen-Girl... talk about weight gain.... I am only 35 away from my highest.... I swore I would NEVER be back there again.... so I have to get with it! So, after we complete the move (see below) I am going to get back to it.

Chopper- First of all.... Fayvetteville (Biker's Blues and BBQ) is about 4.5 hours away.... You bet if y'all make it there in 2014 I will be there! It gives me a goal to work for. Also, your flaring sounds awesome!

Holly- Congrats on your crown back. Lol. Also, I really think you have the right to ask why and in the future ask that people don't deviate unless they let someone know.... That is a scary thing. What if they wrecked.... it would take awhile to find them. So, my DH bought me a hot pink and white whip for my bday b/c the week before we were in Memphis and the lanes were merging.... and this BMW decided he wanted in my lane, even though the sign was posted a mile back the road (this is one of my pet peeves). So, I stayed where I was (right behind my DH).... he just kept edging in... all the while looking me eye..... I was shaking my head "no".... and he just kept edging in. He literally came about 1mm to my leg. So at that point I decided that I need a whip. I would never do anything out of spite, but I WILL do it out of necessity.

Ok, I have been gone for so long.... So you all know that DH mother died and she lived in a house behind our house. Well, the past year has been "h" "e" double hockey sticks on him, me, us, our jobs. etc. So, we were going to move to FL and he backed out twice on me. That obviously was not the right thing for him. So we were just riding around on July 4, and found this trailer ON THE LAKE. So went through the process. Found out the couple had "money" and the man had gotten sick and the woman had fallen down the hill the trailer was on.... so they just sold their main house in Jonesboro and moved to Texas. They walked off and left EVERYTHING in the trailer, which is a 2009, but is like brand new on the inside. They left top of the line EVERYTHING..... including riding mower, boat, furniture, new appliances, and everything except personal clothing. So, we ended up getting it for a steal b/c they wanted out from under it. In the meantime since August 2, we have been moving. It is like the move that will not end.... but remember we still had everything from MIL house, DH house, and then the stuff from the trailer that we did not want. So, we had an auction..... made a few bucks to buy a good building for the bikes (which we have barely ridden all summer). So we have been pretty busy. The bulk of the time was for the auction since neither my DH nor my MIL had moved in like 30 years and had JUNK that went on forever. We should be finished by the end of this week.... and we are renting the house out.

I cannot tell you the weight I feel has been lifted off me since leaving that house. I loved my MIL..... but the thing with my son and other things just bothered me about the house..... and now I am FREE and I feel great. Not to mention that I can look out my living room and see a LAKE!!!! I am lake front for less than 100k. I love it! Even though we have not been out in the boat (bass boat) or the kayaks we had bought before..... but we should be done this weekend.

So, when we are done with the house completely..... I am getting back on track. It is so hard to pack all the meals b/c we don't have appliances in the old house anymore.... so after we get that resolved, I am back to it b/c as my ticker will reflect... I am only 35 from my highest. I swore it would NEVER happen again..... but here I am. But, I think I am at a good place in life so that I can get it done again. Hopefully for the last time to have to lose this much weight..... I cannot express how glad I am to have internet friends like you all and to have this chance and weight lifted again!

Ok, my fingers are falling off. I will gab more later. I have a funny dog story since we are at the lake.


ChopperChick355 08-29-2013 09:23 PM

Well of course on a time schedule tonight= still not packed and we leave tomorrow for Branson MO- last minute trip we are going on

tammy glad to hear things are finally going your way- and your new house sounds great :) Your whip sounds cool- I see some bikes with them and think they look so cool- Got my fairing today so now it has to go off to paint= can't wait to get it back and on!! Then of course more bling to come

Hello Holly, Dawn and Colleen

Oh ya Colleen I see you got your winter trip booked- you lucky girl, I have been looking but haven't booked yet- to jealous I am :)

ladyrider72472 09-07-2013 09:02 PM

CC, I can't wait to see the new fairing blinged out! So, you have a little over a year until B-B-BBQ... I expect to see it blinged to the max.

Holly, how is the job? I know you are in the busy season. Are you getting to ride any other than going to work and back?

Colleen, How are you doing? How is the job?

Sunster, How are you?

Dawn, How are things with your son? And did you get a new job?

I have not started exercising yet..... but I am eating on track again.... this week didn't go too badly. Since I started on Tuesday I have lost 5 pounds..... I know it is the beginning..... but I needed a "whoosh" like that. I have not started walking, BUT, I plan to this week.

Drum roll please, I FINALLY finished the longest move in history. I am not just trying to get the final things unpacked. I am just glad we are done getting things out of the house. We had a HORRIBLE few experiences trying to rent it out.... but I think we finally got a good couple in there. Trust me, I would NOT do rental property for a living.

I am going to get busy a little bit. Lol.


ChopperChick355 09-08-2013 04:43 PM

Hi girls and gals

Well glad to hear you got all moved Tammy! We had our big poker run this weekend and what a great turnout we had for having a rainy start......

Sinuses have kicked in and boy are they kicking my BUTT!!! Maybe even enough that I won't be going to the races tonight :(

Well I will check back in later

VermontMom 09-11-2013 07:06 AM

Hello!!! Tammy thank you for that catching-up post, HUGE congrats on the lake house, for getting the load of the MIL house off your shoulders, and for your steely reserve when riding and NOT giving up your lane to that poo-filled BMW! I have done the same thing, shaking my head like crazy to someone and they just don't care. C*R*A*C*K goes Tammy's whip :devil:

Reda, sorry about your sinuses! hope you get some relief!

Hi to everyone else!

So yes I've had to pick up the shifts from the guy who quit on us on our busiest time. I have STOPPED exercising, you all know that even though i eat like crazy i have been a consistent exerciser for years and years but i have completely halted that, i have to leave the house by 6 am and have been getting home around 4 or so which does not sound that bad, but it's been too warm, I'm tired, blahblahblah :devil:

BUT I have to say I've enjoyed the summer as much as I can, I've ridden to work probably 85% of the time (except for the past week; we had temps in the high 30's for a few days; then today it's supposed to be near 90!) I see I've ridden about 6000 miles this season :carrot:

change of subject - fingernails! i have never had nice nails, they get to a short length and then just break, chip, tear, etc. I tried some Impress Broadway press-on nails back in July, to go with my Cherry Pie outfit..they lasted for days and looked so pretty, so I tried their French tips and Oh my Gosh..my nails looked SO pretty and I got so many compliments, no one could tell they were fake.

They stay on firmly (for me) for about 5 days, then I might need to add some nail glue. Then they start to look kinda 'not great' after a week. I wore them just about non-stop for over a month (taking off the week-old ones, then applying new ones) then decided to give my nails a breather for a week or so. I don't see any damage to my nails, they are still weak and brittle, but they always are.

I've been wearing the Sport length which is considered short but for me still look fantabulous. One did pop off at work (and I know you are going "UGH! into the cookie dough??" :devil: ) but it just fell on the floor, lol. I have been able to be conscious of them constantly and keep counting "10" to double check :D

Jillie422 09-11-2013 11:50 PM

Hi Holly! I'm baaaaack! Couldn't log in under my old ID and password, so am back being a Newbie :-). After a hard couple of years, I'm at my all-time FAT. I'm not riding anymore, but I hope y'all won't mind me joining you for some much needed support and encouragement. :-)

tymaboy 09-13-2013 12:11 PM

Hi everyone. Sorry been gone. DS is back home. Working things out with DIL. Took them shopping the other night for clothes, they both need interview busness work clothes so we bought them some. Thank goodness for 30% off at Kohls. DS started new job on Thursday. I dont think he cares for it but he is atleast working & getting some $ coming in. DIL had a couple interviews this week but no luck. Will be harder for her since she just got her high school diploma in May & has never worked, she is also pretty quite. DS BSed his way, the military helped him be able to do that.

I have quit my new job already. I called BF one night during training cuz I was so frustrated from the way the other people in training was so disrespective & the the manager/trainer let it go on. Plus I was seeing that most of the managers there started back in March. Makes me really think of the high turnover along with quite afew of the other people in training had already worked there before & quit & back again. I talked to BF about it & we both agree that my work ethics & what I expect back I will not get there. He told me to quit. He said take a few months off readjust to days get done what I want before start working again. He told me has been throwing me hints for months now to quit but I just have not been getting the hints. He is so different then my Ex. My Ex looked at the $$ in everything. BF & I are happy as long as the bills get paid. After we desided I would quit he says good now we can go to Utah for Grandsons 1st BDay. :) I knew he wanted to go & had tried looking for reasonable plane tickets (couldnt find any) for him to go but he didnt want to go by himself. So we are driving. Going for 2 weeks.

I have gotten more done in the couple weeks I have been out of IBM then I have gotten done in the last several months. Since quiting the other job too I have been getting my "spring" cleaning done. I am down to 3 1/2 rooms. I only have to mop the floors in the 1 room then I am done with it. The kitchen will be the worst room & will leave it for last. We dont have hardly any counter space so thats one reason why its the worst.

Havent gotten bike out much this yr. My friend hasnt had time to ride. I am legal now to ride on my own but I like to ride with someone just incase something does happen. Which did any of you make it to the DC rally? My cousin went. I am so envious of him. I wish I could have gone but there is no way my 250 (or me) could have handled the ride. BF & I are hoping that we both have new bikes to go next yr. They plan on making it a yearly thing.

ChopperChick355 09-17-2013 09:23 PM

Hi girls

Dawn hope you have a great trip to UT and getting to see the grandbaby they are so precious :) Hope you get some riding in soon before the weather starts to change and you won't be able to ride - shoot we already fell down to the 40's - yuck not ready

Holly I found some great stuff at walmart- because of the fake nails that I have gotten done in the past my nails have been so weak and brittle but using this stuff for they have gotten strong and look amazing! I got it at wal-mart it is called "Nutranail" Nail Essentials - Power Growth Treatment! it cost right around $5, you should give it a try

Congrats Colleen that is one nice NEW HD your DH got!!!

Well better get off here have tons of stuff to do and I am already beat

ladyrider72472 09-22-2013 04:29 PM

Just a quick hello.

I hope everyone is doing well. Gosh Holly and CC.... I can't believe you are in the 40s already. Do you have a "fall"? It seems we don't have a "spring" b/c it goes from cold to HOT.....

I have not been riding. Just unpacking and truthfully I think the depression monster has me by the hair of the head. I am trying to give the monster a fight..... so I am going to watch my calories very tight starting today..... I have got to get some of the junk out and some sort of balance and control in my life again. But, I think it is an issue most people face sometimes. Especially when you have a sister as nutso as mine..... but that is a whole different post.

I do need to get out and ride. I will post more later.


ChopperChick355 09-24-2013 05:52 PM

Hi girls

Well how is everyone???

Not a lot of time but wanted to stop in and see if everyone is still as busy as I am and yep it looks that way!! We got our winter vacation set - we are going to Cozumel Jan 18th so Colleen I am with you about getting my butt in gear and losing some weight and not much time left because it does sneak up on ya very quickly!!!! When is it again that you are going to Cancun?

Trying to get our last good rides in before we start getting to cold which will be soon but DS is also trying to get in last races which is taking up a lot of our weekend time :(

Tammy I will keep you informed on Bikes, Blues, BBQ for next year- a few of us say lets do it and then I got DH who is holding us back!!!! Go figure

Well off I go - have a great night

ChopperChick355 10-01-2013 08:59 AM

Hi girls

Well stopping by the wellness center this morning to start my membership back up and getting my butt in gear- I need to start exercising without it all I do is maintain and I am not good with just maintaining!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well-

tymaboy 10-02-2013 01:44 PM

Hello everyone. In Utah at moment. We are staying with BF (now DH) daughter & EX. :) Yep I said DH. We made a road trip to Vegas. He didnt want me to be without health insurance till we went to Niagara Falls. Only a few select people know that we tied the knot, we still plan on going to the Falls in May. Whats really cool is the guy who married us used to play Big Bird in the early 80s. It was such a nice day. We also got good news. Before we came here for GS 1st Bday we filled out rental application for a house tha we found out yesterday we got approved for. It has 3 bedrooms, a fireplace & a yard that we will have wildlife visiting us. DS had called yesterday too telling me they will be moving into a house as well. They will be breaking their lease but I am doing my best to keep my mouth shut cuz they need to learn on their own & doesnt do us any good since they think the world is done completely different then it really is.


ChopperChick355 10-02-2013 08:23 PM

Congratulations Dawn!!!!! You are looking and sounding very happy in your life :)

Well I know Holly is without a computer right now- so I am sure that is why she hasn't chimed in lately :(

Well watching Survivor but that I would check in real quick

2times2much 10-03-2013 12:25 AM

Hi everyone. Been a long time since posting. Like a month!! That month hasn't been particularly good to me/us. Weight loss...Hahahahahah! Yeah, right! That hasn't happened! DH father passed away unexpectedly. Kids lost a Grandma too the day before. Work is stressful. I am strong and probably a little more stubborn and set in my ways than they expect. :devil: Vacation is planned for Cancun Jan 12-19th...just across the water from Reda in Cozumel. I'll wave at you!! I have a favorite store in Cozumel to buy purses...$20 name brand, genuine Mexican Coach with free tequila shots with every purchase!! Next vacation is next spring/summer to Colorado on the motorcycles--2 weeks in Colorado and the Rockies. At least that is what DH wold like to do. He did get a 2014 HD Ultra Classic Limited--he likes it. (I would HOPE $o)

Wow...I've caught up a bit--I was way behind! Congrats Dawn!!! You sound very happy!! Everyone else sounds very busy! Summers always are! Looking much more like Fall around here. Leaves are changing. Chilly in morning and evenings. Beautiful all during the day while I'm working! THIS is why some people like second or third shift I bet!

Heading to MN this weekend for a wedding. Just had a Thirty-one show. Sold $800 got $300 free with double bonus month! SCORE! Had a good time wildly picking over-priced goodies for myself with no regard to the cost!! :D DD got a couple things she liked too. It was great incentive for me to clean the house and rearrange furniture they way I like it. :p DH and I have a difference of opinion on furniture layout. I like it all open to the kitchen/dining. He likes the windows without any furniture in front of them. Can't have it both ways with the furniture we have! Only 2 choices--my way or his.

Take care. I'll check in sooner next time. Shower and bed calling me!

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