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K9Owner 05-27-2012 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Sum38 (Post 4348383)
Happy Sunday.
144 pounds for me :woohoo: and no TOM yet. I think I will indeed meet my 139.9 pound goal for K's grad date. - 4 pounds from normal BMI. Once TOM gets here, I may see 142 :eek: by Friday!

Yaaa Kristiina!!
WTG ;)

alaskanlaughter 05-28-2012 12:28 AM

i am home from our camping trip...it was a fun trip but exhausting and it was cold, wet and windy the entire time...temps about 52 during the day and 45 during the night...poured rain during the nighttimes and part of yesterday...winds gusting too strong to even take the skiff out...we were out on an island about 2 miles away from shore out in the ocean...all of us cousins and our kids stayed on the little island, all to ourselves, for the weekend and the rest of them will be out there until next week as well...but we were just far too cold to stay out and plus have things to do tomorrow at home anyhow

krystal i'll put some pics on facebook of our alaskan vacation LOL it looked like a redneck camp with tarps strung between huge old-growth spruce trees, every tent had a tarp on the ground underneath and a tarp strung between trees overhead...had to use rakes to knock out all the undergrowth in the area in order to have paths to walk on...had a huge campfire the first night that also lit part of one of those old trees on fire...oops...and then it poured rain and was so windy that our tarps almost took off like kites LOL

but other than that it was a good trip...lots of good food, hanging out with everyone, sitting around the campfire...shooting off fireworks, someone had an assault rifle to shoot....was lots of fun

but i am SO GLAD to be home, brush my teeth, take a shower and cook some food up...i hope like h*ll that i dont get sick from being wet and cold all weekend....

i took my food log and from my best estimates, friday was about 1300 calories, saturday was about 1400 but i think i left some food out by mistake, and today is about 1800 so far

K9Owner 05-28-2012 12:13 PM

ALASKAN: OMG! I hate camping trips like that, esp when it rains!!
LOL I can remember more than a few like that! Glad you had a good time :)

alaskanlaughter 05-28-2012 02:00 PM

good news is that i ended the camping trip at the exact same weight that i started it at - 193.6 - which i like because i know i ate wayyyy too much food and sugar this weekend

an NSV: when we were getting on the skiff i was handed a float coat to wear and i didnt think i'd even be able to get it on...but i was able to get it on AND zip it up, which i was totally surprised that i could do that...i'm sure that 30 pounds ago, it never would have zipped up on me lol

Mountain Mamma 05-28-2012 02:08 PM

Great thread, wish I'd noticed it earlier. Am I too late?

I'm a slow loser. But losing slow is a good thing, at least for me, because looking back over the yo-yo years, whenever I've lost lbs fast they not only came back fast, they brought a few friends with them.

Exercise is great, but in the past when I've 'trained' for an event, afterward the weight crept back - like the body realizes "hot dog I don't have to do that anymore!" So moderation is it. Patience is a virtue!

Sum38 05-28-2012 03:03 PM

MM :hug: These ladies have kept me going during my slow weigh loss progress, and picked me up each time I fell flat on my face. -- You are about to meet some of the most supportive peeps! :love:

Sum38 05-28-2012 03:07 PM

:cheers::cheers::cheers: Party Time :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Happy holiday to all. -- I am done with all preparations and now just kicking back and waiting for our company to arrive. I am not counting calories today :^:

I hope all of you are having a fun and safe Memorial Day.

alaskanlaughter 05-28-2012 04:30 PM

welcome mountain mamma!

Sum38 05-29-2012 05:28 AM

I am too old for hangovers, ugh :(

jomatho 05-29-2012 09:30 AM

Hi girls, quick fly by for me to say all is well. DS surgery went well and he is back to school today in his immobilizer.
We had a very busy weekend between caring for him and catching up on the yard, pool, house. Not much of a holiday weekend or very relaxing for any of us.
Gotta run for now. Hopefully, I will catch up with what is going on with all of you soon! :wave:

Sum38 05-29-2012 12:46 PM

Jo :hug: I was thinking about you today and how your baby boy was doing! I am glad to hear he is already at school and feeling okay!

Hoping that Star is having fun with her folks.

I had a very nice NSV today. I went to put on shorts that were super tight last summer. I wore them because they had a belly flattening panel and they made me look slimmer...I pulled them on and they literally dropped off of me. Sometimes it feels that "I don't look that much thinner"...but I guess I am :woohoo: I went on to try another pair of shorts from last summer and they were enormous. So now, officially I have out shrank all 12's!! My 10's are getting quite roomy and I think in a few pounds I can say that I am officially size 8 :dance: :dance:

alaskanlaughter 05-29-2012 03:08 PM

woohooo congrats sum!!

back to my routine of work and working out today...i had a much shorter time slot available for me at the gym because i have to be to work earlier than planned today...so i decided to try running again, havent done running in about two months because i had hurt the back of my knee pretty badly...

my knee didnt bother me running today although my breathing did....the asthma kicked in, i'd forgotten about that....but i did a mile and a half in intervals and a total of 2.5 miles in just over half an hour...i'm a slow runner and have difficulty with my hips taking the longer strides needed to run faster

now i'm headed to work...tomorrow is my teenager's 8th grade graduation

when he was born i weighed just over 270....now i weigh about 193....so i'm happy with that!!! :D:D

K9Owner 05-29-2012 05:38 PM

Very late check in for me today. I have nothing to report, except I--too-am TO OLD for hangovers!! UGH!! Bad late afternoon for me on Monday, but by 11pm, I was ok.

:welcome2: Mountain Momma!! Just jump right in. We don't mind!

jomatho 05-30-2012 07:43 AM

Bunch of lushes in this thread :cheers::rofl:

Sum38 05-30-2012 08:39 AM


I feel thin :dance: weight is at 144 BUT I finally lost one inch of my belly!

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