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greeneggsandtam 04-25-2011 10:58 AM

Josey -I think my husband and I were in the same boat. He woke up in the middle of the night with reflux as a result of just too much to eat, and I overate as well. I think the Y is open today so off I go to that!
AuntyJam - How did the 4.5 go? You go lady!!
I had no easter chocolate so I guess that could be a NSV?
New things abound in my life. My lease is up and I think I'm onto a different vehicle this week. I hate cars. That's the only thing I've not enjoyed about moving to the country. All the driving. I used to bike everywhere. And my seedlings are all coming in nicely in my windowsill. New life is good.
Anyways, I'm off for the day, have a lovely easter monday!

josey 04-26-2011 02:43 PM

Hi guys,

@tam - great NSV! Obiviously that didn't go so well for me. However, I didn't even try. ;-)

does anybody drink Teaopia teas? I just stopped by a store for the first time (I think) and they do have some wellness blends. Apparantly tea is good for weightloss and they have a slim and slender mix and a slimming one. However, I tried the cleansing one and it tastes ok. Not sure how I find out whether it benefits the diet though...

Any experiences with teas and dieting?

Aunty Jam 04-26-2011 04:18 PM

Josey - I've had to much easter chocolate and candy! Eek! My weight is staying at 148 despite working out. I guess I just have to bite the bullet, I know what needs to be done. I haven't tried tea for dieting... I drink tea because I like tea. Are these regular steeped hot teas?

Tam - The race was alright... I came in dead last which is no surprise, these people are fairly serious runners. I did finish my first km in just over 6 minutes which is an amazing time for me but of course I couldn't keep the pace up. Ended up finishing with an over all pace of 8:10 per km which is pretty average for me. There were some KILLER hills so to be honest, I'm surprised I did that well. What kind of seedlings do you have? I can't wait to get a garden in.

It's been quiet here lately!!!

greeneggsandtam 04-27-2011 10:29 AM

@josey - I am giggling at my slim tea experience. I was in university and one of my classmates told me she drank it and I should use it. I am so suggestable...at least I was fifteen years ago. I started drinking it and boy howdy did I stink. My roommate couldn't take it and ordered me to stop drinking that stuff. My bum couldn't have been happier for that decision. No slim tea for me after that. I'm sure they don't even make that stuff anymore. I hope your tea is MUCH better. Let us know what you think of it
AuntyJam - Right on!! Sounds like you had a good race! I have 144 little seedlings of cucumbers, beans, broccoli, ground cherries and marigolds. Not each, obviously but all together. Is AB the same for planting as us? We generally start on Victoria day weekend. I suppose if you were in the south you could start earlier. My husband and I are finishing building a solar house this month and I have about five acres of a sand dune to landscape. Nightmare. I don't think the marigolds are going to cover it. Lol.

josey 04-27-2011 01:59 PM

Hi Aunty Jam! Congrats on finishing the race! Great job!!
Yes, they have all kinds of fancy loose tea blends etc. and they steep it for you or sell packages with the tea to take home.

Tam - No way!!! I actually had the same problem just an hour after posting about it or so. I might try another one but if that's what happens I am out :-)

You are gardeners too? GREAT!!! I love gardening! I started some seeds indoors (tomatoes, cucumbers, ground cherries, basil, parsley, eggplants and lavendar). I am a little optimistic this year and seeded some spinach and endive outside already. We usually start Victoria Day too (only to replace stuff beginning of June after a blizzard!) but I figured I'll try some hardy ones now.
We have a little greenhouse and I can't wait to fill it! I also did square foot gardening for the first time last year and I love it! Oh, do you want to start a gardening thread somewhere before I hijack this one? ;-)

Izzadawn 04-28-2011 07:17 AM

Can you believe We had snow yesterday...???? And more forecast for today. I shouldn't complain I could be living in the States.

I'll Take the snow they can keep the tornados.

josey 04-29-2011 11:25 AM

GRRR GRRRR We have a foot of new snow :-(((
It was almost spring... I think I will go and dig up the winter thread again!

greeneggsandtam 04-29-2011 11:25 AM

Josey!! Gardening Thread -Fabulous idea. I don't even know what square foot gardening is. I'll have to look it up. I seriously have nothing but acres of sand and we are at a loss as to even starting it. We thought maybe some planters this season b/c we'll mainly be finishing off house stuff this spring/summer.
Izzadawn - SNOW! jeezlouise! Although you know you are right - I'll take it over tornado alley any day.
Well I'm off to the city to run some errands then painting the house later. Everyone have a loverly Fri-day!

josey 05-01-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by greeneggsandtam (Post 3828848)
Josey!! Gardening Thread -Fabulous idea. I don't even know what square foot gardening is. I'll have to look it up. I seriously have nothing but acres of sand and we are at a loss as to even starting it. We thought maybe some planters this season b/c we'll mainly be finishing off house stuff this spring/summer.
Izzadawn - SNOW! jeezlouise! Although you know you are right - I'll take it over tornado alley any day.
Well I'm off to the city to run some errands then painting the house later. Everyone have a loverly Fri-day!

Tam, square foot gardening is great! Look it up it really works and it is way less work than a traditional garden. Where can we put a gardening thread?

I had my weigh in today and I am very happy with another 2 lbs gone! Especially after my slip up on Sunday with all those chocolate easter eggs! I missed my next mini goal (halfway there and out of obese) by a mere 0.2 lbs. Geez! However, I am not complaining and I think I can do it by next weekend.

Today we had great spring weather with lots of sun!! Soooo nice!

I hope you all had a great weekend too!

equinetcan 05-05-2011 02:50 PM

Hi everyone...remember little ole me? I am back...again LOL. No excuses...just completely fell off the wagon and felt too bad about it to come here. I am still off but getting back on tomorrow morning. I've only gained 3 lbs in the last few months so nothing too bad but it should have gone the other way.

We are finally getting a few days here and there of spring weather although today its raining buckets out there. I have been walking for about an hour a day when it's nice out so at least I've kept that up at least 3x a week. But I need to get it more like 6x a week.

I'm not working right now as my job was contract and came to an end so I am job searching again which down here is a feat to itself. Trying to stay optimistic about it though.

Hope everyone is having a good week. I will keep posting this time good or bad!


josey 05-12-2011 05:30 PM

Hi Canadian Chickies!
Anybody up for another challenge? I need something to bridge the summer. I joined the Canada Day challenge but the next one is only due end of August. So nothing in July/August.
Any ideas? Heritage Day (August 1 in Alberta) maybe??
Anybody interested?

greeneggsandtam 05-13-2011 11:56 AM

Where have I been? Time has just FLOWN by. As it does I suppose...
Alannah - Good to see you!! Good luck with the job hunt!

Beautiful day here! We are in the final run of finishing this house we are building. The painting is finished and the flooring is next. Woot! OMG it's been a long year. I have been at the university all and my coursework is done, but ....sitting and reading and snacking all year has proven itself last night. I had my first soccer game of the season and BLECH. First off, I am by far the biggest lady on the team, second-the jersey fit me like some kind of green sausage casing AND my soccer shorts shrank (*lies*) I am going for a run today with my dogs. And for those of you who have done aquafitness and realize when you get yourself going- the flab starts moving around and you can really feel how much weight you are carrying? I experienced that ON LAND last night! DOUBLE BLECH.
I think I sound hysterical about this but I now believe how much weight I have put on. Anyways. Square one. Again. I feel like I just hit the snake on the board game.
Everyone have a lovely and productive day!!

Justwant2Bhealthy 05-13-2011 10:27 PM

:wave: HELLO, FELLOW CANUCKS ~ we have been so busy lately; got lots on the go, but hopefully things will quiet down for awhile. Had some problems with my old PC, but then found out it wasn't my PC's fault after all; it was IE having its own problems.

We're having great weather here now; yes, we did have some ***** falls in April too, but today we had some :rain: after a few days of :sunny: ... and we are expecting a sunny weekend too. Will probably go out to our camping lot this weekend if they are right.

Glad to see some of our regulars back here this week too. Yes, I do a kind of square-foot gardening here -- small patches of lettuce, spinach, and larger ones of different kinds of green beans (filet & regular). I read a book about it once and think the author's name was Bartholamew (sp?). My bluebells are blooming already and the tulips and daffodils are on the way.

My eating has been pretty good for April and May too; slowly getting better at this, I think. I am adding more lean meats, salads, and veggies then limiting the starchy carbs a bit more to see if that helps. I am snacking on unsalted nuts, cheeze, and fruit.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend coming up ... Rosebud :flow2:

josey 05-16-2011 12:55 PM

Hi Rosebud, nice to see you are back! I got that squarefoot gardening book too. Great read and it totally works for me!
Glad to hear you are doing well. I think summer will be easier with fresh veggies and lots of bbqing!

tam, I am sure you get right back on track especially when you play soccer. You are going to lose pounds for sure!

I created a new challenge if somebody is interested. Check it out: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/chic...-end-july.html

greeneggsandtam 05-26-2011 09:41 AM

Wah!! Soo busy my goodness! Well like it or not we are going to have to move into our new home this weekend. We have no running water, no kitchen, no appliances, and an outhouse. Thank-goodness I am on leave this year. CHAOS is the order of the day--so to speak.. :) All of this is on order and we did some flooring yesterday but I never thought I'd be moving in with the house so....unfinished. It's an adventure. Well soccer has started and I am indeed out of shape. I need to get a different jersey because mine is so small on me. Blech. Whatevs. I'll keep at it anyways. Cheers to all and Happy Thursday! Tam

josey 05-28-2011 12:05 AM

Hi there!

Wow Tam, sounds like an adventure!! Are you excited about the new house?

We have rain, rain, rain!!! What an ugly week! The basement is flooded and we are pumping three times a day. It is an old farm house but we are up on a hill!! Oh well, everybody is pumping right now I guess.

They finally forecast some sun for tomorrow. I can't wait!!

How is everybody doing?

Oh, one more thing, I found canned poutine sauce at Superstore (No Name brand). YUMM!!! And calories/fat are not too bad! I usually don't buy prepared food but poutine gravy was too tempting.

greeneggsandtam 06-06-2011 09:58 AM

Hey Canadians!!
Happy Monday to you!! I just realized I sound like Jian Ghomeshi when I wish people a happy day. Lol.
Josey - has the weather improved for you?? Pumping out basements has been common for most around here; the water table seems high everywhere this year. I hope that is resolved for you! Great job on reaching your Victoria day goal. Woot!!!
Rosebud - Did you get to go camping??
We are camping in a way. I am just so thankful to be out of the rental home. After we sold the house last year, I never thought we'd have to rent for this long, but we were lucky to have a roof so I shouldn't complain. I went for a bikeride yesterday with the dogs and they loved it!! I'm going for a run this morning with them and we'll see how that goes! Anyways I hope Everyone has a GREAT day!!

Aunty Jam 06-06-2011 04:40 PM

Hello everyone! Not much action here... all Canadians must be outside! I'm alright here... gained some :( working on changing that.

Got the garden in a few weeks ago... the tomatos look kind of weak... eep. We had good weather up here... lots of sun followed by 2 days of rain now cloudy/sunny... not to bad. Yesterday it was really really humid and warm, not great.

We have massive amounts of massive day bighting mosquitos here... I was at the off leash area with my dogs and you can hear them buzzing in groups above your head, not a pleasent sound. They say they were blown in by some of the windstorms we had in the early spring... I just hope they don't stay around very long.

It was nice reading all of your updates... I'll be gone again this weekend, we're going camping/getting our best friends married (in Banff!). It's a very small wedding party... my husband and I are it and the only guests actually. The ceremony will be outside, 20 minutes at most and we're wearing jeans. All of us... lol, but the guys are actually wearing ties and us ladies blouses. After the ceremony we're ditching that stuff and grabbing t-shirts. And... if you're thinking this sounds man planned... I assure you it's not. The groom would do whatever the bride wanted... and this is what she wants.

josey 06-08-2011 07:00 PM

Hi everybody,

true I was outside quite a bit, whenever it wasn't raining I should say. Ugh. The garden is planted. Now I only need sun and heat! I have 5 different tomatoes in the greenhouse and cucumbers and eggplants plus some herbs. Outside we have radishes, beets, spinach, lettuce, kohlrabi, leeks, onion, garlic, ...

Tam, still pumping the basement. We had more rain.... not helpful!! How is it going with the house?

Aunty Jam, that weddings sounds really nice! I would love that too. Totally casual and relaxed. My kind of wedding!

The mosquitos are starting to arrive here too. I hate them!!! Wouldn't summer be the total paradise without them? Well, at least it means summer is coming. :-) After all that snow I take the mosquitos! It also means rodeo season has started. YAY! I am so looking forward to going to a few around here! June is my favourite month!

Have a great week!

josey 06-16-2011 12:17 PM

Yuck, we are drowning here :-(( Rain, rain, rain. And it is sooooo gloomy!

This morning we were about to leave the house, literally standing at the door when the power line came down!! That was scary!!!! One of the steal ropes that hold it up snapped and there was a boom and sparks flying everywhere. Anyways, it was still hanging in the tree luckily! We called the power company and they are coming out today to fix it. We were just lucky we weren't outside yet!!

I hope everybody else is having more fun right now!! I peek at the scale this morning and at least that looks like I will have a decent loss to report on Sunday. If I can keep it up, that is.

Aunty Jam 06-20-2011 11:53 AM

Josey... I'm really glad you guys are ok! I probably would have messed in my pants! Rodeo season is awesome, I love the cowboys. But I always feel bad for the animals too.. :( those poor little baby calfs, getting jerked around. I'm not the most popular person at a rodeo usually.

The wedding was nice, it was a nice day and a beautiful location. We were by a stream with the Banff hotel in the back ground. The JP rode up on an orange crusing BMW motorbike, he was a real character. Afterwards we went for dinner at the Keg and watched Vancouver lose. Then we went to the hot springs and out for more drinks.

My diet unfortunately has really sucked the big one! After getting back from our trip hubby and I both got really sick with a bad flu. I'm only back to work now, I haven't worked out or done anything in over a week. Bleh :(

Edit - Didn't we have a challenge started somewhere? Not the July 1 challenge but something else? I signed up for it but can't find it.

Aunty Jam 06-27-2011 11:51 AM

It's summer! It's summer! It's summer!

Well, technically anyway.... it's going to rain again here.

You guys must be all outside. Should we start a summer thread?

josey 06-27-2011 12:36 PM

I am all for a summer thread! Bring it on! ;-) The summer and the thread I mean!

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