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Arabella 02-19-2011 10:08 AM

So happy to see :queen: WSW in the palace! I'm with you on the relosing thing too. Indeed, spring will be coming on and all will be improved, incl. the reports from :devil: scale.

katrinabgood 02-19-2011 06:44 PM

Hi, 'member me?
It's me, the wandering queen, stumbling back to the Palace. So many times I have thought of you all, and wondered how everyone is doing. Not sure what's kept me away for so long, but I'd love to come back, if you don't mind. How I have missed you guys! So many times something would trigger a thought of my fellow queens: I'd wonder about how Anagram's garden of P&T has weathered this ferocious winter, or an article about PEI made me picture Arabella 'woggling' around her harbor, and doing anything in a 'dainty' manner would make me smile and think of wsw!

What have I been up to? Hmmmm... working mostly. It's been three years since I stopped working the night shift, which has been heavenly, but the 9-5 Monday thru Friday life leaves me little time for too much else! DH is also a steady day shifter now, as well, after years of alternating shifts, so I've been less inclined to hit the computer after work, since apparently people expect me to make dinner around here! Hmmmph. ;) And then clean up! And get an outfit ready for the next day! No more scrubs for me, I have to wear REAL clothes! Which means ironing! AGHH.

I'm kidding. Kind of. Anyway, things have been progressing, s-l-o-w-l-y, but progressing, on the weight loss front. I've been going to Weight Watchers faithfully, since November, aaaaaaand have yet to hit the 10# mark! :p Been skirting around it, packed on about 5lbs over the holidays, took forever to take that off, but now I seem to be moving in the right direction. In the interest of accurate reporting, I just went to take a peek at my old book, couldn't find the one from November, but I did come across one from Jan '10, and was happy to see that at least I'm 20lbs down from then! Actually, all told, since I stopped working nights, I have lost 40 lbs! IN 3 YEARS. I think that, finally, all the proper elements are in place, and this time it will be a successful endeavor.

I saw an endocrinologist last week about my hypothyroid, knowing how much this affects the whole process. She tweaked my meds a bit, so that should help. She also told me that my labs look like I may be 'pre-diabetic,' but felt that continuing doing what I'm doing (WW/regular exercise)should take care of that. Good. I REFUSE to be diabetic. End of story.

That's about it, I guess. I do hope that you don't mind my breezing back in to the Royal Quarters, out of the blue, but it's COLD out there....and windy!! Are you having this crazy wind too, in your neck of the woods, Anagram? Good grief. I wanted to get out for a good walk today, (especially since it was so lovely yesterday... a real Spring day) instead, DH and I de-poopified the back yard, and I'm counting that as my exercise for today! The snow, that's been here since the day after Christmas, is FINALLY gone, and OH! the treasures uncovered in the back yard! :o We spent a good hour out there, raking and cleaning, etc. Good workout! It really made me yearn for a warm day to just clean out the beds, trim back all the dead stuff, and get my hands in the dirt again. I did see some little green shoots poking out of the ground: future daffodils, hyacinth, and tulips, which made me very happy! :D

Hoping that you all have a peaceful, happy, replenishing, whatever you need it to be, rest of the weekend!

katrinabgood 02-19-2011 06:50 PM

Now, to go back and catch up on what you've all been up to!

Arabella 02-20-2011 10:03 AM

Woke up feeling a lot better this morning but still pretty feeble on the harbour walk this morning. I'll take it easyish today, I guess.

Welcome back, :queen: Kat! Good for you sticking to it at WW. Five pounds over Christmas is minor, especially when you're right back on track.

I hear ya on the 9-5 thing -- I felt like I had a lot more time when I worked shifts and weekends, I think because I often had a few hours when everyone else was working or at school. I think what it comes down to is that full-time is just too much time. But then there's that pesky "money" detail.

Lovely to see you again, my royal friend!

May all Queenies have a lovely day. Fresh start Monday coming up!

katrinabgood 02-22-2011 07:33 AM

Good Morning Royal Ones... Quick pop in before I hit the shower, I just put the TV on the check the weather, (will it ever be warm again?) and there was a step aerobics program on, so I thought, YES! This will be a great quickie exercise before my shower! Unfortunately, NO, it wasn't... unless stumbling burns calories! Maybe that's not a 'first thing in the morning' exercise for me...

The sun is shining, so I should be able to get my lunchtime walk in, then maybe some Yoga tonight.

Have a great day, :queen:s!

anagram 02-22-2011 09:38 AM

What a thrill and a delight to pop in for a quickie post and find kat and wsw both checking in. Just made my days, Royals, just as Arabella's posts and walkabout always do.

And 40 pounds over 3 years is a magnificent loss - truly. If I had lost that much average per year since I've been at this thing - well, I'd have disappeared ;)

Yes, we had the two lovely days but woke up to 5 inches or so of snow today. Sun is out and it's looking lovely and the lovely neighbors have already done their thing. I can't express how much I love them. How did I get to live here among the best? Lucky, lucky.

Oh yes, we had the wind. And it was the day of the funeral which was an hour north of here and the cemetery was almost to the top of the mountain. Brrrr, and brrrr. Unfortunately, then I felt like it was okay to eat too much at the luncheon afterward. Not that funeral food is usually lo-cal anyway. However, am back on track today. So not a lot of damage but also no progress.

Nothing new yet on niece and brain situation. Trying to get in to specialists.

Glad you're feeling a wee bit better, Arabella. Hope it continues. And that pesky Punxatawny Phil better straighten up and get that "early spring" here.

Back to the taxes - working on it only a bit at a time but coming into the home stretch.........at least I hope so.


anagram 02-22-2011 09:43 AM

PS - Patio of P&C is looking a bit bedraggled at the moment. Branches still down all over the yard etc. - I didn't work on the nice days but ran around and did do some walking, etc. Garage a big mess as I've been sorting out, sorting out, ridding, etc. and in the earliest stages of spring yard sale participation. Hopefully. A goal, anyway.

But thanks for reminding me of how relaxing it will soon be. Little niblets of things showed up when the snow was gone and the days are getting longer so it's just a matter of time. Time to work on the rest of the winter "goals" and look for the pot of gold.


Arabella 02-23-2011 06:53 AM

I love hearing about your signs of spring, despite the five-foot drifts around here. I swear, we've kept every inch of snow we got all year and it's really piling up. I'm telling myself it just gives me more time to get ready for the spring "reveal."

I've got writing group tonight and glad to be better enough to attend. I'm hosting it in the offices where I share space, so that makes sure I won't wimp out. ;)

Kat, I'd be lucky to manage not to trip over the step when I first got up. I needs me my :coffee2:

Anagram, you're right -- time to get on those goals. Elsewise, I'm thinking I might not hit them?

K, Lovelies, let's make this a good one!

anagram 02-23-2011 09:50 AM

Ok, tax stuff ready, appt. made. Up a wee this a.m. but more or less in the "normal" scheme of things. Cold, cold, cold again but bright and sunny. Going to a little local historical talk at noon and that's about it for the day. Rest will be spent on "projects". Since spring is coming I want to make some progress inside so I can spend lots of time outside soon.

First thing in the morning exercise? Not I. I can function w/o coffee these days (not when I was youinger/busier) but it's got to be s l o w. Glad your schedule is working out better, kat, but never hurts to at least try something different. Never know what's going to work.

anagram 02-24-2011 04:01 AM

Up in the middle of the night again. This is not good for weight loss :(

Partly the prednisone, I think, although I'm in the tapering off stage. Partly family drama. Sister with all the problems wants support but not calls or questions. So best I've been doing is email. And she is drowning in problems. Also sort of drawn into another problem in her family - want to help but need to tread lightly - one of those things where you're caught between rock/hard place.

I have an only-child friend who's always saying she envies my large family but I feel there are times one might prefer being an only child ;)

Anyway, I feel like tomorrow (nope, make that today) is going to be a tough one re limited eating. Never know though - if I could get in a good couple of hours yet, I'd be okay. Too wired yet to try and don't feel like doing much in a substantial way right now.

So, I'll just wish all Palace people a marvelous Thursday. Thursdays are sort of ho-hum days to me for some reason but right now I'll be glad for ho-hum.

Arabella 02-24-2011 06:40 AM

Not enough Z's logged in this corner of the palace, either. I had writing group last night and that often seems to leave me awake for hours. Maybe because I'm later going to bed and have missed the cycle or maybe I'm just too overstimulated. I am such a petal.

Good evening, though, we wrote about the strengths in our writing (10 things I'm good at) and then wrote three comments on each of the other member's strengths. It was very validating -- like writer's valentines. :val2: And then we wrote about a scenario in which we'd become fabulously successful. :cloud9:

:sunny: today and supposed to nudge up just under the freezing mark. I'll head out for a walk once the temperature's made a little progress. Still an unbroken streak with the 10k steps a day.

DGS tonight. He'll be thrilled to hear that DH is away next week and he can sleep in the big bed on his visit. ;)

Anagram, sending :goodvibes: for your day. I often find when I determine what the issues are that are going to require attention for a good day, I actually end up having one despite all odds.

K, Lovelies, I'd best get some breakfast and get on with this day. Let's make it a good one!

katrinabgood 02-24-2011 10:29 AM

Good Morning, pretty :queen:s! I won't be back til Saturday, so I wanted to get a post in now... Today is DH's 55th birthday, so I've planned a little getaway for us. Going into the city for two nights, tickets for a show, maybe catch a museum, definitely some walks in Central Park and whatever else we feel like doing! I thought I'd get a chattier post in, but he's hovering over my shoulder, and I do need to pack, so I'll just say "See you on Saturday!" :wave:

anagram 02-24-2011 11:04 AM

What a great little getaway, kat, and hope you both enjoy lots.

And your writers' group does sound stimulating, Arabella. Yesterday I went to an interesting presentation on Lee's HQ at Gettysburg. I feel so much better when I do those little thingies I like.

Sunday I'm going for a "first". I've never been to an opera (though I've seen them on tv ;) ). Local symphony is preenting "La Boheme" and a friend invited me. Should be fun. She is fun and I think I'll like the performance.

So far, so good today. Did crawl back to bed eventually and got a few more z's. Have been tackling little parts of at least 3 projects. Wish I had more discipline and could just get at it and get it done. All involve "sorting out, clearing out. Why is that so hard? Too much of a romantic?\

Dentist this afternoon. Blah.

Luckly little DGS. How fun. How are the "away" weeks working out? Or is this the first? Confess I've lost track (I do that a lot in all areas of my life any more).

At 196.8 today so I'm happy with that. Cold and sunny now but rain to come. Hope it doesn't rain on your getaway, kat.

Arabella 02-26-2011 12:17 PM

The aftermath of yet another storm. Snow > rain > snow > wind. This morning around the harbour, the sun was shining but the snow was blowing around so much there were white-outs. Very wintery-looking, it was - high sheets of snow drifting across the ice.

Anagram, this is the first of DH's weeks away. In the fall, he was gone a couple of days each week with preliminary stuff. Now this is the project starting up, so will be gone M-F every second week. Thankfully, we've gotten through most of the winter so he shouldn't have to drive in iffy weather :crossed: Which I guess he wouldn't, anyway. Will just stay put if it seems like the driving would be bad. He'll be looking for an apartment and I'll be making plans to go over with him before long. So that'll be our getaway. :)

Yes, so important to do those little interesting things, especially in the winter. O/w things get pretty dreary.

Kat, hope you have a lovely, restorative getaway with your DH!

WSW, Kaylets :wave:

Have a splendid weekend, :queen:lies!

anagram 02-26-2011 02:39 PM

All around it sounds like a nice arrangement, Arabella, with best of several worlds. Maybe not for forever but a little "shake it up " for a while.

Fairly decent afternoon here (after a week of snow, rain, winds) so I did a very little yard work = mostly picking up lots of fallen branches. Which I must tie in six foot lengths or less for them to be picked up w/trash. Far from done but a little start is better than none.

Being a tad lazy now and I think that will be it for the day - other than church this evening. Was @196.4 this a.m. but the pancake breakfast I went to will probably change that somewhat ;)

Anyway, it IS the weekend so I shall indulge my lazy self.


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