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tommysgirl18 09-11-2008 01:23 AM

Back In Kindergarten #56
HI & :welcome3: to the Back In Kindergarten thread!

Home of the BIG A$$ Walking Challenge!

Come join us as we walk away the pounds this summer. :woops::running::tread:

"I feel like I am back in kindergarten in many ways... personal, sometimes at work and now with the weight loss. I have done so many things wrong over the years.....emotional eating, pills for weight loss, eating the wrong things, failed diets, etc.
Now it's time to start fresh, kinda like back in kindergarten......"

You are welcome to join us in our chatter about life and our weight loss journey! So please grab your coffee/water/diet coke or whatever your drink of choice is, and pull up a chair and join us! :coffee::cofdate::coffee2:

tommysgirl18 09-11-2008 01:29 AM

I hope you ladies don't mind that I started a new thread. From what I remember it was 100 posts and then they would close us up.....so I figured I would start a new thread for us!

our neighbor that cut my hair, and well basically gave me my little mini makeover on Labor Day informed me last night that she is going to do my eyebrows again, as well as my hair and my make up. She told me that she was going to make me all sexy and then send me home to seduce Tommy. Tommy then asked me last night while we were getting the kids ready for bed if I was going to turn it down. I said "**** no! it is nice to get pampered even if it hurts when she plucks my eye brows!"

Logan is doing better.....in fact I would hardly even call him sick, but he still has a runny nose. Brandon is almost better but not 100% health wise....if you were to look at him you wouldn't think that he was sick until you heard him sniffle. Marissa seems to be the worst out of all three of them. So, I am keeping an eye on her now.

Oh yeah.....the pediatrician's office called me yesterday! The referral for Brandon to see the ENT is done and so now I am going to call on Thursday to make his appointment! So, hopefully they have somewhat late hours so we can get him in there without any problems!

suetalks 09-11-2008 11:39 AM

Good morning ladies- Have been so tired and not getting much done the last 2 days. Tues. DH had to prep for a procedure and had it yesterday. I had to have him at the clinic at 6:30 a.m. plus not getting much sleep the night before. Now I just can't seem to get back up to par. Doesn't help that I am having sinus, allergy issues. UGH!

I only rode 2 miles the last 2 days, so need to get out there and kick a$$ today...where I will get the strength, I don't know. :)

Mindee- Hope the little ones get totally better soon. Glad you are having fun with the make overs. That is something I could use.

Tammy- Way to go on the loss. Be safe on your trip. I can only imagine traffic in DC today. *shudder*

Cristina- You are still teh bomb with your exercise. I had a "woe is me" day yesterday and decided to heck with it. But when it came time to eat I shook it off and did the right thing. Even tho I am stalled at this weight I know I am doing the best thing for my body..so I will continue.

Susan- Cable is good...lol. Really, I watch t.v. in spurts. Right now I am on a reading kick, but I do like my HGTV shows and Jeopardy.

Sassy- *fingers and eyes crossed* for hubby's call back. Sounds promising.

Katy- I love the pics. of your kiddos first day of school. Boys have a way of looking so bored...but they are both adorable.

Asia- Come out and play! Hope things are good with you and the BF.

Jules- Doesn't sound like Teri took Dave back, or did I miss something? Anyway, wanted to wish you luck at WW. I thought my BFF would join with me, but so far no go. Since we plan to go away half the year again I hate to put the money into joining anything.

I know I am missing someone...and I am too lazy to go back to the other thread.... so forgive me. I think I am going to take an allergy tab and nap.

Mom2Gaby 09-11-2008 01:44 PM

It is Thursday!!

Unless you are Sassy and it is Saturday ( I think)!! :carrot:

wow Mindee- I want a neighbor like you have! haha Beck called me up last night and suggested a pedicure ((for both of us))when I come in this weekend. I kind of said ok but it is like $21 and I might have too many bills. Ok, not might, I know I have too many bills. lol Great about the ENT for Brandon but sorry the kids are under the weather, praying they are all back to 100% asap! And thanks for the new thread!:D

Sue - Ya, I am too lazy too to go back and see what was written. lol
Lets just talk amongest ourselves....lol Ick on the allergy/sinus issues, hope you are back up to speed soon :) I guess cable is good, Gaby keeps telling me that too. lol I just want to be ready for the Bachelor when it comes back on in November!:D

I did 1 application this morning and think that is it for the week.

Good news is I have lost 60lbs in 16 months! Yay, and 1 pound from goal, double yay.

And keep my Hawaii Man in your prayers he is facing a triple bi-pass...3 of his arteries are 80-90% clogged. Has me concerned so I think I will just go and stay busy for the rest of the day.

Hi :wave: to everyone!!

FrouFrou 09-11-2008 02:41 PM

Hiya ladies...

MINDEE..Thanks for starting the new thread!

Sorry this is a short one...I've got Cambrie for the next three days. Went grocery shopping and then picked her up at the hospital...Josh went for bad stomach pains and he thought he would be out in a couple of hours...funny! Anyway, they are still there so I went and got Cambrie. Anyway...I'll be back later tonight to do individuals.

Have a great day!

tommysgirl18 09-11-2008 03:37 PM

just a quick one from me right now......all seems quiet for now! I believe Logan did/still is taking a nap. Marissa seems to be protesting, but I think that she is actually sleeping now!

I called and made Brandon's ENT appointment.....he goes on September 25th at 11am. I am taking this all as a good sign because it is my grandpa's birthday (as well as a younger sister's birthday as well)

I am proud of myself, I got in my workout dvd both yesterday and today! I feel so great after doing it and I really do sleep better at night when I get my workout in.

You are all welcome for starting the new thread! I figured it had to be done and since I was online I might as well do it.

Cristina~ How is Josh doing? Did they figure out what was giving him the bad stomach pains?

SuzieQ~ You are doing great! I have lost about 25 pounds in almost 16 months. I was about 254ish when I had Marissa, and now today I am sitting at 229.6. And I am not done by far! Great job on your hard work!

well, off to finish up with my email before Brandon gets home from school.

suetalks 09-11-2008 09:18 PM

Susan- You are an inspiration!

I did get a 3 mile ride tonight. Food has been good...not great, but okay. I cooked cabbage for dinner and ate lots of that and carrots. Decided not to eat anything else. With the sinus and allergy prob I am at least not hungry....that might help. :)

FrouFrou 09-11-2008 10:49 PM

SUSAN...missed that earlier...will definitely say a prayer for R. :hug:

Sorry ladies...long night and not in the mood for indies...will be back tomorrow for sure though.

Nighty, night.

tommysgirl18 09-11-2008 11:00 PM

just popping back in here while I have a chance....

all three kids were in bed by 8:30......so I was sitting on the couch catching up on some Ghost Hunters episodes from last month. I was ready for bed, and was about to go until I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 9pm!

SuzieQ~ I missed that earlier as well. I will definitely say a prayer for R. :hug:

jules1216 09-12-2008 08:23 AM

Hi all--woke up with a really bad headache but the coffee * Excedrin Migrane seem to be working--going back to chiro again today--he thinks some of my back & neck troubles are stemming from me bad knee--he gave me some stratches to do everynight on Wednesday--I have to get motivated and get to my WW meeting==if I don't go today I will just keep putting it off...

Sue--having headaches and back trouble here but no allergies yet which is definitly strange for me...Teri is definitely not going back to Dave. SInce he got out of jail (and his monther lied to me about that) he has gone right back to the bad stuff he was doing before. He's been out for about a month and is back to drinking, making up lies, no job since he is always waiting for a "friend" to get him one.....Teri says she loves him and wants to be friends but thats it. He mentioned that if Teri doesn't go after him for child support that he may sign over his rights. Hi other ex is getting ready to take him back to court for delinquent child support so he will probably do another 45 days...I hope Teri's next guy is a good one.

Mindee--Teri used to do my eyebrows--now I go to a place and there are two faves there--an oriental girl and a russian one. Both are really nice and good at what they do...Hope Brandon gets feeling better

Cristina--any word on Josh?? Hope he's ok..have fun with Cambrie

SuzyQ--pedicure sounds nice..hope Rocky is ok--keep us posted.

Tammy--are you ready for the rain again???

Katy--the cleanse is going good...no adverse effects...but can tell it's working....I missed the learn to knit socks class....there is a lady that opened a shop close that is willing to give me 4 weeks of one on one for $50...I am thinking about it...I would like to do more than the knit stitch and scarves...

Francie--hope everything is ok with you!!

Sassy--it's the weekend....

gotta go...

RosieKate 09-12-2008 09:43 AM

Leigh is home sick...ALREADY. She was home yesterday, and I thought she would be back in the swing, but today she has a little fever, so we are staying home and drinking lots of fluids. I cleaned the whole house yesterday, so I guess I'll have to tackle other parts of my list today. I need to get after the kids' rooms...they tend to stuff things into their closets and under their beds in the guise of "cleaning their rooms". I got a look at my son's closet yesterday and realized an intervention is necessary. Was going to go to the gym, but now that L is sick, I may get a walk before my son goes to school, or I'll do a video. Also, today is hubby's birthday! We are going to take him to his favorite restaurant...all the more reason to get some exercise today!

- will keep Rocky in my prayers today; hopefully he will follow up with diet and exercise...but first, a successful surgery! Congrats on your terrific weight loss...you have been so dedicated; I need to get some of that to rub off on me!

- likewise - wtg on your 25 pound loss. I've lost 25 since I started my group, but it has been over two years..soo slow! It can be frustrating, but it helps to check in here and see how well you and others are doing and it helps me stay on track.

Jules - glad the cleanse is going well. Hopefully you are getting to the root cause of your headaches...that does not sound like fun. Good for Teri for not getting back with Dave.

Hi to everyone else..sorry I can't ge to everyone right now, but my sick daughter is calling for me..off I goo. Hopefully I'll get back later.

Mom2Gaby 09-12-2008 12:28 PM

Good Morning.

I am paying computer service at $1.50 every 10 minutes...so I ain't chatting much right now! lol

Rocky will find out about his surgery this morning. He did lose a lot of weight over the last 2 years and cut out a lot of the rice and even has his own garden growing. I am not sure what else he has been eating though. A lot of fatty foods, probably??

I bought a bag of clothes yesterday for $10!! It was $10 bag day....I bought (drum roll) 4 tee shirts, 5 sweaters, 1 pair of jeans and 1 skirt. I am wearing the skirt and the black sweater this morning because I have a job interview!! :carrot:,,,,it is just for motel managment but it is a job w/ benefits so I will head for that right now and chat more later today!!

Hope you all are having a good morning.

suetalks 09-12-2008 12:49 PM

Susan- Good vibes for the job interview. And prayers for Rocky. Keep us posted on both please.

Katy- Hope Leigh is feeling better. Sounds like you have been full of energy with cleaning the whole house. Something I need to do. As soon as they take in the corn around us I can wash windows again.

Jules- Sure hope you get relief from your ailments. I have never gone to a chiro. I go next week for my yearly exam and mammo. ugh... May be able to get something for this sinus mess.

Cristina- Get feeling better and let us know how it is going with Cambrie. I must admit, I have never heard that name before...what is her middle name? Also, how is Josh? Nothing serious I hope.

Mindee- Well, you should catch up on your sleep when the little ones go down early. They sure can keep you up and at 'em other times. I'm sure you have lost lots of sleep over the years, as do most Mom's.

Sassy- Have a good time off?? Hope DH hears about the job soon. :hug:

Tammy, Asia, Francie, Happy week-end to you all.

Well, the scale was still down a hair this morning, so if it holds till Monday I will count it. I don't know how it bounces up and down all week when I think I am being so good. There has to be something I am missing...other people lose 2 or 3 pounds at a time and mine is more like ounces...lol. When I get to 170 it just wants to STICK right there. I get so discouraged. Okay...done whining.

Mom2Gaby 09-12-2008 02:32 PM

Back again....

Sue - Remember when I was at 171 for like 6 months?? It was sooo frustrating but it started moving again...it'll happen and ounces add up!! :carrot: The cabbage & carrots sound good, I love steamed cabbage.

Cristina - How is Josh? I hope ok and you are able to enjoy Cambrie this weekend. You feeling better? :)

Katy - :hug: to L, sorry she isn't feeling well. When we were in there last weekend the pool was closed for there 2 week maintenance, I bet it is nice to have it back open?!?! I really need to tone up. Now you planted the idea....I need to clean too. I guess I will go home and change into grubbies and do that myself. I need to get a vacuum first,,,,,I have been sweeping w/ a broom - lol ...like a prairie girl :D Happy Birthday to your husband!! Where are you going for dinner?

Jules - :hug: hope you get some relief too and start feeling better! :hug: It is also great to have you back posting, we missed you!!

Mindee- Congrats on the 25 pounds!! I guess it can seem to go slow at times but when you look back it is like...."I am losing weight!"....I like being able to get into smaller size clothes, I think that is the best part....lol, probably should be for my health first but I am shallow,,,haha. Hope you and the family have afun weekend!

:wave: to Sassy, Francie, Asia and Tammy!

My interview went ok, she even said she had other applications but wasn't going to interview them. The job will only be 25-28 hours a week, good pay though and medical after 6 months. I am not sure if I can afford to take it , I might have to get another part time job, we'll see. It is Friday, I am just going to relax and have some fun w/ the girls.

Thanks for all the encouragement! It means a lot and seeing everyone else do well keeps me motivated to do the same :)

anyway, time is ticking so I will chat more later!

tommysgirl18 09-12-2008 02:53 PM

just popping in here for a second!

I got in my workout today, and have for the past three days. I stepped on the scale today and I am down to 227.6!!!!

It is raining here, so it has been a blah kind of day. Logan is protesting on taking a nap, like usual. Marissa seems to be napping, or at least she is being quiet. She has been off in her sleeping since she has gotten sick. So, we are going to probably take her in tonight to get her checked out.

Jules~ I hope you were able to make it to your meeting! I love your new avatar! Dominic is getting so big!!

Katy~ Happy birthday to your hubby!!! I hope L gets better soon! We seem to have a houseful of sickies on this end.

SuzieQ~ Good luck on the job interview!!! And I will continue to say some prayers for Rocky.

Sue~ I am going to try and catch up on my sleep when the kids go to bed early. I try to, and then usually I remember something that I forgot to do...so I get up to do that and then get sidetracked to something else.

nothing really big planned for this weekend. we are going to clean the carpets this weekend.........nothing big or exciting about that!

FrouFrou 09-12-2008 03:40 PM

Another quickie for me...I'm on a computer I don't like and Cambrie is sleeping so trying to be extra quiet. I will be back later this evening to catch up for sure. Also, waiting for Jason to call...he's having problems with his car and trying to get someone to fix it so I might have to go get him...when it rains it pours! And speaking of that...it is flooding in so many places here...rain, rain, go away! Chat later ladies...have a good day! :hug:

Mom2Gaby 09-12-2008 05:01 PM

I was meaning to say that Grizzly Man's Diaries is on tonight on the Animal Planet. I liked the movie a lot and saw the promo for this show last night.

Mindee- Carpet cleaning is pretty exciting! :D Good for you on being consistant w/ the exercising! I will talk w/ Rocky tonight so I will let you know an update tomorrow. Thanks for the good wishes on the job front! I need some good luck w/ benefits ticking away. lol

Cristina - come back and chat :D

I am making a fast run into Portland tomorrow, Gaby is going to her father's til Sunday. Rach wants to do some more shopping and she wants a lip piercing....and here her sister just wants a pedicure. haha. We'll see about the lip.

so, another busy weekend.....suppose to be hotter in Portland??? I think. Have to break out the shorts again.

k- off to get teh Gabster.

tommysgirl18 09-12-2008 09:51 PM

nothing new since my last posting.......

the boys were in bed by 8pm AND asleep! Marissa is still awake in the bedroom......but I think she was just missing daddy. she was calling for him as soon as she heard him walk in the door.

Cristina~ How is every one doing?

SuzieQ~ How did the job interview go? How is Rocky doing?

suetalks 09-12-2008 10:06 PM

Got 3 miles ridden tonight. I am proud of the eating today also.
I noticed that my legs are looking pretty darn good, and I had to hook the bra over on the next clasp. So...as usual I am losing the girls before much of anything else. And darn, my legs should be slimming with all the pedaling. (I even have calf muscles) :)

I spent part of the day booking flights for our trip. I had booked rooms earlier, and finally got some good prices on air. DH booked the rental car, so we are ready to hit the road next month. I am excited! I get to see "baby boy" and my step-son too.

Not doing a thing the week-end. Well, I will probably do yard work if it stops raining. I want to dig a few things up and it should be easy after the rain.

Any plans?

FrouFrou 09-13-2008 01:06 AM

Hello ladies...

I'm back...thought I better get back and catch up before it gets too far and I can't.

SUE...Charlotte's mother babysat a little girl many, many years ago and suggested the name...probably told her to name her Cambrie, lol. Apparently her mother has a lot of say so in her life but that's neither here nor there. It's a form of Cambria...makes me think of cheese. :shrug: Her middle name is Janelle after Charlotte's mother of course. Good job on your biking! :carrot: And the loss...and every little bit adds up in the end so :bravo: to you!

SUSAN...enjoy your weekend in Portland with the girls. The job sounds great! Guess if nothing else comes along, right now it would be better than nothing at all. And :congrats: on being almost to goal! You are doing a great job! :bravo: Almost forgot to say woohoo on the bag of clothes!

MINDEE...:woohoo: on the 25 pounds! You are doing great with your exercise! Hey, when you're done with the carpets there, you can come and do ours! Been meaning to get them done for a while, just get busy with other stuff and forget.

KATY...hugs to L, hope she feels better soon. :hug:

JULES...glad the cleanse is going well.

HI SASSY, TAMMY, ASIA and FRANCIE...hoping all is well with you ladies.

Let's see, what's been going on...Josh is fine. We are thinking it is gallstones but for some stupid reason this doc is treating him for acid reflux...what?! They gave him some medicine to take and he has an appt. with a doc next week, or the week after.

Exercise and eating is fine. Never have a problem with the exercise, just usually the food. But I'm workin' on it. I have managed to get my exercise in even with Miss Cambrie here. She can be a handful but for the most part, she is a good kid, and she listens to her Nana. I haven't gotten any reading in since she's been here and that has put me back...I am definitely slacking in the reading department.

Had some errands to run today and it was horrible! It was pouring and I shouldn't have gone out in it but oh well...can't stop living because of rain now can we? I will be glad when it stops though, so I can go outdoors and walk. We've had quite a bit of flooding around the area. They said on the news we got 8 point something inches since last night...that is crazy! And it's not over yet :yikes:

Nothing special planned for the weekend. I am hoping to get some reading in for sure once Cambrie goes home, which is tomorrow. That and catch up on my laundry...ugh, behind in that. Anyway...that's about all I have.

Nighty, night ladies :wave:

tommysgirl18 09-13-2008 01:40 AM

well, every body is in bed and asleep! I am watching the coverage of Ike. I finally found where my aunt, uncle, and grandma live in Texas on a map. They are up closer to the Oklahoma border, but from the projected path, Ike is supposed to shift up their way. So, I am hoping that they are all safe and sound.

Sue~ I have always noticed that the girls run for the hills first! which makes me kind of sad since the only time I seemed to have had them was when I was pregnant! Now, they like to sag and not stay where they should be! Great job on your biking!!!

Cristina~ Thanks for the nice comments on my weight loss. Actually Tommy is the one that is going to be using the carpet cleaner. He told me the other day that when he is doing the cleaning of the carpet me and the kids are to go outside and play just to stay out of the way. But wouldn't you know it, it is suppose to rain all weekend. So, I am not seeing that happening! (the part of the kids staying out of the way......not the carpets not getting done)

Sassy_Chick 09-13-2008 08:19 AM

Happy Saturday, Chicks!
Hey Peeps. :wave:

Ya'all been chattin' it up!!! :blah: lol. Today is my last day and night of "Freedom" before I have to go and do my "long week" then its VACATION!!! :woohoo:

I had a bit of a breakthrough. We went shopping at Costco and they had some really nice and soft robes. I wanted to buy one for my mother for Christmas, but she is so darn small, I didn't want it to swallow her, so I of course wanted to see how big they ran. First it was a large, eeeeeee wrong, WAY too big for my mom, just could tell by looking. So then I got a medium, it still looked to big. So I tried it on, figured no way in hades it was gonna fit me, but ya know what? It did! :yikes: Now it didn't close in front, but still, before I'd never even get a darn arm in a medium, let alone both arms and not feel like I'm in a straight jacket! So I was gonna get her a small, but DH reminded me how she likes to "layer" clothes, esp in the winter time. So I went ahead and got her the medium. So I began thinking :chin: if a medium almost fit me, than an XL probably would fit me. So I tried it on. It did fit! :carrot: Ok so not such a big deal, but it is to me. Now it does not close all the way up, but most of the way up and it is so soft, figured I'd get it and I could work on making it "too big" for me. ;) So my new goal is to get into a size that does NOT have an X in it! lol.

Anyways, that is about it from my end. DH scrubbed down the kitchen, even cleaned the OVEN!!! :yikes: (We do not have a self-cleaning oven) Now to get him to do that in the bathroom......:chin: lol. No, I am extremely thankful that I have a DH who will clean like that and to let me sleep while he does it! Now that my friends, is true love! :love:

Cristina -- I guess great minds think alike -- love your Avatar! hee hee. (see my signature! I put mine in even before I saw yours!) ;)

Well folks, have a Great Saturday, enjoy yourselves!

Sassy...........Out! http://dl4.glitter-graphics.net/pub/...o86c1rkyzw.png


Mom2Gaby 09-13-2008 02:34 PM

A fast morning hello.....made it to Portland and going to head out for some shopping w/ Rach. Still have Gaby and need to meet up w/ her father for the *change over*....I love Gab but I sure could use some time without her. awww, now I feel bad for writing that.

Mindee- Job interview went good, I think I pretty much got it if I want it. I wasn't going to start til the 22nd though because I wanted another week of vacation....lol, like I have already had over a year off. ha. Rocky is scheduled for net Friday on his surgery.

Cristina - Cute about Cambries name and how it reminds you of cheese. lol

Sue & Sassy!! Hi :wave:......

chat more later when I have time.....everytime I get on the computer that is when everyone else is finally ready. :)

suetalks 09-13-2008 10:09 PM

Good evening...Rode 3 miles, ate OP, feel very good...the scale was still down, so Mon. looks good. *fingers crossed*

The best...I found the measurements I took of myself in March...I am down a total of 10 inches. I couldn't believe that. And of course 4 inches was in my chest...so see, I said the girls were the first to go. :)

Talk to you tomorrow.

FrouFrou 09-13-2008 10:18 PM

Hello, and a Happy Saturday! Even though it is almost over, lol :D

SASSY...such an awesome NSV! :carrot: :bravo: to the med & large! And yes, great minds do think alike ;) It was so darn pretty and it brightened my day so thought what the heck, I was ready for a new avatar. Isn't that always the way it goes...your days off go faster than your work days.

SUSAN...you should never feel bad...I know you love your girls but I think we all need a break from the kids sometimes. It does us good to have some 'me' time. Enjoy your weekend in Portland and congrats on the job!

MINDEE...woohoo, all the kids were asleep at the same time! I just saw something about IKE...was wondering if my Aunt and Cousin are okay...need to write my other cousin. They live in Houston...scary stuff there. We have had so much rain here, ick! Hoping to have a rain-free day tomorrow, for the next few days.

HIYA KATY, JULES, FRANCIE, TAMMY, SUE & ASIA! Hoping all is well with you ladies.

I didn't do much of anything today. For some reason (thinking it is the gloomy weather) I was sleepy all day. But I did manage to get out and mow the front yard...it was WET! And Cambrie wanted to ride her bike around the neighborhood. Watched some cartoons and movies while going in and out with Cambrie. She couldn't make up her mind what she wanted to do, too cute! She went home about 5'ish. Love her to death but glad when she goes home. Now I can read! :lol: Finishing up my last load of clothes as well. Other than that, not much going on. I took my free day today since she was here and it was raining this morning. Although, I probably could have done it today...just thought she would be too tired to ride her bike 3 miles. Always tomorrow.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! Hugs :hug:

FrouFrou 09-13-2008 10:21 PM

HIYA SUE :wave:

WTG & :bravo: on the inches! That is wonderful! Good job on the three miles and being OP! Keeping my fingers crossed for a good weigh in on Monday! :crossed: You reminded me that I forgot to weigh today, oops!

FrouFrou 09-14-2008 09:42 AM

Good Sunday Morning, ladies!

I am so happy! The sun is actually shining today! Hey, it's the first time in days so it's really nice to finally see. But...always a but in there, the wind is horrible and it made for a cold walk this morning. Only did half because everytime I get outside, and especially in the wind, the allergies start. So I cut it short and will finish up on the treadmill.

And...today is my 30th day...can't believe how fast the 30 days went by. Will weigh tomorrow to see where I am at. I weighed Saturday and was still at 182.6, lol which is what I weighed in at on the first day of the challenge. I laugh because I thought all my eating out was affecting my weight loss, apparently not. Not that I am going to run out and pig out...just wanted to challenge myself. I'll get there. I did this when I was in the 190's...stayed there forever and them something happened and it started coming off. Now I am stuck in the 180's, ugh! At least when I get where I want to be I know I can maintain.

Anyway, hello to everyone :wave: Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Hugs :hug:

suetalks 09-14-2008 10:48 AM

Good Sunday morning to you Cristina and everyone else too.
I haven't done much yet this morning, not being a morning person. I had a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs with fresh mushrooms and a piece of wheat toast. I made the eggs with only half whole eggs and half whites. (mom and I both have to watch cholesterol)

It is hot here again today so we have the A/C on for the second day. The humidity is what is brutal. Mon. is going to be cooler...so I am putting off the yardwork for yet another day. (It was too wet from all the storms anyway)
Scales are still down, so tomorrow I can tell FOR SURE.
I put on a top that is way looser than when I wore it last...isn't that always nice?

Back later...gotta go goof off....drink coffee and read papers.

Mom2Gaby 09-14-2008 11:35 AM

You're so good Sue, at any hint of a weight loss I am so ready to change my ticker. lol

:bravo: on the weight loss!

Cristina - Good for you on the challenge! Do you continue it or is there another challenge you want to work on?

I am heading home this morning. Ate, Ate and Ate my whole visit.....I don't look forward to the scale tomorrow. Up n down,,,up n down,,,,cross fingers it isn't too bad.
Slept good and enjoyed seeing my R's , hope they make the trip down net weekend.

anyway, see ya on the flip side!! :wave:

Sassy_Chick 09-14-2008 12:07 PM

Hey all........nothing new.........its back to work for me tonight.........:( Well at least only 4 nights until my vacation starts............Cristina.........sorry didn't mean for you to have to change your avatar......I can change mine.......

Have a Great Sunday.

tommysgirl18 09-14-2008 04:23 PM

just a quick one from me right now.......Tommy brought the insurance stuff home from his work, and now we have to pick out doctors for me and him, and I have to find another one for the kids.....which I really don't want to.

so wish me luck on that endeavor!

I will have to come back later and catch up with every one...........

Sassy_Chick 09-15-2008 12:41 AM

Hey all,

Well we had some major winds here in Southwestern Ohio!!! They said it was like us basically getting a Category 1 Hurricane, only without the water. There are trees down everywhere, there is about 666,000 people without power, its just a mess. Our grill on our deck almost blew off! And we have a very heavy grill! I know its nothing like what the poor people who are experiencing the full affect of the Hurricanes, my heart and prayers go out to them.......But wow!

Well that is about it. I feel better, I was really kinda down this morning, (if you couldn't tell -- lol) I guess this massive wind storm woke my butt up! lol.

Take Care,

Mom2Gaby 09-15-2008 12:35 PM

Good Morning,

Happy to hear you are safe Sassy! I was able to watch a little of Ike on Friday but not much since.

Mindee- Yay for insurance! Hope you are able to get doctor's you will be happy with. My daughters seem to have some really great ones.

Out applying for jobs still.There is one I just called on and had to leave a message. It is at the military camp site out here on the coast, food prep position. Serving hash to the guys, how much better could it get??:D

Don't know if you remember when I went to camp w/ my job for a week 2 year ago???
Anyway, same place....and it actually sounds like fun to me. So, hope to hear back from the lady today, otherwise I will call again.
Up alittle on the scale, no biggie...always am up after the weekend, if I don't go back down by Wednesday, I will change it.
Found a a place that sells sunflowers by the road side yesterday! There are a lot of those and last week I bought 2 bunches of mums but my all time favorite flower is a sunflower so I was thrilled.
Gaby hates flowers though, thinks there are bugs in them. lol

k- I guess that is it, I have some more errands before I can get out of this skirt for the day. Look forward to the beach after school! :)

You all have a great day!

suetalks 09-15-2008 02:23 PM

Good morning..or is it? After flirting with 168 for four days I actually weighed in at 169 this morning. Geeze, I hate this up and down. At least I have been below 170 for a few days. The dreaded 170 that is so hard to leave behind...lol.

Other than that, doing the Monday chores...

Back later.

FrouFrou 09-15-2008 02:26 PM

Happy Monday, Ladies...

SASSY...you did NOT have to change your siggy missy. I changed mine just because, but definitely not because you had it in your siggy. I have changed it like 5 times since...always trying to find one that fits me, or that I can deal with for more than a few months...haven't found it yet...probably never will, lol. So...you go and put yours back up! Please :p I just saw that on the news last night and was going to ask if you guys are okay. Scary stuff for sure. Was watching the Today show this morning and Matt Laur is in Galveston...poor people, my heart goes out to them. I emailed my cousin in Denver because my cousin & Aunt (her sister & mom) are in Houston and I've not heard if they are okay or what.

SUSAN...awww, thank you so much for the card and pics today! Made my day! Love the card, and your new place is awesome! Also love Gaby's pink jacket/coat, lol. So stinking cute she is! Glad you had a nice visit with the girls over the weekend. I know they will love your new place, it's nice! I think the camp/caf job would be perfect! Hoping you get it :crossed: And I do remember when you did the camp thing, I remembered you really enjoyed it.

MINDEE...lots of luck on your endeavor...did you guys pick a new doc. I hate that. Mine quit a few years ago and I was forced to choose another, ugh. Such a pain...never know if you are going to get a good one or not.

SUE...your breakfast sounded good. Hope it's a cooler day today for ya.

HIYA TAMMY, KATY, JULES, FRANCES & ASIA...hoping all is well with you ladies.

More drama on the homefront, lol. Hey, I have to laugh about it so I don't get mad. Apparently, when Cambrie leaves from Nana's she has fits and doesn't want to listen to the mom & dad so guess who gets blamed? Whatever...so tired of all the BS. Of course there was a long discussion about the boy and I had to set her straight on him. The kids lies...he will say whatever comes to mind to get out of trouble and I for one am tired of it all. I am a bad MIL & Nana, lol...again, whatever. I'm not mad, really. I've never had so many issues with someone like this before and I am trying my best to not tell her to f'off. Because I know if I do it will mean not seeing Josh ever. But jeez louise. Anyway...

Susan...not sure where I will go from here, with another challenge or what. I have been thinking about what I will do. I did break down and go to McD's for breakfast but kept thinking to myself, I know this is not going to taste good. And it didn't...didn't finish it. So...I don't plan to go straight out and start binging on eating out. But it sure feels good knowing I did it and can do it...pass on it that is. Maybe my next challenge will be just working on losing 5 pounds. :dunno:

Did a dvd this morning, went for 1/2 my walk because I plan on mowing the backyard this afternoon...that's a good workout in itself. Other than that, not much going on.

Have a great Monday, ladies!:hug:

tommysgirl18 09-15-2008 02:28 PM

just popping in while I can.....

Wednesday is Brandon's curriculum night......then next Thursday, the 25th, is his ENT appointment. I can't wait for that because I want to know exactly what is going on with his hearing.

Sassy~ It is good to hear from you and that you guys stayed safe!

SuzieQ~ The pediatrician that we picked for the kids is one that we tried to get them into a loooong time ago.....but they weren't expecting new patients at the time. good luck with the job!!!

tommysgirl18 09-15-2008 02:33 PM

you ladies snuck in on me.....

Sue~ How are you doing on this Monday?

Cristina~ breathe in........breathe out........breathe in......breathe out.....repeat as many times as needed. Me and Tommy basically haven't had insurance through his work in a good two years if not more. When I was pregnant I was able to get onto the state insurance, but that is only while you are pregnant.

Mom2Gaby 09-15-2008 05:01 PM

Checking in for a second, have to dash to the school for Gaby. I was laet for her one day by 5 minutes and she will never let me live that dwon! haha

Sue - yay, on the 169!

Mindee- yay on the doctor for the kids!

Cristina - Yay....to nasty tasting fast food!! lol jk,,,,sorry about the drama w/ kids, it is kind of amusing how you write it though, had me laughing. I hope it calms down though :)

So, I start Monday on the motel job. I haven't heard back on the caf/food prep thing. At least the motel job offers medical and is basically the same hours as when Gab is in school, so I like that...plus the ladies are nice.
News on Rocky is he will travel to another island for the surgery, he will have no family , which made me tear up. He is always there for everyone else and no one will be there for him. His mom did want to come from CA but she is in ill health too. Anyway, just keep him in warm thoughts , especially Thursday and Friday as he is prepared for surgery. Thanks!!

k- better dash!

FrouFrou 09-15-2008 07:05 PM

Hello again :wave:

Glad I could amuse you Susan, lol. Hey, I have to take it all with a grain of salt because otherwise I would be mad at them all the time, lol. Anyway...after I set her straight, kidding of course...we got things worked out. We talked, she cried and apologized for her sons' bad behavior, almost made me cry.

SUSAN...I am sorry that Rocky won't have anyone there for and with him. Can his in-laws not be there for him? That is sad, and I will definitely keep him in my thoughts. Yay to the job! :carrot:

MINDEE...lol, I was breathing, or rather trying to, lol. Funny, because I tell myself that all the time.

Okay, sorry for cutting this short, but gotta go. Jason has had some problems with his car and they've had it all day. It is going to be ready at 6:30 and they close at that time so he needs to be there then. And yes, I am the taxi service.

Have a good (what's left of the day), ladies!

tommysgirl18 09-16-2008 12:07 AM

well, the school year has officially begun......Brandon brought home his first fundraiser for the year! I was breezing through it and found a couple of things, then Tommy chimed in and said "we are completely broke right now" and then I flashed by the Harley stuff and I heard a "ohhhh.....yeah baby.....oh yeah!"

I am going to send my sisters and my mom an email to see if they want to buy anything from him. I have to set up an account online for them to get access to it so that he gets credit for them.

we bought a couple of things from our friend's son last year.....in fact, that is how I got my subscription to All You was through the fundraiser.

but anyways......I hurt my ankle trying to get off the couch. I had some ice cream and I got up to put the bowl in the sink, and my leg gave out under me. thankfully the floor wasn't too far for me to get to, but my ankle has been bothering me. I have been keeping it up and I am about to get some ice here soon to put on it.

SuzieQ~ I will definitely keep Rocky in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with the motel job!

Cristina~ Just continue to do that and you won't have any more issues......well, one can hope anyways!

I am off to send the email off to family and friends about Brandon's fundraiser.

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