3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Satine 02-20-2007 02:02 PM

Welcome Cate !!! Stick around we would love to have you join us !!!

It is also getting up to about 40 degrees here in Indiana ...which feels like summer compared the the snow and single digit temps we had last week !!!

Take care!!

ksk571 02-20-2007 02:30 PM

Welcome Cate! :welcome2:
You're welcome to join our group. We are a small group but very encouraging! I'm having a little rough patch...I'm not usually so down, but Stacey and Carri are great at keeping me in check!

Carri - You know that I have only been weighing in once a month. I say, skip the weigh in this week. Or if you must weigh, don't take the number too seriously! And, I hope you'll be able to kick your feet up this evening and take it easy!

Cate426 02-20-2007 02:35 PM

I liked the fact that there were a small number of people here, and also that you all seem to have great supportive relationships with each other!

Satine 02-21-2007 10:20 AM

Morning All - It was so foggy here this morning that I was 15 mins late to work, everyone was driving so slow and some of the traffic lights were not working well ...I was just glad to get here ...well 2nd day of TOM and still feel crampy and crappy ...you are right Karen - I think I am just going to skip weighing in this week ...better than getting depressed over something I have no control over - I always have a harder time when I am on TOM, staying on program that is, it seems I am so much hungrier during that time - you guys ever experience that?

The other morning I could actually look in the mirror at my naked body and not get sick ...so those 25 pounds gone have done wonders, ha ha ...I do feel lately alot smaller and it is so motivating ...

Oh lets tell a little about ourselves for Cate - I am 33 years old, married to my highschool sweetheart for 13 years now, no kids ( I know I am the oddball ) ...have a doggie, Les ...work for an insurance company, and as you can see below, have over 70 more pounds to lose ...I am on a lower carb, no sugar diet due to diabetes and meds for it ...but am feeling great lately and doing well...

Talk to you all later, have a good day !!!

ksk571 02-21-2007 11:03 AM

Carri - I find TOM is the hardest to stay on plan. If I'm going to cheat, it will be during that time. And if I weigh during that time, I will be up on the scale and then get depressed and eat more crap...thus the beginning of the vicious cycle! :censored: TOM!!!

Info about me: I'm 35. I am single (and not in a relationship) without any children. I have 2 dogs. I have 2 jobs: full time job is as an office manager at the local University's Counseling Center and the evening job at a physician billing company. My house is a money pit! (Today is about day 6 of having no water at my house! Talked to the plumber this morning and he's supposed to be coming by to get me a quote.) I am a stress and anxiety eater.....see previous sentence! ;) I gained my weight while working at the local hospital in the billing department. (Very Stressful) I am taking a Zumba class (Latin dance inspired exercise class) sponsored by my town's Parks and Recreation Dept. And I'm trying to exercise on the other days, though I've not done well the past few weeks. I am eating a no sugar, healthy carb (no white bread, pasta, etc) diet. I have decided to weigh only once a month as I get into a vicious cycle of feeling I need to cheat to reward/to comfort if I am down/up on the scale. I am also taking my measurements and progress pics once a month. I am trying to view this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet in order to keep myself in the right mindset.

Take Care!

Satine 02-22-2007 10:16 AM


Karen - when you said your house was a money pit it reminded me of that movie ( and that is probably why you said it right? ha ha ), makes me want to watch it again, it was on HBO not too long ago, so funny ...if that is what you are going through, hopefully not to that extreme, I feel for you ...and you have two dogs? I can barely handle the one?

Cate and Stacey - Hi to you both !!

I am in a good mood, one because I am off tomorrow for a three day weekend and 2 because all of my shows come on tonight ...My Name is Earl,
The Office, CSI ...love Thursday TV ...and yes that is all I have, ha ha

Well I am going to weigh myself on Sunday morning, since TOM will be all over by then ...wish me luck...I feel like I have had a good loss this week, but who knows ...have a good day all !!!!

ksk571 02-22-2007 03:02 PM

That movie is exactly why I call it my money pit! I don't think I could even watch that movie right now. I think it would make me cry! :) It would hardly be the first time I cried at a comedy!! My situation is not that bad but it sure seems like it sometimes! My 2 dogs can be a little much to handle. I have a little one that is about 10 pounds. I've had her for over 13 years. I almost lost her last fall when she got out of the fence and got hit by a car. My vet was awesome and saved her. She's just about as good as new! She got out of the fence because my other dog (65 pounds of hyperactivity) chewed through my wood fence. I eventually had to staple chicken wire to the inside of the fence to stop her. She is 65 pounds and thinks she is a lap dog. My 10 pound dog thinks that she's 65 pounds. They crack me up!

I love Thursday night tv, but I watch totally different shows! TV is about all I have too!! Enjoy your long weekend and good luck on the weigh in!!

Hi Stacey and Cate - Hope all is well!


Satine 02-27-2007 10:10 AM

Hey Girls - long time no talk !!! ha ha ...I had an okay weekend, I pretty much cheated through the whole thing which I have not done is sooooooo long, I think maybe it was TOM making me so hungry and my will power at an all time low ...but that is behind me now and I am actually going to the gym today !!! I have not been since fall of last year ...so I am going to be wiped out this evening I am sure ....

how are you all doing? great I hope!!

ksk571 02-27-2007 12:56 PM

Hi Carri!

I try not to beat myself up too much for not eating as healthy during that time.....as long as you get back on track right after! Congrats on going back to the gym. I find it's always hardest to start exercising after a break. I always look for excuses to not go, but once I'm there (almost done, actually) I realize how good it makes me feel. Once I'm in a routine, it's easier to keep going.

My plumber is supposed to be working on my water line starting today or tomorrow. Hopefully I will have water soon! Today is day 11 or 12 without. UGH!! :(

Talk to you later!

Cate426 02-27-2007 03:05 PM

Hello chicks!

Hope everything is going well, all is well here!!! I just wanted to share that this morning i am officially in the 170s! I am excited to have a new challenge to get to the 160s! YAY! i feel better about my goals--i feel that now they are almost completely in sight! I've lost almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and I am already starting to feel my clothes hang a bit looser. [which i was surprised at thinking that weight was mostly water]. I'm so excited to win this battle once and for all! [it's funny now that when I'm in school, i think to myself that I cant wait to get home...to exercise lol;) Anyway, hope everyone is feeling great!!!

ksk571 02-27-2007 03:42 PM

Wow Cate! 10 pounds in 2 weeks....and hitting the 170's! That's AWESOME! :cb: :cb: :cb:
:congrat: :cheer: :cp: :cheer: :cp: :cheer:

Keep up the good work! What kind of exercising do you like to do?

Talk to you later!

Satine 02-28-2007 10:29 AM

Morning Girls !!
First off Cate - Congrats on the 170's ...that is great !!! I cannot wait until I get there ...for now I am just trying to get back under 200 ...but it will not be long !!! :)

I got on the scale this morning and I only gained one pound from my weekend fiasco, so that is good...AND YES !! I did go to the gym last night and did 20 hard mins on the eliptical machine and it was difficult for me, my thighs hurt today...the gym was so crowded too, I kind of didnt like that but oh well cant let that stop me, gotta get in and tone this 33 year old body...haha

Karen - Did the plumber finally get there? Hope he was able to take care of it, I couldnt stand to be without water ...I hope your house woes are over, at least for a while. :hug:

Stacey - :wave:

Well I hope you all have a good day !! Talk to you later !!

ksk571 02-28-2007 02:33 PM

Carri - I'm proud of you for going to the gym! Good job! Keep at it. It will become easier as you do it more. 20 minute is a great start!

Tomorrow is supposed to be my weigh in day. I know I haven't lost, but I'm hoping I haven't gained too much. I still don't have water. The plumber hadn't shown up at my house by the time I left this morning. :(

Cate - How are you doing today?

Stacey - Hope all is well. We miss you!!

Take Care!

Satine 02-28-2007 02:37 PM

Karen - are you kidding me, no plumber yet? I feel for you ...

I am having a bad day...they had big sugar cookies at work today and I had one, which is bad for my blood sugar and my diet ...THEN they have Chicago style pizza and I had a slice of that plus a chocolate bar with caramel in it, I am feeling really down about it to ...

Hope your days are going better - besides Karen and her no water thing. :D

Satine 03-01-2007 10:14 AM

well I sort of got over my bad hump day yesterday, I really really wanted chinese for dinner but dh talked me out of it, so I had some roast for dinner with a pc of buttered bread ...really didnt compare to the fried rice and crab rangoon I wanted ...:(

back to the gym tonight ...going to go three times a week for a while and then bump it up maybe ...supposed to get some severe thunderstorms today...not looking forward to that ...

Karen - got water? :)

Stacey and Cate - Hello :grouphug:

Talk later !!

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