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SillyFluff 12-19-2006 11:39 PM

Things have been so busy with me guys. Sorry I haven't been around. Trying to get my financial aid worked out because now they are giving me crap about it and dealing with alot of drama at work. And tryin to get resumes and applications to local schools so I can get my foot in the door with the county schools. I just feel like there is not enough hours in the day. Still not finished with Christmas shopping. I doubt I'll be able to do anymore. I just don't have the money. I'm barely making ends meet with what I make now. Thats another reason why I have GOT to get another job. :stress::stress::stress:

Been having issues with the boyfriend. I'm not really sure what is going on but I have a feeling he's ready to leave. He wont say it, but I can feel it. We've been arguing ALOT lately. I'm assuming its becuase I'm under alot of stress but still....its aggravating. I just dont know anymore. :dunno: *sigh* And I have way too much going on right now to worry about it.

Anyhoo. I'm off ladies. I have to take my nutcase of a mother to her doctors appointment tomorrow so I'll talk to you all soon.


techwife 12-20-2006 07:19 AM

Silly: Don't forget the real reason for the season and that I, for one, would rather have a small, inexpensive gift that meant something than an expensive one that made me think I need to spend that much on them back. I know how you feel. I have seven nieces and nephews to buy for. Personally, I'd rather not exchange gifts with them as they are all getting old and VERY unappreciative and I only have two kids, whereas my sister has four and my brother three. One year...the year I had my son on December 28!...I got my sister's and brother's kids a Chia pet for the whole family and baked cookies and sent them in a tin. I thought...that's good enough! My sister sends two full outfits for my kids AND an expensive toy. I felt like such a schmuck! I just knew that her and my brother were both going, "Chia pets?" but I really didn't care anymore. My mom gets a really big gift card from my sister every year, but I always end up crocheting hats and mittens or embroidering a lighthouse or something personal that is much cheaper and my mom says she likes my presents better. So, THERE! One year I made her an afghan. As for your boyfriend...good luck with that one. I had SO many failed relationships when I was in my 20's and early 30's. I figured that if it was that stressful when we're a carefree 'single' couple, what will happen if we get married and have finances and babies to add more stress? Sometimes you're plain better off single until that special someone comes along that you just can't live without...then you'll know you have the right one.

country: You have your husband eating flax seed? YOU are the WOMAN!! I'm officially on Sugar Busters hiatus until after New Years. I've been really bad on eating for so long, but not gaining a THING, so I'll reconviene on 1/1. Size 12...here I come!!

Toni: Sorry your cholesterol is so high. My mom's was sort of high a while back, but she's been doing EXTENSIVE exercise...like walking on her treadmill EVERY DAY except Sundays for an HOUR. I have to say, both my parents look terrible, but that's because in their late 60's, they found out about my dad's diabetes and went on super diet, super exercise mode and lost 50 pounds each in about 6 months. My next door neighbor thought my mom was fatally ill. So, they look very wrinkled and, in my opinion, they 'looked' better heavier...but I know they're healthier on the inside with all the healthy food and all that exercise is surely great for their tickers! My mom's cholesterol, by the way, is down, I'm sure because of the exercise.

Babygrant: WELCOME!! I hope you decide to stick with us!! Its almost scary how toxic sugar is for us. It tastes great going down, but I always feel like a heap of poo after eating lots of it.

Bob, Monet, Solly, Talitha, Fruit: :wave:

I'm working today! Got my shopping done yesterday. Will post a bigger post later on!

Have a great on-plan day!!


Ellen 12-20-2006 08:40 AM

Good morning! My friend is coming over for coffee this afternoon, so I need to get stuff done this morning. I felt horrible yesterday. I slept very soundly last night, better than I have in months, and I feel MUCH better today. I have to run around and buy some gift cards, and then I will only have to go purchase the ingredients for Christmas dinner. :yes:

My son emailed me this morning, and I am a bit worried for him. He is having a hard time getting all the work done, as he said it is not going as quickly as it should. Day before yesterday there was a shooting about 25 feet from where he was working. He said he was so close he could see the expressions on the two guys faces. He thought it was accidental because the guy with the gun looked as surprised as the guy who was shot. (in the leg) I about had a heart attack when I read that. If any of you are prayer warriors, please pray for James! For his safety and that he can get done ahead of schedule and be home before the 24th! I really miss him! :(

SILLY: This time of year is just a trigger for stress. I hope things settle down for you soon!

TONI: I am struggling with being on plan too. With my thyroid med fiasco, my weight has crept up even when I WAS on plan, and I am combating the 'why bothers'.

TECH: I love a handmade gift. It just seems more special. Of course, I like gift cards too. :) This year, all my kids and their spouses wanted gift cards. It was easy, and so I did it. If they requested anything else, I got that instead...like Erik wanted me to make him a sake set, so he is getting that too. James asked for specifics, and I got them instead. They all bugged me about what I wanted, but I could not think of ANYTHING! Sad huh? I would have asked for them to be maid for a day, or something, but I can't stand to have them clean for me. The older one will advise me all day, and drive me nuts, and the younger one has to do 'ninja' style cleaning...I have to leave the house! You don't suppose they get their weirdness from me, do you? :lol:

COUNTRY: That wreck sounds awful! I am so thankful you were not hurt worse. I have been rear ended, and it can do terrible things to your neck. :hug: How many do you still homeschool? My grandson is supposed to call me Grammie, or Mimi for short. His other grandmother wants to be the French Memiere' (pronounced mehmay) but that is what they call her husband's mother, so it will be confusing. They moved to Vermont a while back though, so they have not even seen the baby and probably will not for a while, since they can't afford to travel down here, and the kids can't afford to travel up there. I just love being a grandmother, and at four months, this is my favorite age! He is so cute!

BOB: I had your flu yesterday... I hope you are over it. It only seemed to last one day here. Maybe I got it from the Florida oranges my sister in law sent for Christmas??? :)

TALITHA: I hope you are feeling better! Isn't it great when they finish a project? Tom has about 10 feet of straight pipe to do to be done with the whole house, but has been dragging his feet! :rolleyes: Then all the repair of the holes in the walls and ceilings has to be done. I am NOT looking forward to that! We need to plan a get together....

SOLLY: I hope you have wonderful holidays! You sound so busy! I hope you are not getting too stressed! :hug:

I better get off here and get something done! :wave: to those I missed!

ThinWithin225 12-20-2006 09:52 AM

Our "flu" seems to be getting better around here. We had less kids out yesterday than on Monday. Unfortunately, I don't know how many are out today as the lady that runs the attendance report is out sick!:p

I think we are done and ready for Christmas now.:present: Craig and the kids wrapped my presents last night while I was soaking in the tub. I asked for two things, but there are three presents. So I have a suprise! Nice! Two more days of school and then we are out for Christmas. Now, if the weather would get a little cooler, maybe it would feel right!:coolsnow:

Have a great day!!:clause:

heartmom 12-20-2006 10:40 AM

Hey guys. I'm so aggravated at myself. I'm up 5#'s!! Said I wasn't going to regain any weight and look! I'm at 168 and premenstrual. Back to the drawing board today though. I messed up yesterday because I got called in to work early and didn't eat any BF. BIG mistake because I ate everything that was in site yesterday. I didn't exercise this morning although I really wanted to. I pulled my inner thigh muscle in my left leg or maybe it's just really sore because I had cramps in it Monday night. Anyway I figured I'd better not stress it today and hopefully tomorrow it'll be okay. Today I had to be at work early for a security morning but I learned my lesson from yesterday and grabbed me some protein to take to work for my bf this morning. I ate a slice of ham, a slice of cheese, and 2 boiled eggs. So all that protein should tide me over until my lunch around 1:30. I figured I would do the protein thing today to help out with sugar cravings which are always intense a few days before my period. For lunch I made chicken salad and celery sticks. Supper will be steak and salad. CRYSTLE- Good to see you back!! I've also been having the hardest time with managing my weight for over a year now. My all time low is 159 but my average low is around 163 which I've seen a couple times in the past few months but always manage to sabatoge my efforts and go up a few. And this time of the year is extremely hard especially if you work in a office where everyone is constantly bringing in food. Like today. But I have my lunch fixed and I don't want to see the 170's again so I better stick to it. Well, I'll check back later!

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 12-20-2006 12:25 PM

Went to work this morning and had to go back to the Health Nurse. I have a fever of 100 and my lips are even hot! Home again she sent me and here I am.

I think I'll go to bed...BOB FEELS LIKE CRAP!!!


Ellen 12-20-2006 01:46 PM

I got two more presents taken care of. Yay! I still need a couple more.

This morning, Laura finally decided what she was going to get me...a new pair of my Vibram Five Fingers! Mine have a hole worn in them! She ordered them this morning, so I am sure they will not be here in time for Christmas, but I have my old ones for now... Once I get the new ones, I can use shoe goo on the old ones and hopefully repair the hole and keep wearing them. They are easily the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn. I never fail to get comments when I wear them. (they look like toe socks...with a Vibram sole)

It was busy busy busy every where I went today. Traffic was bad, people were driving stupidly... I meant to go early, but did not make it. I guess tomorrow I will try and head out earlier and get the rest finished up. I only need four more things...mainly for James to give. I really ought to make a list! It would help. Publix here has gift cards for sale from all kinds of stores. If there is no extra fee on them, I may purchase a few there. It will save me some running around.

I have a friend coming for coffee in a few minutes, and I wanted to pick up a bit so I better go...

:wreath: :ginger: :candy:

CountryMom4Him 12-20-2006 03:23 PM

Good afternoon
I just finished lunch and tought I'd pop in and say howdy. I think I'm finally getting over the cravings for crackers and goldfish. The extra water must be helping because I have been to the little girls room a thousand times this morning..okay maybe not a thousand but enough for my daughter to ask me if I took a water pill...LOL I don't take water pills.

Tech...I really like homemade gifts. To me there is nothing that says I love you like someone taking the time to make something for me. I usually make a gift tray for my neices and nephews but I didn't last year and they let me know about. They aren't going to be too happy with me this year because I didn't want to be tempted.

Heart..I hear you. I never thought I'd see the one 170's again. After 4 years of being 154-158 when I got in the 160's that was bad enough. Now I'm just counting the pounds to be in the 160's again. But there is no one to blame but myself. The wrong foods and no exercise adds up to pounds. I know you'll do just great. You'll be back down before you know it.

Monet...I think that MiMi is another way of spelling what Lilly has decided to call me. Just wait, in about 6 to 10 months you'll be chasing that little every where. I always enjoyed my children but I really enjoy the grand baby. I love not having to discipline her and just spoil her. I hope you have a fantastic afternoon with your friend.

Fluff...hang in there. ((hugzz))

Toni...I'm sure you'll get back on track after the holidays. We'll do it together. :) ((hugzz))

There is a basket of clothes begging to be folded. Guess I'd better get and finish my chores before I run out of steam. I haven't quite got my energy level back up since changing back to healthier eating.

Love and hugs,

Ellen 12-20-2006 05:23 PM

I got another gift this afternoon...this one for Justin from James. It is just a gift card to EB games, but he will appreciate it as he wants a bunch of stuff for the Wii.

The best thing though, is they opened a Trader Joe's not more than 1 1/4 miles from my house! I could walk there! Easily! I went with my friend, and had a great time checking it out. I remember folks talking about it for a long time, and wanted to go there. Anyone shop there that can give me ideas of what they have that is unusual, hard to find, and legal? I know the old mod on here, Deb, loved it. I did not find an over abundance of whole grain stuff, but I had fun. And I got Tom two bottles of their wine. It is supposed to be really good, and it was only $3 a bottle. If it is not good, I can cook with it! :yes:

The traffic at the little shopping center I went to was awful! I can't wait for the holiday rush to be over. The way some folks were driving was down right scary! Many with cellphones held to their ears, or a plate of food in their hands! Yikes!

I need to go fix the ganache icing for that cake, so I will check in later! Tom has vacation for the rest of the year after today...yay! I have no idea what to fix for dinner. :( I better get on it quick.


techwife 12-20-2006 07:18 PM

Monet: I HIGHLY recommend Rayman Raving Rabbids for teh Wii. It's hysterical and fun, if not just a tiny bit evil :devil:

Ellen 12-20-2006 10:14 PM

TECH: Thanks for the recommendation. I will pass it on to Justin. I think I will have to buy a Wii for myself when they move out. I absolutely LOVE the bowling! Tom and I bowled a couple games after dinner, and I actually pulled a muscle and worked up a sweat! You just can't do it right sitting on the couch, you HAVE to get up and do the motions as if you are really bowling. It is so awesome!

fruitloupe 12-21-2006 06:57 AM

Just a fly by to let you all know that the ultrasound went well. I measured 6 weeks. The heart rate was 100 which at 6 weeks it should be between 90-110 so that's perfect. The doctor said he will feel much better if I make it to 8 weeks...so keep your fingers crossed!!! I'm off to get ready for a day of shopping in the rain!! YUCK!


techwife 12-21-2006 07:02 AM

Missy: I have my crochet hook and baby yarn poised and ready for the green light from the doctor! I can hardly wait!! Will you find out if its a boy or girl when the time comes?

Monet: I love the bowling, too! I like the game where you add pins to the frame until you get up to 90-something pins to knock down. And, bravo to Nintendo for creating a game that makes you get off the couch in order to play it! I mean, if you have to play video games, at least you get exercise, too!!

Ellen 12-21-2006 08:55 AM

Good morning! I went to bed early, so I woke up early too. BUT, I slept fairly well, and actually had some vivid dreams, so I feel pretty good. When I got up, the baby was crying, and his parental units had not heard him yet, so I went to get him up and take him in to them, and the poor thing had soaked his diaper, clothing and the bed! They are going to have to get diaper doublers, as this is the second night he has done this! :eek: I carried him in and gave him to his parents, who were rather groggy, but managed to feed, clean and clothe him. Justin brought him back to me 30 minutes later, and Tom and I have been playing with him since. He is getting crabby though..time for the morning nap, I think. Hopefully the swing will do the trick. His bed is still soaked!

Tom has to go get a new license today, and finish up getting the cars inspected and registered. It is due on his birthday, which is the 26th.

I have not heard from James since yesterday morning, so I am anxious to hear how things went for him. I hope he can make it home by Christmas.

I had some espresso and a homemade whole wheat biscotti, so I need to go find something else for breakfast. I will return later!

FRUIT: Sounds good! I am keeping you in my prayers. Be careful shopping in the rain! It looks rainy here too...and I still need to do some shopping, so I will think of you while I am out! :)

TECH: I agree! It is wonderful that the Wii will get all these lazy couch potato kids up and off the couch. It seems to be so well done, it can only help them in sports as well. It develops eye/hand coordination, and makes them use muscles. Now kids who were chosen last for teams will excell and not be so isolated from their peers, not to mention the fact that it will help the childhood obesity epidemic. I love that training where they add the pins up to 96 or so! I got a strike once on the 50 something amount, and was pretty proud of myself! I was astounded yesterday to do the Wii fitness...and lowered my Wii age from 77 to 36! I do fairly well with the bowling, and that is all that they gave me, with one event of tennis which was easy.

:candy: :candy: :candy: :candy:

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 12-21-2006 12:41 PM


BOB slept until 11 a.m. !!! :dizzy: It felt good though but my fever is still spiking. Still feel like a dish rag and probably will for a few days!

Kate has decided that she wants ham for Christmas dinner....I'll have to muster all I've got to go out to shop. Better get that done, don't want to be stuck in the grocery when the last minute grocery shoppers arrive!
PUBLIX has the best deal on the picnic hams, plus they have a new shipment of GREEN BEANS!!!

I've still got a couple of gifts to pick up...Never did receive Matthew's ELMO TOOL BELT and there are none to be found! Have to pick up a DUMP TRUCK for Ethan...I got him all the new THOMAS THE TRAIN pieces but they're little and just don't look like enough! GIFT CARDS for JEFF & TRACY but that will be easy!!

I'm off for now...I'll be back!!


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