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Debelli 05-27-2001 11:04 PM

This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please visit our NEWEST BIO BOARD where you can learn more about everyone who is on this board:


Please make sure you post your BIO on the NEWEST VERSION of our BIO BOARD everyone!!!!

Our MAY 2001 RECIPE BOARD can be located at the link below:


We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often-make sure to visit our newest board, MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS at the link below:









and our newest board MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS


We also now have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on:


WANT TO POST YOUR WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS INFO and BE COUNTED in our weekly totals of pounds lost?? Go to the WEEKLY WEIGH IN BOARD BELOW to post your stats!


NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit NEW REPLY NOT NEW THREAD then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. Also, when the board gets to the 2nd & 3rd page, sometimes it may take a little longer for your message to appear, you can refresh your browser, or wait, but it will show up! If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


Debelli 05-28-2001 07:15 AM

Good Monday Morning Everyone!:wave:

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and for those of you who are lucky to be off of work today, I hope you are enjoying your extended weekend!!!

Today is MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY and here's my contribution (I think it's a great one!):



Do what needs to be done. Say what needs to be said. Listen to the things you need to hear. Learn what you need to learn. Explain what you need to explain.

Rather than constructing elaborate methods for avoiding these things, or elaborate excuses to evade them, just get them done. Instead of letting things slip and continue to weight you down, get them done and let your actions energize you. The avoidance of effort is just as difficult as effort itself yet avoidance accomplishes nothing positive.

Success is not always easy, yet it is for the most part simple. The way to accomplishment is not hidden. It is in plain view. You can see what must be done. Stop fretting. Quit worrying. Don't complain. You know what you need to do. So do it.

-- Ralph Marston

I'm going up to Sharon's today, so I'll be gone most of the day. Kids are with their Dad and Eli is working til this evening, so thought it would be a nice day to go up her way. I'll check in with you all sometime this evening!

Please try to be at TOMORROW NIGHT'S CHAT at 9:15PM EST I'm going to a dinner for the board members that I'm on, at 7pm, but think I should be home in time, if not, start without me and hopefully I'll get home before everyone is gone.

I'm going to go get ready for my walk, haven't checked the weather yet, so hoping it's not looking like rain out there!

Have a wonderful day, and a great week!!

194/13? (haven't gotten on the scale yet)/129
SB since 3/22/00

iceskatefan 05-28-2001 07:19 AM

Happ Memorial Day!

This will really be short...

Here's my Motivational Thought for today:

Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
--Lou Holtz

Enjoy your day.

cheri45 05-28-2001 08:29 AM

good morning everyone!

I just finished reading more of the posts.

Star: I'm sorry to hear about your pet. I remember when we had to put down our Barney. We had him for 14 years. It was very sad. My prayers are with you.

Karen: Hope you feel better soon.

Just weighed again. Down to 274.5 (another 1.5 pounds and I'll be back to my lowest)

Have a great day with your family and remember those who gave their life for us in order for us to be able to enjoy this day and everyday.


Nancemeister 05-28-2001 08:53 AM

Good Morning....or is it? I woke up to a very Debbie ccoking story. My kids LOVE beef jerky. It's so darn expensive!!!!! Everyone in my fam has told me how easy it is to make it. I bought some nice tri-tip, marinated it all day yesterday in a teriyaki/giner marinade, and then cooked it [i]just like they told me to[/b] in a 200 degree oven overnight. I woke up at 5:00am, came out to the kitchen, pulled it from the over, and low and behold, it looked different. I said, that's o.k....maybe the sauce just got a little crispy, and got a spatula and scaped the little guys up from the depths of over ****. Yes, that's right. BURNT with a capital "B". At least Floyd the dog won't refuse it ! :D

The blueberry muffins came out o.k. I used the recipe that calls for bran and something else healthy which I didn't have on hand, and they came out pretty good. The flavor is fine, but they are a little on the dry side. I have a recipe of my own that I'm going to see about converting. Sparkle also posted a recipe for "mini-blueberry muffins", but I don't have a "mini-muffin tin". I'll have to compare ingredients.

If you are lurking...I broke out the atlas in your honor. Did you say Athens and Macon????? I'm confused, because if your destination was Macon, and you were coming up from Fl. Athens is WAY off the beatenpath!
Does Skeeter like crispified teriyaki jerky? Him anf Floyd could share the plate!

What's that noise???? Is it the sound of my House blend finishing up brewing. I'm like a sleep walker with my arms straight out saying "MUST HAVE COFFEE".

Debelli 05-28-2001 09:12 AM

Just got in from my walk. Decided to go out despite the lite raindrops that were falling. Replaced my water bottle with my mini-umbrella in my fanny pack just in case. Rains stayed away thank goodness. Now, I sit here trying to cool down as I profusely sweat!:eek:

ICESKATE, thanks for posting that motivational thought!

CHERI, that's great you re so close to being back where you were-keep focused!! Thanks for reminding us to keep in mind those who served out country for us during this Memorial Day!

NANCE, those probably were the muffins I mentioned. Maybe a bit more agave nectar or something to make them a bit more moist-sorry about that!;)

Time to hit the showers!

SB since 3/22/00

catlover 05-28-2001 09:16 AM

"Your actions reveal your true commitments and priorities. They create the substance of your life. Your actions make all the difference in the world, and they are under your control. The quality of your life is determined by the
quality and consistency of your actions. Each day, take positive action like your life depends on it. Because it does."
~Ralph S. Marston, Jr.~

Happy Memorial Day. Remember the Vets!!!!

Fillise 05-28-2001 10:03 AM

Good Monday Morning!
A good, quiet weekend for me. I needed that after the past few months. Also a good OP weekend for me. I'm down another two pounds to 245--A NEW LOW!!!!!

My motivational thought for today is a bit off the beaten path. But I have a great aunt who is celebrating her 103rd birthday today (yup--you read that right). She is mobile and alert and does 50-100 situps everymorning before she gets out of bed. If there is anyone who is a testament about what physical exercise will do--my aunt is it. She did Yoga for years (though if I'm not mistaken she didn't begin until she was in her 60's). She has only just begun using a walker--sometimes. She has traveled around the world many times. When she celebrated her 100th birthday three years ago, friends and family came from all over the world to help her celebrate. Again, she didn't begin her travels until after raising her familyand becoming a grandmother. Her motto is "Any money not spent on travel is wasted."

Now I'm not saying you should adopt her motto. But she had a dream to see the world and she made it come true--and she did it fairly late in life (although in retrospect it turns out that her 60s were more like middle aged for her!).

What is your dream? What would it take to make your dream come true? Even if it is something you can't accomplish in one day, what is the one thing you can do TODAY as a first step in making that dream come true? A lot of little steps will make that big dream a reality and we owe it to ourselves to make our dreams a reality.

I know most of us on this board are united by a dream of a healthier lifestyle. We can take positive steps to make this dream come true every single day. Let's do it for ourselves! What other dreams do you have? To change careers? To travel? To write? Whatever it is take one step today to bring that dream closer to reality.

BOB--I laughed reading about your travels. Where are you in SC? I want to know where that lowcard store is as I pass through SC frequently in my travels and I have a lot of family in the Greenville/Anderson area.

Deb: Thanks for today's motivational tip--I'm bad about putting things off and letting them weigh me down (literally as well as figuratively).

SEF--Welcome. I know what you mean about getting stuck in commitment to the WOE. I floundered there for most of January and February--then go recommitted and have lost 15 lbs since then. I find that rereading the book every few weeks helps me tremendously as I forget all the damage that the wrong type of carbohydrates causes to my body.

Cheri--Way to go! Keep it up and you will surpass the old low and hit a new one soon.

I hope every one has a good Memorial Day holiday (not widely celebrated in Alabama since many folks around here still think of it as a Yankee holiday).

July 10, 2000

Fillise 05-28-2001 10:17 AM

Let the countdown begin!
OK SEC football fans--here is a link to the preseason rankings in the SEC.


I'm personally not very happy with this, but our offense is uncertain so the season is abig question mark for us.


sef 05-28-2001 01:03 PM

Just wanted o say Hi! and thanks for the welcome.

I have been reading posts trying to get a feel for the board.

My typing is not too good, I am among the walking wounded.

My cat, Bear is a huge long haired monster that hates to be brushed, but needs it. Last night I was brushing him and did it too long. He attacked the brush w/ my hand holding it. Hit a vein, I was a bloody mess!

This a.m. hand is puffy and the only digits that really work w/o pain are thumb and index.

I am trying to cut down (or out) carbs to see if that will help me get back to losing. I hate sitting on this plateau.


overcome 05-28-2001 01:43 PM

Hello all-
I'm SURE I'll be up on the scales. My DH made sgww pizza for me. It was delish! Unfortunately I ate TOOOOOOOOOOO much. I absolutely could not resist. Next time I'll freeze it right away to bring for lunch or something. Yikes!

Fillise...congrats on the loss! Super feeling! That story about your aunt was amazing! Wow!My Dad's family is from Greenville and Piedmont. We used to visit once every few years. I sure do love Greenville. SInce my grandmother moved to Fla. we haven't been.

catlover...loved your memorial day pic.

sef..hope your hand recovers soon!

Ok, off to dust the downstairs (yuck) and then to a picnic. Grilled Chicken and veggies for me!!! I've gotta be strict after that pizza!!!


Nancemeister 05-28-2001 02:40 PM

What a lazy day!!!! It's 11:30 and I'm still in my bathrobe! My DH and I worked so hard on Sat/Sun, we have decided to be bums today! Feels great! We are going over to my Moms for a swim and then over to some friends for a BBQ. Glad someone else is doing the cooking for a change!

Congratulations on your new low! You must be so proud of yourself! I can't imagine getting 50 plus pounds off!!!!! I want to be there so bad with you! I've been up and down with my weight this past week.
Not 100% on track. I originally read the book from the library, and I agree, I think I need it and need to make it my bible! I haven't been exercising either, so when I don't loose, it's really no surprise! When I was on track 100%, I could count on being down 1.5 pounds a week, and if I actually exercised on top of that, I would most likely be down more! That's so neat about Grams! That is such an inspiration! I read a really need article about cenitarians from the far east, and what they did to contribute to their longevity. To sum it up, ate a lot of fish and vegetables, and kept active!

Too bad about your hand! It your tetanus up to date? If not you might want to see your doctor, and you might possibly need some antibiotics. Animal bites can cause infection sometimes too, so just keep an eye on it! Tell Bear that he's going to get a bath if he doesn't behave himself!

Well...to the pool! Check in on the board later!

sef 05-28-2001 04:34 PM

Are you kidding!!!!????!!! If I tried to give that darn cat a bath, he'd make shredded sef of me!! He's a 15# monster. Maybe he needs SB!

Fillise - You must be one terrific "stick to it" lady. You deserve a round of applause! Hear us all clapping?

Ashley - My lady of the Poconos, (I do miss those beautiful mountains). How do you make SGWW pizza. Just use WW flour in place of white? I love pizza. To be legal I make it with a macaroni crust.

Thanx for advice on hand. Think my tetanus is ok. Hand not imflamed just sore at this point.


Rhroo 05-28-2001 05:20 PM

Happy Memorial Day!!!!! Just another boring day with no work yeah! Slept late got up put hubby to work! lol I went for a 4 mile walk with my sister (ran a bit too). I actually got up yesterday and did an hour tape sooo i am happy to have 2 days of excersise under my belt! 4 more and i will be happy. This is my week to lose!!! LOL week after tom no excuse-except a comfimation party and a bday party yesterday! I did o.k but not that great. Today is an awsome day i am in contol! and its monday. See this is all in our heads! I went shopping and found a suit size 10 yeah! Its cute and covers all the spots that need covering. I also got ME a few other things that caught my eye. I think i deserve it! LOL anyway-I have been lurking and laughing.

Fillise-woo hooo on the low!!! thats awsome i am watching you girl!!! I loved the grandma story!

Sef-welcome and good luck! we are here for you and we all know this works if you stick it out! there are other ways to measure your sucess not just that silly scale!!!

Nance- hope you had a good day. we had rain all day off and on NO cook out NO swimming! oh well. We are still waiting for good hot weather up here.

Deb- LUcky you to have a day with Sharon. hope you two had a good day. I went shopping for a bit ALONE! it was nice for a change. Hubby wanted me to bring the 5yr old daughter but she is my worse critic! LOL she would be honest about how i looked in a suit!!!

Amseraphim- HEY YOU!!!!!! are you lurking?? thinking about ya!

I have to go and make the kiddos dinner. I bought some turkey sausage the other day and actually found ww hamburger rolls soooo i am a happy sausage and pepper and onion girl!!! lol



The Quilter 05-28-2001 06:16 PM

Hello Everybody!!!! Despite it being a wet and very chilly weekend, it was great to be off and relax. We had to put a fire in the fire place on two nights just to take off the chill. Can you imagine that???? It’s almost June. I fear we may be wearing tank tops in November at this rate!!!!

Did anybody watch the documentary on NBC last night about Pearl Harbor? Wow!!! What those people went through!!! I sure didn't realize before the devastation and the sacrifice and the loss. I send up a word of honor and gratitude to all who have served our country.

FILLISE---Here’s a BIG woooooo-hooooooo and a happy birthday to your aunt. What a wonderful, wonderful inspiration!!!!! How great it must be for you to see her living her life to the fullest and achieving her dreams. Please send my highest and best regards to her and can’t wait to hear how she’s planning on celebrating number 104. (Plus I’m really excited to hear that she is a fellow yogi . . . I want to grow up and be just like her!!!!!) Thanks for sharing that. Her story really is fantastic and such a blessing to us all.

SEF---Sorry to hear about your hand. Hope it’s better real soon. That must hurt like crazy. But don’t worry about typos . . . my hands are fine and my messages are always full of typos. Some people (you all know who you are!!!) like to point them out and make fun of me. Ha!!! So peck away and we’ll get your meaning.

DEB---You are too funny!!!! I LOL at the part about dogs (and even mosquitoes) avoiding your butt. Same goes for me. I have been sweating like crazy during these workouts and I LOVE the way that feels. I’m now home from my weekend at my bros. Me and Maddie crashed big time and took power naps this afternoon. I just talked to Paul a little bit ago and he was in Terre Haute so he should be home before dark. I really miss him like crazy and can’t wait to see him. Of course, as soon as he walks through the door, he’ll probably say something to piss me off and then I’ll forget about missing him so much. Ha!!!! Ah married life!!!!! Hey, in this book The Body Code, the guy refers to the Powerbelt walking products and has their 800 number listed in the back. However, I haven’t found where it is listed in the book. I’ll be interested to see what he says. But he must like it or he wouldn’t have it listed in his resource info in the back. Cool, huh???

Hey GATOR . . . you haven’t shared with me how much you love your new IMAC. Come on, as a fellow Apple girl, I want to know how it’s running for you. I’m considering getting the new I-Book. The idea of a laptop sounds like fun to me. Let me know what you think of yours.

Okay, here’s my motivational Monday . . . it may be a bit long, but thought it spoke VOLUMES to me. Enjoy if you have the time to read it all. It’s from Bob Greene in “Make the Connection.”

There are two concepts I want to introduce to you. They go hand-in-hand with daily renewal. They are 1. Living in the moment. 2 Finding joy in your life. . . . .I believe that without incorporating these two concepts into your day and your life, you will have a difficult time maintaining any results you achieve. More important, I can’t imagine a fulfilling life without the feeling of living in the moment and experiencing true joy. . . . . . When I first began working with people who wanted to lose weight or needed to improve their health for medical reasons, I never mentioned these concepts. I did, however, notice that all the people I worked with were preoccupied with either the past or the future. They never seemed to experience the present. Looking back, I realize that most of these people were never joyful. The two concepts are related. It is much easier to experience true joy when you learn to live “in the moment.” . . . . I also remember a time in my life when many wonderful things would happen, but I never took the time to appreciate them. Instead, I was always so focused on the future. I thought by doing that, more of these great things would, happen. Now I realize, what’s the point of good things in your life if they are never recognized or appreciated as they happen? . . . . Only after I experienced living in the moment was I able to experience true joy. How could I have been so preoccupied before? I wondered. I began questioning why most people focus on either the past or the future, when their entire life is lived in the present. I had to ask myself why I was always thinking of the future. The answer in all instances was that there was discontent with something about the present. That discontent was what made me obsess about improving my future. So in a sense, I was sacrificing my present for my future, not realizing that the future never really arrives. It’s always the future! I decided from that day on that I was going to experience as many current moments as I could. Soon after that I began experiencing the present moment on a regular basis, and true joy often followed. This has changed my life.

That’s it for me. Here’s hoping we all have some terrific “living in the moment” moments this week. Make yourself a great week!!!!
Take care.

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