3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Fillise 06-01-2001 10:05 AM

Good Friday Morning!
Oh my--go to the movies one evening and all heck breaks lose on the board.

Renee--I'm so glad you are staying! Gator said it best--so I'm not going to stir the pot further. Just know that I, for one, would miss you terribly if you left us!

I went to see Bridget Jone's Diary last night--a fun movie. The book was hilarious and the movie is good too. It was nice to have a fun night out with the girls!

I'm busy getting ready for my trip to New York. I leave for NC on Tuesday and we fly out of Raleigh on Friday. We will stay until the next Tuesday. I love the visit the city and am hoping my niece will have a good time as well.

The program is going well--holding steady this morning, which is to be expected after a week of good loss.

I hope the vacationers all have good, safe trips and we will look forward to hearing from you when you return!

Good day everyone!

July 10, 2000

Nancemeister 06-01-2001 11:09 AM

So many post to read, and so little time to respond!!!

First of all, I need some one to through a life preserver overboard and pull me back in. My 8 pound loss, has turned into only a mere "3" now....I am getting so depressed that I have gotten off track and NEED SOME BUTT KICKIN' HERE ON BOARD!!!!!!

Debs First and foremost I NEED to see that Sally tape! I can't believe you were on TV! HOLY SMOKES!!!!!
I need to find out about this "emotional eating stuff" and how to grab it by the horns, and wrestle it to the ground. I didn't get to be this weight being in a good frame of mind obviously, low self-esteem, whatever, so if ANYONE has read any good books about WHY we over-eat, sabotage ourselves, and how to overcome it, I NEED IT!!!!!

I could completely relate to your exercise class nightmare. One of my friends is a fitness instructor and I went to one, I repeat ONE, of her Reebok (sp?) SLIDE classes. I was BRIGHT RED, sweeting like a HS boy football player, and was ready to pass out. That's when I decided walking outside suits me just fine! Maybe when I get down to a normal weight I could handle it, but not now!

Your family and mine must be related! We have the crazt, same since of humor! I was laughing so hard at the beach picture. Have you seen that commecial on TV for some hair remover, and the lady lifts up her arm, and you'd think she lived in EUROPE! OH MY GAWD!!!
We also have insane family parties. We really go nuts at Halloween. I have some great pictures I could share, but don't have a scanner. Maybe I could ask the boss-man to let me use his at work, and I'll show you my last years get up! EVERYONE in my family goes all out, and we play our favorite tunes like "Brick House" and "Play that Funky Music White Boy" and even my 78 year old Mom gets out there and shakes her stuff! It's hilarious!
Lots of good times to remember. At Christmas, we usually buy each other the most outdated music c.d.'s we can find as jokes. My favorite is the disco rollerskating 80's one I got for my sister, and the joke is she says everyone in her house fights over who gets to listen to it!

Well, I seriously need to get in the shower!!! and get to WORK!

ldblondHEY????? When did you become the monkey???? What about being the custom "avatar" Queen????? I still have snack at MY OFFICE, if you want to come on over!

I don't know you and haven't seen you post once since I've been on board since April, but my Mom always told me from the bible "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone", she also told me "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I love my Mom, she is one of the sweetest people in the world.
I am hurt that you would have publicly said something to someone, if front of everyone. It brought the whole morale DOWN on the board, and the whole reason we are all here to to get our spirits UP! Frog is a great person, has posted daily, and has been a true Gift to the board. I think a mountain was made out of a mole hill! I agree with the other gals, if you don't want to read something, just go past it. Hope you will be able to contribute some POSITIVE vibes next time you decide to post. We are all here for each other, we all have different poersonalities, and are different ages, from different parts of the country. That's what makes the board so great!

Now I'm LATE for work!!!!! Enough said. As Debs says, "TOODLES!"

viv 06-01-2001 11:38 AM

We're all friends here!
Listen Gals, I have my usual minus two minutes to do anything but I was alerted to what was up on the board, so here are my two cents (maybe three)....

1. This is a wonderful place. Let's keep it that way.
2. Having been on the boards for 3 or 4 years now (middle age has a way of making us forget these things, LOL), I have only taken offense at what someone has said once. It took a lot of thinking to decide whether or not to address it, as even tho we are all friends, this is a BOARD and we need to keep it in perspective. How important is the gripe? In this ONE case, I emailed the person directly. I would never, ever vent my anger or frustrations publicly here so as not to embarrass that person publicly, and to keep the boards the happy and supportive places they are.
3. We're big girls. I didn't read Frog's post in question and now that it's been deleted, I guess I won't but, puhleeze, was it X-rated?

Let's try to stay respectful, ESPECIALLY in light of the effort DEB has made to help us all be SUCCESSFUL! DEB's efforts are worth that moment of thinking..."Am I doing the right thing?"

I gotta go clean the toilets. My 7 YO DS has issues with his aim, LOL.....

I'll try to post more soon, it has been such a rough and busy time. I'm trying to stay OP amidst lots of challenges.

Thanks for the best wishes for my DAd, he is healing slowly and unfortunately things with his "wife" are not good, so they are dragging me into it (from 3000 miles away that's not an easy feat!). I am trying to be mature and reasonable and practical about it all without running to chocolate. Now THAT is why I need this board!!!!!

Hugs to you ALL!


Rhroo 06-01-2001 12:00 PM

AAAHHHHHHH the sun is out here and on the board wooo hooo!!! I love you girls! I just feel like singing "we are a faimily we don't have the sugar in me!" lol silly me!! can u tell i just weighed too at the MIL???? are u sittinig down????? lol the numbers where 137. I am ini total shock! I new i was down when i put my pants on because they where loser than last week -who needs a scale right? But i didn't expect 3 lbs. I always seem to lose good the week after my TOM hmmmmm do i have to wait a month for the next 2 lbs? I think i will reach my new goal -that is getting to my goal by my 2 yr anniversary of starting to lose weight!
Well gotta gooooo this post is all about ME i know!! sorry :angel: Keep the pics comming Frog!! I have one of my daughter in her recital costume i want to post!! MOre about me i know!! but i just don't wanna step on anyones toeses right now!!!! Love ya


201.2/137.0/135 woooooo hooooo i will do it right?????

SparkleScamp 06-01-2001 01:07 PM

Gatorgal: you are amazingly wise, I wish I had 1/10 of your diplomacy.

Frog: so glad you're still here! (WHEW) And your "SEXY" (can I say that) pic with the lovely underarm hair was just WILD! I loved the pic of your parents too. More! More!

Deb: I really appreciate all the efforts you have put into this board, you have been a big inspiration for me to move ahead with my goals: the website, weight loss, sugarbusters, everything.

Barbara: If you are SO daring and outspoken, why haven't you bothered to respond? It doesn't take a lot of courage to send hurtful words over an anonymous forum. There are REAL PEOPLE here. It takes courage to admit you were wrong and apologize.

Everybody else: the caring shown here has been amazing! I don't think ANY board can have such strong traffic for years and never bicker. Repectfully speaking, the board is not "tarnished" because of one fight. "A woman is like a teabag...you don't know how good she is until she's in hot water." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (I think)


Now, this has been three full days of tackling my Internet addiction. The first two days I was so busy, not to mention in tears most of the time from my boss riding my a$$, that I didn't have time to worry about it. Finally my boss left town and yesterday I was left to my own devices. I did start to get bored and distracted, especially since I was working on an EXTREMELY tedious project involving fixing the cost basis of dozens of stocks, ugh. But I stood fast and sloshed through my work, however slowly, without getting on the Internet (although I slipped and quickly read a few emails). But today is the real test because I have to dig into my selling projects. After three days I just realize how VERY distracted from my goals I have gotten lately. I don't think it's because I'm lazy or a bad person, just that I got my priorities out of order. Other things seemed more immediate at the time.

Okay, gotta finish getting dressed. Skipped the gym and am going to attempt to get away at lunch and go.




The Quilter 06-01-2001 03:18 PM

Hello Everyone!!!

Well, I am certainly enjoying my day off!!! Getting that laundry all finished always makes me feel great!!! For two people you wouldn’t think it would be that big of a deal, but we must be clothes horses or something.

I wanted to tell you all about my great evening last night. I was asked to be on the program at the Cinti Public Schools Adult Basic Education Graduation. Actually, my boss was first asked, but had to be out of town, so I was next on the list. There were 100 graduates and the ceremony was held at the Univ of Cincinnati in one of their big halls. What a great and inspiring evening. These people were really excited. So many of them have such difficult lives to begin with . . . unfulfilling jobs, large family responsibilities, sickness, etc . . . and they all put in the work to pass this series of incredibly difficult tests. Let me tell you the house was jumping!!!! My job was to honor all the other non-graduating ABE students and also the volunteers. (See SEF, I love those volunteers!) So I just gave a brief little talk about them and then read off the names. The names was the toughest part. The hardest name had about 20 letters in it and luckily the woman was sitting right next to me on the stage. So she coached me on the proper way to say it. She was incredible. Probably in her early 60’s had come from Moscow just this past January. She had been chosen to give a short speech on her life and what adult ed means to her. FANTASTIC!!!! She’s brilliant and has so much to offer. I felt honored to be sitting next to her. Also supt of schools and other “big wigs” were there. It was a really wonderful night. Paul went with me and really enjoyed it too. You can’t help but get caught up in the excitement for these fine people. Anyways, my speech went well. I wasn’t even nervous. I think because I was so fully focused on what was happening around me that “my comfort zone” wasn’t even an issue. Anyways, just wanted to share that little slice from my life.

Okay . . . speaking of “comfort zone” I have something else to share. Since it’s Friday Fitness day, I think this “fits” right in. As some of you may remember I have been reading this book called, The Body Code by Jay Cooper. I think it’s great!!!! He makes some really strong points about different bodies responses to different kinds of exercise and also diet. He does agree with SB in that he says refined stuff is a NO-NO. But anyways, I wasn’t reading it to look for a new woe, just to get a glimpse on what else might be causing my setback on losing. He talks about how some people make the drastic changes in their ways of eating and living when they are diagnosed with something life threatening like heart disease. (Evidently he was terribly heavy for most of his life and the doctor finally told him that he probably would only live ten more years if he kept up the way he was going. He was like 23 at that time.) I want to quote some of what he says on this subject.

. . . the reason that most people do what they do, especially when it comes to making life-altering changes, is because the cost of doing what they have been doing has become too great. The poor-health-related pain they are suffering, whether psychic or physical, has grown to the point that they’re willing to take steps to move away from that pain. They get to the point where they say, “I must,” or, “I have to make some changes.”---In my own case, I remember when I was a sophomore in college and weighed 242 pounds. One day after school I walked past my twelve-year-old brother’s bedroom. He had one of his friends in there, and I overheard the friend say, “What the matter with your brother? Why is he so fat?” And I heard my brother answer, “We don’t know what it is. He has something medical wrong with him that causes it.” I could hardly believe my ears. Here was my little brother making up a story about why I was so fat. The pain of that remark stabbed right through me. (He then goes on and sights another story from his life that I will omit.) --- . . . your motivation for change is highest when you are in extreme pain. That is the time when you realize, “I have to do something about this.” You have decided to change your habits. Deciding is half the battle.---But as you move from extreme pain toward the comfort zone, where you have not yet reached your goals but are feeling much better, your motivation diminishes. In fact, your motivation to continue your new behavior is at its lowest when your feelings are neutral. At this time, many people falter or stop. They have forgotten the feelings of pain. It seems that once we are in the comfort zone, we forget what it was like to be so miserable. Thus, the nicotine addict forgets what his lungs felt like; the alcoholic forgets that he lost his family and was lying in the gutter; the overweight person forgets the discomfort and embarrassment of being fat. This cycle can continue throughout life, from pain to the comfort zone and back to pain again, unless we do something to break the cycle. And to break it, what we need is not more knowledge, but an effective reminder of the things that we already know. (End of quote) He then goes into more specifics about effecive reminders.

Anyways, that’s me . . . I get so far, start to feel good, and look out, here comes all that bad behavior. I can feel that happening right now with me. Yes, I am exercising and I am so pumped up about that and it’s making me feel great!!! However, my eating is way off base. I am feeling like I look better (even though I’m no where near my goal) and that’s keeping me from doing what needs to be done. For years I thought it was Kim trying to sabatoge Kim (I’ve spoken of this before.), then I thought it was the cravings that were keeping me from eating right, now I’m really starting to wonder if it’s this comfort zone thing. I don’t know for sure . . . may never really know. But here’s the thing, I really felt like Mr. Cooper was describing me and wanted to share this with the rest of you. Hope it will ease some of your minds like it eased mine.

Sorry this was so long, but I didn’t know how to edit it down in length. That’s it from here. Have great weekends.
Take care!

sef 06-01-2001 05:46 PM

Talk about a tempest in a teapot. Everyone has their knickers in a knot over something that would have passed by if such a fuss wasn't made.

I just felt like Frog was telling me a story and saw nothing wrong. She just stated a fact and it happened to be sexual in content. I'm a widow, but I remember sex! It was sort of fun!!!

So untie those knots and get back to being the board that drew me here.

I think Sparklescamp and Quilter said it all. Amen!

Glad Frog has decided to stay. From what I've read of back posts she is a wonderful correspondent.

My gdtr is all excited, she got her first job, working the concession stand at a movie house. She starts today. It seems so long ago that I had that same experience. I started behind the food counter at Green's 5 & 10 in Asbury Park, NJ. Some of you may remember what a 5 & 10 was.

QUILTER - Gee, you were so nice. Email coming.

Will check in later.


Rosalie 06-01-2001 07:25 PM

Frog - I'm glad to see that you are still posting. I really hope you stay with us. Please don't let this episode keep you off the board. I look forward to your posts and you have contributed so much to this board.

As others have already said, I believe if anyone has any criticism to make it should be done privately by e-mail, not by posting on the board for all to see.

Deb - I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do for this board. I just want you to know that all the work you do is appreciated. I'm sure we can go back to being the friendly, supportive board that it has been so far.

Kim - Glad to hear that the Graduation ceremony went well. I liked the quote you posted about the COMFORT ZONE. I can really relate to that. Just this past week I was having that feeling and could feel my resolve slipping and had to give myself a kick in the butt.

All for now. Have a good weekend everyone.

Marie. :)

The Quilter 06-01-2001 07:46 PM

HEY ALL!!!! I love having enough time to keep up with things here. I subscribe to this Kashi newsletter that comes out. Below is a copy of the one I got tonight. Thought you all might be interested to hear what they said about fresh herbs. Enjoy!!!!

Using fresh herbs is a great way to add intense flavor to your dishes
without adding additional fat and calories. They not only taste
great but they give off exciting aromas that will wet your appetite
for an ethnic journey around the world - and lend gourmet flair
to your dishes. Are you familiar with using dried herbs and spices
in the kitchen but not so sure what to do with fresh herbs? Don't
worry, a lot of people feel the same way. Read our tips below for
using some common fresh herbs that will hopefully ease your fears and
get you started.

This herb works great in both cold and hot dishes. For a
Mediterranean flavor, add whole basil leaves (removed from the stems)
to tossed green salads with a balsamic vinaigrette or add chopped
basil to tomato based pasta sauces. Add either chopped or whole
basil leaves to stir frys for more of a Thai flavor. It's best to
add basil to dishes at the end of the cooking process to preserve its
aromatic flavor.

This herb, also known as coriander, is great for giving recipes an
authentic Mexican flavor. Add chopped cilantro to fresh salsas or add
to avocado with fresh lime juice for an amazing guacamole dip. Top
your favorite tacos with chopped cilantro or add it to burrito
fillings. Cilantro also works well with curry dishes or spicy soups
to create and Indian flavor.

Fresh mint adds a cool and refreshing taste and is best used in
uncooked dishes. Add a few sprigs to cold dishes like fruit salads
or tossed green salads. Try adding a few sprigs to a fruit smoothie
for a refreshing treat. Mint also makes a great compliment to
chocolate, as many of us know.

Yes, garlic is an herb! Fresh garlic cloves work with just about any
recipe. The message here is that you almost can't add enough garlic.
Just watch out for your breath afterwards. Use it in soups, stews,
stir frys, pasta sauces, casseroles, and marinades. For a subtle
garlic flavor, take a fresh peeled clove and rub it on the bottom of
the pan you're using to cook dinner.

This herb is easy to grow and a little goes a long way. Toss a sprig
of rosemary into the water you use to steam your vegetables and a
subtle hint of this herb will be infused into every bite. Throw a few
rosemary stems on your barbecue to add amazing aroma to your favorite
grilled dishes. Rosemary also adds wonderful flavor to fresh baked
breads and potato dishes.

Need some help using fresh cilantro? Try Spa Kashi Southwest Salad
recipe below and also on our website at:

Best of health,

Jeff Johnson
Fan Addict Director
[email protected]

That's it!!! Just two more things, SEF, you crack me up. How cute you are. Thanks for putting things into perspective. Also, DEB, we didn't finish up the sponge cake thing this afternoon. I'm going to the recipe board to look for it.
Have a great weekend.

GatorGal 06-01-2001 09:16 PM

Well, I decided to try using FitDay to chart my calories. It's really easy, especially if I put in custom items that I eat a lot. One question:
I notice that about 50% of what I eat is carbohydrates. I eat quite a few veggies and fruits. I had 1/4 of a large cantaloupe for a snack this afternoon, for example. Is that going to be a big no-no on the SB WOE? I had some rolled oats for breakfast, about 1/4 C rice mixed with lots of veggies as part of my lunch, and some more rice with dinner. Total calories today were 1239.

My DH is out of town, golfing with some guys at a golf resort. I don't complain, but I'm not crazy about him being gone almost all weekend for this sport. He'll get back about 4 pm. Sunday. I think it's because he's been gone quite a few nights for late meetings lately that it annoys me right now. He has been wanting me to learn how to play, and I have even bought some golf shoes. But I really do LOVE my tennis. More exercise and doesn't take as long. Oh well, guess I'll have to learn pretty soon. CatLover, aren't you a golf lover? Give me some encouragement here, and some reasons I should take it up.

Well, I'm gonna go vege out. I've been working on reports and plans all day for a meeting Monday night. So I'm gonna relax.

Debelli 06-01-2001 10:30 PM

Evening All:wave:

Thought I'd get in a quick post before I go to sleep. I hope you all don't mind if I don't take the time to address each and everyone one of you individually, but collectively, I want to thank you all for all your kind words either posted, via e-mail or I/M's. I honestly think this event on our board this has brought us all much closer, this is the way I see it. Even though I haven't had the good fortune of meeting each and every person that contributes so greatly to this board, I feel like I know you all so well, and that each of you are friends-and I care greatly about my friends-so do know that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for going through this not only with me, but with FROG as well. As the song says "That's What Friends Are For!"

I wanted to tell you last night, but didn't feel it was the right time for good news, that my story was accepted by Rodale to be in their book that is coming out for release in December. I don't know if I would break any rules if I post the copy of what's going into the book, so I better abstain just in case-BUT, it does mention our board!!! I'm going to ask the person if it would be okay to share it with you before doing so.

I have to admit to making the WW SPONGE CAKE today-and admit to eating more than 1/2 of it:^: It was one of those days-what can I say!:rolleyes:

Anyhow, I am hoping for good garage sales and good garage sale weather tomorrow. Eli is off, so that will be nice, hope we do something in the evening. Poor guy has been working his butt off the last week. I'll check in with you all sometime tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

SB since 3/22/00

sef 06-01-2001 11:37 PM

Just a quickie.

SPARKLESCAMP - Liked the quote. I learned it differently....."A woman is like a tea bag---she doesn't know how STRONG she is until she's in hot water!" Either way I want to be like that. When you mention places in HI it brings back many memories. My dtr lived in HI and I visited her. She took me all over the islands, they are sooooo beautiul. She lived on the big island, kahlua Kona. She is a nurse. She always volunteered for the Ironman Triathalon. Has gone back each year to participate.

QUILTER - Check your email. You may be sorry you asked me!!!!

RHROO - Take those 3# anyway you can and congratulate yourself.

I want to thank all for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to reading the board and am always checking first thing when I go online to see if anything new has been written.



Fillise 06-02-2001 08:04 AM

Good Saturday Morning!
Good morning everyone!

Whew, it is nice to see things calmed back down. I have a good day of physical activity ahead of me as we are cleaning out the church basement in preparation for Vacation Bible School in two weeks. I'm looking forward to being good and sweaty before the day is over!

I'm going to take some yogurt with me so I can have a cool--legal snack. Super-Walmart has a Blue Bunny yogurt that is sweetened with Splenda. Milk sugars seem to bother some people--but they don't seem to bother me. I love the key lime flavor best!

I hope everyone has a good day!


iceskatefan 06-02-2001 08:28 AM

New Day!!!
"Even though the sun sets...
it rises again the next day...
sometimes even brighter than the day before..."

Good Morning To All:

Thursday night we had a wonderful rainfall that lasted until the wee hours of the morning. We really needed it! And there is more on they way. I am sorry for anyone having to travel in it, but we haven't had rain in so long, I had almost forgotten what it was like...especially what it smells like when the first drops hit the gound in big SPLATS!!!

School's out for summer!!! I said good-bye to my class yesterday, and off they went. Another year gone...hopefully I have touched some of them to continue to dream dreams that may come true one day. ..
I still have some things to finish, but like one of my co-workers kept saying yesterday, "I don't know ya'll-I just feel lighter now".

One of the things on my of "To Do's" is to go to Super Wal-Mart and look for that Blue Bunny Yogurt with Splenda. That sounds good.

Deb: I think that if the people on this board collectively posted all the "Thank-You's" for the way they have been inspired by you and this board we would tie up the World Wide WEb for days!!! :) :) :)
I am so motivated to not only eat healthy, but to lose weight to really BE healthy, and to exercise. That is a tall order. {{{HUGS}}} for all you do for us. We really do appreciate it. BTW, what is the latest on your dad? Was your mom able to find another hospital? I am still keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

I forgotten to mention that you ALL are FANTASTIC!!!

Happy Saturday.

SEF: I can see things are really going to be interesting during the fall and winter around here. There are several football fans on this board. So, between them and us (southern ice skate fans...during an Olympic Year, I might add), it should be exciting. BTW, I only skated a little when we had a rink in a mall. That doesn't even exist anymore. Okay, I have to ask who is your favorite eligible female skater? Mine is Michelle Kwan! (To the rest of you don't worry, even though, I am a "die-hard" Michelle fan, I repect everyone's choice of favorite skater).

I am embarrassed to admit that I can't remember who posted the Kashi article, but THANKS!!! :) I went to that sight, printed that recipe (which sounds so delicious that I hope to make it this weekend. If I do I'll let you know how it came out). They have some really interesting things on there.

Okay, I have edited this three times now..I really am going to get busy with things I need to do! LOL Can you tell I love to just find any excuse not to do things that I need to do?! :) :) :)

Debelli 06-02-2001 10:35 AM

Good Saturday Morning Everonye!:wave:

Nice weather here, hot and humid, but no rain-garage sales stunk, not many and nothing much to speak of out there, guess I'll have a bit of money to spend on groceries now;)

I don't know what's happening to me and that darn scale-I'm up another pound today-that's 5 total from my lowest, this has not happened to me since I started this WOE. Okay, I admit, the cake I made yesterday is GONE, but that was just yesterday. There's NO WAY in the world that I've eaten over 24,000 calories than I normally would, each pound you gain means you ate 3500 calories in excess of what you would to keep your current weight-go figure, huh:?: My mind is perplexed! Any thoughts without mentioning the cake???

Eli is off today, so we'll probably make our usual trek up to Broward and Ole Ole for lunch:o Not sure where else our travels will take us.

For those of you who have been kind enough to ask about my Father, he was transfered to another hospital and is waiting to get a Cardiocath done on Monday so they can see what, it any, damage was done to the heart. He won't be home anytime soon-my Mother is only liking this since she doesn't have to cook. My Father hates being confined to the hospital bed and is getting Cabin Fever, so to speak. As long as he doesn't get cranky with me, he'll be fine!

If in the last 2 days you asked me a specific question on the board and I didn't reply, please, forgive me. If you don't mind posting it again, or e-mailing it to me, I promise to answer to the best of my ability-thanks for understanding!!

SEF, I LOVED THAT QUOTE about how strong a woman is-it's wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing those words with us:)

FILLISE, hope you get all you want done today at church. Sounds like you'll be sweating some pounds today! Thanks for mentioning that BB yogurt, next time I got to the Super Walmart I'll have to see if ours down here carries that. I try not to use anything with Splenda, but maybe in a pinch it wouldn't hurt.

ICE, is that an original quote? Either way, it's wonderful. Thanks for sharing it-a great quote to start the day. PLEASE send us some of that rain, it's needed desperately down here as well. We keep getting threats of rain, but they don't deliver the goods. Thanks for all the sweet words, you're such a doll:)

Gotta go jump in the shower. I'll check in with you all sometime this evening.


SB since 3/22/00

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