3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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onefullofgrace 04-20-2004 09:48 AM

I was reading a post (i'm sorry i forgot who posted it) But they were saying how many steps they take.. and a goal to it?
Is steps important? can you measure steps all day.. From the desk to the bathroom, or whatever? and make those count?
I want to set a goal of steps per day..
CAn someone expalin this to me?

GatorGal 04-20-2004 10:44 AM

Grace--I'm the one who is counting my steps. I know it sounds weird, BUT--I wear a little pedometer. A Digi-Walker that I found on the internet. It counts my steps, my miles and calories expended. It's tiny, about the size of a small belt buckle and I just clip it on to my waistband of what ever I'm wearing. On Sunday I clipped it onto my half slip because I was wearing a dress. I am trying to burn about 200 calories by walking. About 10,000 steps equals about 5 miles and about 200 calories, so my goal is to have at least 10,000 reading on my pedometer every day. I normally have to get out there and walk 2 or 3 miles every day to get my 10,000 steps. But everything I have read about losing weight shows that those that are successful at taking it off, and keeping it off, get exercise every day. So that is my main exercise. And yes, I count all my steps. If I'm walking around the house doing chores, vacuuming, for example, those steps count. But, again, I can't get enough steps just by doing housework, walking to the bathroom, etc.

Pancho 04-20-2004 11:21 AM

BOB: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! My computer is too slow to add all those fancy pictures, but I hope it is a wonderful one!! :) .

vmoore: Rolled twice??? Ouch..thank God DD's injuries weren't more serious. I hope she is feeling better soon.

Deb: Glad to hear that your life will settle down in a few months. Sounds like an exciting few months though. Get some sleep and take care of yourself.

Wood: We are about to hit 200K on our Explorer. My DH wants to drive to 250K before getting something else. I hope your DH finds the motivation to drop a few pounds; he would feel so much better. Keep up the great work on your eating and exercise, and you will prove to be a great inspiration for him. That's how it started with my DH; he saw how well I was doing, and jumped on the bandwagon.

Jack-K: So glad you are feeling well and eating OP & exercising. That is great to hear!!

Gator: Good luck with that oral exam today.

HELLO to Sef, Melf & Country....and anyone else I might have forgotten.

Things are pretty much the same here. I have a million errands to run...Costco, Wal-Mart, Michaels....don't know when I'll get them all done.

Britt's been a little sniffly and coughy lately, and I'm not sure if it is just allergies or if she is trying to come down with something. Her immunity seems to be better since she's been seeing this homeopathic doctor. I am thinking about having a Hydrogen Peroxide flush of my body to get rid of this HSV virus causing my cold sores. I need to do some more research on it though; they claim they have a very high success rate! My DH had the chills last night for a bit, but no fever; don't know what that was about!

My DS has been on/off the diet; can't seem to find the motivation she needs right now. She and her family will be moving here the end of summer and hopefully she will get serious about it then. She is stressed out about this house being built and having to get a little job so they can get furniture and stuff they want. I'm sure she will eventually make a lifetime commitment to eating healthy and exercising.

Gotta run!!

Take care,

DayDay 04-20-2004 11:38 AM

Hello everyone, this is my first time to post. I have been reading all your posts for the last week and you all seem very nice.

I started SB yesterday, after being on Atkins since March 5. I am so nervous about eating fruit, yogurt and oats! I have not been feeling very well on Atkins, it was not for me. I was wondering if I could post my menus for all of you to review, I read the book and I also purchased the Shopper guide. I still feel a little nervous.

Thanks for everyone’s help.


CountryMom4Him 04-20-2004 12:51 PM

Good morning!
Ugh..it just deleted every thing I wrote...wonder how I did that. Oh well, here goes again.. :)

Welcome Day Day! Yes, these ladies are very nice. And a wealth of information. I hope this plan works for you. This month is my 3 year anniversary and I LOVE it. There are those moments that I pout or cheat when I miss something or have extra stress. But overall it has been a very doable and rewarding way of eating.

I'm stuffed like a tick this morning but that is a good thing. :) As much as I can eat all day I still can't eat that much at one sit. I made the family a very non SB breakfast. I had some wonderful tomatoes that actually tasted like tomatoes. I found a little farmers market and I think they import them from Mexico. Worth every cent.

Happy Happy Birthday Bob!!!!!

Heart..I know it's a couple days early but Happy Happy Birthday to you too. I don't plan on not being around but these days I have been so busy I don't want to miss your special day.

Jack-K...awesome that you are feeling so well. Your positive attitude has really motivated me this morning. It's been a wonderful day here as well. I feed the critters and crew. Cleaned up and am now taking some Crystle time to use the computer. I don't know if I told ya'll but we have some new ducks. Two babied and a pair of Mallards. They are fast becoming friends. It is so cool to watch them walk in a line around the pond. The goose is trying hard to be included but they are still being a bit standoffish to her.

Deb...woman...I don't envy you with all that you have going on. No wonder your stress level is through the roof. Praying for rest and peace.

Sef...I forgot when your surgery is but you are in my prayers as you prepare, go through and begin to recover.

Poncho...sorry your crew isn't feel up to snuff.

Well, the little one is reading to me so I need to scat.

Love and hugs,

GatorGal 04-20-2004 01:39 PM

Day--Yes, many of us post our menus, and often others offer suggestions on how to improve on what you are eating.

My oral exam is done!!! Finished!!! It wasn't too bad. I had to draw a name of a movie from a hat and then the prof asked me questions, in French, bien sur, about le film. Ce n'était pas trop terrible. It wasn't too bad. I could carry on a conversation and answered the questions OK, I think. Now, just one more test--a 100 question vocab. exam that I can take, via internet, anytime before Thursday night. So still have some studying to do.

Gotta go lift weights, so gotta run.
Lunch: 1 cup black beans with sweet onion. 1 slice SGWW bread with 1 oz. cheddar cheese, one apple. Kinda odd, I know, but satisfying, lotza fiber and protein, and 387 calories.
Bye. :wave:

DayDay 04-20-2004 04:17 PM

Thanks Ladies for the warm welcome.

Here goes, any comments or suggestions would be great!

B: ˝ cup of cooked oats mixed with ˝ cup of Uncle Sam’s Cereal and 1 tablespoon of natural Peanut Butter

L: 3 Cups of Romaine Lettuce, ˝ cup of sliced tomatoes, ˝ cup of sliced cucumber, 1 tbls of sunflower seeds and 1 ˝ tablespoon of Greek Dressing (no sugar), 2 thin cut Turkey patties and 1 string cheese

S: String Cheese

D: Will have 4 oz Swordfish Steak, Salad (same as lunch), and 5 stalks of asparagus and 1 cup of fresh strawberries.

64 oz of water, of course.

Please let me know how I did!

Thanks again everyone!


Oh I forgot, I did 30 minutes of cardio and the gym today!

GatorGal 04-20-2004 04:27 PM

Day--Your food for today looks great to me. Debbie usually figured out the calorie, carb, fat, protein and fiber counts. But just reading it I would say that is is very balanced with plenty of protein, good veggies, and the kind of food for fiber that we all need. The oats and uncle Sams is good for that. You are probably in the 15-20 gms. fiber range, which is acceptable, although the DRV is 25-30 gms. One other thing, everything really looks yummy, and I wish you could move here and cook for me. However, it seems like I've been reading about some fish having high mercury levels, and it might be that swordfish was one of them. Don't have that list in front of me, but just remembering . . .
Again, welcome to the board. What is your goal for amt. to lose?

Solly 04-20-2004 04:36 PM

Well I was very disappointed in out luncheon today. They had potato salad, friend chicken, baked beans, corn on the cob, corn bread and applie and pecan pie. What's a girl to do? I ate lots of chicken legs and some beans. everything tasted like pure sugar. The beans, and the cornbread tasted more like cake than cornbread. I was so disappointed. I was really looking forward to a big salad. I did the best I could in the circumstances. With Derby coming it will be a challenge and I will do the best I can with what I am given.

Monet, what a creative birthday wish for BOB.

Gator, Glad your test went well. I bet Fillise is getting ready for her big derby party. We got to get her back on here. Your lunch sounded pretty good to me. I love beans.

Nat, hope Britt is only experiencing allergies. They seem to be pretty bad right now. Hope your DS gets ontrack once she gets settled. She would be happier I bet.

DayDay, post away. It really helps to see what others are eating. Ask any questions someone will help out. This is a great place for support and this WOE is very doable. Your menu looks good. Yummy too. Lots of veggies and fruits.

Crystle, glad my mood was contagious. I love ducks. we walk around a pond every night just to see the ducks. Of course DH loves to shoot them too!

Heading home. We are having burritos tonight. It is still sunny so we should get our walk in too. I'm starting to get tired, but since I have been up since 2:30, it's expected.

have a great evening. Yipee! 3 pages already!


Toni48 04-20-2004 05:29 PM

Good afternoon everyone. Finally getting to check in. All is going fine. I'm still not completely on track. Theres stuff in this house we have to finish up before I'll not be at its mercy. May have finished that today. It sure is a struggle to get back as many as you know. Happy Birthday Bob!!!!!

Debelli- Bet you're tired this evening, sorry your night was so bad.

woodfrogs- Where do you work that has baby cows? I envy your 2 miles on the TM. As soon as I get a handle on the eating hopefully I'll be using mine..

Monet- Howdy lady hope you're doing fine..

Jack-K- You're doing really good, keep up the good work. You're still my hero! Looks like you did the best you could at the Boy Scott Thing

GatorGal-Wow 2 miles and you're eating is great...Love your steps.

onefullofgrace- I haven't met you yet. But I'm an oldie returning to the fold. Good to see you.

Pancho- Hello there. Hope you all feel better....

DayDay- Welcome to the board its so good you've joined. Theres great help and encouragement here. Its really good to post your menu's so you can get some input on them. Sounds like you're doing wonderful.

CountryMom- Howdy to you!!!!

Bob- Good luck on your new start... I'm right with you.... And a very Happy Birthday to you.

Sorry if I've miss someone. Will get back in the hang of replying....

Beth2374 04-20-2004 06:41 PM

Just a quickie post to let you all know I'm having computer trouble AGAIN! I'm STILL OP!!! I haven't fallen off even ONE DAY, so I'm doing great! I'm down another couple of pounds, but I'll be lucky to get this posted before getting booted off, so I won't try and update my signature line.
I hope everyone is doing well. Prayers to those who need them. Congrats to all who deserve them, and HUGS to just plain EVERYONE!! I'll be back more when I figure out the problem with this crazy machine!


woodfrogs 04-20-2004 09:40 PM

Toni - my office is at an environmental education center that also has farm animals(cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, and turkeys). It was our first calf of the year! :)

Ellen 04-20-2004 09:43 PM

Its been a really busy day. I am trying hard to get all the details done for the arts festival. To that end, I ordered stuff online today. I just love spending someone else's money! I was shocked when I saw the shipping bill for one order. It was a bunch of t-shirts for tie dyeing and a group kit of dyes and fixatives. The total weight was over 78 pounds and they wanted almost $60 to ship it! I cut back and ordered less. I just could not bring myself to pay that much for shipping! Seems to me if you spend $300 at a company, they ought to give you free shipping!

I emailed Fillise. I hope to hear from her soon.

I am too tired to do replies tonight. I hope I can tomorrow when I get back from Curves. Love you all.. :grouphug:

sef 04-20-2004 10:15 PM

HiedeeHo All!

This is my last visit, for a couple of days anyway.

HAd a pleasant day. This morning had my hair cut REALLY short, figured easier to take care of. Went to a Volunteer Luncheon one of the facilities we entertain at held, then to another facility to entertain. The lunch was really nice with several choices of entree. Really just a nice nice day.

NARDA: Before I forget. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :cheers:

GATOR: How sweet! I don't know exact time. They changed admission from 12p to 9a. So I would imagine surgery won't be until at least 10 or 11. Anytime you have time for a little prayer will be great. Glad you understand about will and emotions involved. I didn't cut her off witout a sou, but her share was cust drastically. Today I was going through some pappers looking for the cemetary deed and found DD's report from 5th grade, a hand written letter from the teacher saying DD was doing well academically but was bossy. handed out insults and tersed but couldn't take the same. Was bellicose with others including teachers, always wanted to beat everyone getting someplace. All I could think of was that some things never change. :shrug:

V: Prayers for your DD and you. In time the trauma will pass, but when it is fresh in your mind it is upsetting. The thing is you DIDN'T lose your DD, that's the happy to dwell on. I'm the one having surgery tomorrow morning.

MONET: Great card for Narda!

JACKK: Thank you. Glad you are feeling so fit. One thing I won't be around the proverbial you know what hits the fan when will is read!!!!

DAY: Welcome! Yep, there are very nice people here. Others frequently post their day's menu. Not only does it help by someone reminding you is something isn't right, but it helps others. We often get a food idea drom someone else and it expands our options.

As I said I had a nice day but am tired. I had planned to do soe wash tomorrow morning but with the time change on surgery did it tonight and changed bed. Going to go do a couple of crosswords.

Take care,

vmoore 04-20-2004 10:32 PM

Sef, you will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
Bob, Happy Birthday!!!

I have actually managed to stay OP through all this...i actually didnt eat much today at all (bad i know) but we went to see the car and the accident site. I wont say anymore than that or i will start bawling again.
Im sorry if i missed anything big, i hope to get back to normal soon, probaly after saturday night and Heather gets home safe and sound after the prom.
I am actually hoping to see a good number on the scale for WIW, although im planning on ditching the WOE tomorrow night. Hubby is taking me for chinese and crab legs for my birthday. Although my sinus' are getting so bad right now i may not be able to taste it...that would suck.lol

Thats all for now

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