3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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THE BIG ORANGE BABE 07-10-2002 10:55 AM

Being a KENTUCKY GIRL myself...I can relate to these few things!

Kentucky Summer! (read at your convenience)

You know you are in Kentucky in July when:

The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
You discover that it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and
end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
The birds have to use pot holders to pull worms out of the ground.
The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt, and pepper.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from
laying hard-boiled eggs.
The cows are giving evaporated milk.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.

Solly 07-10-2002 12:44 PM

Happy WIW All.

Hope the scale was good to everyone. For me. I stayed the same. Better luck next week.

I read an article in our paper last nite about a girl who weighed 497 pounds and lost on her own down to 178. She actually got down to 129 thru laxatives and severe exercising. But finally found a good place at 178. They said she was very tone and muscular now and looked much smaller than 178. The Dr. said that anyone who is on a diet for a long time and has a lot to lose (it took her 10 years) has much better chance of keeping it off. He said that people who have only 20-30 pounds to lose aren't on the diet long enough to change their eating habits. Anyone who is on it a long time really wants it and usually changes their habits. So there is hope that we can maintain once we get there. If it takes a little longer, it is only helping you change your habits and attitude.

Toni and Gracious :hb: Have a great day and treat yourself with something other than cake.

Quilter, Sorry your are feeling bad. Hate that you had to miss the conert. Hope today is better for you. I have drank a diet coke or diet gingerale when my tummy is upset. Gingerale seems to be the best for me.

Mercy, Hope you can find a way to get back into your walking. Have a great day.

Fillise, Hope you made it thru dinner legally.

Sef, I have always been a closet eater. Last nite I had some SF LF yogurt alone and then I knew no one knew I ate it so I had anothr dish. BAD ME!

Rosalie, Sounds like you had a good day of exercise. Good for you.

Gymnut, Hope your hiar turned out ok. You're right, don't make the stylist mad. My DH is thin, (other than his beer belly) but unfortunately, my 2 DD take after me. I wishthey would do soemthing about it now, but that has to be their decision.

Daramus, You must have been reading my mind. I was going to post an APB for you yesterday. Wondering what had happened to you. You have probably built up some muscle, that is why you are not moving down on the scale. It will come, be patient. Glad to hear from you agian.

Cherylco, I don't think I ever welcomed you to our board. Welcome. This is a great place and I am looking forward to getting to know you. The sluggish feeling you have is probably due to detoxing. It is great that your family is eating this way too. I only cook one way, if they want to eat, they eat it. If not they are on their own. My Dh has lost 30 pounds just baiscally giving up the potatoes and corn. He still drinks his beer and sometimes indulges in some sweets. Good luck.

Zanne, Get those cookies and chocolates out of the house then you won't be tempted to eat them. Hope you make your goal of getting in the 2 piece suit. That will never happen to me. Way to much saggy skin. That's why it is important to do this now while you're young. Good luck.

Gracious, Happy Birthday to You. Enjoy your day. Hope it is special. WTG on getting rid of those vacation pounds. Your exercising is great.

Chris B, Congrats on the loss this week. You are doing great. Maybe Deb or some other veterans will know about the rice vinegar.

Country Mom, Glad the sclae is back down. It is horrible how we let something like a scale affect our moods. But it does. Keep up the good work.

Deb, Glad you are feeling better. If your kids are like mine, they always want to try something new, but after 1 time, forget it. Back to convenience and dear ole mom. Glad you got on the scale. Thught you threw it away there for awhile. You are still doing great. At least you are under your goal. I'm so glad it wasn't your cooking. I was worried about the kids while Eli was gone. they might starve.

VAbutterfly, Congrats to both you and your DH on your loss. Hopefully that will keep him going. Even if he quits, tell him you will still cook and eat this way. Tell him that you need his support and he will do it. Good luck.

Fillise, Happy SB anniversary. 2 years that is awesome. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. See my post about the article in my paper.

Tranquil, Congrats onthe 1.5 loss. That is still a loss. Mini goals are a great incentive. I have been doing that lately too.

To all the losers this week, Congrats!!. To all others, hang in there, next week will be better.


j red 07-10-2002 02:31 PM


j red 07-10-2002 03:10 PM

WIW is holding steady at 162. TOM is in full force, causing much pain and nausea. Hopefully, this will pass soon and the scales will begin to move. I put on some capris for the first time in a few weeks and the form-fitting lycra is really loose. Feels good.

'fly: Hope your hubby keeps with this WOE with you. Is he eating enough? I found that we really need to stay up on our calories to lose weight.

fillise: Congratulations on your anniversary. Keep it up, Girlfriend. Remember to take this one day at a time. Think about how much better you feel eating this way. The article Jack-K shared was great. Keep remembering it.

Jack-K: Thanks for the article. It will help to remember the doctor's words when we are feeling down about the slow progress some of us are making.

Daramus: Glad you kept your skin on when that thunder boomed. Like someone else said: I bet you're building muscle. Did you see BOB's picture comparing 5 pounds of fat to 5 pounds of muscle? It was great. Shows us why we are smaller in size even tho the weight might seem high.

Crystle: Glad you feel better today. Hope you aren't having the heat we are. The weather guy said our humidity is high because of all the rain we had keeping the air moisturized. We even had a red air day today. But that's on the other side of the metroplex. It's still a good reason to STAY INSIDE!:dizzy:

Tina: Are you having a good week? Staying in the pooL?

Congrats to all you losers today. Keep up the good work!

Gotta run.

Poopsie Bubblekisser

heartmom 07-10-2002 04:03 PM

Well- I took off the four pounds from the holiday time and drum roll please- another pound is gone! Whoohoo! I'm at 231 today. Last Saturday I was at 236. I know that probably 3 or 4 pounds was water weight- so what. I'm lighter any which way u look at it,lol. I have been limiting my starchy carbs to no more than 2 a day. Been snacking on veggies with dressing during the day. Plus I always have a LFNSA yougurt(6-8 oz.). Anyway, I haven't been as ravenous as I usually am. I think it's because I also increased my protein. I am going to make a squash casserole tonight. It's kinda fattening. I use link sausage,squash,onions(sometimes I add tomatoes and zuchinni in it) and top it with Velveeta Light Cheese. Probably make some peas and snap beans to go along with it.

Debelli 07-10-2002 04:39 PM

Finally, I have time to post a decent post to everyone!!!

Kids just got home, soaking wet, raining hard out there - they haven't said if they want to take the bus again in the future;) They don't have to tomorrow, their Dad is picking them up which means I have the day free! Free at last, free at least, thank God Almighty, I'm free at last! Not sure what I'm going to do though:shrug: I'm sure it will involve shopping though;)

KIMMY, you are right with me making sure others go to the Dr. if they aren't feeling well, but when it comes to me, uh uh:nono: Honestly, the hormones seem to cause some problems for me and when I don't eat correctly it seems to effect the way I feel. Sometimes it's from my stomach stapling. If I knew it wasn't the hormones and I was eating correctly and not over eating and still get sick, then I'd be more worried, but I'm pretty good with knowing why I feel a certain way most of the time. I promise to you and everyone else, if it really got to where I was suffering badly, I'll make sure to get to the Dr.;)

CHRIS, good job of planning ahead for your GM bday - I can tell from your post just how good you felt about doing this and how empowered you feel being able to be in such good control. I think the advice given on that dressing already is good. I don't like using artificial stuff when it has to be cooked, but otherwise you should be okay. You could use a little of the honey if so desired, as long as when you have a serving it doesn't go over the 3 gram rule.

FILLISE, HAPPY SB ANNIVERSARY! I think it's wonderful to have 2 years of healthy eating to look back at. I know that even though you haven't achieved your goal weight YET you've come a long way from where you started. Not only on the scale, but in many other aspects. I read all articles like the one you posted but I take many of them that try to debunk the efforts people try to lose weight with a grain of salt. I think it's sad when they put a statistic like that out for people to see, esp one so old. Just as you said, "why struggle to lose weight when I'll most likely gain it back?" You DON'T know that this will happen, nor can you have your mind set like this because if you believe it, then you'll never believe in yourself that you CAN lose the weight. Honey, if I can do it, anyone can. I don't believe it's really hard to lose the weight, though for some people who lose weight more slowly than others have a tougher fight, but what I think is hard for people when it comes to losing weight is they want it right now, being patient is hard. Getting yourself to start exercising is hard. Teaching yourself a whole new way of eating is hard. Reacting to situations without food being the crutch is hard. I'm sure you get the point, these are hard for people, esp. since most people are set in their ways. But when you put the effort into changing these things that seem to be hard, the weight loss will come. I think it's harder to keep the weight off once you've lost it. And to that, you could also say the same thing you did before. But once you get to your goal weight you want to stay there more than anything in the world, and it's hard because you've already taken all the steps to get to this point so you have to keep doing everything you've learned up to this point and learn more-how to stay where you are. It's a life long lesson to learn, and as I always say, I've been doing this for over 2 years now and I'm still learning. I hope I explained this in a way that I came across not sounding stupid. You know you can do this, I know you and everyone else on this board can do this-you just have to believe in yourself that you can do it!!!

JRED, glad to of been able to help with the pictures. You and BETH look wonderful, too dieting divas!!! I just love seeing get-together pictures of our board members. I can guarantee there can't be another board on this site that has had so many people meet with each other. I love it!!! Michael chose to go to summer school to earn extra credits and Lauren went because they want her to get the PE out of the way so she can focus on her magnet classes (Drama). Thank goodness neither of them needed to go for any other reasons, like most of the kids down here.

BETH, see what I said above to JRED! Okay, now on to that Mounds, and we're not talking about your boobs! I think it's very hard, but not impossible, to cheat and get back on track. I think once you eat something so off plan that your taste buds get that sugar sensation it triggers the brain to want MORE. There's many people who can cheat and get right back OP, and I envy those people more than you could ever know, but I'm not one of those people. I thought after 2years of being totally OP that I had nipped that problem in the bud, but no, I still have that problem, I cannot cheat and get right back on track. One cheat will turn into a day/a few days binge until I see the results on the scale that horrifies me and pushes me back in to reality to know that it's time I get back OP before it gets any worse - and it can get worse faster than you can spit. So get back on track, or I'm gonna wrap those size 16 jeans around your neck and pull tight!!!!!!!!

TONI, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful day today. What are the plans? I hope you get spoiled rotten today, you deserve it!

JACKK, ummm cleaning, haven't done a thing in days, so to answer your question, yes, I'm still in the family room. I think after I get this posted I'll go work in there a bit (yeah, right!). Nope, not close to Orlando, about 3 1/2-4hours from me, depending on how fast I drive. GATOR, VES & SOL are the Orlando area delegation. Hope DD is having a good time with her friend, and hopefully having better whether than we are down to the south.

GRACIOUSHAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so happy you mentioned that your bday was today, I had no idea since you don't have a BIO on the BIO BOARD, which is what I use to locate everyone's bday. I hope you too get spoiled rotten today. First your anniversary, now followed by your bday - busy month for you! The kids went to summer school. Lauren's in Drama and they want her to get her PE out of the way, so that's what she's taking, Michael wanted to earn some more credits and he decided to go as well. They have SC until Aug. 13th, I believe and then regular school for the year starts August 26th.

COUNTRY, how many scales did you buy? I can understand you wanting to try to do without the starchy carbs, but why the meat? I assume you're still eating chicken and/or fish? Just watch your calories and don't go too low-keep track. I think you can have the starchy carbs, but do so more in the am, early afternoon and not in the evening, if you want. Good job on the pogo's, just hope no one breaks an arm, then those bargains aren't so good anymore;)

ZANNE, I've heard of KI-SWEET but have never tried it before. They sell similar stuff in the HFS down here. From what I remember you have to buy it from a distributor and it's a bit expensive, but it's been so long since I read about it, so I'm not quite sure.

SERENE, ELi's DD is going to be 20 next month. He has a son that just turned 25 in May. Remember, Eli's an old fart! He's turning 50 in a few days.

TRISH, cool beans on the clothes you tried on! I think it's wonderful, you've come so far! Which eggplant recipe do you want to try, the baked with the meat and tomato sauce, or the eggplant gratin. I bought some eggplant that was marked down yesterday and have to decide what I want to make with it now. May try a new recipe if I get inspired. Better get in spired one way or another otherwise they're going to rot on me!

TRANQUIL, geez, take all the fun out of you coming down-no smacking? Oh well, I can still throw you arse in the detox dungeon, so just be on your best behavior! Hot man? No pictures? Darn? Oh girl, this vomiting thing has been going on for 18 years! Well, at least the part that's due to my stomach stapling, hormones for about 10 years I'd say, but those aren't that often. Just recently have they gotten a tad more in numbers and I really believe it's from not being OP as I should.

TV, I hope you feel better. Have you spoken to the Dr. about the meds? Wish I could give you a comment, but I haven't gone through what you have. It sounds like your body is reacting in a big way. I'm sure there has to be a solution for you-hopefully you'll find it pronto.
I hope you had fun in Dollywood, love that place. Disneyworld, in Oct. - care to make a side trip down to Miami?

SEF, DOCTOR? What does that stand for?? They say things get worse with age, can you imagine how I'll be 10 years from now, you'll have to drag my dying arse in to see a Dr. by then. Of course, you got me pegged, I'm one of those do as I say people. Next time we phone chat I give you the right to b*tch at me, okay?

HEART, which Israeli's salad are you referring to? Are you sure it's not the Lebanese salad, Fattoush? I have not a clue what an invalid seesion means - did you try to vote again?

BOB, yeah, yeah, idle threats of calling my Mommy! Good luck in finding her!!!!!!!!!

MERCY, hope your DN is doing well, that is quite young to have a gallbladder removed. Did they find a lot of stones in hers? It's wonderful with all the events over the last weekend you were able to stay OP - good for you!

QUILTER, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well and had to miss DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN. Was it just music, or a whole play? I've never heard of it before. Are you feeling better now? You're doing great and I'm so proud of you. When you talk about excessive starchy carbs, can you give me a better idea of the amount and what types you are eating? This is easy to fix, not anything major at all.

FLY, I think ENRICOS SAUCE is delish, I get it at the HFS, but once found it at the .99 cent store. I think HUNTS makes a legal decent brand too. I'm sure there's lots out there. BTW, you need to redo your BIO on the BIO BOARD, I don't have you on the e-mail list anymore either - see what happens when you stay away for so long!

QUIV, glad to see your post - don't stay away so long - when the cats away the pound come back-okay, it doesn't rhyme, but you get the idea!

GYM, heathbar cheesecake, and you made it-YUM! I would probably of indulged myself, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Do you have any agave syrup? If so you should really try my CRUSTLESS CHEESECAKE RECIPE-no one can tell it doesn't have sugar. Okay, I just HAVE to ask, since you live in the windy city - have you ever gone to an Oprah show????

ROSALIE, I'm sure you didn't do too much damage with the foods from your GD'S bday-the bbq sauce, there couldn't of been that much on the sausage and the other stuff you had, small amounts, they aren't going to do the damage. We all know that if we continnue to eat stuff like that, instead of it being a one-time event, that's what get's us in to trouble. Did you read my post where I told everyone that the Lindt store here, the lady said they'll start selling the 85% cocoa bars in Sept? YIPEEE!! Yeah, like I really need another chocolate bar!!!!

DARAMUS, good to see your post. I'm sure you'll get below that 180 mark soon enough, just continue doing what you're doing and your patience will pay off!

CHERYL, a starchy carb is cereal, bread, pasta, rice, sweet potato and the like. SB recommends at least 40% of your daily intake to come from carbs and only eating 2-3 starchy carbs. Some people think that reducing or cutting out the starchy carbs helps, and it may, but I did SB for over 2 years without doing that and did find. Whatever works is my motto, as long as it's a healthy way of doing it. Having no carbs, like Atkins, is NOT healthy. What I have read many times is to try to limit your starchy carb intake in the evenings if possible, try to eat them earlier in the day. Many people do eat SF ice cream, but I'd much rather have the natural stuff like Breyers. I don't ever suggest it to those who are new though, your body is still detoxing from the sugars and having the taste of ice cream may trigger you to want to eat more sweets. If ice cream isn't a trigger food for you, you may be okay, but for me, I could never eat a 1/2 cup of ice cream, it's more like a half-gallon! Let the sugar get out of your system totally and you'll see just how much better you'll feel.

Okay, I just have to wrap this p - I've been typing for 2 hours and it's not an easy task on this laptop! If I missed anyone, it's not at all intentional and I hope you forgive me.


I'll check in with you all this evening at some point - so much on the boob tube to watch tonight, not sure what to watch first!!


Sb since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01

Sheann 07-10-2002 05:30 PM

Evening everyone.

I have to say that you are all so wonderful. Thank you for all of your support. I do have some news about my ds. He has gone home and has been living with his wife and kids for the past few days. He is still having his struggles but his wife is being supportive and helping him to get through them. There is also a crisis team that she can call if things get bad. So far so good. Thank you all for your prayers. I know that they have made a huge difference.

As for me, I just finished reading the Sugar Busters book again and am recommitting myself to this WOE. I have had to admit to myself that for the past 6 months I have just been playing around and not committing myself to it. So.... here I go. I'm going to watch the pounds drop.

Happy birthday to Gracious and Tony.

Happy Sugar Busters Anniversary to Fillise.

Again, thanks!!!!!!


Rosalie 07-10-2002 05:43 PM

Hi everyone

Hope you all had a good WIW. I'm back to my normal after being down a few pounds last week. So we'll see what this week brings.

I was just about to start a post this morning, intending to respond to everyone when I was called into work. So off I went and that was the end of my good intentions for posting. They had a barbecue for the patients and they needed some help. After the patients were served then it was time for the staff. I amazed myself and kept away from all the starchy carbs. I had a couple of hamburgers and a hot dog. There was macaroni and potato salad which I resisted (mind you it wasn't really too hard - who needs potatoes, macaroni and bread and potato chips at one meal). Plus cake for dessert. I did have some coleslaw and fruit cup a little later, which I had brought from home for my lunch. Oh I almost forgot I also had a small piece of sp quiche as I was still a bit hungry. For breakfast all I had were two boiled eggs. So I have done o.k. with the protein to-day. I picked up some veal parmagiana on the way home from work. I will have that for dinner with lots of veggies.

Fillise - Happy SB anniversary. I read the article in th NY Times. It's good to see that some of the proponents of the low fat/high carb diet are beginning to see that it just doesn't work in the long run and that there are other/better ways of losing weight and keeping it off. I wouldn't be too concerned about what was said about most people who lose gain it back again. The guy wasn't saying this is a fact but just reporting what had been the mantra for the last 50 years. The way I read it he wasn't agreeing with it, just commenting on it. But I feel that by following a low glycemic woe we can lose the weight (maybe slowly for some of us) and keep it off.

Deb - Enjoy the time you have for yourself. It will be over before you know it. Glad you will be able to get the Lindt 85% choc soon, but do you really need any more. How much have you still got stashed away?

Sheann - Glad to hear that things are going a little better with your son and he is back with his family. I hope they can work things out and she remains supportive of him.

Gotta get in the kitchen to fix dinner and do the dishes. It's badminton this evening. Greetings to everyone.

Bye for now.


gracious 07-10-2002 06:18 PM

Got back from the salon this afternoon and my highlights turned out wonderful. She trimmed my hair up and gave it a bit more sculpting around the face. I have long thick hair that goes to the middle of my back and the styling she did around my face really adds well to it..gives me some more volume. So I am pleased which is nice after you spend a hundred bucks on something like that! :eek: Thanks to mom!

SHEANN- I am so happy to hear about your son and that he is back home with his family. What wonderful news to know his wife is being supportive and is there for him during this time. I will certainly keep praying for all of you!

Recommitting yourself to SB sounds like a great idea. Starting fresh, as it were, might really give you the incentive you need to jumpstart things.

DEBELLI- I did have my bio on the bio board for about 2 days once then I deleted it all. I dunno...I am kind of a freak about being too public.

J_RED- Way to go on the form fitting lycra!! I am too scared to wear anything like that yet!

HEARTMOM- Good news about losing those extra pounds. Keep up the good work!

Hey....I got home from the salon and after dinner hubby says to me "I did an IQ test online. Why don't we take our coffee down and you can do it too." I bite and say sure and off we go. I finish the thing and get my score which ranked me as *highly intelligent*. :lol: I get a good chuckle from that then ask him what he got. He says he doesn't want to tell me so I don't feel bad but finally confesses that I beat him by 8 points! :lol: Gotta love it.

Mercy 07-10-2002 07:02 PM

Hi all!!

Happy Birthday- Gracious and Toni I hope you both have a wonderful and blessed day.

Just a quick post to let you all know I am down 2lbs this week for a total of 14lbs in 5 weeks.

I will get back later I'm on my way to the hospital to check on my niece her sugery started at 3:30.

heartmom 07-10-2002 07:05 PM

DEBELLI- I think BOB posted the Isreali Salad. It may be similar to what I have been eating lately anyway. I cut up zuchinni,cucumbers,onions,and tomatoes and toss with Italian dressing. I was able to vote on the poll the next day, so I guess it was a glitch.

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 07-10-2002 07:10 PM



BigKnightsMomma 07-10-2002 07:27 PM

hello everybody!
sorry i have not posted in a while, but i truly believe i need a vacation from vacation! we were home only a week from cincinnati when my sister from st. louis came down for a week with her 13 year old and 4 year old. we hit one of the theme parks, universal studios and had a nice time until my 4 year old neice fell or rather collided with another child on the way to the parking lot and fell and broke her arm in 2 places! we spent that night in the emergency room, got a temporary cast and now they are safely back in missouri as of the 5th. work has been busy as usual, i was oncall last weekend and got called in 4 times for emergencies! the money will be nice but i was pooped! and on top of all this we got a puppy!!!! sarah has finally got the dog she has wanted, a 10 month old cockapoo that we named daisy.
she is very sweet and has adapted well to our rather chaotic lifestyle. she is very loving and came from a family where she was kept in the garage all day. she is loving all the attention at our house.

weight wise i have been doing ok, a few cheats here and there but i am back on track, this is really the only WOE for me, am anxious to see my lab results this time, hope i can get off the insulin soon.

hello to everybody and welcome to the new folks, i have a lot of reading to catch up on. oh debbie, great job on the new format,i like that SB has its only section.


p.s. for those of you who remember zsuzsu she and baby to be cooper are doing well, she is still working and hangin in there she is due the 18th of august i believe. she has not gained a whole lot and seems pretty healthy, will keep you updated as to when cooper gets here.

BigKnightsMomma 07-10-2002 08:10 PM

Hope this works
be patient, i am trying to post pictures from cincinnati with Kim

BigKnightsMomma 07-10-2002 08:12 PM

sorry, looks like i goofed again, i will contact an authority and try again

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