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sef 02-12-2002 12:01 AM

HiedieHo All!!!!!

They was robbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with the judges!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Canadians did a clean program, the Russians had four, count 'em, four boggles! And they get the gold. Two judges, China & somebody, gave the Russians higher points in presentation! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!

My index finger is tired from switching channels to peek at the dog show!

Going back for the recap and Leno shows now. Just had to vent.

To all our Canadian friends we are so sorry your pair got robbed!!!! Can't blame the skaters, just the dumb judges!!!!

Take care, Shirley

SolShine 02-12-2002 07:15 AM

16 DAYS.............
ARE YOU READY?????????

I'm still here. Hubby is sound asleep and I'm having to come in to work early to finish reports. everyone wants eveyrthing RIGHT NOW! Which is bad for me since i'm an over-achiever and I want them to be able to have what they want when they want it.

Meister is still feeling ooky so it didn't take much to convince him that he needs to stay home again today. I sure hope he's feeling better soon! Not just for his sake, but mine too! :lol:

Today I have an appointment with DR. FUNK about my feet. Yep, that's his name. How could I not choose a podiatrist with that name?!?

We also have a team lunch with the guy our boss wants to hire for the open position. They say he reminds them of Jim Carrey, so I guess I'll be the only girl on the team and surrounded by clowns. Sure does make work interesting. We're going to Olive Garden. Not too excited about that.

WELCOME VESNOID!! I'm in O-town - GATORGAL is in O-town, BKM and ZSU ZSU and HAPPY are very close! I hope you'll join us when MARIE comes down from Canada in MARCH in 24 DAYS!!!

DEBBIE Got your e-mail and I'll respond - I promise! Vince has bid on a racing bike on EBay. Will be interesting to see how that turns out.

FILLISE - Don't know if I'd have been able to resist the KK either. :o Drink LOTS of water ad hopefully that'll offset some of it.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Mel 02-12-2002 08:20 AM

EVEN the Russians Looked uncomfortable!
SEND DOWN THE MOUNTIES! THAT WAS BLATANT ROBBERY AND POLITICKIN' MAY THEY ALL BE SMOOTHERED IN MAPLE LEAVES! ON TO THE HOCKEY!. Of course, since I was parked in front of the TV in my Team Canada sweatshirt and my maple leaf hat( it's real cute, kinda looks like a rooster head), maybe I'm a little biased, but it does seem like even the Russians looked embarrassed.

Fillise- your eagle was wonderful!

gotta get ds to school, only time for a short rant. Will post later.


vesnoid 02-12-2002 09:07 AM

Many exciting eatings

I am posting my replies in the morning, when I get a couple of minutes from work. :devil: Bad girl.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I am sure I will get into the swing of things soon enough!

Yesterday I discovered an internet site called www.fitday.com, where you input all your food intake in one day, and then get a break down of what you've eaten in that day.

I believe that on SB you are supposed to have 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fats. After trying my darnest to include as much stuff and as accurately as possibly, this is what was a total (give or take 100 ckal)

35% carb > 147g (20 of which was fiber)
35 % fat > 58 g
30 % protein > 110 g

1511 cKal

I am not quite sure, how the grams correspond to the percentage
:?: but perhaps some of you can try out the site and tell me.

Into this I didn't count the CAKE (1 measly scrawny piece), which put me on a major sugar crave for hours. i thought I would go bonkers!!!!! So I snacked on Hummus and waited for it to go away. :(

I wasn't very tired yesterday, just lazy. I really had to whack myself around a little to go and do some work.
I make pottery - and in a couple of weeks the studio I go to, is organizing a PIT FIRING. You dig a HUGE hole, put in pottery, cover it with combustible materials, set it on fire....
then next day, you dig it out and have a great party while doing it!
Anyway, I trimmed some pots and made 2 more! I really have to make at least 10 or so, but am soooooooo lazy. It's just that I don't like to make pre-planned stuff, or a lot of it at the same time.
Well, I'll get there.

Oh - I also did my AB roller last night. And some 10lb weights. YES! (while watching Ally McBeal)
I love to watch the olympics while I'm throwing, though. Yesterday, it was snowboarding! How about that Mohawk, huh?

This morning I also posted some stuff on the SB legal foods board, if some of you want to check out the sweetener called STEVIA. If it's new, you may want to try it, and if you know it, any info would be welcome. It also contains fiber! Fiber good, right?

Ta ta!


Day joined SB
Day joined the board
Height 5'10"
HW 168

Goal day: May 1st, 2002:p :p

Debelli 02-12-2002 09:22 AM

Good Tuesday Morning All:wave:

After a good restful sleep you'd think I'd wake up to feeling refreshed and energized-NOT! Once again, woke up feeling tired an drained. Didn't want to go for my walk but Eli said GO!, so I pushed myself out there and did surprisingly well, considering how I was feeling. Did the full 4.5 miles in 45:13:) Of course I'm happy that I went now, but getting the get up and go to go out wasn't easy today.

Was pissed today to find not 1, but 3 e-mails from the same stupid person about those SB COOKIES. She/He got my and many other e-mails off the ST BOARD, where I rarley post, but now, I will NOT put in my e-mail address anymore. I hope these cookies flop and they have to use them as paperweights!

Eli is off today, so most likely we'll head up to Broward, but for a short day, have to get the kids at school. Michael is staying after, so don't have to be back until 3:30pm to be in time to get Lauren.

Okay, I sorta got the gist of the Canadians being robbed, but I didn't see it-was in bed sound a sleep, I suppose-so what happened that got everyones undies in a bind????????

FILLISE, whatever candidate left those doughnuts in front of the door, wouldn't get my vote!!!!!!! Nope, he/she should of left $$$$$, that's the way to get votes, not with doughnuts, tell them that's from school days, to grow up!!! Lent is almost here-so pray tell, what exactly do you have to give up???

BIGK, I'm sure you'll be looking and feeling MAHVELOUS after your day of beauty!!! Enjoy yourself. What are you planning to make today get your mind off those GS cookies?? Congrats to you and your son for being named SCOUNT TEAM OFFENSIVE LPAYER OF THE YEAR!!!! Mind you, I haven't a clue what that is, but CONGRATULATIONS!! I know those who follow FB surely do! And to get on the Dean's List, well you SHOULD be proud!!!! Did you see where ROSALIE & HAPPY want you to get the agave for them. If you can't get it anymore, let them know and then they can let me know if they want me to get it for them.

BETH, I can get the agave for $2.59 a bottle, BUT, BIGK last time got it for $2.09 a bottle when you got it by the case, so you may want to e-mail Chris directly and ask her-but the shipping is approx $9.00, so figure it out, it's not really saving all that much after shipping. BUT, if you can't get anymore, then of course, it's worth it!!! It's very hard to find cold cuts that don't have some kind of sugar in it-most have dextrose, but according to SB RULES, if it's 3grams of sugar or less per serving, it's okay-but I'd try to steer clear of it if you are able. There are cold cuts out there that have no sugars, but they sure aren't easy to find. Anyhow, most don't have more than 1gram per serving, so that should be okay. Starchy carbs are bread, rice, pasta, cereal, crackers, sweet potato, stuff like that. CONGRATS to the budding artist!! Brag away, you've earned the right-you have kids:D Hey, congrats on TOM and still being down-I know the feeling!!

BOB, will call you soon and talk about the plans for O-town. Eli wants me to ask you if these are true Starbucks or ones in Barnes and Nobles-I take it they are regular SB. He can't believe this is true and doesn't understand how they can do that-maybe a test market? Glad to hear ANN is coming with us, I think she's sweet!:) Oh, and Eli says to tell you, when we bunk together, you'll surely be lacking enough oxygen!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm being yelled at to get in the shower (loving yell though), so I'll have to finish my replies to everyone sometime later.

Hope to see you all at CHAT TONIGHT AT 9:15PM EST and I wish you all luck tomorrow for WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY!!!!! I include myself, who needs lots of luck!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01

ralynne99 02-12-2002 09:41 AM

Hello Ladies :wave:

Haven't been on in quite sometime and I've been very busy. School is keeping busy everyday along with the kids. I've been misbehaving, so Deb you can yell at me. I haven't gained any weight back, but did miss last week at the gym. Start back today and will probably only make it twice this week. Can't wait until Spring, so I can go jogging and bike riding again.

I just thought I'd check in with all you ladies. I'm going to check out the recipes, to see if there is any I don't have.

Take Care.

Mel 02-12-2002 11:08 AM

Monday again
Deb- Tell Eli they ran those free coupons here too only at regular Starbucks stores- not the bookstore ones. I stayed away! So BOB didn't fantasize it.

Hello Vesnoid- Welcome to the board. Sounds like you've got the WOE down. I know quite a few people use fitday here and on others boards where I post, but it find it annoying rather than helpful. Just journaling every once in a while is more helpful to me.

Sol- Hope Dr. Funk can help you!

Fillise- I've never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut, and don't want to start now, but I really don't understand what the mania is all about. Did you eat them? Are they any different than any other doughnut? Gotta say, after working in a Dunkin Donuts as a teenager, that's one no-no food that doesn't tempt me in the least.

Red1- Welcome!

Off to the gym- I have an unexpected morning off, then a dentist appointment later. Yuck.


pravda 02-12-2002 11:22 AM

I am back from VC!
I have lost my 1st OFFICAIL 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!
I am so excited. I had to take my rings off because they were falling off, that is a great feeling. Now I am working on the next 10!!!!!!!!!
I was bad this weekend though, I had real ice cream and real cake! It was my sons birthday, I had to have a little bit. I had been so good till then, and now its hard to get back OP. I will not be cheating again anytime soon. I am in a snakcing mood and can not get out of it. Atleast I am eating healthy snacks, like fruit and nuts.

I watched the skating, I can not believe that the judges gave the gold to the Russians, they seemed so stiff and the skating did not flow well at all, not to mention all the mistakes!!!!!!!!
The Canadian team was crushed! I cried with them.

Anyway, enough chatting, I am at work, so I have to get back to it.

Jan 4th,2002

Fillise 02-12-2002 11:24 AM

Good Tuesday Morning
Good morning everyone! It's still lind of slow this week--everyone (but Deb) must be watching the Olympics!

TOM is here and I am hunched over the computer as I am all cramped up. Today will likely be the worst of it--but am retaining water.

Deb--Unfortunatly the candidate that left the donughts is probably going to be one of my clients! Though, yes, cash would have been better!:o Actually, I don't give anything up for Lent that I haven't already given up (I mean--what's left???). But, last year over the holidays I had gotten a little sloppy and let a few things creep in that shouldn't have and was eating more of the SB legal stuff than I should have. For Lent, my SB observance was strict. Nothing that was not SB legal and nothing SB legal in overabundance! The same thing happened over the holidays this year--and of course this past weekend, so Lent gets me back on the very straight and narrow. I will admit though, one of the reasons I gave into the doughnuts was because I knew Lent was comming--and in my twisted logic--I had to actually have had something before I could "give it up."

Vesnoid--Welcome! A lot of us on the board use or have used fitday. I did for a while, but don't anymore because I found I was thinking about food constantly--and when I think about it, I want it! But a lot of folks really find it helpful, so if it works for you I think it is great!

Red1--Welcome to you as well! I hope you have a good trip to Vegas. Deb will be after you to hit Trader Vic's for her!

Frog--I know, i know, bad, bad, fillise. :^:

Narda--It was a proud moment Friday night--let me tell you! The town is still buzzing over Tiger's flight! I've got me an avacodo ripening in the kitchen! Yum.

To everyone else--Yes them Canadian sketers were ROBBED!!!!! I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to watch the rest of the figure skating--especially the women's. It just gets me riled when this stuff happens!

Deb again--I almost never list my email on the ST board for the exact reason you mentioned. I appreciate you keeping those people off this board!

Got to go--


Beth2374 02-12-2002 01:23 PM

Howdy :)
Well... TOM is here in full force, and I have cramps for the first time in years... and it's heavy... For anyone who I didn't just gross out... did your TOM change the first time you had it after starting SB? Could it be that... or am I just noticing it more since I'm not shoveling in the Caffiene and Chocolate and Sugar to make myself feel better? LOL!

DEB - Thanks for the WTGs ... they mean alot!!! Thanks for the heads up on the agave too... I do need more... Who should I Email? I'd love to order a case at the $2.09 price!!! I did remember to get the rest of the ingredients today for the cheesecake.. I'm making it on Sunday, because Monday is my youngest DS' birthday and I want something legal to eat. I managed to not eat any of the ice cream and cake at his first party... but darnit this time I want something of my OWN!

BKM - Is that you that can get that agave for $2.09 a case + SH? If so I'd love to get with you about ordering some. I don't know your EMail... mine is [email protected]... can we get me an order in? I need MOREEEEEEE... LOL. I think I replaced my sugar addiction with agave. Even DH likes it.

OK... well I'm off to do my mile... before the kids get home and I make a million excuses. It's 50 degrees and sunny so I'll be glad I got the air. Might make the cramps feel better also, cause the 5 aleve I've had today sure havent... might have to resort to a few bites of the Dark Chocolate Carbolite bar I have stashed ;)

Hope everyone has a Wonderful Tuesday :) Tomorrow I"ll try not to feel left out for WIW... lol! Although with TOM here, I'm glad I don't have a scale... I'd probably CRY!

BigKnightsMomma 02-12-2002 03:36 PM

hi all,

just a quick post before i deliver all those girl scout cookies i have been whining about! i picked up another case of agave at the health food store i go to and the price has gone up a little. they order it from a distributor called tree of life? anyway it comes to them at $2.99 a bottle, then they give me a case discount which would take it down to $2.39 a bottle. Rosalie and Sue let me know if you still want me to get some for you and if so how many (or a case?) i will bring them with me to orlando in march. Beth i am not sure about the shipping costs for this, it might be cheaper to get it individually at your health food store, i know that our wild oats carries it at $2.99 for an 8 oz. bottle.

i guess MERV and Rosie have perhaps caused a run on agave, what will we do!

will try to get to chat later,


Trishaloo 02-12-2002 03:43 PM

Hi everyone. I'm a Newbie that's been lurking around this board for a while and decided to just jump right in. I started SB 01/01/02 and have lost about 12 pounds. The biggest payoff has been in the way I feel. I've lost those afternoon "draggies" and have a lot more energy. I started this because hubbie was doing Atkins and wanted to do something along with him, but felt lousy on Atkins. This just seems like an overall healthy WOE.

Debelli, I made your cheesecake and it was wonderful!

I guess that's it for now. Thanks in advance for the support and help.


tree 02-12-2002 04:23 PM

Hello everyone, welcome newbies!

Debelli - there is a microwave at work in the conference room. However, they're always having a conference when I find time to eat! There's also a microwave in cafeteria area. It's just really hard now to go downstairs, nuke something, and not get waylaid with something else before the food gets cold. So, salads have been my mainstay. I'm working on my schedule so I can have a lunch hour. It's hard to make changes, when you have to consider everyone's schedules.

Ok, let's just say I'm the cynical one in the group. The russian team's female skater (sorry, can't remember her name) was in a horrible accident in '96. She ended up with an skate blade in her head, went into emergency brain surgery and almost died. She came back to skate in '98. Now prior to the long program, in the warmup, the canadian female skater (Sales) bumped into Anton, the russian male skater. Both Sales and Anton went down. Supposedly, all of the skaters were freaked out. It certainly showed in the russian skater's program, they were not theirselves (compared to the short program). Sales seemed freaked but recovered VERY quickly. Yes, the canadian team skated flawlessly, and the russians did not (who could blame the female after her past injuries). Now, again, I'll probably get some hate invectives, but I couldn't help but think of Tanya Harding and the deliberate injury inflicted on her competitor Nancy Kerrigan. Perhaps the judges were thinking the same thing. I don't know the true situation, but if I were a judge and thought something was suspicious, would I vote for the canadians? Frankly, I believe they deserved the gold - they were perfect. But the situation definitely caused me to pause while I watched the performance. :?: So, there's the REST of the story.

Well, I have to go, lunchtime is over. :)

ldblond 02-12-2002 04:56 PM

A new outlook...
Each of us has different reasons for adapting to a low glycemic way of eating, but together we can help one another to make good and successful choices that will help each of us to be healthier.

As some of you know, I changed my eating habits a little over a year ago. SugarBusters! was my avenue to improve my health. My doctor prescribed a lifestyle change and suggested I use the SugarBusters! book as an educational tool to learn about eating low glycemic. He reasoned that if I excluded the triggers that caused my gastritis and GERD, as well as, weight reduction, that maybe some day I could be without medication for my stomach, in addition, to finding some relief from my arthritic knees.

1 year later I find myself at 165 lbs., 11 lbs above my lowest weight last year, but 15 lbs. less than my starting weight of 180 lbs. I have had my ups and downs and struggled with emotionally backed sugar binges. I've had my health challenges all in relation to my mouth and related complications. When the people who sought me out to learn about SugarBusters! didn't keep on trying and found excuses ... I struggled with being successful. My one time partner fell completely off the wagon and I felt like I had failed her too. This not a pity party, the point is I know today something I knew but wasn't paying any attention to then. It's taking me a long time to figure this out. I've talked about it, but it's just never sunk in, until very recently (specifically after Deb's post from last week). I can't change anyone or make them do something they do not want to do or are not ready for. I need to pay attention to me, although I work better in a successful team than I do with a team isn't focused on their goal, I need to keep my goals in focus constantly. I know that at 155 I felt my best, but I also know that it's not just about what I weigh anymore, it's about how I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually. My goal for this year is to get back down to 155 at whatever pace it takes. I want to look at what causes me to binge out of control at times and find ways to change this behavior. I want to share my experiences with people who are also trying to live a healthier life and who want to share with me.

This is where I'm at. I am looking forward to sharing this with all of you. I have adapted my eating habits to healthier eating and it can be done without having to count every last calorie or having to eat rabbit food and no other for the rest of your life. I'm ready now to address the more complex issues of why I need to find comfort in my food and how to resolve those issues.

Thank you Deb for showing me the way.

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 02-12-2002 06:43 PM

OH...MY...GAWD!!!!! THE CANADIANS HAVE BEEN ROBBED... :mad: The MOUNTIES just passed here...they were down on vacation...I heard the horses pass the house just a little while ago! HERE THEY COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!!!
They have filed a complaint about the Judges and justly so..

I'll have a hard time pulling away from the WESTMINSTER tonight...all the SKEETER DOGS are on, and my little four legged furball wants to watch..;)

DEB...I asked today about the drinks and the STARBUCKS MANAGER at the REAL STARBUCKS STORE
told me that we are testing the waters for these...

MEL...thanks for the BACK - UP ;) You should try the frozen orange drink....IT'S WONDERFUL!!!

KIM...you and MADDIE tuning in tonight???

SUSAN...another thing to try...make some egg salad and stuff your avacado with it...still put some lime juice on it...UM UM GOOD!

SOL.....:( I'm here too....I don't live THAT far away....
How is the MEISTER feeling today?

Better feed the BEAST...I'll check in later...


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