Saturday,I had a NSV!!!

  • People at work have been telling me that I look slimmer. But you tend not to believe them because they see you trying to hard to lose weight, you think they are just saying it to be nice. they tell me they can see it in my face...and then i look in the mirror and don't see it.

    This weekend, my best friend whom i haven't seen in about a year, came over to my daughters birthday party. she wanted to have a picture taken of us together. When I got the picture developed....i saw it!!! My face is thinner!!! Obviously not where i want it to be, but i did see it. it looked longer instead of rounder. So, i was soooo happy with that. I just had to share.
  • that is awsome.. congratulations
  • Congratulations! Seeing is believing...
  • Hooray! That's great! How wonderful to have a thinner face in a photo without resorting to digital image editing!

    Hope your daughter had a great party and you and your friend had fun catching up!
  • HooraY!
  • thanks guys. we did have a great party and lots of fun catching up. I am glad i didn't have to resort to digital imaging editing. I was so excited and am even more dedicated to losing the weight now.
  • Great Job! Keep it up!
  • LOL I am glad too that you did not have to resort to digital imaging!! Congratulations... huge accomplishment and nice when you could see it yourself!!!
  • That's wonderful!!!
    Keep up the great work!!!