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H-ko 08-13-2005 07:12 PM

Mmmmmm - that sounds yummy! I miss shellfish....

Just popping on - hurt my back last night so didn't get as much done as I hoped. Still, I got a load of dishes done, and a few loads of laundry, plus about another 4 loads worth folded that had been waiting around for me to hop to it.

Now I want shellfish and no can have....I'll have to come up with a substitute. Maybe chicken breast in garlic sauce? Too hot to cook right now.

Toddler crying - I'll be back later.

Marianna 08-13-2005 08:54 PM

I changed my weighin day to this morning to coincide with my hubby.. and am down 0.6 of a kilo.. which isn't huge - but I stopped walking and was off plan for a few days. So it could be alot worse :^: It is halfway through the month and I am halfway to my goal - so pretty happy!

Kiko... my daughter is 3 - and can really get a mess going!!!!:lol: Your profile picture is just so lovely..

See ya!

Mamacita 08-13-2005 09:03 PM

Marianna, what part of Australia do you live in? Dh and I have toyed with the idea of heading over there one of these days to stay for a while (when we retire) just for the fun of it.

Someone mentioned Newcastle as a nice place that hasn't been "discovered" yet.

Marianna 08-13-2005 09:38 PM

We live in the city of Brisbane in Queensland. The weather here is really lovely - a bit humid in summer and we have loads of beaches within easy drives, also the mountains around here are my favourite place to go... I haven't been to Newcastle, but my husband says that it is lovely... you should come for a visit! That would be great... I am sure you would fall in love with Australia.

Mamacita 08-14-2005 07:22 AM

Good Sunday morning to you Chicklets~~ :coffee:

Got my STAT out of the way early (woke up at 5:30). I'm sitting here enjoying the quiet and drinking a cup of decaf.

Today I'm forcing myself to stay home and clean my bedroom. I'm sure there are dust bunnies the size of coyotes living under my bed :fr: I'm hoping to have a new computer in a couple of weeks and in honor of it, I think it deserves a nice clean room, don't you? :)

Marianna, yes, I'm sure that if I ever went to Australia, I'd love it. My dh was there several times while he was in the Navy and he loved it. He said it's like the best of the US and Britain combined. Can't beat that with a stick! :)

Okay, gotta scrounge some breakfast...maybe some scrambled eggs.

Have a wonderful day on the Beach everyone

Ruthxxx 08-14-2005 07:46 AM

Good morning! Still recovering from my intense socializing and eating and drinking! Today will be a back to normal day that will start shortly with coffee and cuddles.

There is Church this morning followed by Wade who wants to look through my old books - he collects and I'm pitching! This afternoon I'll tackle a sewingroom tidying. :yikes:! Gail and my new cleaning person come tomorrow morning and an estimator will be here in the PM to measure for new upstairs windows.

What's happening around your Beach towel today?

operadog 08-14-2005 08:28 AM

Goooood Sunday Morning,, Chicas!

Haven't had my coffee yet OR taken the dog out, but the good news is I got to change my ticker this a.m. - down 3# since my restart last Saturday! It's not a huge amount, but I'll take it (and keep it in the past) :D

We were in awful triple digits yessterday with high humidity, so I spent the day in the a/c and had a long phone chat with my besst friend, who recently moved to DE and is making a major readjustment. She doesn't have her computer set up yet, so I did some research for her and found ome interessting events for her to go to by accessing the Rehobeth chamber of commerce site. She's an artist and I'm hoping she gets involved with the art league there - in fact, she'll be going to an art show after shurch today.

As for me, I've got de-cluttering to do - it's amazing how that stuff mutiplies! :d

The weather's due for improvement on Tuesday -YAY! We'll probably all lose some water weight when the humidity goes down, too. :D

OK, time to get in the shower and then take the Casper out ... I'll check back later with y'all... have a great day on the Beqach, Chicas!!! :grouphug:

ellis 08-14-2005 08:38 AM

Ruth, you're cleaning that sewing room again, eh? :lol3:

Mamacita, I hope those big dust bunnies don't getcha. heh heh
Oh, those mussels sound wickedly good! We had mussels as an appetizer when DH and I went out for our anniversary meal. There was a LOT of rich, creamy sauce left over at the bottom of the bowl, and DH and I had a few spoonfuls of it. (as we'd run out of bread) I didn't know what he was thinking until afterwards, but DH thought the sauce was soup, and he ate the entire 1 1/2 cups of sauce. I just looked at him and thought, "Isn't that quait and gauche. It's because of his upbringing..." :rofl: He had severe stomach troubles that evening. (the waitress looked puzzled when she saw the bowl cleaned right out, too. heh heh)

Marianna, better down than up! :hat:

Heather, take care of your back, hon. :grouphug:

RNMom, don't you worry about those four pounds... you'll take them off in no time. :grouphug: I always eat badly when we go up to the cottage. I figure I need compensation for having to use an outhouse. :D

Beach Bum, I hear ya re: the swelling. :rolleyes: I had to stop wearing some of my rings. Of course, it doesn't help that I've gained about 10 pounds, either. :(

Little Chick, sounds like you're having a lovely, cozy weekend. :) Enjoy!

Barb, congratulations on the pounds lost!! :hat: ... overnight slaw... you've reminded me of a freezer coleslaw I used to make... I must dig out the recipe.

I'm a bit superstitious, so I'm reluctant to say this, but I think these meds may be working! I just need to up them a bit, I think. My energy is back, the "bad thoughts" are gone, and I'm almosting (see: "up meds a bit", above) enjoying life again. :)
I even ate well yesterday until just before bedtime, when I had a cheat (but a smaller cheat than normal). :hat:
And I worked in my garden... boy, am I out of shape! I'm releveling my path, and I'm out of breath lifting the stones. I have to keep taking little breaks. But I'm getting stronger! :)

Going to play Poseidon for a bit before everyone wakes up. :wave:

ellis 08-14-2005 08:39 AM

Anna, I missed your post... congratulations on the 3 pounds!! :cheer:

weezle 08-14-2005 08:41 AM

Well, I'm not making it to church today just because I'm in fear of throwing up in the balcony. I just slept for 11 hours.

The scale says I've lost 4 lbs, but I don't think I should trust it since I'm dehydrated from not being able to keep liquids down yesterday. After a little while, I'm going to start sipping water again and see if I can handle it. I hope once I replenish my fluids that I've still lost some weight, though. You think I'm missing 4 whole pounds of water? I hope not.

Sounds like a busy day for you, Ruthie.

Glad you're getting to enjoy some quiet, Mama. I remember when Terry was a Phlebo and had to get up at like 1am for stats. Yuck. Enjoy tackling your coyote-sized dust bunnies.

Everyone have a good day.

weezle 08-14-2005 08:46 AM

Woops, morning operadog and ellis! Hope you all have a great day!

Congrats ellis on the meds working! :woo:

operadog 08-14-2005 08:54 AM


So sorry you're not feeling well... take it easy and keep on sipping the water. Hope you're real better soon!!!

RNMOM 08-14-2005 08:54 AM

Morning all....
Not so quiet morning in the ER, came on to a couple of minor ailments.

Got home last night and picked beans out of my garden, it was very cathartic. Now I have to can the things. I guess I know what I'll be doing on Monday.

Hope you are all well, I'm looking forward to having 4 days off in a row and getting back into my routine of running, drinking lots of water and eating right. This last two shifts have not been conducive to eating right.

beach bum 08-14-2005 08:55 AM

Good Sunday Morning chicks:)

Does any one have Blessing For Me As I Have To Miss Church Today Yikes :yikes: My DH told me tha the town(a little village ) is packed with cars parked and double parked on our way to church. There no way to get past this mess,because of the road race this morning.Its not the runers that are causing this mess, it the family & friends that are coming down to see them .Where Happned our policemen?????????? Directing traffic..

Ruth-sending out to you :grouphug: as your seem to be having a very busy day.Stay cool :cool:

Operadog. :cheer: big congats on your 3 lb weight loss :cheer: What do you mean its nothing, I wish I could lost .5 I would be excited.

Ellis- I so happy:) for you,that the meds are working. Sending some good
vibes:goodvibes: Your way that they continue to work. Another swelling day head for us. Yikes :yikes: when will this stop.

Have to get ready to tackle the cars in town.,have to go around about.

Hugs :) BB

operadog 08-14-2005 11:08 AM

Thanks, Beachbum!!!

I know the #s take their time leaving, esp as you get closer to your goal - you're doing grrreat!

BTW, this is the first summer in eons that I'm not at the Cape - we've been going there for agess... lots of years in Ptown/NorthTruro, and more recently in Wellfleet... In Ptown we were far enough away from the center not to be inundated with the crowds, but cvlose enough to walk into town if we felt like it.

Say 'hi' :wave: to the beach and the bay for me - I esp LOVE walking on the flats at low tide. :cool:

Blessings + cheers, :grouphug:

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