Maybe Marvy Monday - July 20

  • Good morning on a gloriously cooled off first day of the work week. We had a big storm go through last evening and it changed things quickly. There was actually a tornado watch for the Ottawa area! Just checked the weather and there is lots of sunshine and moderate temperatures ahead.

    The big rigs rolled down the street around 10:30 last nights delivering the rides for the Fair. (Two were already here.) Today the Fair Folk will rest and start to assemble the rides tomorrow. They usually have a big corn roast when that job is done but there is no local corn as yet. This afternoon I have a volunteer to help me finish the schoolwork display and then that part of my Fair jobs will be done. We open Thursday.

    More dog woes yesterday. I went for dinner at the cottage which was just lovely - the "kids" did marlin steaks - but Glen brought me home early when he remembered how terrified Casey gets in t-storms. Yup - he'd chomped another two cups of wood chips off the doorframe again. This morning Glen is going back to Ottawa to get his dog crate and should be here by nine. Good thing because I have a 9:30 meeting and am going to be out a lot this week.

    Time for a breakfast smoothie - not one of my favourites but I do have some wonderful raspberries. I have a Mill Board meeting at 9:30 and hope to get a few niggles done before then

    On with the week we go! Heigh-ho! Come to the Fair!
  • Thanks for starting us off Ruth. Sorry about your doggies woes. Hope he doesn't chew through the crate lol. Coconut, aka Houdini, used to let himself out of the crate when I went to work. At first I thought I was imagining it until I caught him. Glad your weather has cooled off. We should get some relief on Wednesday.

    I was somewhat productive yesterday. Replaced the bedroom door to DS's room. I still need to fine tune it, cut another 1/4" from the side before it can close properly. Great thing is the project cost me nothing! Jim had an extra door!

    Beth I love when you find a surprise sale. Enjoy your new dresses. Glad you had a nice visit with DS.

    Tammy I hope your trip doesn't wear you out too much.

    I took a nap yesterday and fell asleep watching the Tour de France. My head hit the pillow before 9 and slept through the night. I really needed it!

    Now I need more coffee, anyone else ready?
  • One of Cindy's dogs can open the crate and let herself out, too. And then did a lot more damage for retaliation. I hope Glenn is going to repair your door frame before they go back home.

    Hurray for getting and even installing the door, Jennifer!

    I'm glad you had a nice visit with your DS, Beth, and found some good buys on new dresses, too!

    I got out super early for groceries yesterday, then spent most of the rest of the day in the pool. Air conditioning is wonderful and appreciative, but I hate having to have the house all shut up. It may as well be winter, then. At least the house stayed cool while I had the oven on to make stuffed peppers for supper.

    Today's supposed to be even more brutal than yesterday, so I imagine riding lessons will be canceled for the girls. There will probably be some last minute shopping for Maggie's birthday/sleepover tonight, and who knows what else the girls have planned for me. It will be a short week since they're leaving for Virginia on Wednesday, and I have plans to meet up in Hershey with Tammy on Thursday. Can't wait for that!
  • WOO HOO! I can't wait either, Cottage! Hope this week is slow for you, especially lunch on Thursday so we can get all our talkin' in .

    Jennifer - isn't it amazing what some good sleep can do?

    Ruth - that would certainly be a test of patience with your door! I hope the crate holds the pup. I too had a dog that escaped it, I had just come home from the worst week of finals EVER in vet school, to my dog out and EVERYTHING strewn about the room. *sigh* (she was a very good dog otherwise )

    The trip is going well so far, I did a whole lot of nothing yesterday because it is so friggin' hot out there. The real feel was 115 yesterday, and should be close to the same today. Today the plan is to go to the Virginia Aquarium (which is a-ma-ZING!), eat a good seafood dinner, and then let the kids go to the adventure park. I will try to stay as low key as possible .

    But for now - coffee.
  • Good morning!

    I'm not too chatty here. I started with a headache late Saturday night which was with me all day at work yesterday. I feel really achy all day and it was super busy. When I got home I had barely the energy to walk up the sidewalk. I put out some texts to see who could work for me today. I found someone and then let the boss know that I really didn't want to come in today. It's fine for it with everybody so I am staying home. I feel the same today but did have to get up for coffee. I'm going right back to bed. Hope I can kick this but I do have someone set up to work for me tomorrow, as well.
  • Good morning, chicks! We have sunny and humid this morning; we did not get the storms that hit up north. I should be able to get outside and putter away in the garden. I need to come up with a zucchini recipe which does not involved lots of sugar and chocolate (my mom had an awesome chocolate zuke cake recipe). Probably should think of something with cukes too but I don't think I have the ambition to make real pickles.

    Tammy, enjoy your trip. I love aquariums! The one in Boston is particularly great.

    Ruth, your dog story made me think of when I had a puppy that chewed on the rockers of a antique chair right after it had been re-finished. grr!! Hope the crate works and you don't go too crazy with fair duties this week. (yeah, right?)
    Cottage, I agree; I understand dropping the shades in the heat but I hate the house being dark all day. By late afternoon I have to open a couple shades for natural light.
    Jennifer, I am impressed with your door project. I have stubbornly refused to take up carpentry.

    I should get groceries today and do a load of laundry. But first, more coffee!
  • Hope you feel better, Debbie!
  • Good morning Another hot one here today. It's supposed to be a little cooler, but still 90. I am sure my plants and my lawn will love it.

    Ruth - Hope things improve with the dogs. Wish I could come to the fair!

    Jennifer - I am impressed by anyone who was productive yesterday!

    Cottage - I am jealous of your peppers I refuse to even boil water in this heat. I'm with you on the AC. We have a little one for the bedroom because Cricket has trouble breathing when it's too hot. I miss the sound of the river and the birds when it is on.

    Tammy - My nieces are in VA this month too. I can't imagine that kind of heat. Glad you are doing alright.

    Debbie - Hope the extra rest kicks this out of your system.

    Okay, I need to get a few things done before it gets too warm. Maybe I'll hop over to the garden thread. I have canning and freezing and drying on my brain
  • Good evening,

    Popping in to say Hello, first day of class under my belt. This is a lot of information to take in. Hopefully, it will all sink in and process.

    Ruth oh no, I hope the crate helps and that Glen repairs your door frame

    Jekel glad you got some re

    Tywnn I went and bought some cooling bandanas for our trip to FL to hopefully help us keep cool.

    Debbie hope you feel better

    to everyone else