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Lexxiss 01-01-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by jenne1017 (Post 4151217)
Happy New Year! Still an insomniac.

Me, too.

Good Morning:sunny:

I'm managing insomnia for the first time this year. :lol: I actually had 6-1/2 hrs of sleep-we went to bed early.

I got on my r. bike yesterday and got called into work 5 min. later. I was very excited to get paid to exercise! Took DH out to dinner and had a steak w/veggies and a salad. It was a nice, but early evening. Today, I'll try yesterday's plan again...bike, paperwork then maybe an outing.

Cyndi, did you make it to the 10pm fireworks?

Chelby, how is that "New Man" of yours?

Chris, :wave:

lees3rwe, :welcome2: to the beach!

Chickadeee, someone I waited on at work just came back from WI and said it was very brown.

Jenne, yay for big clothes out the door! Great that you got to the gym!

CyndiM 01-01-2012 06:34 AM

Good morning :coffee2: Cats, of course, don't sleep in so I had to get up to feed them.

Jenn - your snacks looked yummy. Hope you're sleeping in now!

Debbie - The fireworks were half an hour away so not on our agenda this year. Our favorite local restaurant has lots of windows looking over the water across from the fireworks. We are hoping to make it next year.

Speaking of unseasonable weather - we had an ice storm yesterday morning. I actually had to go back in the house and find my scraper because it wasn't in the car yet. We still don't have any snow on the ground.

I made it back to the Wii yesterday and it just about killed me. Did some step aerobics (20 minutes, hard. oops), tennis, and stretching. I can't believe how achy I was after. Think I'll grab more coffee and head over to that January Challenge thread :o

Happy Day 1 of 2012 friends!

chickadeee55 01-01-2012 07:09 AM

Happy 2012 Everyone,

I went to bed at 10:00 and slept in til 5:50, yeah!

It is actually snowing outside here, looks like heavy snow, they are calling for 5 inches, should be pretty! I do not like snow because of driving in it, but it sure is pretty, what a nice way to start the new year.

Today is a good day to be inside and busy. I am going to throw the mixing s for Chicken Fiesta in the cock-pot for dinner. And then I am going to make me some Sock Monkey blocks for a baby quilt, and relax.

Enjoy the first day of your New Year everyone.

cottagebythesea 01-01-2012 08:19 AM

HAPPY 2012! :woo:

I realize I never did get in here yesterday, but I did read all your posts. I had a houseful of overnighters, and too many interruptions. :dizzy:

It sounds like you all had a pleasant NYE, and :cb: Jenne, on your great shopping experience!

My son and DIL and grandkids came over last night for our traditional cheese fondue and finger foods. They left around 8, and Jake and I were in bed by 10. I can't even remember the last time I watched the ball drop.

I may take down the tree and decorations today, it depends how I much energy I have. I'm still not up to par, but I'm anxious to get my house back in order and get back to normal. Jake's argument is that we're supposed to keep the tree up until Epiphany. We'll see. Neither one of us feel in the mood for sauerkraut today, so instead, we're having roasted cabbage and sweet potatoes, with black eyed peas for me and a boneless pork chop for him.

May the new year be full of peace and prosperity for all of us. :grouphug:

cottagebythesea 01-01-2012 08:19 AM

HAPPY 2012! :woo:

I realize I never did get in here yesterday, but I did read all your posts. I had a houseful of overnighters, and too many interruptions. :dizzy:

It sounds like you all had a pleasant NYE, and :cb: Jenne, on your great shopping experience!

My son and DIL and grandkids came over last night for our traditional cheese fondue and finger foods. They left around 8, and Jake and I were in bed by 10. I can't even remember the last time I watched the ball drop.

I may take down the tree and decorations today, it depends how I much energy I have. I'm still not up to par, but I'm anxious to get my house back in order and get back to normal. Jake's argument is that we're supposed to keep the tree up until Epiphany. We'll see. Neither one of us feel in the mood for sauerkraut today, so instead, we're having roasted cabbage and sweet potatoes, with black eyed peas for me and a boneless pork chop for him.

May the new year be full of peace and prosperity for all of us. :grouphug:

Ruthxxx 01-01-2012 08:28 AM

Good morning and Happy 2012. I did not make it to midnight but was home around eleven escorted by two charming gentlemen. The roads were very icy and they were concerned. However, they were the ones slipping and sliding because I had on my trusty YakTraks.

Church is at 10:30 in Athens this morning. I am going to check the road conditions before I set out. It's only 15 minutes away but I've become a cowardly lion about bad driving conditions.

Enjoy the first day of the year and do something nice for yourself today.

Mmckellen 01-01-2012 08:31 AM

Dragging myself in here to say Happy New Year! Not really hungover, just tired (woken at 8 by an enthusiastic child after not getting to bed until 1:30 and sleeping poorly). Having coffee now and will go to church for the 10:30am service, then out to lunch. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! *(Phase 1 starts tomorrow!)

fozentusic 01-01-2012 09:03 AM

Hey chicks,

I'm going to try to jump in here more often to help keep me on track. Seems like when I have a draw (i.e. chatting) it's harder to get off the wagon because simply coming here to respond reminds me that I should be staying on plan! ;)

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a great holiday. Was the best NYE yet. DH and I ran a 5k downtown and came home to a sleeping toddler!

TwynnB 01-01-2012 09:39 AM

WOO HOO! I was bored, no one was awake yet, so I hauled my butt outside and went on a 3.1 mi (5K) run. Glad to get exercise for the day over with (esp. w/company later). WOOHOO!

Pearlrose 01-01-2012 09:43 AM

Happy New Year!

We were going to go to First Night in St. Louis but just decided to stay home last night. Feel asleep but woke up at 11 p.m. so did ring in the New Year with DD2 and DH with Sparkling Grape Juice lol, DD1 was asleep already and DS was out with friends.

Jenne- congratulations on the haul very nice.

Chickadee we just got back from WI on Friday, we went to Wisconsin Dells did the indoor waterparks and skiing on Cascasde mountain- they had to use fake snow since there wasn't any real snow.

We are going to go to Church this morning and then I believe I will put away decorations today since I have to go to work tomorrow. We put away the outside decorations since there were wind gusts of 50 mph after midnight. I cleaned the house yesterday so that is done.

Have a great New Years Day everyone, tomorrow my baby turns 20, he said that everyone said that is the worse birthday since you are not yet 21 hehe.

sophie 01-01-2012 10:13 AM


I am very tired because this was a very busy holiday for me this year. Just wanted to say how I appreciate all the support given here.
take care

lees3rwe 01-01-2012 10:55 AM

Today is our last day before hitting the beach. I am making a huge pork loin for today, but I am sure there will be leftovers for this week.

Chelby29 01-01-2012 11:10 AM

Happy New Year! I made it till 10:30 last night. I'm paying for 3 glasses of wine last night with a dull headache this morning. It wasn't so many years ago I could down tequila and be ready to go the next morning. :dizzy:

The whole clan is coming this evening for the traditional pork roast, black eye peas, and greens. Tomorrow is the big day -- Phase 1!

jenne1017 01-01-2012 11:49 AM

Morning all!!!

Glad everyone had such a nice new year. I wish we had snow! It's going to be about 58 degrees here today.

I leave tomorrow for Kansas City for the week so I don't know how much I will get to check in but I will :) Will also pay the extra $5/day for the gym. Going to Wii Zumba today and see how I like it. I'll have to open the balcony door though!!!

southmplsgirl 01-01-2012 03:06 PM

Hi everyone!

Happy New Year!

It has been awhile since I've been on here, and certainly awhile since I've been following SBD, but we are starting up again tomorrow. We had been off plan since the countdown to closing on the house, because we can eat everything at work (restaurant) for free, but it is not SB friendly. So, free food won out, and we have been living it up for a couple months. Aside from gaining back 8 pounds I had lost, I am simply amazed at my lack of energy, and that is making me more excited to get back on plan than even losing weight is.

Made a huge shopping list, and will head out tomorrow.

We closed on the house we purchased about 3 weeks ago, and are LOVING being homeowners and so happy with the house we chose. If that link works, here are pics of the house we bought! (Before we moved in, obviously). http://cindycarlson.edinarealty.com/...65087900/popup

It looks like life is good for most of you, Cyndi, DW is just coming out of the hospital (again!)? I hope everything is okay for you two.

Looking forward to being back in the loop and catching up with you guys.

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