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Old 01-27-2009, 04:38 AM   #1  
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Default Tis Tuesday's chatter box!

Good morning friends! First and foremost, WELCOME BACK AND CONGRATULATIONS MELANIE!

So sometime early this morning (2 am?) I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. I believe it was a way for me to know to turn down the water! YUP, I now have running water in the bathroom! Now I have to call my fix it man and tell him it thawed on it's own! It'll be so nice to just jump in the shower instead of carrying buckets for a bath! And flushing .... who'd of thought such things would be such a joy??????????

Coffee is brewing for anyone to pull up a chair, grab a cup and have a chat!
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:16 AM   #2  
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Lori - It must have been such a pain not having running water in the bathroom. Glad it repaired itself.

Ugh. Hook me up with a giant cup 'o' joe.

Congrats, Mel! 2 weeks! SO soon! I remember that time...I went crazy with planning and everything that comes with having a wedding. It was so stressful that we considered eloping several times. Keep us updated!!


Feeding Connor right now and going back to sleep afterwards...I feel like I'm cheating posting right now

You'll be happy to know that we're potty training again and this time, he is really ready for it. He understood perfectly what he had to do -- makes me wonder why he wasn't doing it already. He is struggling with getting to the potty (or bathroom) in time but is getting better. He picked out some Thomas and Cars underwear and proudly flaunts them. Yesterday he had more times where he went in the potty than diaper (for naps) and accidents combined. I was pretty impressed. I would think within a week we'll have this down and out of the way...what a relief!

Since we're PT we don't have much else on the schedule - maybe a quick walk. Looking forward to cooking dinner tonight as it seems like we've been eating out or having cereal for the past few days.

Have a great day, girls!
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:17 AM   #3  
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Good morning Gals I'm not really awake yet, still faking it.

Lori - Great news about the water! Have a good day.

Looks like another storm is heading our way because we don't have enough snow already. Ah well, it fits into my week's schedule without too much disruption so that's a good thing. Believe it or not the delivery guys never showed and never called yesterday. We have filed a complaint with Amazon and asked them to resend it with a reliable carrier. I can't keep taking time off to wait for them. It's sooo frustrating, especially because I'm looking forward to getting it so much.

How is your day shaping up?

*ETA - Hi Zeff! Glad to hear things are settling in so nicely at home
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:29 AM   #4  
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Cyndi - I've missed a lot of the Amazon story -- what carrier did they send with? I've had terrible luck with any delivery company right now -- USPS has lost at least two pieces of mail (one a card with money and the other a package containing over $100 worth of baby gifts)...makes me wonder if our mailperson is less than honest. UPS lost 3 packages full of Christmas gifts that my Mom sent.
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:40 AM   #5  
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Zeff - It's CEVA, don't know what that stands for , I just get email updates. We have never had a problem with home delivery from either UPS or USPS. They just leave things on our porch when we aren't home. We do have a post office box and use that for things we don't want sitting on the porch, but where we live there really isn't ever a problem. This company has just been infuriating, insisting they need to have someone here no matter what we sign or say, then not showing. The bike was supposed to be delivered 10 days ago
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:46 AM   #6  
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morning all max (my puppy) decided i needed to be up early so here i am. trying to catch up all the posts....looking like another cold day here -15 right now.

cyndi-you seem to have no luck getting that bike delivered. hope you get it soon.
zeff-good luck with the potty training
lori-glad you got water again i know what that is like
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Old 01-27-2009, 06:48 AM   #7  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Loriann Hot dog for running water!!!

Zeff I'm with you on the cheat posting today, I have extra time on my hands this morning as there is no school here due to snow and I don't have to fight a 17 year old for the bathroom, it's all mine this morning!!! Good luck with PT today!

Cyndi We are about 1/3 of the way through the storm headed your way, we got about 4 inches over night. Small break this morning followed by ice/snow for another 2-3 this afternoon and then another 2-3 tonight.

Well off to fill my coffee cup and dry my hair. DH just called and said the roads are really bad so I guess I will head out early. I am hoping it is the difference between the counties, we live right on the line and he heads one way and I go the other and usually the county I travel in does a better job on the roads.

Have a great day ladies!

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Old 01-27-2009, 06:57 AM   #8  
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Good Morning!

What a chatty bunch you girls are this morning! CYNDI, how infuriating that you waited all day for that delivery and they never showed! I've always had excellent service with Amazon, but I've never heard of that carrier before. Good luck getting it all straightened out!

LORIANNE, thank goodness your pipes thawed out on their own! It makes you really appreciate the little things in life.

ZEFF, Good luck on the PT, but it sounds like it's going to be a breeze!

We're going to get dumped on later today, and tomorrow sounds like a "snow day". It's snowing right now, but it's just a coating and is supposed to stop soon. There's nothing much on the schedule today except for a playdate this afternoon. I have an easy recipe for a no-bake cookie that I'm going to let the girls make. That will keep them occupied, plus take care of their snack.

Good morning ME and STEPH! We were all posting together!

Last edited by cottagebythesea; 01-27-2009 at 06:59 AM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:12 AM   #9  
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Good late morning!

Lori, for running water!

Cyndi, doesn't CEVA have a tracking system? I bet you'll end up with two bikes delivered at the same time if you re-order.

Zeff, potty training sound like it's going well. You were wise to wait. Your DD looks so grown up in the picture with the babe!

Me4life, aren't dogs fun! How old is your pup?

Pacer, that snow is headed this way for tomorrow. Try not to hog it all, OK?

Jazz did NOT wake me with crying this morning so I'm barely up. I hope his sleeping in is the start of a trend. Of course the wee lad may still be in shock after yesterday's snip.

As Dr Phil says"This will be a changing day" in Disney's life as Bark Busters come this morning for her evaluation and the starting of training. She's such a good dog in almost all ways but pulls and twirls on the lead. If I am to walk her safely with my new knee, she has to learn to heel.

I do have more to my life than the dogs - it just doesn't seem that way sometimes!

The sunrise look like we are going to have a sunny day again with normal January temperatures. (Compared to last year, we don't have much snow. I can tell by my ploughing bill!) If we manage to get up to freezing today, I'll get the Christmas lights and garlands off the front porch. I leave the lights on until my birthday and they are still there although not on the timer anymore.

Hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday.

ETA: And there's Cottage! Good morning, my friend. I'm sure you'll resist snacking when you make the cookies with the girls.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:19 AM   #10  
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Good GRacious ladies!! Aren't y'all up early?

Melanie - I'm gathering you're engaged (haven't read yesterday's posts yet)...congrats!

Lori - wooOOoo! Glad it's going on its own!

Zeff - good luck on the PT thing! DS didn't PT til almost 4 years old...little stinker!! PS- I still have your present here...I'm TERRIBLE about getting things in the mail!

Cyndi - that's RIDICULOUS. I'm infuriated, and it has nothing to do with me!

me4life - ahhhhh, one good reason not to have a puppy!

Steph - I think we get today/tonight what you just had in weather....I think my DH said 3-5 inches of snow? Hmmm....maybe no school tomorrow...

Cottage - bake cookies! Have a good one!

Me - well, DS is sitting on the couch next to me barking/coughing with a 101 temp. Guess he's not going to school today, huh? Might change the plans a bit!

I have a dr. visit today...just b/c I haven't gone to anyone in town yet. Good to get established, esp. if I get injured at work.

Made DH lasagna last night, I thought it was great! What I didn't say too was that I made him a plain cheesecake....YUMMMMMM! Why did I schedule a dr. visit (and get weighed) the day after a birthday??!!

Have a great day!

Oh, good morning Ruth! Simulpost...have a great day! Keep warm!

Last edited by TwynnB; 01-27-2009 at 07:19 AM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:30 AM   #11  
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ruth he is a boxer puppy about 10 weeks old and after having that scare with parvo and finally getting better i really don't mind all the energy he has now.
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Old 01-27-2009, 09:03 AM   #12  
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Cyndi - was it an independent seller? I've never even heard of that company...Amazon would have had a few extra orifices in their posterior had this happened to me

Twynn - I completely understand...I'm the same way. If someone is having a birthday and I have to mail a card, they should just assume that it will be a bit late. I'm so bad about that...maybe that should be one of my 2009 resolutions.
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Old 01-27-2009, 09:19 AM   #13  
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Good morning ladies!!! Happy Tuesday!

Lori - Great news on the pipes! So glad you don't have to have anyone come down and fix them for you.

Zeff - I hope all goes well with the potty training today. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it sooner than you think.

Cyndi - That's got to be driving your CRAZY!!! You are a better person than I am, I think. I'd be yelling and screaming and complaining to the Better Business Bureau. I hope you get some resolution soon.

me4life - Glad to hear that the pup is doing better.

Stephanie - I hope the drive to work isn't too bad. Be safe!

Cottage - Have fun cooking with the girls today!!!

Ruth - I hope Disney shines today. She's been such a good dog for you, I know she'll make you proud.

Tywnnb - I'm sure the Dr.'s visit will be fine, you've done so well with your weight. I hope DS feels better soon, as well.

Melanie - Welcome back and congratulations!!!!

Me - Today is a fun day, we're going whale watching. Four classes at my school are headed to the ocean today in hopes of seeing migrating whales. And I get to come!! I'm very excited. I've only been once before and we didn't see any whales, so I'm hoping that today will be better. It was bitter cold yesterday (for So. Cal.), so I'm preparing for it to be really cold on the water. I'm going to certainly bundle up.
Rich has an interview after work, so I'm currently debating as to whether or not I could get a movie in tonight. I know he'll won't want to go see Twilight, however, there's also a lot to watch tonight. I don't know....we'll see.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! BLESSINGS!!
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Old 01-27-2009, 10:06 AM   #14  
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Good morning, everyone! DH and I rolled out of bed way too late this morning and I'm paying for it now. I just barely made it to work on time and am having to eat breakfast here.

Lori: So glad the pipes are "self-healing" ones! Thank goodness you don't have to pay to have them fixed!

Zeffryn: Sounds like things are pleasant at your home right now! What a blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it ) to have one out of diapers and another one in! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Cyndi: I'm with everyone else here! How infuriating that your bike isn't sitting at your place right now. I'm not a stranger to bad shipping companies, though. They sure can make life miserable!

me4life: Glad Max is up and hyper! Thank goodness he's okay!

Pacer: Be careful on those roads. I don't envy you your drive at all this morning!

cottage: Enjoy your day with the girls...those cookies sound like the perfect snack for today! I hope the weather isn't too terrible!

Ruth: I think it's so funny that you're hoping it will get UP to freezing so you can take the lights and garlands down! If it gets DOWN to freezing here, I'm inside! Good luck to Disney today!

Twynn: Hope the scale at the doc's is nice, but if not, at least you know why! I hope you have a great day and that DS feels better.

hmacneil: How fun! Whale watching would be such an adventure, but I don't know if I could make it on a boat that long! Good luck finding something to do tonight. DH offered to take me to see Twilight, but movies only show here for a week and the only night we had free it snowed. I guess I wasn't meant to see it until it comes out on dvd!


Me: Not much going on again today. DH is out on the road and I'm a bit worried as the fog is thick today. I'm hoping it clears up the further south he heads. He has a meeting on the border this morning and should be home by dinner if all goes well.

Tonight is a Firm dvd for workout, leftovers for dinner and lots of laundry folding. I've got tons of towels and sheet sets to get washed and put away from the weekend! The nice thing is that I can camp out on the bed and watch 27 Dresses. I got it from Netflix last Thursday but haven't been able to watch it until now. I can't wait to see it; it looks really cute! Well, off to actually work now! I hope everyone to come has a great day!
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Old 01-27-2009, 10:18 AM   #15  
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Good Morning!

Loriann: Hooray for Running Water!

Zeff: I remember potty training. Auston ran naked for 5 days straight!

Me: I have a 12 year old cat who wakes me up in the middle of the night just because she can. What a toot!

Cyndi: We can go beat them up for you...

Cottage: Auston has never had no-bake cookies. I'll have to give them a try.

Ruth: My hubby's ex owns and trains tracking dogs. She and her cadaver dog were on Nancy Grace one night during the Casey Anthony search.

Twynn: DH will cook anything outside over fire, but can't find his way around a kitchen. Your hubby is good! By the way, is there a TwynnA?

HMac: Whales, how exciting! Hope you see lots! We love watching the dolphins when we go to the beach in the summer.

I'm home alone today. Hubby got called out. It's supposed to be 70* here today. DS and I may have a picnic!

After maintaining for 5 days in a row, I was down .5 this morning. WooHoo!!!

You all stay warm today.
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