EEK!! I was drinking too much V8

  • EEK!!!
    All this time I've been having 1 cup (8 oz) of milk and Low Sodium Organic Veggie Juice with my eggs for breakfast. Then yesterday, I was grocery shopping and it occrued to me that I am only allowed 1/2 a cup of veggies in the morning... 4 ozs... OH NO!!!

    I promptly reduced my amount this a.m.
    Anyone else drink more than they should have?

  • Isn't it at least 1/2 cup, not only 1/2 cup?
  • It's at least a half cup so keep on glugging. By the way, on Phase II, fresh fruit is recommended rather than fruit juices.
  • Eat as many veggies as you want!!!!!

  • EWWW I don't like V8 I can not bring myself to drink it