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Old 07-14-2007, 06:37 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default Weekend Chick Chat - July 14 and 15

Good morning and pass the coffee! Amazingly enough, I'm not stiff and sore from yesterday's workout with the new trainer - who is named Linda, by the way! I've never met a Linda I didn't like!

Another sun/rain/sun/rain day in store! We've had crazy weather like that all month. Some of the campers in the Park have given up and gone home.

I'm off to Ottawa shortly to meet some 3FC MODs for brunch. Hershey and Lucy are going to doggie daycare and will have fur-stylings while they are there. I'm so lucky to have 4PawsInn as the Girls seem to like it there. The owners truly love dogs and there are other dogs to bark with every time a car pulls in! They'll be very tired tonight!

Enjoy the weekend. Time is precious but don't bank it. USE it it!
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Old 07-14-2007, 06:53 AM   #2  
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I'm sending you some sunshine, Ruth! We managed to dodge the rain last night, and it's a beautiful sunny morning! Have lots of fun today, and if my ears start ringing, I'll know you're talking about me, so behave! Hope the "girls" enjoy their day at the doggie spa, too.

We're going out to breakfast as soon as Jake's finished in the shower, then a stop at Home Depot for paint for the deck. I want to make a quick stop at Trader Joe's this morning, too. The rest of the day will be spent sanding and painting the deck. We may go to Cape May tomorrow, we'll have to see how Jake's back is doing. He's been having a lot of problems with it lately. If we don't go tomorrow, I'm going to go by myself later in the week.

What's everyone have planned for the weekend?
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Old 07-14-2007, 07:09 AM   #3  
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Good morning, Ruth and Cottage! (HA! I just typed "Cootage" and had to edit!)

Tom's mom is named Linda. She's very nice as well! We drove from New Jersey to Seattle, Washington when Tom and I were dating, just the two of us, so we're pretty close. Have a nice day with the moderators!!

I hope your day pans out so you can make it down to the Jersey shore, Cottage! You have some relaxing to do in my name!

We had a gorgeous day today! It was not as humid as it's been and the sun was out all day. BEAUTIFUL blue skies!!! Yoga was even better than usual - I did a bridge for the first time since gymnastics Nationals my senior year of college, almost ten years ago! I felt so stretchy and limber after class. Connor did SO well at his martial arts class today. The instructor had him do a test run for his next belt, and next Saturday he'll test for his green belt (about half way up the "belt chain" to black). He's excited, and I'm brimming with pride!

I've started counting calories to see if I can hedge my way out of this 128-125-128 cycle I've been stuck in. I realized I must have been eating well over 2000 calories a day, probably closer to 2500, which explains the gaining and small losing I've been doing since coming off Phase 1. I'm going to try to stick to around 1500 calories a day and see where that takes me. I'm not super attached to any particular number on the scale, but I'd really love to lose this jelly belly and it must be shrinking, but it's doing so in proportion to everything else so it just doesn't seem to be getting any smaller! I did notice today when I was running that my butt doesn't seem quite so jiggly and that was encouraging.

Off to read to the kids before they hit the sack. Tom is golfing with a friend in the morning and then we're having that friend over for dinner - grilled veggies for me and flank steak for the boys. Mmmmm!

Have a nice day!

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Old 07-14-2007, 07:26 AM   #4  
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Good morning chick, not sure if you recognize me as I am looking smashing with my new hairdo, and eyebrow. I will take a some pictures later today and post them. I feel like a brand new woman, even dh likes it.

Ruth- have a fab day, and I hope the furbabies do to.
Cottage- enjoy your day. RELAX you deserve it.
Kara- Congrats on the butt not jiggling.

Me- have no darn idea what I am going to do today. The sun is shinning but so far I have no plans.

Well Must dash and atleast get the housework done in case we decide to do something. I think I will get a hair color today and change my color as well.
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Old 07-14-2007, 07:51 AM   #5  
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Morning all!
Nothing much happening here. Looks like I don't have a lot of work this morning, so I am going to spend the bulk of the day deep cleaning this house.
I'm getting ready to go start a pot of black beans for this evening. My husband is working a very odd schedule for a couple of weeks where every day is a different time, so I am having to adjust my eating schedule a bit.

Kara, I know we have this discussion going on another thread, but I was really shocked when I installed fitday on my computer and started really tracking what I was eating (everything OP). When I started looking at the reports, I was shocked at how much fat (percentage wise) I had been was all olive oil and "trace" amounts in other foods, but it looked like almost 1/2 of my calories were coming from fat! So I have adjusted that by just replacing some of what I've been eating. For example, for a snack yesterday, I had some raw broccoli and cauliflower and a tablespoon of vegetable dip that is very low in fat. At the end of what I considered my "eating day", I had had only 971 calories and it was pretty evenly split between protein, carbs and fats. I thought that was way too low calorie wise, but I had eaten lots of I ended up eating a couple of slices of turkey and a couple of SF popsicles which still kept me under 1280 calories.

I also went back to the "gym" yesterday and thought I had not been there long enough when I finished my "routine". Then I looked at the clock and realized I had been working out for an hour and 14 minutes which also shocked me. I usually hate exercising, unless it's doing yard work or home improvement kind of stuff. But with my little mp3 stuck in my ears, I didn't mind it at all. I'm going to try to walk further on the walking machine next time and raise the angle a little too. I think between fitday and working out, I am going to start sliding off that 2 week plateau soon. I'm waiting about a week or two before I weight though.
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Old 07-14-2007, 08:20 AM   #6  
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Cat, I know what you mean about the fat percentage. I'm still struggling trying to get my protein above my fat intake. It's all the "good fats" but still... At least we've figured out this plateauing bit. Congrats on the good gym workout! I would be lost without my iPod. Tom had gotten it for me for Christmas and though I hadn't really ever thought about wanting one, I LOVE it for running! In fact, I just uploaded a whole new set of songs this morning. It really helps me with my pace and with not being bored while I'm working out. Otherwise, I spend the whole time making lists and doing math in my head!

LC, I can't wait to see your pics! I bet you look stunning!

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Old 07-14-2007, 08:22 AM   #7  
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Good morning ladies. It's a lovely day again today in the DC area and I am about to grab a cup of coffee and head for the deck to start my day. I have busy day with afternoon tea today and dinner with friends tonight and in between picking up the house. Blanca is coming again to clean next Saturday. It seems like she was just here but actually it will be a month.

Absolutely nothing on the calendar for tomorrow. DH is playing golf at 7 so I will probably be at 6 with him. I may hit the pool too.

I tried the fitday and for one day, I was shocked by how much fat I had consumed. It frutstrating a bit because I can't always find the food I'v eaten. I will keep trying it and see how it goes.

Ruth, Cottage, LC, Kara and Femme-I wish you all a fabulous day.

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Old 07-14-2007, 08:26 AM   #8  
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Morning girlies. Yeeeeaaaawwwnnnn. Just gotta get through today so I can be off tomorrow.

My DH's mom's name is Linda, too. Weird.

So slightly embarrassing story because DH is a Dingus. I ordered a new swim suit from Victoria's Secret because they make their tops in bra sizes, not just letters like DD or XL. I have a problem with suit tops because the cups fit but it's far too big around so everything falls down anyway. The one I ordred was on clearance, but backordered, and I got the top in the mail yesterday. (The bottom was shipped yesterday so I should have a whole suit by next week!)

So I put the top on and it fits PERFECTLY. Even makes me look smaller, which is a huge plus, and it's kind of sporty instead of.... well.... slutty looking. So I took a pic from neck to belly button with my cell phone and sent it to DH who was at work because I was excited that it fit. I've been waiting for it forever.

Well, I guess he's used to getting inappropriate pics from his friend on his phone, and he didn't see who the text was from, so when the pic popped up, he went "Oooh!" One of the other guys was like "What's oooh?" and DH said "Look what my friend sent me!" and showed it to him. Then he scrolled down to see where I typed "My new suit top fits!" and was like "DOH. That's my wife."

A) How are you with someone for 5 years and not recognize them without seeing their face?
B) Why would you share boob pics with someone at work?
C) How do you not see YOUR couch and YOUR front door and YOUR Bears blanket in the background?

So yeah. Garrett at O'Charley's got a sneak peak of what I look like in a bikini top. Sigh. Davis.

LC, can't wait to see the new do!

Kara? No butt jiggle? I'm SO jealous. I am in a state of constant jiggle. Congrats though! I started using FitDay last night to see where I'm at because I strive for 1200-1700 Cal/Day and I'm right in there. I almost fainted when the pie chart showed that like 58% of my food intake was carbs, but then I realized that 2/3 of my carbs were vegetables and they count. Whew.

Oh crap, I want to reply to everyone but I have to hit the shower so I'm not late for work. Ugh. Hope everyone has a good day!

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Old 07-14-2007, 09:09 AM   #9  
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Morning Chicks,
Long stressful day yesterday. Busy weekend planned. My plan for all of August is to have a nervous breakdown and sit on the couch. The whole month. DD was flying out to Jamaica this morning. Because the Passport office is so behind on passports, they are allowing people to fly with evidence that they have applied for a passport, even if they haven't received it. Yesterday I checked the state dept website and called US Air to make sure we had the right docs. Then get a panicky call from her this morning that they need a particular page printed from the State Dept website. I'm screaming down the highway to Kinko's at 7:05 AM because my fax is broken. She has to receive the doc by 7:15 or they lock her out of the flight. I made it! Haven't heard from her and her phone is off, so I guess she's in the air now. Fun way to wake up on a Saturday!
Today we go to DC to do some of the Smithsonians, maybe the archives, tomorrow we'll go back and do monuments. We've got beautiful weather for it, should be fun!
The best news, I weighed in this morning and am down another 2 lbs. at least (14 lb total). I say at least because I've got a wierd analog scale that shows a reading when I first step on and then goes up a pound or so. I'm excited to be on target and next week I may enter a new decade!

Good morning Ruth, hope your doggies have fun at the spa!
Good morning Kara, femme, and Cottage!
Littlechick, I'm jealous of your makeover. Maybe I'll make that one of my rewards.
Shequila, I think Fitday is frustrating too. I'm on the lookout for something better. But it does the trick for now.
Weezle, your story made me giggle. guys are so dumb.

Have a wonderful day all, and stay on plan!
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Old 07-14-2007, 10:35 AM   #10  
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LC I can't wait to see you new hairdo! I am glad you treated yourself.

Weezle That story is hilarious and totally sounds like something my DH would do. Hope your day at work is a good one!

Cottage You are a "free" woman for a week. I think Cape May by yourself sounds delightful.

Schmoodle Congrats on the weight loss- that is fantastico!

Femme You can head right on over to Dallas once you are done with your deep cleaning! My house needs it badly. I actually have a harder time keeping up with it in the summer when I am home b/c the girls are constantly messing it up!

Shequila Sounds like a fun day in store for you. Is it hard for you to stay OP when you eat out? I always seem to be more tempted.

Ruth That sounds so much like our weather around here. Hope you enjoy your day!

Me- Not much on the agenda for today. I am just exhausted and more than happy to chill at home. Dinner was fun last night, although we ate really late. I had several glasses of wine by the time we ate and was quite tipsy, so DH drove my car home and left his there. I am without transportation until he gets home, so maybe I will get motivated to clean the house since we can't go anywhere. My sister's new BF is a really neat guy- bloke, I should say, he is from England and has a gorgeous accent.

Have a great day chickies!
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:07 AM   #11  
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Good Saturday Morning, Chickies! DH is in the kitchen making breakfast, so I actually have some time to post today!

Ruth: Glad things went well with Linda. I start with my trainer on Monday and I hope she's as nice as yours is. I'm picturing the girls getting their puppy pampering done!

Cottage: Sounds like a good, productive start to your vacation. Hope Jake's back gets better overnight so ya'll can head to the Cape.

Kara: WTG on the bridge in yoga! And how wonderful for Connor (and the proud Mommy). Sounds like dinner will be a good one!

LC: Can't wait to see pics of the new do! What color are you going to change it to?

Femme:Great job at the gym! Isn't it amazing how great music can make you forget where you are all together?

Sheila: I wish we could trade days. Tea and dinner with friends sounds much better than my painting. Hope it's a great day for you!

Lisa:HOW EMBARASSING! I know you look better in a bathing suit that I do, but STILL! I would be giving DH the doofus talk when he got home if it were me!

Schmoodle: Great job on the "at least" 2 lb loss! Sounds like a fun day in DC! That's one trip I would like to eventually make!

Kiko: I know that feeling so well. What's life if we can't let loose every once in a while and make DH drive?

ME: DH and I went and got the paint for the living room last night. I'm going to start painting after breakfast. Other than that, all I've got to do is iron a few shirts for myself and DH this weekend. If the walls only need one coat, I'm going to paint the bedroom with the rest of the paint next weekend.

Well, sounds like breakfast is ready! Have a great day, everyone!

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Old 07-14-2007, 11:15 AM   #12  
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Morning everyone. Man am I currently miserable. :P I had a really bad allergy attack last week so I managed to get an appointment at an allergist for next Tuesday (and when I say I, I mean my mom. My best tries got me an appointment for just a consultation in August.. but my mom has the golden touch for getting what she wants when she wants it), but because they'll be doing allergy testing, I have to go off my zyrtec.

So, yesterday was my first day off it and by the end of work, I was COVERED in a bright red rash and had raised lines all over my skin. I don't even know what could have sparked it because I had pretty plain salads for breakfast and dinner and chickpeas for a snack. I was too scared to eat dinner! This morning I woke up to sniffles (the zyrtec also stopped seasonal allergies), my arms, legs, stomach, and bottom of my feet itching like crazy, and a stomach ache which I think might also be allergy related. Even my TONGUE feels prickly. Does anyone else have food allergies like this? All of my friends who are allergic think this is the strangest thing in the world. :P

I've only been up for 2 hours and already downed 2 litres of water trying to flush out whatever is causing this out of my system! And I'm really afraid of eating anything to make it worse! I think I'm going to have roasted chickpeas on field greens for breakfast, crab cakes for lunch, and maybe mushroom-spinach brown rice risotto for dinner. I don't think there's anything in any of those that I suspect as being an allergen... I hope. Send me non-itchy vibes!!!
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:36 PM   #13  
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Wink Morning chickie girlfriends

Sound like you all have your plans for the weekend in place...I'm off to a gem and bead show..I'm not a beader,but I have a free pass and thought I'd go see the pretty rocks..I do love rocks..and gems I need to check out that FITDAY,thanks for reminding me of it..I think I use to have it,but didn't get 'into' using it..sorta a bad habit of mine in several area' in reading my books..I love to read,and buy books that I want to read,but it takes me forever to get through one..except in the winter. Ruth,I was kinna hoping for some of that rain you have..We've been in this heat wave..broke records etc. and my flowers,and water bill could use some relief. I am so thankful for ac,even if it's not the friendlest to the eco-green-world. Tootles ladies,enjoy~Choices
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Old 07-14-2007, 12:38 PM   #14  
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Good morning and hello! I was just referred here by someone known to me as Lady T. I'm on day 7 of P1 and so far so good. I just had my morning coffee and need to get going for the day.
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Old 07-14-2007, 01:00 PM   #15  
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City Girl!
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