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Bette k 01-10-2006 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by LindaT
Bette brava!!:carrot: So you wrestle in your spare time? WOW!! :lol:

I wish I wrestled, those kids are in such good shape. And they lose the weight too. It's not like it used to be with them doing all kinds of unhealthy things to cut weight, they work it off, and eat healthy. There are all kinds of rules about how low their body fat can go and also about hydration.
My son is the wrestler, and I like going to his meets, and since I started working at the school a lot of the wrestlers seem to have adopted me.

I did my 2 miles this morning befoer I went to work :carrot: . I'm not doing so great on the eating side, but I've decided to concentrait on the exersize first. I'm still losing weight at a slow but healthy pace.

IMSuperMommy 01-10-2006 07:10 PM

January 10 - I did it!!!
I actually made it back to the gym tonight. The guy DH had carpooled with wound up leaving early due to illness, so DH had to come home too. He watched the sick kid while I took the other one to the Y for his cooking class, and I went to the fitness center with a friend (who's son is also in the cooking class!). Today I was scheduled for strength training so I did some of that. Not as much as I normally do because they just don't have the same amount of equipment. But I also did about 10-15 mins on the bike..lost track of time as I was too busy talking LOL.

If I hadn't gotten there tonight I did have a backup plan of free weights (5 lbs) and several games of Hullabaloo and Chicken Limbo LOL!

:flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1:

MELODY525 01-10-2006 08:23 PM

This Post Is For Wednesday And Thursday
SEE YOU ALL ON FRIDAY!!! :scooter:

DonnaS 01-10-2006 09:16 PM

Got the pilates in, I think I'm going to try and make it on Tuesdays, I really liked it. I was leary but it felt good.

happytx 01-11-2006 10:08 AM

I missed yesterday, I had to work late, and early, so no exercise yesterday, but Im calling it my rest day, and Im working on through Friday today is yoga, and a run! Have a great day everyone!! :-)

IMSuperMommy 01-11-2006 10:17 AM

January 11--??????????????
Ok, so maybe I shouldn't have done the strength training last night. I woke up this morning and my left leg, from ankle to knee hurts. It feels like that whole part of my leg is turning inwards!?! I know what happened..the day before I fell at DS#1's preschool and twisted my leg, but I thought I was fine. Apparently the weights last night just aggravated it.

So my question is..today is my cardio day (usually bike/treadmill)...do I still do that (it would have to be a much lower intensity..is it even worth it?) or should I try to find something else and let my leg have a day or so to breathe. Tomorrow I am scheduled for more weights and I have been told I should be taking a day or two off in between sessions, at least since I am a beginner. Any thoughts?


DonnaS 01-11-2006 10:31 AM

I'm taking today off, I slept wrong, and my neck and shoulders are bothering me today.

ceejay52 01-11-2006 03:04 PM

41 minutes of exercise for me today. This includes both aerobics and tone--without weights.

sf40 01-11-2006 07:08 PM

Upper body weight workout today. I increased the amount of weight and could really feel it, was a good workout. :strong:

Bette k 01-11-2006 07:58 PM

It was a day where I felt like doing nothing. Getting up was really hard this morning, but i did make it up in time to do the 1 mile WATP. All I could think about was how bad I would feel if I didn't do it. I'm starting to get in the habit, I just don't want to loose it before it gets well established
I think it's going to be an early to bed night if I can get away with it.

LindaT 01-11-2006 09:07 PM

Hump Day Wrap up
So it looks like quite a few of you had a good exercise day!

Bette good for you for getting in the workout today and yesterday. Make it a habit, like brushing your teeth or combing your hair!

There is part of a song I think about sometimes.. goes like this

Some days it don’t come easy, and some days it don’t come hard
Some days it don’t come at all, and these are the days that never end

There are going to be plenty of days its hard, plenty of days we plum just do not want to do that. We each have the power with in us to make the right decision to go ahead and do it anyway! I think my mother would call this character building. :lol:

Liz - good for you on the gym and the bike ride! When I am sore, but not in pain pain I always try to exercise because exercise gets the blood moving and can help us heal minor things . Give it a try You may need to modify or reduce intensity but I always say to try unless it is really pain pain PAIN!

Mel I know you have a bunch of doc appts coming up so my prayers are with you. All I can say is with the world going to **** in a handbasket two things you can control is what you put in your mouth and whether you exercise. I hope you have the time to because I know exercise will help you regain some sense of control that we all sorely need!! :hug:

Good going Donna. I am glad you tried something new! But what I said to Liz applies.. exercise can help alleviate soreness even though it doesnt feel great when you start I usually feel better at the end. I mean if I am going to be sore and exercise or sore and not exercise, might as well get it in if I'm going to be sore anyway.

Miss Happy Girl - yoga and a run is great. Everyone, did you know Happy is our 3FC version of FloJo? :carrot:

YAY Ceejay. No prod for you today!

Sherry.. oh weight increase that is going to be good for the bod. I hope your muscles aren't screaming tomorrow. If they are, scale back a little, stretch but remember.. movement can help heal so don't sit still if it hurts

I got in 40 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of lower body weights and had an extremely long day at work.. three meetings plus regular work. I need a tub :lol:

DonnaS 01-11-2006 09:21 PM

I know, I'm on my way to the rec center right now to swim, even if it's for only 30 minutes, I know I will feel better.

I'm just in a funk today, kinda blah. . . . must get over it.

dlzbth 01-11-2006 10:32 PM

This was a very stressful day however I did get in my time on the tread mill. Tomorrow is Pilates :)

sf40 01-11-2006 10:58 PM

Also got in about 30 minutes of swimming this evening with hubby, followed by a few minutes in the whirlpool which felt wonderful!!

IMSuperMommy 01-12-2006 08:45 AM

January 12th
Well, yesterday was a bust. By the time I had a chance to get to the gym, I was pretty much just hobbling around. So, the only "exercise" I got in was going up and down the stairs at the Y with my sick kid (who doesn't think he is sick LOL) while the oldest one was in gymnastics.

Today I am not sure that I will be able to get there either. I have plans already (that have been in place for over a week now) for when DH gets home, so it looks like today will be a day of free weights with my 5 lbers and I promised both kids we could play Chicken Limbo and Hullabaloo. At least it is something, right?

:flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1: :flow1:

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