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Old 10-03-2011, 05:02 AM   #1  
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Default General Guide To Weight Loss

This is a general guide to fat loss and weight loss. It is not intended to be a final truth, there are countless ways to form the top, and many may look radically different. The claims made in this text is not always undeniable facts with no margins, no generalizations for average individuals who are not already familiar with. Have you reached the contest or similar before, you know certainly a lot better for yourself what suits one’s own body. But this is based on the physiologically correct principles, achieves what it is, and it does it without being painful or unhealthy.

A weight loss, you can only achieve in a way: to consume more energy than you put in your mouth. This, in turn, you can accomplish in three ways: by pulling down on the food, by increasing your energy through exercise or other activities, or by a combination of these. The last-mentioned method is recommended. First, you avoid pulling down too much on food, lest impaired energy metabolism, muscle loss (which means further reduced power consumption, in a vicious spiral) and missing out on valuable nutrients, and you do not have to spend endless hours in the burning workout.

It is recommended that during cut period train heavy weight training, because this is you’re burning up and stimulates your body to maintain muscle mass like no other forms of exercise, even under low energy intake. That you continue with your heavy workout is just fine and stimulates anabolic hormones and appears to be the body maintains muscle mass. In addition, the Strength Training an increased energy consumption up to 48 hours after the workout. During a 24-hour consumes 60-70 minutes of intensive weight training as much energy as 50 minutes of aerobic exercise at 70% of maximum heart rate allows for the same period.

One kilo (=2.2lb) of body fat is composed of roughly 7000 – 7500 kilocalories (kcal). When you have exhausted the amount of energy more than you ate, no matter how you have accomplished this energy or how long it took, you have lost a kilo. Of course there are other factors at play, but basically it is the mathematics that apply. So: are you in an energy deficit of 500 kcal per day, you will lose about a pound a week. It is an excellent drop rate so as not to lose muscle mass, or impair the metabolism.

Your approximate energy needs, you can expect out of the proven Harris & Benedict equation from 1919:

Men: 66.5 + (13.75 x kg) + (5.003 x cm) – (6.775 x age)
Women: 655.1 + (9.563 x kg) + (1.850 x cm) – (4.676 x age)

The final figure is your BEE, that is your basic energy needs at rest.

Then multiply BEE:t with a stress and activity factor of 1.2 – 2.0, where 1.2 is a day at the computer and 2.0 is an athlete’s days in a conditioned branch, and the amount you get up (which shows the energy intake you need for your body weight should remain constant at the activity level you specify), drag the 500 calories. It’s calories that you should be on in order to achieve weight loss of one pound per week.

If you are severely overweight, or have more body fat than the average person, does not match the calculation as good anymore, it’s from a time when the average person were on average significantly leaner and fitter than today. If you are overweight, expect that figure to your energy is slightly lower than the calculation gives.

What different foods have energy value and how much protein, fat and carbohydrates they contain can be found in the NFA tables. The only way to know how much food you consume contains is to weigh it and check the tables. Sad but true. Everything else is pure guesswork.

You need carbohydrates, protein and fat at every meal for optimal nutrition and wellness. The body cannot watch (it’s bad for your health to the turn of the day – to sleep during the day and stay up and eat at night, but it does not apply to timing of meals during a normal circadian rhythm), and select the right kind of food is is no reason to eg strangle carbohydrate intake after a certain time, or even stop eating after 18:00. The latter is a lingering myth that lives on year after year. You can avoid putting today’s largest intake of carbohydrate at that time, as this involves a risk of formation of new fat from carbohydrates and inhibition of growth hormone during the night, but there is nothing that will have no significant effect on the outcome of the diet. There is still energy in minus energy out over the day as a whole that is important. Have you been training in the evening there are only advantages with carbohydrates here.

Your carbohydrates should be as much as possible to come from natural, unrefined foods. Try to choose wholegrain options, i.e., bread or crisp bread in front of such a white, whole grain pasta in Ideal Macaroni, boiled potatoes, especially mashed etc..

Glycemic Index (GI) of carbohydrate is less, if any role, in terms of impact on fat accumulation and fat loss. At a normal mixed diet, the blood sugar and insulin release by carbohydrate GI do not have sufficient power to influence fat accumulation and fat loss over days. There is no excuse to eat junk sweetened with sucrose – the more such a diet contains, the less calorie location makes it over the nutritious foods that really do any good for your body and your training results.

Good sources of carbohydrates are pasta (especially wholegrain varieties), parboiled is and whole grain rice, boiled potatoes, oatmeal, All-Bran Plus cereals, whole meal porridge, muesli, barley, soft and coarse multigrain bread, wheat berries, beans, lentils and fruit.

In all the meals you should have a protein source. It is the protein that gives your muscle building blocks.

Good protein found in the clean, lean meats as pork tenderloin and chops, roast beef, ham, smoked pork, steak, lean cheese, all kinds of fish, low-fat dairy products, eggs, hamburger meat, clams, shrimp, crab, turkey, chicken, chicken breast, cottage cheese , quark, cottage cheese, among many other sources.
Fat intake is also not to underestimate. Drag down on fat intake decreases your fat burning and your hormone levels, and you may reduce the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. In addition, fat is the advantage that it gives a slower uptake of food you eat and prolong protein amino acid excretion, which is an advantage especially for night-long fast. However, it is an advantage if most of your fat intake is made up of unsaturated fats instead of saturated, which easily stored as body fat and lower insulin sensitivity, whereas the unsaturated improves.

Good fats can be found in, for a few examples: canola, olive, or flaxseed oil, fatty fish such as mackerel or herring or salmon, nuts, almonds and avocados.
Choose a carbohydrate source, a source of protein and fat source of each goal. Complete with vegetables. No special foods are better at a certain time of day, but it is a matter of taste. Porridge is equally suitable for lunch for breakfast, for example, and pasta as good for breakfast and dinner, if you feel stuffed when you wake up.

If you have the energy to count on it is 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight and about 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight good numbers to lie on. Too little protein prevents muscle growth and / or increase the risk of muscle protein breakdown. More protein will not hurt, and can provide better satiety. Too little fat also adversely affect the anabolic hormones. Then fill in with carbs from nutrient-rich, unrefined sources until you reach the caloric intake you are aiming for. Each gram of protein and carbohydrate provides 4.1 kcal, while each gram of fat provides 9.3 kcal.
After hard physical exertion, it is important to replenish your depleted carbohydrate stores. Then fit simple carbs good, i.e., carbohydrates with high glycemic index, to speed recovery and store the new energy in the form of carbohydrates (glycogen) in your muscles. The amount of carbohydrate has a greater impact on recovery than GI: t, and has a controlled energy intake that letter, it is often advantageous to avoid having to put much of this on nutrient empty sugars or maltodextrin. Carbohydrate from normal food is excellent and better. Approximately 0.8 – 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight usually about right numbers, the harder and longer workouts, and the larger muscle groups you exercise, the higher figure. It depends on what you trained, how long and with what intensity. A arm pass does not require as much as a long squat workouts, which in turn does not require as much as a long and intense cardio. After a short workout in which small muscle groups are sufficient safe 0.5 g per kg. A “normal” dose for weight training is around 0.8 g per kg. After proper draining stamina is normal dose 1.2 – 1.5 g per kg, with the same amount again within two hours, the athlete who gives priority to recovery of future effort.

During training, it is also appropriate to take one or more protein drinks, preferably together with carbohydrate in a perfect combination and a greater effect on protein synthesis (formation of new muscle protein) and decreased muscle breakdown. Milk protein works well here, and whey and casein, the protein common varieties of protein supplements, have a similar effect after resistance training. It does not matter if you mix with milk, but milk gives you more energy that you might not want in a cut. Whey and casein are also no artificial or unnatural, but a natural constituent of regular milk (20% of the protein in milk consists of whey, the rest of casein).

Adding the above protein immediately before exercise has the greatest effect on muscle structure after the pass, so to divide a larger so-called “gain” (carbohydrate + protein) and take some before and some after is a good idea. The amount of protein is best here is not known, but 0.3-0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight are normal numbers, and certainly more than enough. Probably do not need these amounts, either, especially if you eat a normal meal within a reasonable time after training.

If you are new to fitness, so do not give you the taste of blood surges and rock hard intervals from the start, but keep a pace that allows you to keep moving in sufficient time to expend some energy. To recovery after a sprint around the track will do no good. As you will be better conditioned and can increase the tempo. Improved fitness will also improve insulin sensitivity and increased GLUT4 levels (a glucose transporter), and this in turn means better utilization of nutrients around the clock.

The primary intensity to expend energy is the highest intensity you can stay for as long a time as possible. Your total energy intake minus your total energy consumption is what is crucial, and the result is negative, decrease in body fat during the measurement period used.

Cardio before breakfast is popular, and it has no adverse effect on muscle protein breakdown during the day, provided that the diet is fairly normal and high protein. In the fasting state, the protein balance is always negative (muscle protein breakdown is greater than the formation of new muscle protein), but this is aimed at completion of activity and be compensated for the day.

Generally, persons engaged in intense cardio lower percentage of body fat than those who practice low-intensity cardio, such as has traditionally been considered the most fat-burning.

High intensity cardio training is also effective in increasing the secretion of growth hormone, which is a powerful fat-burning hormone.

Morning walks before breakfast are popular, for the reason that your insulin levels are low or nonexistent after the night fast, allowing a greater proportion of the energy consumed will come from fat instead of carbohydrates. They are also gentler on the body, which can be an advantage, especially towards the end of a diet when body fat is low and the risk of injury is higher. However, it is nothing magical about morning walks: strength or do you not walk before breakfast you burn just as much energy at a later date, although the proportion of fat will be somewhat lower, but this is not decisive in the long run, but it is energy in minus energy out in force. It evens itself out. Fat loss over days are equivalent regardless of substrate consumption (mostly fat or mostly carbohydrate) during the activity itself, and no form of exercise increases fat loss compared with a rest day, when matched energy intake. Energy in minus energy out and there is a potential energy deficit and its size, that influences fat balance, regardless of the energy deficit is achieved.

If you vary between low intensity exercise such as walking and a little more intensity in the form of running, cycling, rowing, stair machine, or whatever you prefer, it’s hard to get wrong. Just make sure you have at least one rest day, preferably two, per week, so you give your body a chance to recover.

Are you eager to consume as much fat during the activity as possible is a higher pace than walk better; with a maximum fat loss vs. carbohydrate combustion during the actual activity is reached at an intensity of 60-65% of VO2max on an empty stomach, i.e. 75% of maximum heart rate, of trained individuals. The corresponding figures for the untrained are 47-52% of VO2max.

The most important thing that you choose activities you think is funny, or at least those you don’t hate. All training is better than no exercise, as long as diet and rest were shot, and training you do not like tend soon to be just no training.

(Note: Credits should also go to Andreas from Sweden for much of the content. Also excuse my not flawless english. I'm not from a english speaking country. Due to all this, i hope someone find it helpful )

Last edited by Adam Larsson; 10-03-2011 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 10-03-2011, 03:53 PM   #2  
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All we women would NEVER have known this stuff without a big, strong man to tell us!
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Old 10-03-2011, 04:27 PM   #3  
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Originally Posted by MariaMaria View Post


All we women would NEVER have known this stuff without a big, strong man to tell us!
Sarcastic? Don't see how you could get insulted by this post. It's good information regardless to gender.
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Old 11-24-2011, 07:38 PM   #4  
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I enjoyed this post. Thank you!
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