Autumn Beauties (And Anyone Else!) Unite For January 2011 Challenge!

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  • Posting this early! Spread the word and join us on January 1st, 2011 through the 31st! I hope both old and new Autumn Beauties can join us!:

    Welcome back, Autumn Beauties! HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to the January 2011 Challenge! December was sort of a tough month for some of us, obviously, but now it’s Op for a fresh new start in this fresh new year! I know we are ALL SO READY FOR THIS! We are ready to get healthy, sexy and feel as beautiful on the outside as we are on the inside. Let’s do this! EVERYONE is welcome to join us at any time!

    The January Challenge:
    1. Set a goal of how many pounds you’d like to lose this month.
    2. Set a goal of how many days you’d like to work out this month.
    3. Any other goals you have for yourself that you’d like to track here for the month, please do. That’s what this thread is for! Have fun!

    Bonus Challenges (Should You Choose To Accept Them):

    4. Choose THE hardest OR one of the hardest work-outs you own on DVD (or it doesn’t have to be on DVD, it could just be one of those more difficult machines in the gym or any other kind of workout) and do it for AT LEAST 5 DAYS STRAIGHT! If you’re one of those people, like me, who sticks with the easier workouts as much as possible (LOL),…then this should be a great challenge for you. A GREAT thing about this is YOU ARE ALLOWED TO STOP THE DVD AND TAKE A BREAK! That is TOTALLY fine! The point is, we need to finish what we start and NOT GIVE UP just because the work out is a little tough. After your little break, you turn that DVD back on and finish your workout until the end. Do this for 5 DAYS STRAIGHT. Who knows? Maybe you‘ll eventually not even need a break? Maybe you could do it for more than 5 days? That would be awesome.

    When you’ve completed this challenge, you can simply write the workout/s you did and the dates of the days you did them (just make sure those dates are five days in a row… cheating, haha.)

    5. Many of us struggle with the diet part and that’s what inspired me to create this number 5 challenge. For at least 14 DAYS this month, I want you to PLAN YOUR MEALS AND SNACKS FOR THE DAY THE NIGHT BEFORE. I’m sure all of us have heard many, many times of how important and helpful it is to plan your meals out ahead of time. Well? Let’s do it! Choose ANY 14 days this month and just DO IT. You can plan out your meals RIGHT here if you wish or just do it in Microsoft Word or something and come back here and write down the date of each day you ate EXACTLY what you planned out. Everything you eat doesn’t have to be super healthy all the time either. It’s all about getting into the habit of planning it out and being aware of what is going in your mouth so you can stay on track.

    To save space in the thread, just click “EDIT” on the lower right-hand side of your monthly goal post and go back and edit each day and add what you need to as far as what you’re tracking for the month. You can make new posts for random comments and thoughts of course J Below this post, there will be information about our Autumn Beauties group tracker!

    Monique’s Goals:

    1. I would like to lose 6 pounds. Emotion icon will be posted here for each pound lost(starting weight is 220):
    2. I plan on working out EVERY DAY this month…..even if only for 5 minutes on certain days. I plan on jumping on my rebounder every day for at least 15 minutes. Numbers “1” through “31” will be written here for each completed workout day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    3. I need to start taking my daily vitamins. Once I am able to get them, I will put an emotion icon for each day I remember to take them:
    4. My tough workout of choice this month that I will be doing for at least 5 days straight is Hip Hop Abs: Total Body Burn Level 2! It’s 50 minutes long. Shaun T kicks your butt on that one. LOL. Days: 1-2-11, 1-3-11, 1-4-11, 1-5-11, 1-6-11 GOAL!!!
    5. I definitely plan on planning out my meals for at least 14 days! I will post the dates of those days here:

    1-1-11, 1-3-11, 1-4-11, 1-5-11, 1-6-11, 1-7-11 1-8-11 1/9/11 1/10/11 1/11/11 1/12/11 1/13/11 1/14/11 1/15/11 (goal!)

    So, I guess that’s it! If anyone has any ideas or anything they’d like to add, please do because this is for ALL of us and we should have fun with it J I wish you all a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR!

  • Thanks for setting up a January Challenge!

    My Progress:

    *~* January Weigh-ins *~*


    o To lose 10 lbs by the 31st
    o To exercise AT LEAST 5 times a week, using my interval training as the "tough workout of choice" for 3 times a week.
    o To drink 8 glasses of water a day
    o To stay under 1600 calories every day by planning out my meals for the week

    - Dee
  • You're very welcome . So glad you can join us. Great goals

  • Good morning Autumn Beauties, I'd like to join in this challenge too. I have been back on track and doing good for a few weeks now.
    • I'd like to stay focused and committed through the month of January
    • Work out at least 5 times a week
    • Reach the 2 teens in January
    • Plan & prepare my meals each week
    • Post daily on 3FC
    • Try logging my weight daily for the month of January in hopes that it will help me to stay on track each day
    • Attend a WW meeting each week
    • Comfortably fit my size 16 pants.

    I am very excited about my lifestyle change and am really looking forward to seeing where I will be at the end of January. I wish everyone else much success.

    WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • Goals:
    To lose at least 10lbs in January
    To work out as many days as possible
    To stay on plan every day

    1st ~ 241.8
    7th ~ 237.8 (-4)
    14th ~
    21st ~
    28th ~

    Future dates marked with (s) are planned strength training days.
    Marked with a for every day eating perfectly on plan
    1st. 60 minutes of exercise.
    2nd. 30 minutes walking. 30 minutes strength.
    3rd. 45 minutes cardio.
    4th. 30 minutes cardio. 30 minutes strength.
    5th. 30 minutes biking. 15 minutes stair stepping.
    6th. 60 minutes biking.
    7th. 60 minutes biking. 15 minutes strength.
    8th. Rest Day
    9th. Rest Day
    10th. 30 minutes biking. 20 minutes stair stepping.
    11th. 30 minutes biking. 30 minutes strength.
    12th. 60 minutes biking.
    14th. (s)
    16th. (s)
    18th. (s)
    21st. (s)
    23rd. (s)
    25th. (s)
    28th. (s)
    30th. (s)
  • I didn't accomplish much in December either. Didn't put in enough effort. Starting over today though. It is on! LOL.

    Welcome, GettinFit. So glad you can join us. I can't wait. I hope to drop at least 20 pounds by March. My teenage sisters and I are going on our first cruise. I'd like to look even somwhat decent by then. We can do it!

    On the first, I will weigh in and post my starting stats.

  • Thanks for the warm Welcome Monique. I am so excited to be losing and getting in shape again. You are going to love your cruise. I do one every year and this last one was the absolute worst because I was at 235. I was totally miserable and felt like a stuffed pig. This was the heaviest I've ever been. I will be going again next November and my plan is to be at my goal of 170 or lower by then.

    You're right, we can accomplish this if we stay focused and committed. In the past I've done really good for about 2 months and then I slowly slip back to my old eating habits. This time I want to stay committed after the second month. I believe posting here and attend my WW meeting will help me.
  • I'd love to join your January challenge -- I joined this board so I could be accountable, and this seems like a great opportunity!

    Here are my goals for January 2011:

    1. Be in the 180s...even if it's 189!!
    2. Work out at least 5 days a week doing cardio for at least 30 minutes
    3. Eat more fruits and veggies daily!
    4. NO alcohol! White russians are my fave, and although they are yummy, they are packed with calories!!

    Weight Loss Tracking
    January 1st: 196.8
    January 7th: 195 (-1.8)
    January 14th: 194 (-1)
    January 21st: 192.8 (-1.2)
    January 28th: 191.4 (-1.4)
    January 31st: 191.0 (-0.4)
    Lost 5.8 pounds total for January!
  • GettinFit, yes, it is not easy staying on track. For me, it's even worse because I'm a line cook at a casino. There's always food around and you're ALWAYS in the mood to snack and taste the food. You taste ONE thing and then you want something else. LOL. UGH! It's so hard.

    Emme, welcome! You joined at a perfect time The best of luck to you

  • Ugh I feel like SUCH a loser today. I am sick. Have barely eaten a thing for 2 days and I am UP a pound.
  • Justaloozer, don't sweat it. I always seem to bounce UP while I'm sick (even with a stomach flu, WHAT GIVES?) but as soon as the nasties are gone I drop back down.

    January 2011 Goals
    1) Drop 10 pounds (in addition to the 4 I packed on over the holidays)
    2) No workout commitment beyond taking the kids out to sled when weather permits
    3) Actually fit into my size 10s by my birthday on the 19th
  • Monique - I sure wouldn't want your job. WOW I don't know if I could handle the daily temptation but I know you can do it. Just remember how nice you want to look when you go on your cruise. Stay strong.

    justaloozer - I hope you feel better. I'm sure you'll lose that pound soon. Hang in there.

    I'm having a good day so far. I plan on getting either a walk or Turbo Jam in after work.
  • Thanks Altari & Gettinfit! I just get discouraged.

    Altari you and I share a birthday! I was hoping to need some new clothes by my birthday but its not looking like I will.
  • Welcome, Altari

    Get well soon, justaloozer...and you'll lost that pound back quick. I've probably done the worst out of everyone. I lost 10 pounds in Oct/Nov when we first started and gained 4 back. I'll take that over gaining it ALL back though .

    Thank you, GettinFit You're a great motivator

  • For fun, I've created a group ticker for all of us so we can lose large amounts of weight as a team .

    Here's the link to our ticker:

    Go there when ever you like to add the amount of pounds you've lost.

    1. Click "Edit/Update Data & Style

    2. Type in password/pin which is: arefatfree (LOL)

    3. Where it says, "Your current cumulative value", add how many pounds you've lost (every time you lose more, go back and do it again) by clicking the "Add" with the plus sign on the side of the box you type in which will make the number in the box get'll see what I mean when you see it. LOL

    4. Keep clicking "next" until you reach the last page with the html so you can add it to your siggy if you wish!

    Here's what it looks like:

    You all can change the look of the ticker, our goal, whatever you wish at any time. Have fun! Let's do this, Autumn Beauties!
