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Old 06-14-2002, 03:49 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down Turtle Club #70

Hi, Everyone,

Here's my "official" version of the fable:

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise one day and made fun of him for the slow and clumsy way in which he walked.

The tortoise laughed and said, "I will run a race with you any time that you choose."

"Very well," replied the hare, "we will start at once."

The tortoise immediately set off in his slow and steady way without waiting a moment or looking back. The hare, on the other hand, treated the matter as a joke and decided to take a little nap before starting, for she thought that it would be an easy matter to overtake her rival.

The tortoise plodded on, and meanwhile the hare overslept herself, with the result that she arrived at the winning-post only to see that the tortoise had got in before her.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

This comes from a book handed down from my grandmother to my mother to me. The book is so old it doesn't have a copyright date or an author/editor's credit.

That fable has been the motivation for us turtles for about three years. Someone on the ancient WW forum mentioned the fable and I discovered it was very motivational for me. I talked about it in posts and other people said that the tortoise philosophy worked for them, too. So, I started a thread for us turtle types.

We work toward accepting that our bodies have a natural speed of weight loss when we choose to live a healthy life, instead of "going on a diet". Many of us have experienced "the diets" as go on/lose weight-- go off/ gain the weight plus more back.

We choose to perservere with each choice we make throughout the day. We believe that choosing to be slow, steady turtles helps us to learn the skills we need to in order to lose and keep off the weight. Our main focus is to become the healthiest people we can be.

So, welcome to all who realize that losing and maintaining a weight loss is a lifestyle change. And who want support as we all learn the skills we need to successfully make the changes that will allow us to reach our goals.

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Old 06-14-2002, 04:12 PM   #2  
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Hi, Turtles,

Erin, I'm sure that your efforts to find the information that will get your body where you want it to be will work out. You're on the right track and I'm glad to see it.

Swimming is one of the few really hard exercises that I enjoy. I wish I could swim every day, but the climate is too chilly here. So, I swim when I can and do other things the rest of the time.

Lauren, I agree that genetic issues can be important in evaluating what to do to help our bodies remain as healthy as possible. Aging itself can cause some of these problems even if, as far as we know, they're not in our genes. Also, stress levels, having a purpose in life, having a social structure, etc. can often have as much or greater effect on our overall health as our physical well being.

I keep thinking that the ever-elusive balance is the key. Not going overboard in any one area for years and years, like the workaholic who ends up with a heart attack. So, I think my goal, anyway, is to keep doing my best and reaching for my dreams. I think finishing my book is as important to my overall health as staying OP. That's part of the the balance, for me, anyway.

To that end, I've been really upset with myself lately because I'm tired of writing in my journal how unhappy I am with my current pattern of making choices that don't get me the results I want instead of making those that will get me the results I want. (Hmm. . .shades of St. Paul. Guess it's a universal struggle, huh?)
I've been thinking about this and I realized that part of my problem is that I'm making changes in my life, but the environment around me is the same. So, I keep slipping back into the first habits I developed when I moved to this environment.

I realized that the only way to fix this is to plan what I need to do to build my new habits. That's what I'm doing this afternoon. Finishing my plan to get and stay OP, do my writing, and get the necessary junk of life done, too. As this becomes a habit, I'll be able to plan less stringently and be a little more spontaneous again. Anyway, I'm looking forward to putting lots of pretty stickers on my journal pages and my calendar pages as I accomplish what I've planned to do.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 06-15-2002, 10:45 AM   #3  
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Erin, somehow I'd forgotten about your high blood pressure last fall. What was it due to, did you find out? Was it just stress? And is that what propelled you to work out so hard again? What was your BP?

If you're concerned about your arm, what about Tai Chi? No contact with other people there, so little risk of hurting your arm. It definitely teaches grace and agility.

As for swimming, I hear you! This is probably one big reason DH can eat pretty well anything he wants (that and his heredity). He swims pretty faithfully, about a mile at a time. He takes masters classes on occasion. Lately he's also been taking power yoga classes, which have made him realize his abs are in rotten shape (he says). Good for you doing the swimming! It really is tiring if you do it right (and you obviously did). For me, because I float so easily (all that adipose tissue ), I can wimp out and just cruise when I swim. I didn't even realize I was doing that until DH offered to race me to the end of the pool. I couldn't BELIEVE how tough it was when I actually pushed myself!! It made me realize I hadn't really been swimming before.

Lin, do you think it might help if instead of writing in your journal how upset you were with what you were doing, you focused instead on things you did right each day? I found myself doing that last weekend when I felt really out of control -- suddenly listing the things I'd done right (even though there weren't many of them!). It really helped. It lifted my mood immediately and encouraged me to do more. Nothing breeds success like success.

To that end, I'd like to announce that yesterday was the first day in a week that I ate within my points. Just by the skin of my teeth, and only because I earned 2 activity points, but I'll take it. I have exercised three days in a row. I have tracked every day since Monday. I turned down my favorite frosted biscotti yesterday at the coffee shop. (Didn't have the points.) Today I am planning ahead, because I'm going to have afternoon tea (with all the trimmings) with some friends at a swanky hotel, and I plan to thoroughly enjoy it. So I've had an extremely light breakfast (yogurt) and plan to eat an extremely light dinner (eggbeater omelet with lots of veggies). I am going to get back down to 188 (virgin fat comes after that), and I am going to keep going until I get to a healthy weight for my body. I have already lost 1.5 of the pounds I gained last week, and that's in spite of major PMS.

So. Onward and downward,

274/190/184 by August 4
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Old 06-15-2002, 10:51 AM   #4  
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From Dotti's -- an interesting article about fat in your diet:


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Old 06-15-2002, 11:44 AM   #5  
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Lauren, yes, the high bp was stress related--caused by my husband being out of work for 10 months, and all the other things that happened last year. It was as high as 156/98, but now it's back down to 122/68. What actually got me exercising passionately was my schedule opening up. I was making time for Spinning the whole semester simply because I discovered it, tried it, loved it so much. Then when the semester ended I had nothing to do but go to my beloved gym.

The gym is NOT work for me. I know it's called a "workout", but to me it's not work. It's playtime. I get huge rushes of adrenaline and endorphins, I have friends there, I have strength and power in ways that I do not, in the outside world. When we first got here I told DH (at the time, DF) that the one thing I MUST have, we MUST make room in our budget for, was a gym membership for me. I've belonged to various gyms for the last 11 years. I even belonged to a gym when I was in London! Obsessed? Not me!

Good for you for making it under points! Woo woo! I knew you'd hit that mini-goal.

Lin, I agree with Lauren. Sometimes we get so focused on what we "messed up" that we don't give ourselves credit for what we got right. Trust me, I'm the queen of this! DH suggested I write a "happy" thing in my journal every day. I can write whatever else I want, of course, but something happy happens every day. You've just got to recognize it. You're doing things every day to get to your writing and your lifestyle goals. Take some credit for your efforts!

Judy, hope you're doing well.

My DB's graduation party/barbeque (from chef school--oh dear) is today. They're having a pot luck at my parents' house. 20 newly graduated chefs at a potluck? I expressed concern over bringing something, and DM said "Don't worry about it, just show up." So I'm going to just show up early, and help her with last minute cleaning. Bye Turtles!
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Old 06-16-2002, 10:18 AM   #6  
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Thumbs down

Hi, Turtles,

Woohoo!! Great going, Lauren. It's great to see you back on track and getting back to where you were and on to where you want to be.

I read that article from Dotti's. Wonder if WW will be increasing the amount of "good fat" they recommend next year or the year after. What I thought was really interesting is the amount of fat in the diet that people who lost the most weight ate. But, more interesting was that the people who ate the least fat actually gained weight over 18 months. I've read lots of corroborating threads from people who have been gaining or have hit a plateau and when others see what they're eating and suggest adding a little fat, they start losing again. It appears that the kind of fat is more important than the amount, up to a point.

Erin, I really, really wish I loved exercising as much as you do. Even when I was in my best shape and I was doing things I enjoyed, it was still hard. Sometimes I felt really good about what I had accomplished, but I've never experienced the hormonal boost that people like you talk about.

I envy you your pot luck, as hard as it's likely to be to fit the food into WW. I always end up at pot lucks with mediocre food and end up eating my own contribution. Congratulate your DB for me.

I appreciate both of your advice re: my journal. I do try to remember to write happy things, too. And when I remember, it helps. But I also have discovered that when I've been writing the same old complaints about myself and my life, and they're complaints about things I can change, I end up making those changes because after a while I get totally bored with complaining and feeling sorry for myself. Then I get motivated and back on track in whatever has been bugging me. It's a matter of doing both that works for me. Especially once I get back on track and start adding more and more things to my happy list. Boredom as motivation!! What a weird brain I have.

We're off to San Jose to move my son from his friend's house to his grandma's for summer school. We have to go again on Wednesday to get him registered. The presence of parents is required because he doesn't turn 18 until mid-July. It will be fun to get away for these two days. It won't take long to move him and then we can just play a little.

I've finished my plan and I'm doing fine. Not totally back OP, but getting there in little baby steps. Getting the writing I've planned done, too. It's PMS, but Mrs. Hyde has only peeked out, not come in with a roar to take over. So, all in all, things are OK.

Happy turtlin'!


Last edited by Lin S; 06-16-2002 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 06-16-2002, 09:08 PM   #7  
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I'm back.
Eating way too much lately. Have added another 3-4 pounds to my total. Told kids this weekend that from now on Mom and Dad have to eat healthy and when they're here, we'll have delicious, but healthy foods. It's fine with them because they're all trying to get into shape as well.

Remember to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.

Terrific that you're back within your points. I hear the struggle.

I really can't wait to hear what the nutritionist is going to tell you.
Is overexercising a possible factor in your weight struggle?

All--I love you guys. Have had a good start on resuming healthy eating and will beat this thing!
Judy The Smilie with the tongue sticking out is because I want to do well, but I don't want to put much effort in! Hmm-want the cake and want to eat it too?
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Old 06-17-2002, 10:41 AM   #8  
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Hi, tortoise beings.

Erin, hearing your BP story makes me feel better about my high-ish reading of 140 over 80. I've been pretty tense lately, and I'm perversely glad to hear that tension alone can bring on the elevated readings you had (as opposed to an underlying health condition). I need to learn more efficient ways to manage stress -- the epidemic of our times. Exercise does help me, I'm finding -- no surprise to you!

Lin, that's funny that boredom motivates you to action. Boredom/self pity just make me sink further down more often than not. I find it a hard cycle to break out of -- the depressive thing. Hey, whatever works. That's funny about just eating your own dish at potlucks. BOY, do I wish you lived nearby! :lol

Judy, good for you talking to your family about just having healthier foods available at social gatherings -- and them being fine with that, because they want to get in shape, too. It reminds me of a story my WW leader told us:

Every year, Pam made loads of Christmas cookies for all her neighbors and friends. Of course, she ate plenty of them, too. Whenever she'd try to take some weight off that time of year, she'd find it next to impossible because of the cookie-baking. But she didn't want to let everyone down, she said, so she kept baking -- and stayed fat. Then one year, she said "Enough" -- and told her friends and family they wouldn't be receiving cookies this year. To her surprise, no one cared. At all. In fact, they were probably privately relieved. She realized that she'd been doing that cookie-baking for herself as much as (or even more than) for her family and friends. It was a revelation!

I stayed within points on Saturday, in spite of going to an afternoon tea with all the trimmings. I ate very little for breakfast (which was surprisingly easy) and a light dinner, just like I'd planned! And I got in a ton of exercise -- my aerobics workout, plus walking for about 2.5 hours around town.

Yesterday was less successful, though I still feel good about it. We took a co-worker of DH's out to dinner -- Thai, of course -- and got soft ice cream afterwards. I again ate very lightly for breakfast and lunch so I'd have more points, and I took a small walk. But that Thai food is very high in points, and I ate my whole entree. So I was a little over. Today I'm up 1.5 pounds again, but I strongly suspect that's water. Thai food can be salty.

I'm feeling good, because I feel like I'm back in the driver's seat again -- and motivated to keep going. I surprised myself by how little I can eat and still feel satisfied. I realized that it's been a long time since I allowed myself to feel hungry. That means I've been eating too much, too often.

So today I plan to eat plenty of protein and get in my workout. I'm also going to be reorganizing the files in the office -- doesn't THAT sound fascinating? But it's something I've been meaning to do for ages, and now is when I've got the time.

Oh, DH and I had our basement and finances discussion yesterday. The result: We came up with a budget, finally. It was highly eye-opening for both of us, and we both ended up feeling very good about it. Now for the hard part of sticking to it! It's a lot like counting points, actually.

Onward and downward,

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Old 06-17-2002, 07:25 PM   #9  
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SO, Turtles! I'm back from the nutritionist, and wow did she have lots to tell me.

First, though, welcome back Judy! We missed you.

Lauren, I love the idea of you being "in the driver's seat" again. I like the metaphor. And, of course, I'm very happy for you, you must be feeling good.

Lin, good luck getting your DS moved and settled. It will be fun for you, to be able to get back there for a couple of days.

So, anyway. The nutritionist. Primary thing she said, primary point she made, is that I am WAY undereating. SEVERELY undereating, for my frame and body type and especially for my activity level. She said I need at least* 1800 calories a day to maintain my goal* weight, not even my weight now. Add on 800-1,000 calories a day for exercise, if I want to maintain that weight.

She said I am in slight ketosis (she could smell it on my breath, MAN that part was embarassing! ) and I am slightly hypoglycemic, most likely from undereating. My total cholesterol is 169, with HDL (good) being 53 and ldl (bad) being 91. Triglycerides are 123. She said those were all good numbers, so I'm believing her.

She said that my metabolism is severely depressed. I showed her my daily journal, which I do obviously keep and have kept for months now, and she said "you're not losing weight on this?" I said no, I am not, and she said, "then your metabolism is WAY down."

Interestingly, she told me the symptoms of low metabolism. Am I always cold? Yes. Is my energy down? I take naps every day, yes. Do my moods tend to be on the low side? Yes. Do I feel like my performance could be better in the gym? Yes. If I eat something, does it immediately "stick"? Yes. Hmmmmmm.

The good news: 1) she commended me for getting my protein from whey and soy sources, as those are high quality, and added in that egg white protein is the highest quality available to vegetarians. 2) I can eat more! Seriously. She said I'm not going to lose anything at this consumption, my body has turned its furnace down so far that I'd have to starve, literally, for anything else to come off. The only answer is to eat more*. Which everyone has been telling me. Right, Lauren? And Lin? And Judy? *sigh*

Bad news? Well, the bad news is that I am going to gain a bit first. When you first start eating up to your caloric need, your body is not convinced that you are going to keep doing that, so saves everything. Then it figures "huh, I guess we're not starving anymore" and turns the metabolism back up. Once it's turned back up, you can maintain the caloric level and start to lose weight. She didn't know how long it would take for my body, there is no set answer. Everyone is different.

She also mentioned that I might want to add fats a bit. She applauded my taking flaxseed oil, and suggested nuts as a snack--both for the protein and for the fat. She gave me a packet that outlines how many protein servings and how many carb servings are in vegetarian "meatless" meats. One of my confusions has long been that it's very hard for a vegetarian to get straight protein. Most foods are mixed--so do I count it as protein? Or is it carbs? This flyer explains.

Anyway, what this boils down to is yes, I need to eat more. I guess I needed to be beaten over the head with it. I'm going to grit my teeth and deal with the slight gain--I want the end result of going DOWN again. I want to tun my metabolism back up, thank you. I should shoot for AT LErAST 36 points a day, 40 points on days I exercise. Whiew, I've got to do this carefully.

So there you are, Turtles, what the nutritionist said.

Last edited by mousie; 06-17-2002 at 07:33 PM.
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Old 06-17-2002, 09:39 PM   #10  
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Hi, Turtles,

Judy, it's so good to hear from you. I'm so glad your family is being so supportive of your renewed efforts. You're doing great.

Lauren, the boredom/self-pity thing only works if I'm writing it in my journal. Writing makes me more aware of what's going on. If I just think about stuff, I get more depressed like you said you do.

The bit about eating my own dish at potlucks was intended to be tongue-in-cheek. In reality, some of the cooks are really good and I learned whose stuff to avoid!!

Congratulations on your budget conference with your dh, which should decrease your stress level a little. And congratulations on being back in control.

Well, Erin, your news from your nutritionist is really interesting. So, if you were at your goal weight, you would need 2600-2800 calories to maintain it at your exercise level. Wow!! That's a lot of activity. We're here for you while you get your body's metabolism back up to normal. Hang in there. It will happen.

I'm in major PMS eating mode right now, but this hasn't been a horrible month. It's only been a day or so and I'll get through it. OTOH, I've walked my feet off the past couple of days. It's not enough to make up for the food, but it helps ease the PMS tension.

Everything else is going fine. My son is settled. We go to register him in summer school Wednesday. And in six weeks he gets his diploma or he has to give his graduation money back to his grandma and his dad will take his watch back!

My writing class was postponed. It starts next week. The poor woman has been frantically redoing the web site with a new host because her old one is down way too often.

My son's proposal is coming along very well. I did some heavy rewriting and editing. He thought he was almost done, but now he has to go through and make sure I kept the proper mood. He's funny. He likes most of what I did, but we've been working together to polish it up.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 06-18-2002, 06:52 PM   #11  
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Glad you've got your ds settled in and almost registered and you can have a bit of fun. I hear you about the baby steps and I'm so happy for you. I think it's so cool that you and your son can share ideas about this "other world" and work something up.

Boy, am I glad you and dh had talk about basement and budget.
I'm so big on planning ahead and tucking away a little for a rainy day, etc. that I'm a little paranoid about the subject. The main thing is to agree at some point and find great ways to budget.
I'm at an age where I am giving away things and before I buy anything I think about where I'm going to put it. If someplace is not readily available, I really think twice about buying it. Things aren't very important to me at all. Of course you and dh are newly married and just working this through, so I'm thrilled you had a chance to talk and work this out.

Wow! You really were low in points. I'm surprised you didn't fall over doing so much exercise and eating so little. Isn't it a kick in the head to try so hard and not lose weight? Egads. Glad you found a nutritionist who knows what to tell you to do. Please try and be easy on yourself as you go into a higher point eating mode. You'll get through this, boost your metabolism, and finally start losing weight again. I am enthusiastically awaiting your results.

Hey Guys,
My dh went grocery shopping and picked up Boca's Barbecue Riblets. They are large, cost 4 points, and are unbelievably delicious. I can't tell you how good they are! I had one on a light Englis muffin and was so thrilled that I brought a half one to have for lunch today. Today has been great in points and I've been OP
since Friday. It feels so good. The food is so yummy and I have to remember this the next time it gets easy to stray. DH barbecued chicken, FF hot dogs, and lean burgers on Sunday for Father's Day--what was wrong with that picture? The food was great and we had our old standby of angelfood cake with pineapple in it. Really tasty. The coffee was scrumptious and the company so good since the kids were here. All is going well.
I wish you all the best.
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Old 06-19-2002, 08:28 AM   #12  
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Hi, tortosies.

Erin, if I weren't such a mature, together, well-adjusted, self-aware human being, I'd say "I TOLD YOU SO." Good thing I'm so mature, etc., huh? Well, it must be pretty nice to be told to eat more in some ways. If you're looking for a quick way to add points to you daily diet, try nuts. 30 pecan halves would add 10 points. I couldn't believe they were that high!

Lin, I still wish you lived around here. I'd invite you to every single potluck I could think of. Hope the PMS is dying down.

Judy, OP since last Friday?? Wow, that's great! Send some of that motivation my way, will you? I didn't have a good day yesterday -- I got into the Skinny Cows. Apparently I still can't keep them in the house. I also had a nasty TOM day -- as I get older, they get yuckier. Thanks for the thoughts on the budgeting ... DH and I aren't exactly newly married (we just celebrated our nine-year anniversary this past spring), so you'd think we'd have worked this out by now. I'm less attracted to things than he is. My weaknesses are clothes, books, and nice-smelling soaps and potpourris. They don't cost quite as much as the antiques he's drawn to!

It's heartbreaking, what they're doing to our street this summer. They're re-doing the water mains and some sewer pipes and re-paving the road. In the process, they're tearing down eight century-old silver maples that line our block. That's just on our block alone. These trees are huge; they cast shade all along the street. But they're by the curb, so the city owns them -- and the city is tearing them down. As I'm typing, they're shredding another one just a couple of houses down, and they're preparing to murder ours next. To make matters worse, ours has baby birds in it that can't fly yet. I can hear them. I've cried each day as they've torn down these trees; I don't think I can stand to be home today if they're going to bring down ours. The irony in this: the city gave us all little plastic bags that have a smiley face on them and say "Happiness is a paved street!" Right. As opposed to a century-old shade tree or a nest full of young birds. Who could find happiness in *those*?

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Old 06-19-2002, 10:10 AM   #13  
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Hi, Turtles,

Judy, it's so good to hear that you've been OP all through Father's Day. The riblets sound good. I'll look for them.

Lauren, my heart breaks for both the birds and the trees. I love maple trees and it would kill me to have perfectly healthy shade trees cut down on my block in the name of progress.

I was feeling pretty awful yesterday. I thought it was a PMS headache, but it wasn't. My mom has started smoking again to comfort herself after my brother's death. She swears it's "only" 4 or 5 cigarettes a day. I told her she sounds like an alcoholic claiming she could "handle it" now. She's having worse health problems again and I'm worried about her. I also am not happy that my son has to live with second-hand smoke this summer. Well, the connection between that and my headache is that I realized last night that it's the old symptoms I used to have when she was a heavy smoker. Apparently, I'm just super sensitive to tobacco smoke.

Well, things will be getting back to normal tomorrow. My son will be settled in for the summer. My other son will have his proposal sent. And I can focus on my book again. I've been working on it, but haven't been able to put in as much time as I want.

My newest stressed out thing. Blackie has a growth of some sort on her tummy. It's growing pretty fast, so I don't know what we're going to do. Vets cost a lot more money than we have, so unless it's pretty certain that it's localized and not spread throughout her body, we'll have to have her put to sleep. She's 13 years old. But, we can't do anything until July. It's just cost too much money for three trips to San Jose and getting the front brakes fixed on the car.

I'm not back OP, but I am getting there gradually. I found a great turtle for only 3 bucks. I found it at Target and it's a little ceramic turtle that hangs from the edge of pots that you grow indoor pots in. I also found a great turtle for a lot of money. It's Lalique crystal. I adore Lalique and if I were rich, I'd buy some. It would be a great reward for reaching my ultimate goal and it's not so expensive that I couldn't save up for it. Dream on, Lin.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 06-19-2002, 12:54 PM   #14  
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Okay, Lauren, you can say it. You already did can really say it, this time.

I figured something out last night:

If you add the average number of points I earn each day from workouts to the minimum WW points, you end up with 37--extremely close to what the nutritionist told me (she said at least 36). Well, she actually said "your bmr is about 1856 calories". Which figures out to 37 points, if you figure 50 calories per point. But anyway. I'm upping my points by upping protein and other healthy things--my DH suggested "lots of chocolate and ice cream!" but I'm really focusing on being healthy. So, we'll see what happens.

Judy, I've tried those riblets, and they're YUMMY! YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM! I put them on Orowheat lite 9 grain bread (2 slices for 1 point). Yum yum yum.

Lin, I'm so sorry about your mom and your headaches. And your son living there for now...I'm so sorry. I hope things get better, somehow.

Spinning this morning, I was strong and happy. Last night I went for a swim instead of going to kickboxing, because my arm was being miserable and I figured BOXING probably wouldn't help that. So I swam for 40 minutes--32 laps, 1/2 mile. This morning I was all sorts of tender and stretched out. It was a lovely, whole-body, been well-used feeling. I think I like swimming.

So far this morning I'm at 13 points. 1 hour of Spinning, too. Hmm. Well anyway. I'm going to just focus on getting between 36-40 points. HEALTHY points! My DH has changed the idea for my boot fund: the way it works now, I get $10 at the beginning of the week. For every point I'm under 36 or over 40, I've got to give back $1. He really wants me to be healthy, and he's extremely upset that I ended up starving myself. Although it wasn't intentional, I swear, I just wasn't balancing well with the exercise.

Lin, your mention of finding a turtle reminded me of something my BF showed me the other day: italian charm bracelets (do a search on, there's lots of pages). They're basically like a charm bracelet, but they're flat. You change out the links of the bracelet, and nothing dangles. I was completely charmed by the idea. You can swap out all the links, or do them one at a time as you reach a goal. BF bought a starter bracelet and a red "key" link as her "commitment to the program", and plans to swap out links every 5 pounds. I looked around, and ye, they have cute little turtles! I'm very very tempted. The only problem is that the starter bracelet and one link is about $40--OUCH. So maybe I'll save up my pennies.
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Old 06-20-2002, 10:28 AM   #15  
Turtle Buddy
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Hi, Turtles,

Hey, Erin, your dh has come a long way from when you had trouble convincing him to support you, huh? He's terrific. I like his plan.

The charm bracelet sounds wonderful. I don't like to wear bracelets because I don't like things dangling from my arm. But this sounds wearable. The beauty of it would be that you'd have a reminder of your commitment everywhere you go.

How did you figure out how many calories your bmr is?

I'm almost done with all of the extra stuff that I've had to do lately. So, now I have to catch up on all the stuff that didn't get done while I dealt with the extra stuff. It's neverending, especially since I refuse to give up my writing time to do that stuff.

I'm almost past the PMS thing, so I'm focusing on exercise more than food. But I'm doing OK with food, anyway. I'm focusing on planning meals that make some changes I've been thinking about. Mainly I need to change the balance of some of the food choices I make so my diet is better suited to my age and changing hormones. So, I'm dividing up my points a little differently, changing things like adding more calcium-rich foods to my diet and relying a little less on supplements. We'll see how it goes.

Happy turtlin'!

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