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Old 05-29-2002, 12:18 PM   #1  
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Talking Turtle Club #68

Hi, Everyone,

Here's my "official" version of the fable:

The Hare and the Tortoise

A hare met a tortoise one day and made fun of him for the slow and clumsy way in which he walked.

The tortoise laughed and said, "I will run a race with you any time that you choose."

"Very well," replied the hare, "we will start at once."

The tortoise immediately set off in his slow and steady way without waiting a moment or looking back. The hare, on the other hand, treated the matter as a joke and decided to take a little nap before starting, for she thought that it would be an easy matter to overtake her rival.

The tortoise plodded on, and meanwhile the hare overslept herself, with the result that she arrived at the winning-post only to see that the tortoise had got in before her.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

This comes from a book handed down from my grandmother to my mother to me. The book is so old it doesn't have a copyright date or an author/editor's credit.

That fable has been the motivation for us turtles for about three years. Someone on the ancient WW forum mentioned the fable and I discovered it was very motivational for me. I talked about it in posts and other people said that the tortoise philosophy worked for them, too. So, I started a thread for us turtle types.

We work toward accepting that our bodies have a natural speed of weight loss when we choose to live a healthy life, instead of "going on a diet". Many of us have experienced "the diets" as go on/lose weight-- go off/ gain the weight plus more back.

We choose to perservere with each choice we make throughout the day. We believe that choosing to be slow, steady turtles helps us to learn the skills we need to in order to lose and keep off the weight. Our main focus is to become the healthiest people we can be.

So, welcome to all who realize that losing and maintaining a weight loss is a lifestyle change. And who want support as we all learn the skills we need to successfully make the changes that will allow us to reach our goals.

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Old 05-29-2002, 12:22 PM   #2  
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Hi, Turtles,

Judy, I'm glad things are going well for you. Only a few more weeks and you get a much-deserved vacation.

I'm doing OK, too. Not a lot to say today, but I wanted to check in with everyone.

Today I'm printing out lots of map pieces to tape together so I can keep track of where my characters are. So, I'm working hard at my resurrected dream.

Have a great day! Happy turtlin'!

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Old 05-29-2002, 12:31 PM   #3  
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Good morning, Turtles. Had Spinning this morning after a hard class last night, and I'm not feeling entirely okay. Hmmmmmm. I'm trying to decide if this is allergies/sinuses or a blood sugar drop. I'm inclined to think allergies/sinuses, my hands are not shaking and I'm not sick to my stomach. Maybe I should take some of my sinus meds (I have recurrent problems, always have).

I've got to hang around the house today, UPS delivery and (hopefully) someone to fix the garbage disposal. But it's so nice to actually have the luxury to DO this...not stress about having to time things or work things in, or be twelve places in the next 3 hours...etc.

So far for the week I'm at 114 points, over 4 days. Lots of exercise, and I'm up and down every day. I'm hopeful, though weigh in this weekend may not be positive (it's a couple of days before TOM). Ah well, I'll deal with it when I come to it.

I'm sorry if I inundated all of you with information, open the dam and everything comes out! If you have any questions let me know, I'll try to just answer the ONE question.

Hope all is well with everyone, have a good day Turtles!
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Old 05-29-2002, 07:50 PM   #4  
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It must be very exciting to create a world that can be mapped and then place your characters right there! I am so glad that you're living your dream of writing. This seems so right for you.
Way to go. I'm also glad your eating is going pretty much the way you want it to go. We are doing this.

Please, the more information the better. I'm not pretending that I understand it all, but it reminds me that I need a healthy amount of protein each day. It's so easy to grab carbs and I really enjoy them anyway. So your information was great!

Hope your vacation was a good one. Traveling is not fun right now. Did I tell you that I was a *selected* traveler on my last plane flights? Yes, I don't win the lottery, but I did win the opportunity to have the magic wand waved all over me, my bag opened and searched, and my pocketbook taken completely apart. No damage of course, but wow. I am glad the airport employees are taking their jobs seriously, but it was odd to be *selected.*

Today was a triumphant day. I brought grape tomatoes and grapes for snacks. I knew I had to shop after work, so I brought an apple for that time of day. I had a huge chocolate craving at work because of emotions. So the old me might have eaten a whole chocolate bar. The new me bought one, broke off 4 small squares of chocolate and threw out the rest! I ate and enjoyed every bit of the chocolate I allowed myself and I was very pleased. That worked for me.
I wish us all success and baby steps toward a healthier happier lifestyle.

I couldn't get back to your name in my message, so I'll put it here.
Hope you feel better soon with your sinuses. I understand that sinus inflammation, etc. can lead to balance problems, so I hope you're peachy keen already.

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Old 05-29-2002, 10:14 PM   #5  
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Hi, tortoises.

Judy, back up a minute. Did you just say you THREW OUT CHOCOLATE???? WOW!!! Count me seriously impressed. Major kudos for not giving in to the emotional-eating monster. We need to think of a good name for that pest.

Erin, thanks for all that health info -- I can't imagine getting in that amount of protein, but it's worth knowing about. I am getting in more protein than I have previously now. About your points ... might you be eating too few points given how hard you work out? That will also stall out your weight loss, or at least slow it way down. You're doing so well; you're an inspiration.

Lin, I admire your creating a whole world for your characters. I'm not sure I'd have the patience. I'm glad the TOM monster wasn't so bad this time; sounds like sticking with those calcium supplements is a must. Have you tried adding soy? (Which reminds me, I need to have some soon.)

Not sure if I mentioned it, but this awful project I've been on is ending on Friday, one month prematurely. The bottom line: the new regime hates us and wants us out. Long story, but this is a company that uses blame as its modus operandi, and we (this small training team) are the whipping boy du jour. I'll be glad to get out. Unfortunately, I have one horrible day to get through before I can go -- Friday. I just found out I'll be presenting the materials I created to a group of very hostile people that day. ALL day. Gack. I sure am looking forward to the weekend.

I gained four pounds last week, mostly due to Memorial Day weekend and an Indian meal I had earlier in the week. Two of them are off already; the other two will no doubt take a while. I'm finding it very difficult to stay at or under 27 points every day, but I won't lose unless I do. I've realized that this plan didn't feel like a diet to me so long as I had enough points that I had lots of wiggle room. (Hard to believe I could once eat 35 points every day and lose weight easily.) That wiggle room is now disappearing, and every point counts. I truly cannot imagine eating less than I'm currently eating without plunging into diet mentality. This is going to take some creativity.

Oh, I got a haircut today -- it's shorter than I've had it in a long time. It was time for a change. The woman who cuts my hair gave me my usual trim, at my request, and was blowing out my hair when I said "You know, I really, really like your hairstyle these days. I think I'll get that next time." And she said "There's no time like the present" -- and she did it! Washed my hair out again, and then cut it and styled it a second time! I love this woman.

Onward and downward,

274/190.5/170s before I die
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Old 05-29-2002, 11:58 PM   #6  
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Lin, you're going so strong! I admire you immensely for your creativity. To create a world...and be able to remember all the parts of it! I'm so impressed, it's something I could never do.

Lauren, sounds like you have a gem of a stylist! I hope you like your shorter hair. I went to my stylist about 4 years ago, took out my hairclip and said "cut it off". He said "How short is too short?" and I said "buzz cut". So I have hair that's very short--a little mob-cap of red hair (dyed red, but I swear I should have been born a redhead. I have pale skin and green eyes, my name is Erin...shoulda been born a redhead, right?). In front it barely touches my ears, in back it's a scrappy man's cut. It's longer on top so I can wear little clips for exercise. Anyway, I hope you love short hair as much as I do! You're going to find very fast that it is SERIOUSLY easy to care for--wash it, dry it in 5 minutes, run your fingers through it and you're done!

I have also been thinking about whether my level of exercise is impacting my loss. What I am doing right now is having 4 "ghost points" every workout day--points I eat but do not record. The slider thing you get with Winning Points is useless--I was earning 11+ points a day! So I just figure I have 4 points for an hour's workout (considering how hard I work, it's reasonable, and WP cuts you off at 4 points anyway). I try to make those points "nutritionally active" foods. I'm trying the Wendie's Plan up/down thing, and I feel* like I'm FINALLY getting losses. I'll find out either this saturday or next (because of a goof on my part I'm off the Pill this month, so TOM that's coming will be BAD).

Judy, most people are overwhelmed by thinking about the numbers. Seriously, don't worry about it. You know that old "listen to your body" mantra? Really try to do that. If you are hungry but not interested in anything heavy, chances are you want veggies (quirky note: I know I want veggies when I'm constantly thinking about being outside in sunlight. Odd but true). If you want something warm that stays with you, you want protein. If you're wanting carbs, some people feel very lethargic. Watch out for that one, though, because just as often people need naps! I've always been irritated by that "listen to your body" thing, myself--no one ever told me what I was listening for. Now, though, I think I've figured it out.

I got a great compliment tonight. I went to Pilates and talked to Cathleen again after, to get a couple of tips on modifications. She said she loved talking to me because I have a different body and I bring up interesting, intelligent observations. I told her I'm actually a trainer who works with older patients with injuries/disabilities, and she said "they're very lucky to have you." It made me so proud, I just had to tell you.

27 points today, for a week of 141 over 5 days. I realize by doing the up/down thing with totals under 30 each day I'm not REALLY doing the week's total thing, but I still think about it that way. It really helps!

Bye Turtles!
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Old 05-30-2002, 06:58 AM   #7  
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Erin, just a quick note here -- the Wendy plan had you eating one very high-point day a week -- about 10 points over your max. If you find you're not getting losses by consistently eating under 30 points, why not try actually eating those 11+ exercise points a couple of times a week? Just a thought.

Your hair sounds fun. Mine isn't quite that short; I tuck it behind my ears. It's a bob of sorts, I guess. And yes, of course you should have red hair.

I lost another of my 4 Memorial Day pounds, so now I'm only 1 pound up from last week. Chip, chip, chip.

274/189.5/170s in this lifetime
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Old 05-30-2002, 01:10 PM   #8  
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Hi, Turtles,

Erin, I'm an information freak, so I love all of the information you give us. I feel as if I can make more intelligent decisions if I have enough information, but it has to be accurate information, which I why I find yours so helpful.

It sounds as if you're making good choices, but I'm with Lauren about eating a little more since you exercise so much. If your weight loss continues to stall, why don't you try adding a few more points each week for a month or two and see what happens? If it doesn't work, you will at least have learned someting else useful about your body.

Well, my youngest, who prefers buzz cuts because it's so easy, jokes that I should shave my head. Well, that woudl be a shock because my hair is halfway down my back. I stopped cutting it when I got tired of getting exactly the cut I told the stylist I didn't want. It's as if they don't know how to cut any other style except the one that looks awful on me. I bet that buzz looks cute on you.

It must be California at this time of year. I had to take sinus medicine for the first time in months this morning. Hope you feel better soon.

Judy, that's great about how you handled the chocolate. My family would kill me if I toss out chocolate because they would prefer I give it to them to eat!! Chocoholics all!!

Lauren, glad to hear your awful job is almost up. Hope you get through this terribly difficult day with little damage to your weight loss plan.

Looking forward to seeing a new photo with that new haircut. Meanwhile, that cat is great!! It looks like I feel a lot of the time and made me laugh.

Diet mentality is a tough one, especially as you reach toward that lowest point range. I've always wondered if it's possible to eat at that level without being forced to make choices that feel like a diet. I'm looking forward to seeing how you do it, blazing the trail for when we all get there. I has occurred to me that not wanting to have to move to a lower point range and deal with feeling like I now must diet is part of why I've been stuck in the same weight range for so long. I may be sabotaging myself partly because of that dilemma. It's dumb, but it's how weird human minds often work.

I had a difficult time for a couple of meals over the past few days. But I realized what's going on and I know what to do about it. I'm pretty much back on track, but lunch today will be impossible due to circumstances I have no control over and I'm going to just do my best with them.

I must walk every day, I'm finding, no matter what other exercise I do. Walking helps my legs, which hurt a lot from the cement floor. I'm going to have to break down and do the support hose thing. I really, really hate wearing pantihose every day. It's uncomfortable to put on. It's really hot in the summer, even in this mild climate. And it's more expensive than the regular stuff.

Thanks for all of the encouragement about my book. The world is easy to keep track of, Erin, if you keep your notes organized. I'm going to put my HTML to good use and create documents with hyperlinks to connect important information. Example: a link from the genealogy page to the individual charactar definitions. Or between characters and their place on the history timeline. That way of organizing gives me more flexibility than using a database or spreadsheet because a lot of the information doesn't really fit either of those formats. It is a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. The hardest part is giving up good ideas that just don't quite work consistently with the rest of the world. I often hate my ability to brainstorm so well, but I just put the stuff I don't use in a separate file to use in another tale.

Speaking of which, I must get back to work. Have a great day!!

Happy turtlin'!


Last edited by Lin S; 05-30-2002 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:39 PM   #9  
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What fun! These posts are great.
Way to go, Lauren, getting those vacation pounds off. I hear you chipping all the way over here. I am chipping away, too. Another good day.

Fascinating stuff.

I think the whole world should be made of up redheads!

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Old 05-31-2002, 11:36 AM   #10  
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Hi, Turtles,

Judy, I'm so glad you had another good day!

I went for a long walk yesterday and it was so great. The weather has finally warmed up and I didn't need a sweatshirt or jacket.

I'm doing better today. I've been up and down this week, eating the right number of points sometimes and not at other times. But the trend is toward being OP all the time again. So, I'm celebrating that progress.

I finished the basic map of my world yesterday. I need to do some tweaking. I wish I had a color printer. It would make things so much easier if I could print it in color rather than having to try to color in the altitudes, climtaes, etc. by hand. But, such is life. I don't even know anyone I can borrow one from for a few days. Oh, well. I guess my colored pencils will get a huge workout.

My dh gets a newsletter from a job recruiter periodically. He got one a couple of days ago with a job he's interested in. It pays more than he's making now, but it's a little farther away. It's also a job he'd like to do. So, I'm encouraging him to apply. He doesn't have to take it if they offer it, but it turns out not to be what he's hoping for. So, we'll see what happens.

Happy turtlin'!

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Old 05-31-2002, 12:30 PM   #11  
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Judy, you made me giggle with your redheads comments. I'm so glad you're having good days, you're just racking them up!

Woohoo Lauren, got that Memorial Day gain off quick! As always you impress me.

Right now I have one day that's 10 points over, but those points are part of my week's total. I'm doing the ghost point thing, 4 a day on workout days (which, basically, is every day, but still). I'm caught in that "god I can't eat more, I'm barely maintaining as it is!" thing. I KNOW physiologically what could be happening. I KNOW that if I add, say, 2 points a day as an experiment, I will not blow up. But I'm still caught in that "gotta eat less, not MORE!" mentality. Any suggestions for getting around this?

Lin, congratulations on finishing your map! Well, except for the coloring. That's so cool. I'm so excited about being able to read this, when you're finished.

I'm at 174 for 6 days, with 5.5 hours of exercise. I'm going to the gym this morning for another hour. I have a lower day in mind, but we'll see what happens.

Have a good day, Turtles!
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Old 05-31-2002, 06:34 PM   #12  
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Well, I hope you managed to get through your day of presentations. It must feel good walking out the door and saying good bye. I definitely do not like what I am hearing about corporations and the way they treat people. So, on to bigger and better things with your free-lancing.

Enjoy your mapping. You are quite original in what you're doing.
Really neat.

I'm tempted to say eat a little more or exercise a little less. If you're maintaining with all this exercise and eating the right number of WW points over the course of a week, it seems like your body needs an adjustment. Good luck with whatever you try.

Today I ate high points and tomorrow we're having a family barbecue, but I've got WW foods in mind and I'm dragging out the bocci set. It's too cold to swim, but I can't wait until that becomes available too. I've had three good days and I'm doing okay. Good luck to everyone.
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Old 06-01-2002, 09:52 AM   #13  
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Hello, tortoisean ones. Hey, there's a name for one of your planets, Lin -- Tortoisean.

It's a gorgeous day here -- cool, sunlight edging the leaves outside, sky a deep, vivid blue ... I love it when the humidity goes down. So clear and sparkling. I plan to wash my hair and get out on that front porch for a couple of hours before my brother arrives. Then we're going to downtown Detroit. Why, you may ask, would any sane human being go to downtown Detroit? Because it has the best used bookstore I've ever seen, that's why. It's four stories high, just massive, and very well organized. Wooden floorboards that creak, hanging lightbulbs that you switch on and off as you stroll through the packed rows of books . . . it's missing some of the atmosphere of the smaller used book stores I've seen (no cats, for instance), but it more than makes up for it with selection.

Anyway. I've had a few good mostly OP days; I've gotten some good exercise in.

The presentation yesterday went about as I'd expected. The audience turned out to not be hostile (except for one guy, who mercifully got up and left early on), but the work we've done is woefully inadequate for what's actually needed. I kept telling my supervisor that was going to be the case, that we weren't nearly thorough enough and that much more time is needed before the class will be ready to be delivered. The audience confirmed that yesterday. I feel bad for my supervisor; she's a good friend, and it was at her urging that I took this project. But she's out of her depth on it. She's not a business analyst, and that's what you need here.

Anyway. I may go in tomorrow (Sunday) to help her out for a few hours; she's madly trying to do all that needs to be done in just a few days. (The class is going to pilot on Thursday.) Gack.

On Monday I head back to the unemployment office. They must be getting to know me well there by now. Fortunately, I'm going with another contractor who got laid off; she's delightful, and we'll have a fun day together. I also sent a note to my University of Michigan contact and told him I'm ready to start writing. So we'll see what happens next.

Looks like all the turtles are doing better on our weight-loss journeys these days. Must be the summer weather.

Erin, I don't know how to make one's self add points. It's not a problem I have! Are you taking your measurements and seeing them go down? Are your clothes getting baggy? If so, then you're doing fine just as you are, even without the scale going down. But you knew that. If you're not getting smaller, then it's time to shake things up. If you're looking for suggestions on how to add more points -- have pizza or ice cream. That'll do it pretty quickly. :lol Seriously, pick a day and eat out or eat something relatively fattening. Count it; eat back within your points the next day. It could be that your overall weekly point count is too low. You won't know until you juggle things around and experiment. You're in this for the long haul, so what's the problem if the experiment produces a couple of extra pounds? You've learned what not to do; you move on. Lighten up on yourself and let yourself be free to make mistakes; that's how we learn. I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised if you add points.

Judy, yeah, most corporations in my experience are hotbeds of stupidity and disfunction. It's a miracle that things ever get done in some of them. I'm just glad we continue to get our electricity. Good for you on those three good days!! BarBQs can be easy when you bring healthier options like chicken and fish and salads and fruit. They're murder when you dip into the potato and macaroni salads and brownies. Let us know how it goes.

Lin, so glad things have improved for your walks. They really are mood-boosters, aren't they? The experts say that regular exercise (like long walks) is as effective as taking anti-depressants in lifting one's depression over the long haul. (The study I saw looked at how people fared after six months.) I believe it. Hey, just look at Erin! :lol

Well, that's it -- I'm off. Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

Onward and downward,

274/189.5/170s before Adirondacks
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Old 06-01-2002, 10:33 PM   #14  
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Hmm. Interesting conversation with my Best Friend, last night. I was moaning about how when we lived in Chicago WW worked, and I seem to be stalled now. I was averaging about 26-27 points a day, but I was also about 40 pounds lighter. Now I'm averaging 30 a day. She pointed out that I wasn't exercising so much, generally only about 3 hours a week. Right now I'm doing about 3 times that much, between classes, weights, and general activity. Problem is, I don't know how to incorporate the increased activity into my intake. WW is no help--they seem to believe that if you are overweight you cannot possibly be fit and cannot possibly exercise without being bribed to do so. I have talked to many leaders (at least 5, anyway) and none of them knows how to deal with my activity level.

Lauren, in answer to your question, these are the changes I have noticed over the last month:

*my upper abs/ribs are tighter and flatter
*my calf-knee-lower thigh lines are "thinner" and "longer" looking
*my arms are firmer
*my back is tighter

I took very few measurements (bust waist hips) and the changes I am noticing are on parts I did not measure (wouldn't that just figure?), so I cannot say if anything is actually smaller. My jeans are always loose so I can't say from that.

When I weighed myself this morning there was NO CHANGE from a month ago! But 1) it could very likely be TOM coming, am swollen beyond words; and 2) I'm not discouraged because I'm feeling good anyway.

I have added flaxseed oil to my vitamin stash, and am focusing on essential oils and calcium to see if anything changes. It won't hurt me, and if it works things are cool!

Lauren, so glad you're out of that icky job! It must feel great to be freelancing--determining your own schedule, your own assignments, your own everything.

Lin, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your DH's job change! It sounds like it would do him good.

Judy, how did the BBQ go? Good for you for planning ahead on how to deal with the temptations. Now, if I may be uneducated...what is a bocci set?

Bye Turtles!

Last edited by mousie; 06-01-2002 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 06-02-2002, 09:36 AM   #15  
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Hi, Turtles,

Erin, our bodies are totally weird. It's often difficult to predict what will happen as we make adjustments. I had such an off and on week that I would have been happy with just maintaining. But I lost two pounds. I'm really happy about that, but for the life of me I can't tell you why it happened.

Anyway, I'm determined to keep hacking away at this and, no matter how slowy, get the rest of the weight off. I have two more pounds to get to my little goal.

As for your problem, I think WW leaders aren't trained to help. You need to do some research. Your activity level is more like an athlete's or dancer's. I suggest you locate an expert in dealing with athletes/dancers and talk to them about this issue.

Judy, thanks for the encouragement. I know this is a weight-loss thread and I appreciate your tolerance (and everyone else's) of my posting my progress on my book. It helps keep me going in both long-term projects if I can tell someone how I'm doing.

Lauren, I want to go to your bookstore. But first I have to win the lottery and buy a house with enough storage space for all of the books I'd buy.

I'm glad that your difficult job is over. I hope your friend gets her class in order and things go OK for her, in spite of everything. I also hope your freelancing takes off and you can stay out of corporate America for a while.

Yes, walks are definitely mood boosters. I've about decided I need to get a really good umbrella and/or a better jacket with a hood so I can get to the mall to walk when it rains.

Life is going pretty much the same here. I'm still working away, but I don't do the book on the weekends unless I get an inspiration that I must put down. I will be getting in a walk today. It's gotten cloudy and icky again. We are having the strangest weather this summer. It's been warm enough to swim only a few days since they opened the pool. So, I also need a warn coverup for when I walk to and from the pool or I won't get much swimming in this summer.

I'm following the same plan I set up a couple of weeks ago. I've discovered that if I plan one day in advance, I can manage to stick with the plan better than if I do a whole week. So, that's what I'm doing.

Gotta go. Happy turtlin'!

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