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Old 04-25-2002, 08:45 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down Prevention Millennium Diet #86

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed
42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.

This is not necessarily a vegetarian diet. The guidelines summarized above are just that.
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Old 04-26-2002, 07:18 AM   #2  
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Lana, it's great hearing from you again! Congratulations on losing and keeping off 5 lb. Keeping the lbs. off is the hard part. I hope that all has been well with you. I can relate to being on a slow internet server, and being booted off and all the other things that go with it. Within the last few days we finally got the option of having access to a high speed internet server, wired into our cable TV. We had it installed and I cannot tell you how much better it is. I will be looking forward to your posts.

ledom, you sound like me, when you have other things on your mind you can't concentrate on dieting or exercising. Once things settle down for you, you will get back to your exercising and eating right. Now that the warmer weather is here (almost, for me ), you will be back outside kayaking and hiking more.

Hi must be on your way to CA or in CA by now. Have a great time!

We drove back from Cape Cod last night. We ran into snow about and hr. or so south from where we live. We had snow the whole ride home, which was horrible. When we got home it was hardly snowing. We couldn't believe it because before we left they were saying we were to get 5"-9". Thankfully, we didn't get anything, the storm stayed farther out to sea than they thought. WHEW!!!!

Take care and have a good Fri.
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Old 04-26-2002, 06:19 PM   #3  
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Thanks for the wonderful welcome Aleka, Ledom and Judi...And thanks for starting the new thread Ledom it does make a big difference....

I'm hoping that all our snow will stay away... I would cry to see more snow...It's been pretty nice and I'm happy with it...altho it's a little on the cool side...specially after last week when the temps went up to the 70's that really spoiled us, took my nylons off and now in my stuborness I refusee to put them back on... so today I froze... and there was a fire alarm at school so we stood outside for a good 20 minutes...brrrr...

Today I had a terrible day, foodwise that is...A wonderful lady I work with has retired and I had cake in the morning, at noon, and on break in the afternoon too....So tonite I only had a 2oz piece of steak, and a tomatoe...and well over 3000 calories and 50% of my calories were to fat.....ugh... when I see it in writting on it really hits home... AND we took her out for chineese food at lunch... oh my I had forgotten about that...I think I must go for a walk now...

I'm wondering if you girls are also like this as you are getting older...(no offence to anyone out there I hope....) When I eat too many sweets now all I want to do afterwards is go to blood sugar level seems to drop...for example since I've eaten all those sweets today, all I want to do is go to bed right now... I'm yawning like crazy, and I could easily convince mylsef NOT to go for a walk...but I promise I will....LOL.....

Anyways.... I am off for a walk, as I yawn yet again....

See you all later...

HAve a good weekend all if I happen not to come back but I probably will drop by to say hi...


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Old 04-28-2002, 10:09 AM   #4  
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Default good morning

Lana, I find that to be true. I am not sure it is age related though, seems I've always been like that. The more I eat, the less I do. I the less I do, the lazier I get. The lazier I get, the more I eat. It's a viscious cycle.

I got out my PMD issue of Prevention yesterday as well as an old Prevention with a strength training program that looks interesting and doable. I am putting all my effort into having one good day to build on today.

So far the weekend has been a bust but hope spring eternal.
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Old 04-29-2002, 08:12 AM   #5  
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Default Hey,

How was your weekend?

Sunday, I took my vitamins and ate about 1500 cals. This morning D and I walked a mile. I have decided to try giving up diet coke. I know better than to try that cold turkedy, but I plan to really cut back until I can do without.

I dug out an old diet book, it is Firm for Life, the book the Firm Video people put out. I was reading the diet chapter just to check how many calories they recommended for weight loss. 1200 to 1700 is what they recommend, so I think the 1500 that PMD recommends is right in line.

After months of good exercise habits I have hit the wall. I have decided to concentrate on counting calories for a while. I know in the past that if I can get one habit going, the other sometimes follows.

Lana, do you teach during the summer? Don't I remember that you have young children?

How is your weather today Alice? I know you'll be happy for spring temps.

This is the last week of regular classes where I teach, next week is finals and graduation. I have agreed to drive D and a friend 250 miles to see a concert at the end of next week. Am I nuts? I'm sure it isn't one I want to see so I'll have to see if there is a mall I could go to while they are at the concert.
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Old 04-29-2002, 10:13 AM   #6  
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Unhappy Hi there.....

A blue Monday. Ledom, our weather is awful it is about 30+ deg. cooler than it should be at this time of year, we have had rain..snow..sleet for the past couple of days. It is really very depressing. Now...aren't you glad you asked?

My weekend eating went very well until Sun. I don't know why, but I was hungry all day. I am going to give my "old" diet, Somersizing, a try again. Hopefully this time I can stick with it. I was watching her on TV over the weekend and there was this woman on who had lost 85 lb. She was an inspiration. I usually start out with good intentions, but fall by the wayside after awhile.

Lana, are you still seeing any snow? Our weather is coming down from Canada. We have had snow, the heavy wet kind, but it only lasts a day, then it's gone. I don't get tired after I eat sweets, I get heartburn. It just seems to just sit there.

ledom. where is the concert you and your D are going to, and what type of concert? How is the calorie counting going?

Take care and enjoy the day.
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Old 04-29-2002, 01:10 PM   #7  
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Hello girls,

Woke up to snow on Sunday morning, the wet heavy kind...the one good thing of getting snow at this time of year is that it won't last... It's a blue Monday here too Aleka....

I'm a temp secretary in the schools, and I have 8 weeks of school left...yippee....looking forward to a nice summer off...Kids are sort of young, but are getting up there.... my son will be 14 in 2 weeks, and D will be 12 in September, going on 21 really...

Food wise the weekend was ok, not the greatest tho... and I walked alot on Saturday, but Sunday was a couch potatoe day, and it was also a blue Sunday...snow, rain, damp....ugh....

Which concert is it Ledom?

Oh well.....So far today food is good...but it's only noon......

See you all later.....


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Old 04-30-2002, 08:07 AM   #8  
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Angry Hey there!

Lana~It sounds like we both are having the same weather. Your right, at least the snow doesn't last this time of year. How did your eating go yesterday afternoon?

ledom~Did you get a tornado in your area too, or a severe T/storm? How is your PMDing going?

My eating went well yesterday...I did not exercise tho...I am going to try to get outside between storms to walk.

Hey judi I hope you are having a good time!

Take care everyone and have a great day!
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Old 04-30-2002, 09:02 AM   #9  
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Default Goodmorning,

Oh my, we sometimes wish for more snow down here, but I know I'd be fed up with it by now. We didn't get tornados here - just some rain.

The concert is in Dallas, the performers are Green Day and Blink 182 - I think I got that right.

Well, PMD went good yesterday until last night when D asked if we could have pizza for supper. I lost it then. But I am encouraged, suppertime is most risky because we are both tired and hungry and don't feel like cooking. I was mad at myself over the pizza and really plan to have a good day today. At least I am caring again.

Slept too late to walk this morning.

I have taken my vitamins 3 days in a row, Diet Coke project is going pretty well, and I have been getting my water in.

I hope you all have a good day. I am going to concentrate on being faithful to PMD all the way until bedtime tonight.
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Old 04-30-2002, 06:33 PM   #10  
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Hi girls,

Food has been good for the last 2 days.... I've been socking the water away too lately, that makes me feel good... I've been good with vitamins lately too, take a hand full every morning... seems to help my perimenopause and my hunger too... I've been getting alot of heart palpitations lately too, and have been reading up alot on menopause and they say hormones can do that... Don't worry girls I've had all the tests done to my heart and I am very healthy... But When I mention hormones and heart palpitations to the doctors look at me like I have two heads...(all men of course...)

Blink 182 sounds right Ledom, they are a very popular group, a little punky my son says...the other group I have never heard of tho...

Well girls I have to go ...son wants to use the puter for research...

Take care...


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Old 05-01-2002, 01:04 PM   #11  
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Angry Good afternoon....

We are inbetween storms at the moment. I did get my walk in yesterday and again today. Tomorrow it looks like I will be doing my walking video.

ledom~Some nights you just don't want to cook...I have a lot of those Well...I have not heard of those groups...I guess I'm still living in the 60's & 70's.

Lana~I had heart palpitations a long time ago. I had all the tests and everything came out ok, so the Dr. put me on Xantax for panic attacks. Reading about palpitations and perimenopause, I now believe that was causing them. Thankfully I haven't had any in quite a few years (knock on wood ) It is scary when you are having them.

Take care.
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Old 05-01-2002, 10:19 PM   #12  
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Default HI!

I am at my DH's work place in Ca. Just had to check in and see what you girls were up to.

It has been unseasonably cold here too. That is a good thing though because we are going to have a few days holiday in Furnace Creek in Death Valley. Usually by this weekend camping/Rving drops way off because it is too hot because there are only 5 spots with full hook ups in all the 100's of camping places. We need the electricity hook up to run the air conditioner. We will be home sometime next week. We have been to Death Valley twice before but this is the first time to stay so I am looking forward to it.

I have been managing 3 meals and 2 snacks, one snack is always a yogurt. I have found a water that is about 30 calories for 3 cups made by Gatorade I think. It makes drinking the water so much easier.

I haven't been walkingmuch though, sleeping mostly

Better go...see you all when I get home.
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Old 05-02-2002, 08:07 AM   #13  
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Default Good morning girls,

How is it going?

You are a wealth of information. I am not saying this proudly, but I have an aversion to Drs. I have learned a lot from your talk of heart palpitations. I have experienced that myself. Last fall after a couple of months being off the diet and not exercising, I was experiencing them a lot. It seemed with regular exercise and diet they went away. Now, about a month into sloth I am beginning to experience them again. I do think it must be perimenopause, from my observation good nutrition and exercise seems to help that symptom. I need to read a good book on this subject. I know there are some out there - have you guys read one that you would recommend?

Well, I got my hair cut off last night. It was long and now it is chin length and spiky. It is a big change but I think I am going to enjoy it this summer. The ladies at bookclub were complimentary last night, I am pretty sure I like it too.

Weighed at home this morning. I have gained 10 lbs., it feels like 25! I think the fact that I got on the scale of my own volition this morning is a sign that I want my clothes to feel comfortable again and I want to do something about it. I am not stressed over this, I took a break, I can gain weight very quickly but I think this 10 lbs. will come off pretty quickly too if I just start dealing with it and stop ignoring it.
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Old 05-02-2002, 11:28 AM   #14  
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Angry Good morning ....

It is raining very heavily this morning, and it's is raw out. I was on my way downtown this morning when I saw an elderly man walking and hitchiking on the side of the road. He was only in a T-shirt and sweatpants, and on further inspection he was barefoot!
I did not pick him up, but planned on stopping at the PD to let them know what I saw. As I got further towards town I saw a police car going in the opposite direction with 3 more police cars behind him with their lights flashing. I figured one or all of them would spot the man. I would say he escaped from someone and they put a call into the PD. I did not spot him on my way home, so somebody picked him up.

ledom~There is a book about menopause that has been on the best seller list for the past few weeks, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the book, or who wrote it. Maybe if you went into Amazon you could find something. I too believe that exercising helped with the palpitations, plus when I was having them I thought about it all the time, which in turn probably caused more palpitations. Now I don't think about it at all and I think that has helped too. You really have a very healthy attitude about where you are now with your weight. I have no doubts you will get those 10 lbs. off soon.

judi~It was great hearing from you. Have a good time in Death Valley. I wish you could send some of that heat my way

Hi Lana, I hope you are having a good day.

Take care and have a great day!
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Old 05-02-2002, 01:13 PM   #15  
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Thumbs down

Hello girls,

The book on menopause that I have read front to back, and is on the best seller list also, is called The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr. Christine Northrup...I go back to it OFTEN...

One vitamin that I have noticed alleviates the palps is magnesium... I up my intake when I get them often in the same day....I get them continually at times, I also agree that just thinking about them brings them on...

Food has been good the last few days, but not walking, but I have gone to the gym 3 times already this week...

I must thank you girls for your encouraging words when I said that I had lost 5 lbs in the last year... you see I was thinking that this was awful, but after reading your posts and looking at it from a different perspective, I felt much better...Thanks so much....

Ledom I love short hair.... I just may go that route very the summer I love the just gel and go kind of hair....I bet you look great...

Well I have to get going...


Last edited by 3fcuser1058250; 05-02-2002 at 06:49 PM.
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