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Old 03-03-2002, 02:13 PM   #1  
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Default Anybody Taking Xenical?

My Doc prescribed it and I did get it filled. I have taken a couple of pills over the past three days with no ill effects. Anybody else? Would be interested in how it is working for you.
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Old 03-03-2002, 07:55 PM   #2  
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Default Xenical

Ruthxxx - I've been taking Xenical along with Phentermine for the last 2 months. I've also been on the Zone Diet which limits fat intake. I haven't any any of the adverse effects we hear about. There have been a couple days that I've eaten fattier foods that I've noticed a difference, but I haven't tested it too much. I almost worry about a bulimic attitude though. If I eat something high fat the xenical will help get rid of it Ilike a laxative). Which probably isn't the healthiest way to think. So far I've just thought about that but haven't actual done it. I can't really say the xenical is helping my weight loss. The Phenterimine definitely is an appetite suppresant and helps me stay on the diet plan.
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Old 03-04-2002, 06:07 AM   #3  
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I thought about it. I saw an ad on offering 3 months free of Xenical if you buy 3 months. Sounded tempting. Well, the bargain sounded tempting, not so sure about the side effects, lol.

Please keep us posted on your progress with it
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Old 03-04-2002, 10:50 AM   #4  
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I take Xenical from time to time. Mostly I take it to keep me on track when I'm not the person making the food. Restaraunts don't seem to cook with my goals in mind I know I could make a fuss and ask for them to make it special, but......did you ever see the movie "Road Trip" or the show "When Chefs Attack"? I'd rather just pop a Xenical. Thirty tablets probabaly last me 5 months. They are expensive, but if it keeps me on the right track, it's worth it. I'd hate for 1 meal out to throw me for a loop, but I've also learned that it's ok to indulge once in awhile.

PS I did go overboard once with Xenical. ONCE!!!!!! Don't learn the hard way. Be cautious of what you are putting in your mouth.
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Old 03-04-2002, 05:35 PM   #5  
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Thanks for your input. I have taken Xenical four times since Last week - when I was eating out and knew the meal would be higher fat than I would prepare at home. At CA$155 for 84 pills, it's easy to ration them out! So far none of the horrible side-effects have happened.
My Doc is a bit screwed up on Xenical - isn't that reassuring! He said it eliminated 30% of calories but it really is 30% of the fat calories, I think. Canadians don't have access to the Xenical website but I do have an 800 number to call. Just figured I'd check in here first.
So far no weight loss but it WAS the weekend! I'll let you know how if goes.
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Old 03-05-2002, 11:16 PM   #6  
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You are right, it's 30% of the fat calories, not total calories.

I'm really surprised you cant access the Xenical website, considering that the med is available there. I'll copy some of the info here, and if you have any questions about anything, we can look and copy more

How does Xenical work?

If you eat an excessive amount of fat or calories, the excess is stored as fat by the body, resulting in weight gain. When you eat fat, your body breaks it down into its simplest components so that it can be digested.

Enzymes in your digestive system, called lipases, help digest (or break down) fat. As shown to the right, when taken with meals, XENICAL attaches to the lipases and blocks them from breaking down some of the fat you have eaten.

The undigested fat cannot be absorbed and is eliminated in your bowel movements. By working this way, XENICAL helps block about one-third of the fat in the foods you eat from being absorbed by your body.

Following 1 year of treatment, XENICAL in combination with diet was shown to be more effective in reducing weight than diet alone. In most cases, weight loss was gradual. Patients treated with XENICAL and a reduced-calorie diet for 1 year lost an average of 13.4 lbs, while those on a reduced-calorie diet alone lost 5.8 lbs. And XENICAL helped more people lose weight. In fact, over twice as many XENICAL patients lost 10% of their body weight, and among those who did, the average weight loss was 31 lbs and the range of weight loss was between 16 and 74 lbs.

How effective is XENICAL?

In clinical studies, people treated with XENICAL and a reduced-calorie diet with no more than 30% of calories from fat achieved significantly greater weight loss than people who were treated with diet alone. The studies were designed with all participants eating a reduced-calorie for 4 weeks, followed by the diet plus XENICAL or the diet alone for 52 weeks. After 52 weeks, those taking the diet plus XENICAL lost an average of twice as much weight as those who used the diet alone (approximately 13.4 lbs versus 5.8 lbs). Furthermore, 69.1% of patients receiving XENICAL lost 3% of their total body weight (an average of 13 lbs) after 3 months and 19 lbs after 1 year.

There is clear scientific evidence that if you are overweight, losing as little as 5% to 10% of your body weight can result in improved health. In studies of XENICAL, almost two-thirds of people treated with XENICAL plus diet successfully lost at least 5% of their body weight after 2 years. In comparison, only half of the people treated with diet alone managed to lose 5% of their weight.

Weight loss with XENICAL and a healthy diet also improves a number of weight-related health risks. Studies show that weight loss with XENICAL can:

Decrease total LDL cholesterol (level of low-density lipoprotein—also known as “bad cholesterol”), which transfers cholesterol throughout the body
Improve the LDL/HDL ratio
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce levels of insulin, a hormone that allows glucose (sugar) to enter the body’s cells
Reduce the risk or delay the progression of type 2 diabetes in patients
Note: The long-term benefits of orlistat on weight-related illnesses and life expectancy have not been studied.

How thoroughly has XENICAL been tested?

The effects of XENICAL on weight loss, weight maintenance and weight regain, as well as the effects of weight loss with XENICAL on other weight-related health problems (such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure), have been assessed in seven 1-to-2-year, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials. These studies included more than 4100 patients.

What is the difference between XENICAL and other weight-loss medications?

Unlike other commonly prescribed weight-loss medications, XENICAL is not an appetite suppressant and does not affect your metabolism. Instead, it works in your digestive system to block about one-third of the fat in the food you eat from being digested.

How is the XENICAL weight-loss plan different from other such plans?

Weight loss with XENICAL is a different experience than weight loss with other treatments. It’s not just about taking a drug and eating - or avoiding - certain foods. Instead, it’s a "whole person" approach that ties together a number of different elements that are important for successful weight loss.

If you and your doctor decide XENICAL is right for you, you’ll work together to develop an appropriate reduced-calorie diet with no more than 30% calories from fat, reasonable physical activity guidelines and a weight-loss plan.

You’ll also have the opportunity to join XeniCare®, the free patient support program that was created to inform and inspire people who take XENICAL. XeniCare gives you the tools and encouragement you need to help you manage your weight. XeniCare cares about your health, not just how many pounds you lose. XeniCare is about you. When you enroll, you'll answer several questions about your lifestyle. Your responses are used to create a tailored Web site that's relevant to your weight-loss goals.

How do I know if I’m ready for XENICAL?

XENICAL isn’t like any weight-loss treatment you may have experienced. Because it works differently, your role in XENICAL treatment is a little different, too. To use XENICAL effectively you must be committed to:

Talking with your doctor. Only your doctor can properly assess your need for weight loss and help you understand its relationship to other medical conditions you may have. Also, XENICAL is available by prescription only, so only a doctor can start you on this program.
Following the proper medication schedule. XENICAL is taken by mouth, with liquid, and it is best to take it 3 times daily, once with each main meal containing fat. XENICAL can be taken with the meal or up to 1 hour afterward.
Eating a reduced-calorie, 30%-fat diet. A reduced-calorie diet may contain 1200-2000 calories a day, but you should discuss with your doctor how many calories a day are right for you. To help you determine how many calories you consume per day and the percentage of calories from fat, try this calorie calculator from the Calorie Control Council.
Monitoring your food intake. To help you stick to your reduced-calorie diet with no more than 30% of calories from fat, you’ll receive a Daily Diary to record what you eat.
Taking a multivitamin every day. Because XENICAL interferes with your body’s absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins, you should take a multivitamin supplement containing vitamins D, E and K and beta carotene once a day, at least 2 hours before or after taking one of your doses of XENICAL, such as at bedtime. Be sure to ask your doctor which multivitamin is right for you.
Setting realistic, achievable weight-loss goals you can feel good about. A health care professional can help you set these goals. For most people, an initial 5% to 10% weight-loss goal is a good place to start. Studies show that even a loss of 5% to 10% of your body weight can improve weight-related health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.

What does my doctor need to know about me before prescribing XENICAL?

Because XENICAL is a prescription medicine, you must see your doctor to obtain it. But before a doctor can do that, he or she needs to determine whether the medicine is appropriate for you. You can help by making sure your doctor knows if you are:

Allergic to any medicines, foods or dyes
Taking any other weight-loss medication
Taking cyclosporine
Taking any other medicines (including those not prescribed by your doctor)
Taking any dietary supplements, including herbal products
Pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding
Anorexic or bulimic
This and other medical information will help you and your doctor decide if the expected advantages of XENICAL are greater than any possible disadvantages.

Can I take XENICAL with other medications?

Discuss with your doctor all medications you are currently taking (including over-the-counter medicines and herbal products you can get without a prescription) to determine if XENICAL can be taken in addition to these medications. If you are taking cyclosporine, let your doctor know before taking XENICAL; cyclosporine and XENICAL should be taken at least 2 hours apart. If your cyclosporine levels are being measured, more-frequent measurements may be necessary while you’re taking XENICAL.

How long should I use XENICAL?

The use of XENICAL for more than 2 years has not been studied. You and your doctor should discuss how long you should use XENICAL.

If XENICAL works only on the fat in the foods I've eaten, how do I lose the fat on my body?

By consuming fewer calories (the energy source your body requires), your body will automatically tap into its fat stores and use them for the energy it needs.

What happens if I miss a dose or take more than the recommended dose?

If you miss a dose, you simply lose the benefit of XENICAL in blocking one-third of the fat in the food you eat at that meal. You may resume taking XENICAL at your next meal containing fat.

In clinical trials, taking additional doses of XENICAL did not improve weight loss.

How much weight should I lose?

If you're like most people, you've probably set very high weight-loss standards for yourself. This can lead to disappointment. So before you start, it's important to establish realistic goals that you can reach and feel good about. For most people, a weight-loss goal of about 5% to 10% of their body weight is realistic. Clinical studies have shown that this weight-loss goal with XENICAL, plus a reduced-calorie diet with no more than 30% calories from fat, is achievable. In fact, after 52 weeks, those using the diet plus XENICAL lost an average of twice as much weight as those who used the diet alone (approximately 13.4 lbs versus 5.8 lbs). Furthermore, 69.1% of patients receiving XENICAL lost 3% of their total body weight (an average of 13 lbs) after 3 months and 19 lbs after 1 year.

Remember, you don't have to lose a great amount of weight to improve your health. Studies show that a 5% to 10% weight loss can improve weight-related health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.

Find out what would be a reasonable weight-loss goal for you.

How soon after starting XENICAL should I expect to notice weight loss?

Typically, people begin losing weight within 2 weeks of starting XENICAL, and may continue to lose weight for 6 to 12 months, at which point weight loss may begin to plateau or level off - even if you’re still taking XENICAL. Keep your doctor informed about your progress so that he or she can make sure your diet and your level of physical activity remain appropriate to your weight-loss goals. Once you reach your initial goal, you may want to set a new goal and have your doctor re-evaluate your calorie and activity levels.

How much weight should I expect to lose?

The amount of weight you lose depends on how well you stick to a reduced-calorie diet with no more than 30% calories from fat and an appropriate physical activity level, as well as on your compliance with the prescribed medication regimen.

Many studies show that a too-rapid weight reduction is almost always followed by regained weight. Moreover, with rapid weight reduction there is an increased risk for gallstones and, possibly, electrolyte abnormalities. After successful weight loss, a program consisting of a reduced-calorie diet, physical activity and behavior therapy, which should be continued indefinitely, enhances the likelihood of weight-loss maintenance. That’s why it’s so important to approach weight loss as a long-term goal - a healthy change in your lifestyle - rather than a short-term solution.

I’ve been taking XENICAL for 2 weeks, but I haven't seen any weight loss yet. What am I doing wrong?

If you believe that you haven’t lost any - or enough - weight, contact your doctor. He or she may need to readjust either the calorie restriction of your diet or your activity level. Your doctor may suggest that you maintain a Daily Diary to get an idea of how many calories and grams of fat you are actually consuming on a daily basis. If you have been keeping a food diary, be sure to show it to your doctor. Also, be sure to enroll in the XeniCare® patient support program for additional support and helpful resources.

I’m still following the XENICAL plan, but I’ve stopped losing weight. Why?

This is known as “plateauing” or leveling off, and it’s perfectly normal. However, you should let your doctor know; he or she may need to readjust your calorie restriction and/or your activity level.

To maintain your new weight, you’ll need 25% fewer calories than when you started the XENICAL program. As the body loses weight, it needs less energy, or calories. On the other hand, if you’ve been increasing your physical activity level, you might be building muscle and losing fat, thereby replacing weight from fat with weight from muscle. In this case, you might need to increase your activity level by increasing either the time spent on or the intensity of your activity. Your doctor may ask you if you’ve seen any changes in your body measurements, such as that of your chest/breast, abdomen, waist and hips. If you’ve kept a monthly record of your body measurements, be sure to show this to your doctor.

If I take XENICAL, can I eat whatever I want?

The XENICAL dietary guidelines do not place any particular food “out of bounds.” But you may not be able to eat a lot of a particular food if it is high in calories or, especially, if it is high in fat.

To achieve results with XENICAL, you must follow the recommended diet. You should also follow a program of regular physical activity, such as walking. However, before you undertake any activity or exercise program, be sure to talk with your doctor or health care professional.

How many calories can I have per day and still lose weight?

One pound of body fat contains about 3500 calories. Eating 500 to 1000 calories a day less than your usual intake should result in weight loss of 1 lb to 2 lbs per week. The minimum recommended daily level is 1200 calories for women and 1500 calories for men to ensure that the diet includes all necessary vitamins and minerals.

Certain individuals adapt to low-calorie diets and their bodies become able to use calories more efficiently. This may be due to a drop in metabolic rate, which “protects” them from starvation. These individuals may require special efforts, which should be supervised by a doctor.

What is a “well-balanced” diet, according to the XENICAL program?

A well-balanced diet proportionally has about:

30% of its calories from FAT
15% to 20% of its calories from PROTEIN
50% to 55% of its calories from CARBOHYDRATES (starch)

A typical diet on the XENICAL program calls for reduced calories, with fat intake limited to no more than 30% of calories from fat at any meal. In general, a reduced-calorie diet should contain 1200 to 2000 calories a day. Exactly how many calories a day you should eat is a matter for you and your doctor to discuss.
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Old 03-05-2002, 11:18 PM   #7  
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Should I take a multivitamin with XENICAL?

Because XENICAL interferes with your body’s absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins, you should take a daily multivitamin supplement that contains vitamins D, E and K and beta carotene once a day at least 2 hours before or after taking XENICAL, such as at bedtime.

Why is it important to include fat in my diet?

Dietary fat is a nutrient that has several important functions. Here’s what it does:

Provides energy. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories; carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram and protein provides 4 calories per gram.
Transports and absorbs the fat-soluble vitamins (D, E and K and beta carotene)
Slows down gastric emptying. A meal containing fat can remain in the stomach up to 4 hours or longer, which can help to produce a feeling of satiety, or fullness.
Enhances flavor and texture of foods. Foods containing some fat tend to taste better and tend to be more satisfying.
Provides the body with an efficient energy source. If your diet doesn’t contain enough fat, your body might otherwise take from protein sources for muscle and tissue synthesis.
Provides essential fatty acids (EFA). Linoleic acid (found in safflower, corn, soybean and cottonseed oils) is a dietary requirement. However, because the body cannot synthesize EFA, it must be provided in the diet. Although no recommended daily allowance (RDA) has been established, it has been estimated that approximately 1% to 2% of an adult diet should consist of linoleic acid. This requirement can be met by a daily intake of approximately 15 to 20 grams of the kinds of fat that characterize the American diet.

Why is 30% of calories from fat in the diet considered healthy?

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a diet containing about 30% of its calories from fat in order to help reduce identified risk factors contributing to the development of cardiovascular disease. XENICAL clinical trials were conducted using this recommendation. XENICAL works to help prevent one-third of the fat in each meal from being fully digested. If the diet contains more than 30% of its calories from fat, you may experience some of the common side effects noted in our clinical trials. We recommend sticking with a reduced-calorie diet containing no more than 30% of calories from fat.

XENICAL blocks about one-third of the fat in the food you eat from being digested into your body. Your role is to limit the fat you eat in the first place. This is recommended for three good reasons:

Fat is “heavy” nutrition. A gram of fat contains 9 calories, while carbohydrates and protein each contain only 4 calories per gram. So you can see that eating less fat saves more calories than eating less carbohydrates or protein. But remember, it’s the total amount of calories that you need to reduce.
Cutting down on fat is good for your health. A reduced-fat diet can lower your risk of heart disease. The AHA recommends that a healthy diet contain 30% or less of its total calories from fat.
It will help you lose weight while decreasing some of the possible gastrointestinal effects you may experience while taking XENICAL. Remember that even though you eat less fat, you still need to watch your total caloric intake. Even foods that are low in fat or “fat free” contain calories.

How do I figure out the percentage of fat in my diet and distribute it properly?

Once you and your doctor determine the total number of calories you are restricted to per day, you would need to:

Multiply that number by 0.3 (30%) to find out the number of calories from fat allowed in your reduced-calorie diet.
Divide the calories from fat by 9 (the number of calories for every gram of fat) to find out the total number of grams of fat you should have each day. To find out the answer quickly, use the Percentage of Fat Calculator.
To distribute your total fat percentage, you would divide the total grams of fat as equally as possible among the three main meals with which you will be taking XENICAL. To check if each meal is within the limit, you would:
Add the percentage of calories from fat per food item, or calculate 30% of calories from fat per meal (a more technical way).
Then add the total grams of fat in each food item, trying not to exceed the restriction of 30% of calories from fat for that meal.

What if I use a diet plan other than the one recommended with XENICAL?

At this time there are no clinical studies using other types of diet plans with XENICAL.
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Old 03-07-2002, 06:56 AM   #8  
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Thanks, Suzanne. I can get to the site but went straight to the register for online support. Did not realize all this good stuff was here. I may forward it to my Doctor - who will, of course, insist he said 30% of FAT calories. He really is very good, by the way.

No side effects from the pill so far. I am trying not to be stupid about what I eat but chicken wings are calling my name! Maybe on the weekend? Am down 2 pounds but that may not be from this "magic" pill.
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Old 03-20-2002, 03:49 PM   #9  
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Unhappy xenical

I have just taken my first Xenical. I've never taken any weight loss product before, so this will be interesting. By the way, I only paid 108 dollars for it at Walmart. You might be able to buy it online a lot cheaper. I also thought Canadian pharmacies were cheaper than ours? Is this not true? Can you give me any more info on if anyone has had success with this product? I need to lose about 100 pounds, but would be ecstatic if I could knock off 50 for now.

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Old 03-21-2002, 05:30 PM   #10  
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Hi Big Mama - short reply as I have a broken arm and typing is hard - and does not count as exercise.

I got Xenical MArch 1 and have taken one or two capsules per day with meals since then. I'm down about 4 pounds but who knows what that is from! I have about 60 pounds to lose and it sure is a hard thing as you get older! HAve not had the horrorshow side effects everyone goes on about but have also been watching the fat.

I don't think anything is cheaper in Canada by the time you take into account our 62 cent dollar! Online ordering is not an option for me even to save money - my Doc would kill me. Actually am not sure if we can do that in Canada - probably not.

Suzanne pasted the Xenical info into this thread above as I could not get into the website for some reason. If you are in the USA, you can register online for a Xenicare program that will help with menues and advice. I think.

Good luck but remember there is no "Magic Pill"! We still must watch our intake of food! PM me anytime you want. I usually post on the low-carb board.
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