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Old 01-18-2002, 10:26 AM   #1  
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Thumbs down PMD #79 - Prevention Millennium Diet

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed
42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine.

This is not necessarily a vegetarian diet. The guidelines summarized above are just that.
In interpreting the
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Old 01-18-2002, 12:43 PM   #2  
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Smile It's Friday!!

We are having a nice sunny day, but cold. Since this is the long weekend I'm sure a lot of people will be around riding their snow mobiles.

ledom~You really are dedicated to exercise. Your routine is quite impressive. With all that you do I can see why you changed the shape of your body. Now I know that it can be done.

judi~I'm looking for some colorful bedsheets. There are two sets I've had for quite a number of years that I would like to retire. We have a Ralph Lauren outlet store nearby and I saw a reasonably priced set of small pink & white check sheets. But, they didn't have the size I needed. I will keep on looking. Did you eat the 4 points? Have a great time with Marley, your D, and Bentley this weekend.

Take care and enjoy the day.
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Old 01-18-2002, 07:31 PM   #3  
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Alice, yes I had the points in 2 glasses of wine, then went to bed and had the best sleep ever

Good luck in your sheet hunting, I love buying linens and things, anything for the house really. My grandmother, mother, mother in law and myself all had (have) a weakness for nice china as well. Since I have some of theirs as well as my own, I have a pretty impressive collection, I plan to pass it on to my D.

The little Boston is here. He is so CUTE! He is brindle and the red is really starting to show up in his coat.

We have SNOW! It is ok if it stays the weekend but no more.

Have a good Friday night Alice, Ledom and Shebacat!
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Old 01-19-2002, 10:21 AM   #4  
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Thumbs down Happy weekend everyone!

It is very cold here. We are not supposed to get the snow storm that is coming our least we weren't last night.

judi~How did Bentley like the snow? If you want more snow I'll gladly ship some of our snow to you Brindle is a beautiful color on a Boston. Lacee does have some, but not very much. Her "sister" was born in July and according to the breeder she was all brindle. What kind of wine do you like? I read somewhere that red wine is good for your heart. Occasionally, mostly on the weekends we have one or two glasses of Cabernet Savignon (sp?) and sometimes if we are in the mood for wine during the week we have a glass with our meal. Your china does sound beautiful. I think it's fun to mix and match pieces. My china is Corning Ware, which I have had for years. I would dearly love to get rid of it. The only china that will do is soooo expensive, but everything else I have looked at pales in comparison.

Hi ledom & shebacat!

Enjoy your Saturday
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Old 01-19-2002, 11:03 AM   #5  
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Default Good morning!

Alice, Bentley was VERY puzzled by the snow...he kept standing there in his little fleece just looking at it. Marley on the other hand went plowing through it and when he got in the house quickly ran upstairs to warm up on my bed

Speaking of wine: I like a Borolo in a red and in a white my favourite is Chardonnay especially if it is "oaky" in taste.mmm...slurp, slurp

Did you girls watch "48 Hours" last night? It was a program about weight loss. I was disappointed that they didn't mention very much about the nutritional way to lose weight like the good info put out by Prevention or Weight Watchers. Also I was filled with horror to realize there can be "no end" to weight gain. I mean there is no place one can safely say "This is how fat I will get and no fatter" if one is eating in an uncontolled fashion. It makes me really want to stay in control of what I am eating. Being this weight is bad enough but to think that I could even get fatter scares me and fills me with dread and horror.

My D is here and we are having a fun "girl" time, just talking, reading, watching the dogs be goofs, eating (BUT counting points and staying OP!) and the like.

Have a good Saturday!
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Old 01-19-2002, 01:28 PM   #6  
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Default Goodmorning Girls,

judi, have a fun girls weekend. It sounds like just the ticket. I am so looking forward to my mtn. retreat next weekend with the girls. Yes, this is the same group. I have been there about three times in the past. It is so relaxing and fun, we are planning to hike and eat and look at magazines, it'll be fun.

Yesterday I hung the BEST photography show in our gallery. I wish you all could come see it. But second best, you can go to the photographer's website at - you'll be impressed. He will be in our gallery on Tues. doing a booksigning.

I a darkroom/cooking/maybe a short kayking excursion sort of weekend planned. I hope I can get everything in that I'd like to do.
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Old 01-20-2002, 12:28 PM   #7  
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Default Sunday

Goodmorning Ladies!

How is everyone today?

I made the "No Pudge" brownies last night for my D and myself. They were the first time I made them and they were really good.
Had 3 but counted the points.

The snow is starting to melt here.

Your plans for the weekend sound great Ledom!

It is pretty quiet here, I am going to go to Vancouver this afternoon and do a bit of shopping.

Enjoy the day!
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Old 01-21-2002, 07:53 AM   #8  
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Default Goodmorning,

No Pudge brownies sound good. Is that a weight watcher recipe?

I had a busy weekend, but good. Yesterday morning I made a solo paddle at day break. It was about 29 degrees. I was hugging the shoreline and dressed for it. I am not sure I'll go out again when it is so cold, but I wanted to prove I could I guess. I was telling a friend about it and he told me I was nuts. You know, I guess he is right. But, it was a time that I could have all that incredible natural beauty to myself because no one else is that nuts! Anyway, I wanted some photos with ice in them, which I did not get by the way. I guess too much movement in the water for ice to form. I have scheduled a gallery showing of my kayaking photos in April. I am so excited about it! And a little driven too. I have the images in the can and even some of the final prints made, but I know I'll keep shooting with that showing in mind up until the last minute.

So so weekend in the food department. Sat. I ate too much. Sunday was better though. I went to a birthday party and had a fabulous meal, but kept my portions small. I did drink a bit of wine. Enough that I feel headachey this a.m. I know next weekend will be the same. I'm trying for a good week and next weekend to at least be moderate in my vacation eating mode. But next Monday when I get back I want to throw myself wholeheartedly into shedding a few lbs.

Have a great week everyone.
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Old 01-21-2002, 11:22 AM   #9  
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Angry A good Monday morning to you......

We are supposed to get a little more snow sometime today. We got about an inch of snow from that snow storm we weren't supposed to get It's been a bit busy around here on account of the long weekend. A lot of snow machines up and down our street and the street behind us, which runs by our bedroom window. They sound like bees whizzing by and after awhile it gets very annoying so that you'd love to swat one.
I hope you girls enjoyed your weekend.

ledom~That's wonderful about your kayaking photos. I wish I could see them. Congratulations on your showing You must be looking forward to this upcoming weekend.

judi~I have made the No Pudge brownies a long time ago. I really loved them. But, of course being fat free I think I ate the whole pan. That was back in the days when I thought that as long as there wasn't any fat I could eat all I wanted! How was your shopping trip?

Have a great Monday everyone.
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Old 01-21-2002, 12:24 PM   #10  
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Default Good Monday mornng!

Hi girls!

We have snow too, I hope it will be gone by Wed. because I have to pick up our houseguest at the airport and I am worried if we get anymore snow I might be snowed in.

Shopping went well Alice, too well. I have to lie low for awhile.

Ledom, your kayaking trips sound sublime. I would love to see your photos. Do you do a kayaking journal of where you went and what you saw?

No pudge brownies are sold at Trader Vics. All you do is add a small container of yogurt to the package mix. They were good. I divided them up so my daughter could take 1/2 home.

We had a nice time on the weekend. My D did her class work all day and I escaped into the world of Rosamunde Pilcher.

I am going to town today to get "gel tips" on my nails. I am tired at looking at my own finger nails.

Yesterday, I made one of those impossible Bisquick pies but I used egg beaters and Bacos instead of bacon. It was very good. They can be modified quite easily to be low fat. Bisquick also makes a lower fat mix. Check out their website for recipes. The one I made was like a light quiche, my daughter who doesn't like eggs in any form loved this.

I had a good food week, I hope it shows in some way tomorrow otherwise I will be disappointed. I have to be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day...neither was judi.
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Old 01-22-2002, 08:28 AM   #11  
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Default Hey There,

Monday was a pretty good recovery day from the weekend, though it didn't include exercise. Over the weekend I went to a fancy deli in town and bought Sunday lunch for D, Mother and myself. I bought a container of blanched green beans with thinly slice red pepper. I think they were dressed lightly in oil and caraway seeds, at least that was all I could discern. I took the leftovers, an orange, and a small piece of whole wheat foccacia for lunch yesterday and it was so good. I'd love to learn to make such elegant simple vegetable dishes. Supper was a huge salad with tuna.

But, I'm so stressed as the first couple weeks of school get started. You knew that was coming, didn't you? It'll get better I'm sure. I did my ab tape this morning so that is good.

I have a kitty story. Little Bea has changed so much since her eye was injured. She has decided to be an indoor/laidback kitty. D and I noticed that she loves to listen to D when she plays the piano. She sits on the back of the couch as close to D as she can get and sits very prettily while D plays. Last night D stopped playing to ask me if I could her Bea purring because she was purring so loudly. She is our little refined kitty. She also loves pretty smells. When either of us are showering she gets as close to us as she can and sniffs our lotions and potions as we put them on. She is also a girly kitty. Of course we both just dote on her.

OK, well speaking of showers it is time to go jump in. Have a good day you guys. Hope you get good news on the scale today judi, but whether it makes a big change or not, you are doing it right and are not to take the scale too seriously.

One more thing you northern gals. NO Snow here - yesterday it was warm, sunny, low wind. I was dying to be out in my kayak! I have turned into a person I hardly recognize when it comes to that boat.
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Old 01-22-2002, 09:50 AM   #12  
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Default Bea

That is such a wonderful and amazing story about Bea liking music and lovely smells. I know from my dogs that they had such diff. personalities and likes and dislikes and I think each animal is very unique if people are just sensitive to notice the diff...just like in people.

Oh, we have even MORE snow!! I have go to the Vancouver airport and pick up our friend and I am worried about driving in it. He said not to worry after teaching in Korea for three years he will be able to happily amuse himself in Vancouver's airport for weeks if he had too.

Remember I was telling you (I think) I was going into Vancouver yesterday to get gel tips on my nails, that is where they glue a tip on then put gel over it. Well, yesterday I got gel sculptured nails...that is where they put forms on your finger and construct a whole nail. I didn't even know there was such a thing. They look really nice, french manicured, sports length and squared off. You can get them anyway you like them but that is how I wanted them. I am feeling tres elegant.

I am going to TREADMILL now!!
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Old 01-22-2002, 02:31 PM   #13  
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Angry Good afternoon......

I had a Dr. appt. this morning my weight is big surprise there and she said that I should bring it back down again. So she gave me some guidelines to use. She said for me to eat between 1200 - 1400 calories, 30 gm of fat, 60 gm of carbs per day, and exercise. I asked her to write it down for me because I knew I would forget everything after I left the office

judi~Your nails must look tres chic. I think short nails are better, they don't break as much How much snow did you get and were you able to get your friend at the airport? We got more snow yesterday afternoon, about another inch or so. Our neighbor was out plowing last night and both he & DH were out this morning.

ledom~What a darling story about Bea liking music and those wonderful smells. That is really wonderful that you are so happy with your kayak. It must be very peaceful on the water when you are by yourself.

Tomorrow morning it's back on the Torso Track...I had to give myself a few days rest because I pulled something in my side. I will also do another walk aerobics tape. Now that I have taken the first step to doing the walking tapes I really look forward to it.
Take care.
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Old 01-23-2002, 06:29 AM   #14  
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Default Goodmorning,

It's an early morning for me. I woke up at 3 and decided just to get on with my day. Yesterday was so hectic, I left things on my desk, etc. So after a quick shower I'll be heading to work.

Alice, the diet your Dr. gave you sounds good. Sometimes it is good coming from a Dr., somehow more motivating. Good luck, we want you to stay healthy. It is amazing how soon exercise is something you look forward to.

judi, be careful if you try driving in the snow. When will hubby be home? Your nails sound fab. I like the french manicure look.

As I said, yesterday was insane. I ran out of the house without a packed lunch and got home well after 7. I therefore ate on the run and pretty low quality, I did't eat a lot though. I did my exercise routine this a.m. As I was walking I was thinking how exercise redeems me so often. It is when I am hitting on ALL cylinders, diet & exercise, that I lose. Just doing one I can maintain and for that I am happy, but I want to hit that goal in the next 3 months so I need many many days of getting it ALL right.

Take care, have a good day.
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Old 01-23-2002, 07:36 AM   #15  
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Angry We're having a Jan. thaw!!!

We are supposed to have another delightful day today with a chance of less. I don't think this "balmy" weather will last very much longer.

ledom~I hope you have a less hectic day today. You really are an early bird. When I wake up that early I usually punch my pillow and go back to sleep! You will get to your goal on schedule I have faith in you! I start my diet today. She also told me that she tells her patients that they don't have to eat the conventional American breakfast of cereal. She suggested that along with my fruit have some cottage cheese. So, for my breakfast this morning, I plan on having my fruit salad with about 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese. Right now I am savouring my first cup of java.

judi~Has it stopped snowing? Be very careful out on the roadways. Did your friend arrive alright? Have a nice time. Hope you will have a great day.

Take care.
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