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Old 01-17-2002, 10:34 AM   #1  
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Exclamation What it is like to be fat

The topic of today's Oprah Show will be:

What It Feels Like to be Fat

A rare opportunity to feel what you've never felt. What's it's like to live inside "this" body. Find out what it's really like to be fat.

More about this show:
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Old 01-17-2002, 11:27 AM   #2  
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Angry Hmmm...

Sounds interesting...but...

With the majority of Americans being overweight/obese these days, I don't think it's such a "rare opportunity" to know what it's like to live in a fat body...

Even though it's been over 10 years since I've been 200+ pounds I still remember what it felt like not to be able to climb stairs without running out of breath by the fourth step...only being able to shop at Lane Bryant (and even there not everything fit!), etc.

Still sounds interesting tho' - too bad I'm still at work at 4 pm
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Old 01-17-2002, 12:12 PM   #3  
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Default Still Beneficial

I think the show still will be beneficial. Yesterday, I was listening to a radio station that made me sick to my stomach. Imagine listening to some music and with the Dj getting on the air talking about Fat people should get out of Dallas, how fat people had no reasons to be fat, and kept on joking about the fat subject. I was discusted. This isn't the first time this station has done something discusting over the air waves.

I remember going to the store with my mother one day and I was feeling quite good about myself cause I was losing the 10Lb I gain (that I didn't need to gain) and my mother is very over weight which I have never pay attention to cause mother is mother, but my mother went into Dillard's and the first thing that fell out of a skinny woman's mouth is a whisper, Faaaat, and whispered to her friend how there wasn't anything in Dillards for fat people, that lain brient was up stares.
Some peole still needs to get over them selves.


Happily fit and enjoying being a loser.
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Old 01-17-2002, 12:36 PM   #4  
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Ok now that I got that out of the way. I do intend to try and see todays Opra. Not because I want to see what it is like to be fat. I am fat at 5'4" and 280#. The reason I want to watch it and also watch other shows about very overweight people is to give myself motivation to not ever let myself get that big and thus to stick to my diet and excersise program. Now I'm sure some of these people could not help how they are but the vast majority convince themselves that they can't help it. Their friends, not wanting to hurt their feelings, agree with them and thus validate them so they never have the motivation to put a stop to it before they are in huge trouble! I feel I can say this because I almost went down that road myself. I convinced myself I was happy to be fat and plenty healthy. I used my husbands death as well as the usual slow metabolism etc as my excuses and my poor friends just went along with it. Fortunatly I got my senses back when I hit a whoping 320#!
Now I don't think it is right or kind when people make unkind remarks and whisper and stare at overweight people but if it was accepted by society and no one ever made an overweight person feel uncomfortable and there were laws making public places have seating to accomidate us then where would we ever get the motivation or desire to lose weight and be healthier? If the world were this way life expextancy would greatly decreased as more and more people died from heart attecks and other obesity related health problems.
Personaly I am grateful that I was made uncomfortable about my weight. Otherwise I would not have goten it togather and began to make changes to improve my life. I would never have bothered with this site because I would not hve though I needed it, and I would probably be dead before I was 50.
I still have a long way to go and I hope todays show will be another incentive to stick to it and never give up trying to achieve a healthy weight. I hope it does the same for you too.
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Old 01-17-2002, 02:36 PM   #5  
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Well, I don't think anyone around in here will be watching it for how it feels to be fat cause we are all already there some how or another.

I can not ever say that I convensed myself to being happy to being fat I was indeed sad about it.

I could, however, say, I was being lazy about it, thinking pills or liquids was going to do it for me with out any efforts out of me, on the other hand, I really woke up when I seen a picture of me.

I decided to start learning about my body and foods.

I can never say that someone who stands around and make rude comments about how faaaaaat you are or
there is nothing possible in this store for a fat person. ever motoervate me.
If it did anything it caused me to eat more. Actually, I have been able to get around other women without hearing the fat comment a whole lot until I am around my mother. I had maybe one brawl out with a girl at the stables about fat people riding horse.

My motirvation at first came from guys at first, this part of my life was declineing real bad, I went from being very dateful to dateless, then I decided it was for the total wrong reason but can be a small part. I have come from learning being 30lb lighter from where I was, It best to lose weight for myself.

I will never condone a stotty whisper behind the racks and gocking as if you saw a circus clown walked in, as a motirvation tool.

Tho, in this day in time I don't let comments like that get to me considering I have done well on my diet so far. but it does bother me that it was at the present of my mothers ears I knew it bothered her ( Sure she excercise but she eats way to much, sometimes I remind her that that what she ate may be a little to extra) but, I don't think she has any motivations. The point to this story to me in my opinion. You have to do it for yourself and a motivation of why you will do it for yourself. I have never seen anybodies rude comment motirvate anyone.
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Old 01-17-2002, 02:51 PM   #6  
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Er uhm...while I can see your point that if being obese was accepted in society life expectancy would be down, but it already is down, something like 300,000 deaths occur each year due to obesity related illness and the number is climbing, obviously making people miserable in the process isn't helping. We need to try something else.

Does being teased, spat on, chased, humiliated, almost beaten, and the target of a modern day stoning help one lose weight? I don't think so. I have experienced this all because of my size. Such intolerance and down right hate can be pretty psychologically damning.
I look at it this way, I started eating badly because I felt bad, making me feel worse isn't going to motivate me to be better, it'll make me eat more.
I realize when some people were teasing me, they thought they were helping me become aware of my weight, which I was already.
My point is(or my opinion is):
Fat people shouldn't want to lose weight because of what adds up to mean spirited peer preasure. The motivation shouldn't be fear, or not being accepted, but health, wellness and a want to change. And that should come from reading studies about the effects of obesity, the cost of the drugs it takes to keep yourself alive after you've come down with high blood presure,ect. Education. (if I had have known what I do now, about the diseases I am a candidate for now due to my weight, that in itself would have motivated me years ago. It took seeing a commerical for diabetes to make me want to lose weight, not being hurt by others time and time again)
If your own health isn't worth making the change then nothing anyone else can do for you is. Obese people should be accepted as no less worthy of respect then anyone else, and that includes clothing that is nice, chairs that are wide enough for the time being, the ablitity to go out and walk in public and not be a site for everyone else to gawk at. Society needs to educate itself better about food and weight, that means everyone including us fatties. If we don't attempt to understand why we are this way, what will ever change?
I get angry when I hear jokes about being fat from thin people, not because I don't have a sense of humour, but because the jokes are so widely accepted and no one bats a eye. I find something wrong with that, but maybe it is just me.
But hey if they provide the proper motivation for someone else, who am I to rain on the parade.
Any ways you are entitled to your opinion, there is nothing wrong with it either, (not offeneded but just felt a need to vent )
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