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Old 01-03-2002, 10:06 AM   #1  
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Default Prevention Millennium Diet #77

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed 42 fat grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine

Here is the website address for the Prevention Millennium Diet.

This is not necessarily a vegetarian diet. The guidelines summarized above are just that. In interpreting the guidelines, it is helpful to read the sample menus on the website as well as the more detailed principals of the diet.
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Old 01-03-2002, 11:11 AM   #2  
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Default Goodmorning,

Both of you sound so good and dedicated. I am struggling still. Breaking the diet for the holidays has spoiled my forward momentum. I am really trying to get it back together. I got the diet out this morning and believe I will journal for a few days, that seems to help when I have lost my way. I did throw out the remaining sweets in the house last night.

And speaking of throwing out sweets, I also took down the tree and have things put away. That feels good.

Yes, judi the photos I am working on are all from kayaking. I have been making what I call work prints along and feel I have some good negatives to put together a show of my work. I need to count how many rolls of film I have shot on this project - enough to fill two notebooks with negatives and proof sheets. Over the holidays I showed the prints to several people, friends, old teacher, even my mother. Their comments really have me encouraged. I need to decide how much I want to enlarge the prints, what technique I want to use for printing, etc.

If you have rug fibers in the basement you'll be able to vac the up. Dust is a constant battle for me.

You guys keep up the good work. I am right behind you. Alice, I think I'll stay away from the scale for a while. I would be happy to gain only 3 lbs. for the holidays, I am too chicken to find out what I did. I am glad you got a beauty day for you hair. That probably motivates you in other areas as well.

Take care!
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Old 01-04-2002, 09:50 AM   #3  
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Default Me again,

Another day, another chance to be a good PMDer. Yesterday did go much better. I had slipped into a night eating pattern and I think I made headway in quiting that. I had a few figs after I had planned to stop eating, but on the whole it was better.

It is weird how I do so much better when I am working. Structure and schedule help me keep myself together, when presented with a lot of choices I am lost. I think if I didn't work I would eventually find a way to structure myself, but vacation and all that it implies is tough for me in the diet and exercise department. At least this time it is.

Got my car maintenance done yesterday and a some darkroom work. That is about it.
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Old 01-04-2002, 09:09 PM   #4  
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Default late night eating

Ledom, late night eating is a problem I have. I enjoy what I eat SOOO mch more later in the day. So I have started counting my points in the evening, trying not to go over 5. I think a point is 50 or 55 calories I forget which. It is little picky things I like, raisins, popcorn, nuts etc. I usually can go without much in the day, it is the morning or evening that I like to eat.

Today I went and had my 6th month dental check up, got a flu shot, shopped for groceries, organized my DH and D to have a day together...I felt like I was getting things DONE. I think though I will only get about 4 glasses of water today Oh well, can't do everything.

Bentley went home, Marley seems pleased, he didn't even come down the stairs to say good bye. The place seems just TOO quiet.

How are you doing today Alice? Is your leg healed yet? How is Lacee's allergy?

I have been journalling EVERYTHING! (STILL haven't done any treadmilling.)

We have finished both seasons of the "Sopranos" on DVD. Wahhhh...I am going to miss Tony and Carmela, and wasn't that something...Janice shot Richie!! We don't get the Sopranos on our cable stations, I now will have to wait for the 3rd season to come out on DVD.

Hi Shebacat
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Old 01-04-2002, 10:28 PM   #5  
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Default judi

you sound great. You did get a lot done today.

Night eating. It has always been a problem for me and it seems the thing that I revert back to all too easily. I find if I can power through it one night, then the next night is easier. So far today, I have been back with the diet. I didn't exercise either, but I think I will tomorrow. Can you buy low-fat microwave popcorn where you live? I buy Act II lowfat and it has 240 cals. for the whole bag. It also takes a while to eat and I think of it as a treat. I sometimes shouldn't have it because I've already had all the carbs I should for the day, but if I'm about to fall off the wagon I have it anyway. Experimenting with the time you have that last meal and also squeezing in some water, even if you have to get up in the night, are all tricks I have tried successfully.

I went shopping for groceries this afternoon and bought all healthy stuff. I bought ingredients for Black Bean Chilaquille which I haven't made in a while so I am going to make that tomorrow.
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Old 01-05-2002, 03:35 AM   #6  
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Default popcorn

Yes, I too buy Act 2 low fat popcorn. It is great isn't it. Low in calories and takes awhile to eat.

I also get Astro yogurt with no fat/no sugar and it is only 1.5 points.

I sacrificed dinner tonight to have 2 glasses of wine, what the is Friday night and I am not hungry. I am much LESS hungry when I am PMDing then when I am not...I think it is because the foods are just so much more loaded with vitamins and nutrients then junk food fare.

Have a good weekend, one and all.

P.S. I had a peek on the scale, I know I was trying not to weigh till Tues. but it looks good, keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't blow it between now and then!
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Old 01-05-2002, 09:21 AM   #7  
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Angry Hi!

Yesterday was not a good day eating wise. I met a friend and we went to the movies to see Kate & Leopold. It was a great movie and I highly recommend it. It's a good "girl" movie. Naturally I had theater popcorn, but I did have a diet soda. After I got home DH & I went out for dinner and I had 1/2 of my Bison burger (the rest came home to Lacee) and a few french fries, plus a beer. So, it's back to my diet today. I too got on the scales after vowing not to get on until at least next week or the week after, and it appears that the numbers are going in the right direction.

ledom~You do much better at work probably because your mind is occupied. I know whenever I'm busy for some reason I never feel hungry. I like to eat at night too. I have found this ice cream that is low-fat with no sugar added, and 1/2 cup is 90 cal. So, I usually have 1 cup and that is my 5th or 6th meal, my meals depend if I'm hungry or not. That is very impressive all the positive comments you received re: your photos

judi~Lacee is healing very nicely. Before I give her her antibiotic pill she has to have something on her stomach...which means a cookie. I coat the pill w/peanutbutter and she is thrilled, then I put the salve on, then she gets another cookie for being a good girl. I only hope that after we are through with the antibiotic this won't become a habit It must be quiet now that Bentley has gone. I'm sure you will miss his antics. Now Marley can get some rest. My leg seems to be getting better I am able to walk without limping too..too..much.
That's great that the scale is going down. Keep it up!!!

Take care and enjoy your weekend. We are in the process of taking down our ceramic Christmas tree and we are going to start cleaning out our unused Christmas decorations and give them to our firemen's yard sale they have every Aug. This is the year we will get rid of a lot of stuff! Alice
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Old 01-05-2002, 09:45 AM   #8  
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Default Good Morning

Alice, you have a pretty good system there for getting Lacee to have her treatment. Yup, the little guy is gone home and Marley is looking quite smug and is being very if to say "See, you really need only ONE dog around the house!" Glad to hear you leg is getting better.

I am feeling pretty enthused about being on program though I am eating about 600 more calories than PMD recommends. It will get less if I weigh less. The more you weigh the more you get to eat...good deal!

Everything is pretty quiet around here, but that is ok with me.

Enjoy the day Alice, Ledom & Shebacat!
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Old 01-05-2002, 08:36 PM   #9  
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Default Happy New Years!

Happy New Year's ladies. Mine was pretty uneventful. I watched two of my favorite movies, While You Were Sleeping and Crossing Delancey. I then went to bed.... Life is so exciting at our age isn't it? Everyone sounds like they're doing great on getting started. I'm like you, Ledom, a little slow to start, and a few mishaps this past Mexican food, chips, and salsa. I just love it when it gets really cold. Ledom, I thought of you when I was in California on a business trip. We had a chance to go to Monterey, and there on the water were several people kayaking! I wanted to go to the aquarium (well worth it). Plus to be at Cannery Row since Steinbeck is one of my favorite authors. Alice, poor Lacee. I did not realize that those toys could cause such an allergic reaction. Judi/Alice, can't wait to see what the scales actually show! I'm going to go at it full force on Monday. Ya'll are truly motivational, and thanks for being there and understanding! Talk to ya'll later.
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Old 01-06-2002, 03:35 AM   #10  
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Hi ladies!

Shebacat, Steinbeck is one of my favourite authors too. One of my all time favorite books is "Grapes of Wrath", I have read it countless times and I like the movie as well.

Tonight I am reading "Maximum Food Power for Women" looking for inspiration.

I had all the water today and all the vegetables.

I bought a lot of veg. salads etc at a Chinese and Korean deli so it was easy to get all the veg. in. One salad was a lotus root salad, just delish too. Can you get Daikon where you are, it is like a mild radish, it is white and shaped like a big carrot? I shred it and shred carrots (not too many because it makes the salad too sweet) and put a low cal dressing like a garlic or ranch one and it makes a great salad. It keeps in the fridge for a few days.

I ordered the new Bob Greene book at I had the first one that he and Oprah did together. It was pretty helpful. I think the new one is called "Get With the Program".

Everyday I am eating at the top of my points but I have not gone over, well Tuesday will tell the tale.

I am feeling a bit flu-ish must be the side effect of my flu shot. If this is the side effect, I would hate to get the real thing.

Last edited by judi; 01-06-2002 at 03:37 AM.
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Old 01-06-2002, 08:59 AM   #11  
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Angry Hello!

It feel rather mild out today, but they have predicted a snow storm sometime tonight into tomorrow morning. I think we may be on the northern edge of the storm so that we won't get too much snow, the farther south you go the more snow!

Shebacat~Happy New Year to you too!! From what the Vet told us is that sometimes the chemicals they treat the plastic with can cause an allergic reaction. We had the same problem with our other dog, Shamrock. We learned from Shamrock not to give them their food in plastic bowls, only ceramic or metal dishes.

judi~That's great getting your veggies and water in. I don't believe we can get Daikon radishes in our area. I've never seen them in the grocery store. Do you have to go to a special market for them? Sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather. Hope you are feeling up to par very soon. There is a cold/flu going around our area where some people have had it for 4 - 5 weeks. Friends of our's came down with it, and I have no intention of getting near them until they are both better Have you made that salsa yet? I'm almost ready to make another batch.

Hi ledom, hope you are having a good day.

Take care. Alice

Last edited by aleka; 01-06-2002 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 01-06-2002, 11:22 AM   #12  
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Default judi, alice, shebacat,

Good to hear from you all. Shebacat, it is great to have you back in the fold.

Yes, I am slow out of the chute this Jan. with regards to getting started on my "regime." I do think I have the diet back, exercise?, well let's say it looks like an extended break. Maybe tomorrow? D goes back to school though I still have a week off. Just having her on a schedule might be enough to get me psyched. I do have 2, day long, kayak trips planned next week.

judi, I am so proud of you - it sounds like you are doing all the right things. I will be interested to hear about the new Bob Greene book. The health, or maybe it's the discovery channel has been running a program about a group of people who have lost, are trying to lose, or have tried but given up trying to lose weight. It shocked me out of the cookies and candy laying around. Particularly disheartening are the 2 women that started weight watchers, lost a bit of weight, then gained it back. Now they sit around in restaurants talking about losing weight and sharing choclate desserts. Sigh, all too human and too familiar. I don't want to be like them!

I finished a quick read last week. It is a cooking book written by chef Anthony Bourdain called Kitchen Confidential. He is a real "bad boy", but if you can take his foul mouth it is both entertaining and informative. D and I saw the Royal Tanenbaums last night. I don't know quite what to say about it. D liked it, I liked it too, but it IS slow. D really wants to see Kate and Leopold. I have just picked up an Iris Murdoch book, By the Sea, By the Sea. I have never read anything by her, just articles about her. So far I like it though I haven't gotten too far.

Alice, I am glad to hear your leg is improving. You're right about eating more when you aren't busy. I have been schlepping around the house in my stained darkroom clothes, no make-up, just kind of in "artiste" mode. It was good to dress up a little for the movie last night and to get out of the house. Yep, as much as I love vacation, and will complain when it is over. A little part of me is ready to go back.

shebacat, your business trips sound fun. I'm not sure I would have the nerve for "sea kayaking", I don't like the thought of things larger than me swimming under my boat!

It has been so cold here. I guess I don't really like being cold. We do have a warming trend predicted for next week. I'd like to get in the boat with my camera while there are icicles and such, but on the other hand it is really hard to motivate myself to get out there when it is so cold. Hopefully that will work out though for some good "winter" shots.

Ya'll take care.
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Old 01-06-2002, 09:57 PM   #13  
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Default the chute

Don't worry about being slow out of the chute Ledom, when YOU get out you will go with a vengence! I think I was STUCK in the chute all last year.

Alice, I always buy the daikon at Asian markets.

Tonight I grilled a big portobello mushroom on the grill with lots of seasoning, sort of like a "pretend" steak. It was so good and 0 points.

You might get snow Alice? After Christmas is over with I am not interested in snow at all but the odd time we can get a day or two of snow even in May after the spring flowers have come up.

I bought the book "New Mexico for Dummies", (I have "Jazz for Dummies") I like those books. We are planning on going there for two weeks in Feb. if all works out for a holiday. Get away from the rain. I went to a book store and walked around for about 2 hours, it wasn't treadmilling but it was moving. I buy most of my books from so it was kind of an experience to look through a bookstore once again, I looked at everything. Ledom, let me know what that Iris Murdoch book was like? The cooking book sounded intriguing. I am now starting another Rosamunde Pilcher book "Coming Home". BBC made a movie for tv called "Nanchero" (the name of the estate) from the book. I loved it. I think the "niceness" of the Pilcher world has addicted me because at the other end of the spectrum I have read everything by a writer like Charles Bukowski.

Have a good and relaxing evening Ledom, Shebacat, Alice and miz Lacee (I hope your little snout is better...big kiss).
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Old 01-07-2002, 08:22 AM   #14  
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Default Goodmorning,

judi, thanks for your encouraging words. I have started Monday off right. I just finished my workout. I got up early, about 5:30, had breakfast, read the paper and then did it. It goes so much better for me if I get it over with really early.

Great reminder about portabellos. I have a great recipe for them and when I first started the PMD it was a staple. I need to get that recipe out and make it again. I marinate them, steam some spinach and put both on top of polenta. All low fat, and yummy. A great way to get in the veggies.

I am going in to work today. I left some things that need to be cleaned and straightened, the artist is bringing the next show in today as well. He is a wonderful photographer so I am really looking forward to this. He just published a book and we will have a booksigning in the gallery when school starts. That will be something different.

I have been thinking about weighing. It probably would be helpful in that I would know where I am and could set some goals. On the other hand it could discourage me if I gained very much weight. On my jog is a.m. I was strategizing the best way to deal with this. I think I will give myself a week to eat right and exercise and then weigh, next Mon. morning.

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 01-07-2002, 09:29 AM   #15  
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Cool A snowy morning...

We received 10" of heavy wet snow overnight. DH has been out plowing and snowblowing for most of the morning. Last night the weatherperson said we were in the 5" - 7" it was quite a surprise to see a lot of snow At least the ski areas are happy.

My weekend eating did not go very well, and I paid for it this morning. I know that I shouldn't eat that way on the weekends, but for some reason I just can't stop myself. Well...I'll dust myself off and start again today.

judi, I'm with you about snow. I like to have it at Christmas, but after that it can be summer again. Sometimes we can have snow in May too. Your trip to NM sounds like fun. Friends of our's want to retire there because he has severe allergies and the weather there is great for them. Lacee sends you some "licks".

ledom, I think it's difficult getting back on track after indulging. You'll get back soon. Starting to exercise again is the right ticket. I almost put in a walk-aerobics exercise video, but I think I'd like my leg to rest a few more days before I do anything. I did do the torso-track this morning.

shebacat, I hope everything is well with you.

Take care. Alice
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