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Old 12-26-2001, 05:45 PM   #1  
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Default PMD* #76 - Prevention Millennium Diet

This Diet is currently being promoted on newstands as the Prevention Healing Diet.

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed 42
grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine
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Old 12-27-2001, 03:08 AM   #2  
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Cool 8 glasses of wine and 1 cup of tea

Yes, I am ready to start PMDing again full time!!! I stepped on the scale as well and have gained back the two pounds I lost.

I still have the untouched monster cheese ball I made. I will wait a few days and then chuck it out.

Ledom, I saw that zuccotto recipe. It looked just fabulous! A friend of mine made one from the Jean Pare cookbook once when we were over for dinner, it was delicious. Martha's is much fancier though. Good for you.

Alice, sounds like Lacee made a Christmas haul in the toys dept. I think Marley now knows Bentley is a relative (but one he doesn't want to be very close too). He is coming over on the 28th and will stay on while the kids are on their trip.

Christmas Day was quiet. I napped, I was so tired from the night before.

Today we went to Vancouver and mingled with the Boxing Day hordes.

The DH got me a Louis Vuitton (sp?) bag and cosmetic pouch for Christmas, I feel tres chic with it. It even looks good with bagged out t-shirts and old pants.
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Old 12-27-2001, 08:44 AM   #3  
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Default Good accessories

make the woman judi. Good for DH, nice and with good taste too.

Oh dear, I know what you mean. Except I am not going near the scales, weighing would be sure to send me into a downward spiral. Yesterday was my day to rest and nap. I was exhausted from the last week or so. I PMDed right through lunch and then lost it. The secrect to my success is not to have sweets and snacks in the house. That just is not the case now. I also haven't been exercising which makes me feel bad. Once I let myself go it is SO hard to get back to good habits. Why does it have to be that way with me? I feel so much better when I am on top of things.

Well, today is another day. I put on my workout clothes before I came downstairs this a.m. which is a trick I use to get myself to exercise and after posting and having breakfast I plan to workout. Hopefully I'll do better w/ food too. Tons of food in my house, but I need to cook some PMD recipes so I have something to eat that won't throw me into an eating frenzy. D and I must have a serious discussion about what she plans on eating and what I can throw out. The zucotto is almost gone thanks to the hoard of teenagers in my house last night, I even got rid of some pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy as well.

Well girls, we can get back to pre-christmas status I am sure. If we don't wait too long maybe the lbs. will not even settle in!

The kittys didn't get toys, but all 3 sported bows for the holidays. They looked so cute, but only Beatrice has managed not to lose hers. She is the lady of the bunch.
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Old 12-27-2001, 09:29 AM   #4  
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Angry Good morning ledom & judi,

It has gotten colder, in the teens at night and during the day it is in the 20's. Thankfully no storms in sight. I did very well yesterday PMDing, until supper. What I had taken out yesterday morning was still frozen solid. So we had leftovers from our Christmas dinner, sans dessert! We still have some chocolate pie in the refrigerator and I have been very good.

judi~Your DH has good taste!! What a wonderful gift!

ledom~It sounds as though your kittys were very festive looking for Christmas with their bows. How did the exercising go? DH gave me some yoga equipment, mat, belt, blocks, etc. I have been toying with the idea of starting to do yoga. Now I have my incentive to try it.

DH and I are having lunch with some friends this afternoon to celebrate our Christmas. I plan on having a cup of chili, hoping it will not do too much damage. Now....if only I keep to my plan.

Take care. I hope you both are having a good day. Alice
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Old 12-27-2001, 10:46 AM   #5  
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Default Yes, Alice -

I did exercise! Just wanted to report back and say that as of 9:41 a.m., I haven't screwed up yet!

That is so neat about your new yoga equipment. I have marked some of my christmas money to buy a sticky matt so I can use some of the videos I already own. Sliding around on the floor when trying them has always made me avoid them. I spotted sticky matts at Target so the next time I'm there I plan to pick one up.

The other thing I was going to mention is that I found McCann's Irish Oatmeal in an instant version. It is maple and brown sugar flavor with 160 calories. I had that with some left over apple/raisin salsa for breakfast. It was fabulous.

OK, on to more noble and healthy activities. Ya'll have a good day.
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Old 12-27-2001, 12:10 PM   #6  
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Default Hey, you guys wait for me...

Just got up but I too plan to see the old year out with some PMD style. Actually looking forward to some PMD restraint!
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Old 12-28-2001, 09:22 AM   #7  
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Angry Hi!

Our lunch out yesterday was very nice. I did have a cup of chili for my meal, but it didn't agree with me. I don't know when I will start exercising again. I have done something, I don't know what, to my left thigh. It feels as though I have pulled something. I was in excruciating pain last night and could not put any weight on that leg. I did take some Advil and that helped with the pain. It is feeling much better this morning and I plan on staying off it for a few days to see if it clears up.

ledom~I love McCann's Irish Oatmeal. I have it every morning for breakfast. The kind I get you can either cook it or nuke it. I usually nuke it, then I put sugar free maple syrup, cinnamon, raisins & craisins in it. I have found that with the cinnamon I don't need the brown sugar. The apple/raisin salsa sounds yummy, could you post the recipe for me? Did you mix it into the oatmeal or have it on the side?

judi~I'm in agreement with you about PMDing. I really feel committed now, more so than a month ago, and I hope it continues.

Take care and have a great weekend. Alice
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Old 12-28-2001, 10:50 AM   #8  
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Default Goodmorning,

alice, that is the pits about your leg. I wish you a speedy recovery. The apple salsa is so easy, the recipe makes a ton of it but I am sure you can modify the amount. The thing is, I made my batch a week ago yesterday and it is still holding up. Chop 5 green delicious apples, mix with 1 cup golden raisins, juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 cup amaretto. I put about a 1/2 cup on top of the dry oatmeal and water before I nuke the oatmeal because I like the apple to cook a little and to be warm. I had it again this morning and I am hooked on this breakfast for winter mornings, it is so easy too.

Well, I did my ab video this morning, I hadn't done it in over 2 weeks and it was really hard - not as hard as when I first started doing in a couple months ago though. Slowly but surely I am getting back to pre-christmas good habits. Still working on my diet, once again I did good the first half of the day and not so great at days end. Still a little better than the day before. Sugar just throws me, it is hard to get out of my system I guess.

D and I are going to hit some after-christmas sales this afternoon. That should take my mind off cookies a little. The last couple days I have indulged in a mini movie marathon. I have been renting movies 3 at a pop and claiming the couch - hey it's vacation! Pretty soon I will have watched all the ones I am interested in though. Last night I watched Pride and Prejudice on A&E - about the 10th time - I love that movie. It is to be continued tonight so my plans are set for that. Tomorrow afternoon D and I are going to a wedding - I plan to wear my leather skirt.

Have a good day.
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Old 12-28-2001, 02:02 PM   #9  
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Default Good morning!

Alice, sorry to hear about your leg, what a drag!! Lacee is going to take over the place. Speaking of Boston's my granddog is coming to day for his stay over. I can't wait.

Ledom, that sounds like the yummiest recipe of salsa for oatmeal, I read it to my DH and he says the amarretto sounds delish! Kind of would encourage one to eat oatmeal too. I love oatmeal, I don't know why I don't have it more often. I just automatically think eggs or egg beaters.

I think I am going to take the tree down tomorrow. I want to get on with the New Year. I am feeling so unhealthy, no proper exercise except standing and cooking or running up and down the stairs, all this rich food etc. I threw out the iced cookies yesterday and I just HATE throwing out food. My mom lived through the depression and I was a raised a Catholic so it was really drilled into my head how wrong it is to waste food. In the New Year I am just cooking PMD stuff. I am looking forward to it.

Good for you for relaxing on the couch with movies Ledom, that sounds like something someone as busy as you doesn't get to do often. I watched a Masterpiece Theatre presentation of "David Copperfield" last night. So enjoyable.
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Old 12-29-2001, 10:54 AM   #10  
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Angry Hi!

My leg is feeling much..much better. I kept off of it yesterday, and plan to do the same, hopefully, today. At least I can walk on it without too much pain. It's a muscle problem. I had it 3 yrs. ago and then it went away and it reared its' ugly head again. Most of our Christmas decorations came down the day after Christmas. We will put our ceramic tree away New Years Day. I usually forget to put away at least something each year. If it's out, it stays out!

ledom~Thank you for the recipe for the salsa. I plan on getting the ingredients today to make it. When you put the salsa in the oatmeal, do you put in the same amount of water the oatmeal calls for, or do you use the salsa as part of the water content?
I can't wait to try it! Good for you on the ab workouts. I am going to get back to using my torso track as soon as the New Year is over. I get rather stiff after the first few times. I do know that getting sugar out of your system is hard. In the past, around the holidays I overloaded on sugar. When I stopped "cold turkey" I would get light headed until it got out of my system, which took a few days. I haven't had sugar in a long time, and now it doesn't agree with me, so it's a good incentive to stay away from it. After having pie, cake or cookies I run for the TUMS How was the wedding? I bet you looked smashing in your leather skirt!

judi~Lacee has already taken over the place. I have a sign that says "The Dog is Boss Around Here". Are you having a good time with Bentley? Puppies are so cute. I wish they would remain puppies, except for the whizzing anywhere you want part. I just threw away some chocolate cookies, and the next thing to go is the chocolate pie. It sounds like you and I were brought up alike. I remember growing up I was praised for cleaning my plate no matter how much was on it. I also remember getting chastised in school by a teacher when I did not finish my lunch, I was full and didn't want anymore. No wonder I am overweight!

I hope you are both enjoying your weekend. Alice

Last edited by aleka; 12-29-2001 at 10:56 AM.
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Old 12-29-2001, 12:13 PM   #11  
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Default Hey there,

I'm glad you are feeling better Alice. Interesting that your leg flared up just now. I have a problem shoulder that does the same. I have never really figured out what is wrong with it, sometimes I have thought arthritis. But you know, I think it might be a stress problem. The last couple days it has bothered me. Luckily it is not hindered by exercise and it even seems to be better when I exercise thereby leading to my self-diagnosis of stress related. Just being in tune with you body is important I think. I am very anti-doctor and tend to try to figure things out myself - though of course I am not recommending that. And judi, I am with you, eating poorly just makes me feel like crap. I feel weak, tired, and unhealthy when I'm not living the lifestyle. I think living a healthy lifestyle and then slipping out of it makes all those feelings even more apparent. I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. I did my 3rd workout in a row this a.m., so that feels very good and seems to help me control my eating as well. Oh my, the sweets do me in, I can stay away from the potatoes and gravy and roast and all that. I haven't been successful in throwing out any desserts though. One final thought on PMD, the hustle and bustle of life seems to distract me from taking my vitamins and drinking my water. I am trying to get that good habit back.

Well, I hope I don't jinx it by talking about it. I am so excited! I think I am going to be able to buy a used kayak at a great price. Someone in my kayak newsgroup is selling his, it is less than a year old and hasn't been used much. He is selling the paddle along with it and while it might not be quite half price, it is almost half price. I have really wanted another one for D and my friends to use so I could have company sometimes. This is all happening via e-mail and he lives less that 100 miles away so it would be easy to pick it up. I guess the only thing that could go wrong with the deal is that someone closer would go over tonight and pick it up, but he knows I want it and I am expecting an e-mail. He works today so it might be tonight before I hear. I don't THINK I'm being impulsive though maybe I'm being indulgent. It feels right though.

Wedding this afternoon, I need to get cleaned up and wrap my gift. LOL about always leaving something out when you pack up christmas ornaments, that ALWAYS happens to me. I guess I'll wait until Jan. 1, but I'm anxious to get it done. Kittys are starting to use the tree as a toy.
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Old 12-29-2001, 09:12 PM   #12  
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Default Happy New Year!

Happy New Year's to all of ya'll! I'm sorry I haven't posted....I've been pretty emotional
these past few months, and could not bring myself
to write. Needless to say, I am an emotional
eater and things have gone awry in that area also. Look forward to a better year and more control.
We can all do this together...eating healthy, exercising, etc. Hope ya'll have a happy and safe
New Year's!
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Old 12-30-2001, 11:21 AM   #13  
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Default Goodmorning,

Shebacat, it is so good to log on and find your post. I am glad you are still with us. I am sorry you have been having such a hard time. I hope the new year brings you joy and peace. Thank you for your good wishes.

Alice, to answer your question about the salsa, water, oatmeal ratio. I use the amount of water the oatmeal pkg. calls for. When I add the apples I really don't use much of the liquid. I had my last serving of that first batch this morning - guess I need to make up another batch.

I hiked with a gf this a.m. It is COLD out there, I layered with my new silk long johns, they are just the ticket. Hey, the kayak deal is on, I am picking it up this afternoon.

Do you guys do a big New Year celebration? Not me, not this year anyway. D is inviting her friends to our house, they will watch movies and eat pizza. I will kind of disappear into the woodwork, but hang out to make sure they don't tear the house down! No, they really are good kids and generally give me no problems and I'd rather they be here than anywhere else.

Take care.
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Old 12-30-2001, 11:29 AM   #14  
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Angry Good morning everybody!

DH & I went out to lunch yesterday at a Chinese/Japanese restaurant which we had never been to before. I had Miso soup as an appetizer, and once I got away from the smell, it was quite tasty. The best part is it filled me up so that I ate about half my meal. Then a lightbulb went off in my head to have a small bowl of broth type soup with some veggies before we have our supper. Maybe that might help with losing weight.

shebacat~It's great hearing from you again. I missed your posts. I know what you mean about emotional eating, I've been that way since my Dad passed away in March. I just had no interest in anything. Now I feel myself turning around and feeling a lot better. I did not like the place where I was. I hope that you are starting to heal. I'm sure the coming year will be better. I know we can do this together.

ledom~I made the salsa...I got a buzz just from the Amaretto fumes I will put it on my oatmeal tomorrow morning. As it is Sun., this is our morning for scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and toast. That's great buying another kayak. If you feel it's the right thing to do...go for it!! I can relate to your anti-Dr. feelings. I tend to call at the last minute unless I am really feeling horrible and not sleeping. How was the wedding?

judi~I hope you are having a great time with your granddog and Marley.

Take care. Alice
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Old 12-30-2001, 05:56 PM   #15  
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I am so glad we all posted today. I am sorry you have been feeling so bad Shebacat! I hope the New Year will bring us what we hope for.

Alice, I am enjoying Bentley a lot. He is a character and there is nothing he won't eat (sounds like someone else around here )

I am looking forward to the New Year. I plan to make one resolution and one only...EXERCISE FIVE TIMES A WEEK!! I plan to let you know if I do it, every Monday.

Good for you for exercising out there in the cold Ledom. You are inspirational as always.

I am going to keep a daily diet journal. I found my old WW sheets.

I have slowly got all the Christmas treat foods out of the house and relplaced with skim milk, low fat cheese, fruits and veggies. Ledom you and I have opposite food attractions you like the sweets which I could leave and I like the potato & gravy stuff which you could leave...we could be a formidable eating pair No, that is not what we want this year.

We are staying here and will watch the TIMES Square celebration on tv and have some champagne. Then at midnight we will go out and ring the ship's bell that we have by the side of our front door. We usually here some other sounds on our hill, fire crackers and the like. I like to see the old year out with my DH at home and quietly

All the BEST to you three wonderful girls!!
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