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Old 12-06-2001, 04:21 PM   #1  
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Smile Perfect Weight (Chopra) #3

By request, a new thread!

I am NOT going to eat that candy bar. I will NOT.

I will not eat it at my desk,
No, no, I will not make that mess.
I will not take it in my car,
I will not eat that candy bar...
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Old 12-07-2001, 08:44 AM   #2  
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Jennifa, thanks for the new thread and LOVE the parody of Dr. Suess!! Think it will stick in my brain for a while!

Gray, rainy Friday here in Nashville. Temp unseasonably warm at 65 degrees...

Still feeling better. Actually woke up today with some energy, and the hot water seems to be flushing the yucky stuff on out...

I haven't lost anything just yet, as I'm still getting the portion control in place. I do become satisfied with less, but the habit of sticking something in my mouth, combined with the fact that I really LIKE the taste of food, is keeping me on a little slower track than some folks. I'm not worried; I just have to re-form habits that work for me. At least I'm aware that I still tend to eat as a hobby

Hope you all have a fabulous Friday.

Lurkers, aren't you just a wee bit curious as to what we're doing?

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Old 12-09-2001, 10:52 AM   #3  
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Thumbs down Sunday!

Hi all!

Today is already an "uphill" day for me. Drank coffee, ate bacon and eggs this morning, and have already had a dose of baking soda in water for the heartburn.

A little bit of the got in me today, I guess. I'm getting back to the hot water and milder foods to balance me. Now that I remember what yucky feels like, I sure want to get back to feeling good again.

How is everyone else doing?

Hope you have a great day!!!

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Old 12-10-2001, 08:35 AM   #4  
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Default Monday!

Hi, all!

Well, here it is Monday and frosty in Nashville. After the beautiful weather last week, this is literally a cold slap in the face!

Got my hot water handy. DH is an excellent cook and he just doesn't get the idea of healthy cooking, so this new idealogy has not taken hold in his brain yet.

He made enchiritos last night (he has a recipe that you can't tell from Taco Bell's) and fried tacos on homemade tortillas. A pasta salad with veggies, jalapeno and an oily (but delicious!) vinaigrette topped it all.

I ate it....

I paid for it later with awful heartburn and indigestion. The dinner was wonderful but also served as a reminder that I can't eat that way any more. Sure, he can cook differently, but I have to stand up for myself and help him understand that it would be helpful to me (and my high cholesterol, thank you) to be gentler with spices and not fry my food.

I can cook and will; with him, cooking is his passion. He has a cast-iron stomach that can eat anything; mine is a bit on the delicate side. So it gives us a chance for better communication. When I cook, it is lighter fare and he usually doesn't care for it.

We'll keep trying Meanwhile, I have my hot water and my resolve to eat mindfully today.

Hope everyone is doing well! Post when you can!

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Old 12-11-2001, 10:31 AM   #5  
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Default where is everyone?

Hi all!

Weighed myself this morning -- down four pounds

Very pleased! some of the swelling in my hands has gone away, too.

Who would've thought that by drinking less water and leaving out a few foods that I would feel so much better!

Also found out that drinking too much hot water at once doesn't agree with me

Still working on the "mindful eating." I'll get there!

Hope to see someone posting besides me...awfully big echo in here.

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Old 12-11-2001, 12:04 PM   #6  
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Hi Claire,

Wow, congratulations! 4 pounds is great!

I know, there is a big echo in here. I think everybody is looking for the magic way to lose weight. This plan is just like all the ones that WORK - eat right, exercise, and be moderate. Just a different way of looking at things.

Keep up the good work!
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Old 12-11-2001, 01:38 PM   #7  
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Jennifa, thank you for the applause. I really appreciate it!

I too, have looked for the magic pill/shot/shake/bar/program/exercise/what have you over the years and this seems to be working. I am also on the Support forum following the thread concerning "non-dieting" via Geneen Roth's work.

Thank you again for all the support. Hope others will join us in here to learn about something pretty special.

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Old 12-14-2001, 10:16 AM   #8  
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Hi girls, I have been wandering around the site looking for someone I might fit in with. I was with the success with slimfast thread but I seem to be the only one left and that is prety sad. I do use Slimfast as a replacement because it is just very convienient. They make good lunches for work. I began loosing weight in march of '01. I started at 320 and am now at 265-260. It flutuates about 5 pounds but always goes down so I don't mind. So tell me about the hot water thing. Whats that about? I hear about it on a lot of threads. Sounds yuky but hey I am willing to try new things. I don't believe in pills and weight loss mirical diets. I just am trying to retrain my eating habits. It is slow but it is working. I just want to be able to get advice and support from others like me. Looking forward to hearing more from all of you.
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Old 12-14-2001, 10:48 AM   #9  
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Hey, cowgirl!

You are very welcome here!

Here's why we sip the hot water. How-to and the benefits follow this somewhat lengthy post.

The tongue is the organ of taste and speech. Size, shape, contour, surface, margins, and color are the characteristics one can observe on the tongue.

A whitish tongue indicates Kapha imbalance and mucus accumulation. A red or yellow green tongue indicated a Pitta imbalance. A vata imbalance is manifested by a black to brown coloration on the tongue.

If the tongue is covered by a coating, it may indicate the presence of toxins in the stomach, small intestine or large intestine. If the posterior part of the tongue is coated, it will indicate that toxins are present in the large intestine. If the middle of the tongue is coated, the toxins are present in the stomach and in the small intestine.

In order to cleanse this muck out of your system, we sip hot water during the day. The water should be just hot enough so that you have to blow on it.

The hot water has the same effect on the toxins that hot water has on greasy dishes -- it dissolves the muck and helps wash them through your system. As the toxins leave, you may notice an increase in trips to the bathroom and a slight change in habits for a day.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I drink a couple of cups of hot water every day. I check my tongue in the mirror every morning to see what's going on "further down the track". The hot water is also a welcome treat since I stopped drinking coffee a month ago.

Thanks for your post! Please feel free to ask questions. Someone will always help you!
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Old 12-14-2001, 03:37 PM   #10  
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Howdy, Cowgirl, and welcome!

If you are accustomed to drinking liquid meals, this might be a great plan for you. Kapha imbalanced people do well on a single-day liquid fast per week. It basically means that all your foods are liquified. This, for me, works out to about 25 WW points, and I make sure I get a good balance. There are too many chemicals in Slim Fast for me but I do love Odwalla's Vanilla Almondo and Dutch Chocolate soy shakes. I drink those on fast days. I also have a juicer, and man, there is NOTHING like fresh pineapple juice. It is so divine.

Waterbaby is right about the hot water. I am getting to where my tongue is usually pink and healthy looking most of the time. YAY! For some reason, cutting out caffeine has jump started my weight loss. I don't know why. Ah, well. Better off without it.

Hope you all have a great OP weekend! STAY ON PROGRAM!!!!


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Old 12-16-2001, 11:30 AM   #11  
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Hmmmm, thats all ver interesting. I don't know if I am readdy to give up my morning coffee just yet but I may try a cup or two of hot watter a day. I'm sure it would help to cut out the coffee but I really enjoy it. Perhaps if I just cut down from my usual two cups to one for now. I deffinatly will not try the all liquid for a day thing. I need to be very careful about getting enough protine (meat) if I don't I get sick. No beans do not work the same for me for some reason. Besides they make me very gassy! On a really happy note my new size 20 pants were falling off yesterday! When I tried them on I though they fit ok although a bit looser than I expected. I was not prepared for them to almost fall off! I had been wearing the same size 24's that I have had since I started loosing. They used to be tight and now they are way too big but I still wear them since I am still loosing and they are still in good shape. Guess it is time to do some serious shoping for clothes! My weight is still between 260 and 265. It's weird. I feel a big difference in clothing fit and all around physical health but my measurments and the scale don't reflect it. Oh well who cares I feel so much better so I know it is working on some level. Can't wait to be in size 18 again, it's been 9 years!
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Old 12-17-2001, 01:12 PM   #12  
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Default LET 'ER BUCK!!!!

Cowgirl --

Yee-hah! I am so happy you ain't wearin' no more "heifer-sized" pants

Seriously, that's great!! I am SO THRILLED For you and I know you must just be on a cloud!

The coffee was a biggie for me. Finally, my body just couldn't take the acid anymore. I tried low-acid coffee and still had the same problem.

For my hot water, I get the nicest cup and saucer I have and it makes it more fun to drink (presentation is everything, right?)

Please keep it up! You'll be in the "grade school" sizes before you know it!

Someone else from this website said (to paraphrase her) that she didn't use a scale anymore, but used her trusty "Pants-O-Meter" instead....

Jennifa, how's it goin'?

Have an AWESOME Monday, all!!

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Old 12-19-2001, 07:13 PM   #13  
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HI all,

Cowgirl, there are shakes on the market that have a lot of protein in them. The thing about a liquid day is that most people think you aren't getting ANY nutrients. Actually, you are probably getting MORE if you are doing it right. I went to a naturopath to learn how to do it. It is so great, it is a wonderful balancer to my diet. Anyway, it sounds like you are losing! Good job! Keep up the good work, those 18s are looking right at you...

Waterbaby, how are you doing? I have been slipping, 'tis the season for such things to occur. So today I have been grossing out - ama everywhere! - gross - and am more able to say no to the chocolate goodies tonight. In fact, I think I am going to toss them in the freezer where they belong. Maybe I'll get lucky and they will get freezer burn??? I tried the geneen roth thread a while back but it seemed like there was no room for Deepak there then, and the thread got a bit ugly. I think they were having an Atkins grump or something. Hope it's going well over there, maybe I will check it out.

Meanwhile my big plan *** BIG PLAN *** to lose is WORK OUT all the time. I got 30 minutes in this morning and have a date with that bike for another 60 this evening. Maybe another 30 of weight training tonight, too. It seems that THIS is what is really helping. I can't get over the cutting caffeine, though - it is like someone opened the gate to weight loss. The other thing I think is helping is I have been trying to keep my sodium to below 1000 mg per day. That is less than 1/2 teaspoon. Not an easy feat. It basically means nothing with any salt added at all. Usually no processed foods.

Well now that I have written a book...

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Old 12-20-2001, 08:35 AM   #14  
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Thumbs down We are too cool to be fat!

Hey all!

Cowgirl, what's going on with you? Hope everything is well and wonderful. It's a pretty day here in Nashville, although cold! (20 degrees at 6:45 AM, which is when I usually get to work.) But the sky is clear and the sun is just gorgeous.

I'd like to tell you my "coffee story." I started drinking the stuff from my uncle's saucer at the age of two. It was mostly cream and sugar with a little coffee poured in to give it color. As I got older, I drank it every day with sugar and cream. When I was put on diet pills at the age of 12, I still used cream but replaced the sugar with saccharin (at that time, it had a soapy aftertaste )

I drank coffee steadily, increasing the amount until I was drinking probably two pots a day. I stopped using cream (never milk! eww) and began using Sugar Twin or Sweet 'n' Low. This went on for about 25 years (I'm 49 now) and suddenly, my body just couldn't hack the acid anymore. I started doctoring my java with flavored artificial creamers -- nothing helped. So I had to cut back to one cup on the weekends and even that has pretty much gone out the window. So now I drink hot water (or tea occasionally). I certainly understand not wanting to give it up

Jennifa, we are doing the best thing for ourselves by posting. I know if I didn't visit and post, I'd be off sneaking food and hiding from the world. I'm proud of you for doing something with your goodies besides eating them

The Geneen Roth thread is pretty good -- we have several different opinions of how the world works, but everyone is so interesting! Two ladies are eating meat again after being vegetarians for eons, and I understand their struggle and applaud their choice of being healthy. The exercises are hard, but they are helping me. They seem to be easier when I eat mindfully, because the mindfulness spills over into other areas, too. I'm noticing how hyper my DH is and his inability to relax!

I've also had major slippage this week. The sugar monster has had me in its grip and it's hard to get out of, but I will do it.

Oh, dear. Now look who's written a book...

More later, y'all. I'm proud of you!
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Old 12-22-2001, 03:38 PM   #15  
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Hi everyone! Sorry to not post in a while. I have had the worst week of headaches!. I finally went to se a Dr and he saw no infections but put me on Anti inflamitories and a really strong muscle relaxer. Boy did I ever sleep well! I still don't know what the problem is but the meds are deffinatly helping. I also have my tom and my weight is up a bit but thats not unusual. I still feel like the inches are (slowly) melting away. My next goal is to get back into weight training. I have the equipment but not the motivation.

The coolest thing this week was going to the doctor for the first time in two years and being much lighter than my last visit. The last time I was there Iwas 40 puonds heavier than now! I think I actually got a look of respect from the nurse who took my weight. And it felt so good.

Hope everyone else is doing ok with the holiday food fest. Fortunatly I don't have that problem as I don't celebrate, but I do still like to sample some of the goodies that come to work.
I promise I'll try to post more, I'm a bit of a procrastinator though.
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