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Old 05-23-2007, 07:16 PM   #1  
too much of a good thing!
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Default choosing a plan or program?

Mods - I hope this is in the right pleace - if not, I apologize...

I am (still) toying with the idea of signing up for a program. I'm wondering about WW just because they have been around for so long, but the fact that if I missed 2 weeks I would still have to pay for them is a wee bit off-putting. I guess I thought it was a pay-as-you-go kind of deal. I need to get over that.

There's another well known program, I don't want to say the name b/c I am going to come down on them... well, their advertising at least. Got a flyer in the mail today and it says they have a special deal etc, but then I looked closely at the before and after pics. The girl featured was a hefty lass in the "before" pic but the "after" pic looks like a poorly 'shopped work of fiction. I don;t believe that any woman who lost that amount of weight in that few months would have such taught skin on her body, with nary a sign of a faded stretchmark. I want to see *real* results not an airbrushed version.

Besides which her belly button looks to be a few degrees North West of where it should be.

I'm also wondering about OA because I*know* I have probs around food, but it will take a huge leap of confidence to show up there... and the OA and WW meetings are at the same time each week around here... And will OA help me lose weight? b/c that is what is really need to do.

It's hard to know what is the right fit for me... any guidelines out there??
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:20 PM   #2  
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Different WW franchises have different rules. Mine you just have to re-register if you stop going for a few months.
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:32 PM   #3  
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Sorry I can't be more help, I am calorie counting and exercising. I guess I would do lots of research before joining any one program, so you don't waste time and money. Good luck finding the program for you.
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:33 PM   #4  
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I think you can pay at each meeting if you want to for Weight Watchers.

Is there a TOPS in your area. I`ve heard that they are very encouraging and best of all, free.

Good luck!
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:46 PM   #5  
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The 3FC on a diet book gives a great description of each of the popular diets and who would do well on each type of diet. You might want to see if your library has it and see which one sounds like one you might want to do. Personally, I don't like the idea of paying someone to lose weight, so I haven't gone that route. I calorie count, using www.fitday.com to keep track of my calories and nutrients. Good luck!
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Old 05-23-2007, 08:11 PM   #6  
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Hey, catsnhorses, have you been to the 3FC main page? If you click the Diets tab on that page, you'll see a list of different diets--and information that might help you choose.

If you've already gone through that area, then try browsing the individual plan forums in Diet Central (scroll down on the main Forums page).

I don't believe OA will help you lose weight directly. It's a support group, primarily for those with food issues, along the lines of a 12-step program. It can be helpful for exploring those issues, though.

I'm a calorie counter, and that works for me. Whatever program you choose should have a plan for maintaining your weight as well as for losing your weight--that's very important!

Good luck!
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Old 05-23-2007, 08:34 PM   #7  
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I am a calorie counter, too.I am not restricted to eating or not eating certain foods,combining certain foods, etc, and best of all it is free. I am not knocking other plans but find calorie counting works for me.To check out several other diets go to 3FC Main Page and click on diets. It is OK to experiment until you find what works best for you. Good Luck.
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Old 05-23-2007, 08:46 PM   #8  
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Talking Hello!

I just started attending WW meetings tonight in fact! Where I am at registration is free you just pay for the weekly meetings. Which $12 where I am at... If you want the extra materials those cost too... There a couple pay options where I am at you can pay weekly for the $12 or you can a monthly pass which is $40.00( a little less but you have to use CC which I don't have) or you can get 10 weeks for a little over $100(can use cash) I want the monthly pass as you get free acess to e-tools too..... I am trying to find someone to let me use their CC for cash. You could probably find out more about the meetings where you are at online(that is what I did, they tell location, time, and fees) or ther is an 800 number on my booklet if you wanted to call and ask about it...?? 800-374-9191

I have done WW at home before for 6 months and had good sucess but stopped counting points...!! I think the meetings will be extra motivation for me! Whatever you decide good luck on your journey to WL!
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Old 05-23-2007, 11:57 PM   #9  
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As I believe was stated before, there are several ways to pay for WW. You can stop by a location and let them explain them all and see if that works for you. And remember, although WW counts points, it is still similar to calorie counting. You get a little more calories per point if you eat a food high in fiber and maybe a little less per point if the food is high in fat. They also encourage exercise. To me this is just the old fashioned eat less and move more solution. No off limit foods. Just sensable living.

OA is definitely not a diet plan. I attended in college and we were not allowed to discuss diet plans, name any certain foods that were low in calories or fat, or give exercise tips. It was just focused on relationships with food and exercise that were not healthy. I'm not saying it wasn't helpful, just not a source for weight loss.
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Old 05-24-2007, 12:07 AM   #10  
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I am a big believer in WW. There are many plans out there and each plan is good in it's own way. As others said before, the counting points is similar to counting calories, but I felt I also needed the additional help of knowing what to eat, like how many veggies I need to have a day, etc. I also needed the reassurance that there is no food out there that is "off limits". YOU decide if you are willing to spend the points on that piece of cake or whatever.

Something that I think anyone looking for a plan should consider is whether or not it is something you can live with for life, because as I'm sure you've read on this board, it has to be a lifestyle change and a lifetime commitment if you want to not only take the weight off, but keep it off.

Good luck with whatever plan you decide to try!
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Old 05-24-2007, 07:58 AM   #11  
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Originally Posted by jtammy View Post
The 3FC on a diet book gives a great description of each of the popular diets and who would do well on each type of diet. You might want to see if your library has it and see which one sounds like one you might want to do. Personally, I don't like the idea of paying someone to lose weight, so I haven't gone that route. I calorie count, using www.fitday.com to keep track of my calories and nutrients. Good luck!
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Old 05-24-2007, 08:42 AM   #12  
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If you want the support of an in-person weekly meeting, I suggest looking into TOPS. I know someone else mentioned it here and said it was free, but it's not. It is, however, a non-profit organization (unlike all the big ones out to make a buck off your desire to get healthy and lose weight), so it is MUCH cheaper than the big names and also has programs in place for those who can't even afford the lower fees. Each chapter is a bit different, but I believe it is less than $35 for a YEAR membership plus about $5 per month, depending on the chapter. And that money goes to things like sending group members to the big area conventions and whatnot, so it's not just going straight into someone's corporate pocket To find chapters near you, you can go to www.tops.org . They will let you attend a meeting at any chapter for free as a trial, and if there are multiple chapters near you, I highly suggest trying a free meeting at each chapter to find the group of people that's the best fit for you, as the way chapters are run can vary widely.

I personally never tried OA simply because it has a bit of a spiritual aspect to it with which I'm not comfortable. I am a big believer in taking responsibility for your own actions, but OA seems to say, "it's not your fault; believe in a higher power," and I'm just not okay with that (for myself, but I know it has helped plenty of people).

WW has brought success to a LOT of people. Did anyone know that WW was actually started by someone who used to be a TOPS member and then left and started a FOR profit weight loss group Actually, if you have the materials to follow a WW plan, you can still attend TOPS meetings. TOPS does not require that you follow their plan (although they do offer a book outlining an exchange program if you so choose). At the chapter I went to, there were people doing Atkins, South Beach, WW, calorie counting, exchange tracking...they are first and foremost a support group and are not there to dictate how you lose your weight. They only require that you get a "goal slip" from a doctor to set your goal weight so you do not go too low.
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