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Old 11-23-2001, 03:03 PM   #1  
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Thumbs down PMD* #73 - Prevention Healing Diet

This Diet is currently being promoted on newstands as the Prevention Healing Diet.

Prevention Millennium Diet*

Daily servings
veg and fruits, 9 servings ( 5 veg/4 fruit)
whole grains, 3-6 servings
high-calcium, 2-3 servings

Weekly servings:
Beans - 5+
Nuts - 5
Fish - 2

Serving Sizes

veg. & fruit
1 serving = 1/2 c. chopped fruit
1/2 c. cooked or raw veg.
1 c. raw green leaves
3/4 c. veg or fruit juice

Whole Grains
1 serving = 1 slice whole wheat bread
1/2 rice or bulgar
1/2 c whole wheat pasta

Calcium 1 serving = 1 c ff or 1% milk
1 c ff yogurt
1 c calcium fortified O.J.
1 oz. reduced ff cheese

100% DV multivitamin/mineral
500 (under 50) to 1000 (over 50) mg. calcium
100-400 IU Vit. E
100-500 mg Vit. C

Keep calories to 1500 a day - 250 cal. per meal. Eat 6 small meals a day. Do not exceed 42
grams per day.

Drink 8 glasses water and 1+ cup of tea daily.

* Copied from the Jan. 2000 issue of Prevention Magazine
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Old 11-23-2001, 03:18 PM   #2  
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Default Hey Girls,

I am almost back to normal. I did have the last piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast this a.m. - in my twisted mind I counted it a fruit/vegetable. Well it is gone now and I think I have the mac & cheese demon under control. I did my morning workout which was difficult. I find that if I don't eat right I have a much harder time with it. I did push on through it though.

judi, how did your storm turn out? Thanks for asking about Bea. She is ok, healed up and everything. But she is maimed for life it appears, her eye will never be the same. It is a shame because siamese cats have such pretty blue eyes. Her right eye just looks dead. She is still a pretty cat though.

Alice, a good thing about eating out is not having leftovers. LOL about the blueberry pie - well at least it is gone now and you are no longer obligated to it.

If the weather is ok I am going to meet some friends for a long hike tomorrow. I used to hike a lot with these girls, but haven't been lately - I am looking forward to it. I am also hoping to kayak on Sunday. In the meantime I need to work in my darkroom. Alas, before I can get to the fun stuff I need to clean it. I am going to fill the CD player with good music and try to discipline myself to get down there and make some prints.

Oh yeah, I did want to mention something good I have been eating recently. Raisins and dried figs. It is almost as if I crave them. (Aren't they high in iron content?)
Anyway, they make the easiest snacks. On workdays I take raisins and a few almonds in a bag for mid-afternoon. Sometimes at night I have 3 figs, an oz. of cheddar cheese and 3 or 4 wheat crackers for my last meal. They are just easy and yummy. Sweet but healthy.

Last edited by ledom; 11-23-2001 at 03:34 PM.
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Old 11-24-2001, 12:18 PM   #3  
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Angry Hi!

It is still fairly mild out, but it's awfully cloudy. On Monday I will restart my dieting again. This morning DH & I went out for breakfast....I had cranberry nut pancakes...they were great!!!! Tomorrow night we are going to some friends' to help them eat the rest of their Thanksgiving pies.....GROAN!!!! I am just thankful I have stretch jeans and baggy sweatshirts to wear

We have started putting up our Christmas decorations today. Lacee has a lot of different things to sniff. Since she still chews there were a few things we could not put out.

ledom~Have you tried eating dates? Those are my favorite. Sometimes I stuff them with nuts around the holidays. How did your hike go? That's a great idea with all of the holiday eating.
I am so sorry about Beatrice's eye. Do you have any idea what happened to it? One thing about animals is they can still get around with little or no sight. Have fun on your kayaking trip.

judi~Did you get the storm? We really need rain very badly. DH just looked at our well, it is a 19' well with only 4' of water. So it looks like we'll have to start watching our water so that the well won't run dry.

I hope the both of you are having an enjoyable weekend.
Take care. Alice
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Old 11-24-2001, 03:31 PM   #4  
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Default Hey,

Alice, I love dates. I thought they might be out of the question because they are so sweet. I just looked up calories though and they aren't as bad as I thought.

Our hike was so nice. I am not sure I'll be able to kayak tomorrow. It is so windy out today, I'll have to watch the weather tonight. Even if the wind dies down, I have gotten involved in darkroom work and might need to spend the day in there tomorrow.

I have been collecting tamale recipes this fall. That is one of the things I plan to make for my party. And speaking of dates, I have a sweet tamale recipe that calls for them. I went out in search of a pan to steam them in a while ago. I ended up buying a platter to serve them on too. I found a beautiful hand painted platter from Italy that will be just perfect. I'll let you know how this project goes, I have never made tamales before.

Have either of you ever done any juicing? I read an article in Vegetarian Times about juice fasting and they gave directions for a one day fast. I am intrigued. Like after the holidays it might be a neat thing to do to get right with my diet. Just an idea I am toying with. I guess being home all day makes it harder not to eat too much. I did pretty good yesterday and so far today I have too, but I have had to use much more mind control than when I am at work and distracted.

Yes, I really hate it about Bea's eye. I can't imagine what go hold of her unless it was another cat. She has been fixed and I thought the males would leave her alone. We do have woods on one side and town on the other side of where we live. I have seen possums, skunks, and racoons around in the past. She does not seem very disabled, but I am sure that eye is blind now.

Well, it is nap time. Take care.
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Old 11-24-2001, 07:39 PM   #5  
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Ledom, periodically my DH does 3 day juice fasts (mostly carrots, celery and apple mix) and he says they are great. I never tried them, you know me...I have trouble waiting until the next meal But we do have a big juicer, my DH bought it at an sounds like a big jet engine starting up, it jumps around all over the counter and is a pain to clean up. I used to have a smaller Braun one that was fine though.

Sounds like everyone is feeling Christmas-sy. I did a little shopping today, the stores are already busy.

We had the storm that never must have blown itself out somewhere in the Pacific.

Poor Beatrice's eye.

Alice, you should see the big plush wart hog that I bought for my D's Boston for Christmas. It is so makes a wart hog sound. Marley doesn't like plush toys, he already has found his squeaky rubber Christmas tree that was supposed to be his gift. He is squeaking it away like mad. He is quite expressive with it.

Ledom, you party sounds like it is going to be so nice.

Tomorrow we are having friends over for Chinese food. I am going to order it in. In the morning we are bottling Chardonnay. This batch is supposed to be very "oaky".

Shebacat, I hope all is well with you. I know you are missing your baby. I still miss my little Parasha all the time.

Well girls, enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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Old 11-25-2001, 08:40 AM   #6  
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Default Goodmorning,

Just a quick note this morning to say that I decided to hop on the scale this morning for a quick check to see how I have fared through birthday week and thanksgiving. I have stayed exactly the same! Of course it would have been too much to ask that I lose, I am very happy to have maintained. I hope I can lose a few lbs. between now and the Christmas round of parties and eating and then keep that off as well.

Judi, why does your husband fast? I am very intrigued. You have said that he is skinny, does he do it as a health regimen or as a type of meditation? I think if I do buy a juicer I'll go for a cheap one as it is not likely to get a lot of use.

Aaaaahhhh, how can a five day break fly by so quickly?!?
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Old 11-25-2001, 11:54 AM   #7  
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Default Goodmorning

I hope that tornado was not anywhere you were Ledom.

My DH fasts to get rid of "toxins". Food though isn't a big deal to him but by the end of the third he is planning what he will have for breakfast the next morning. It is not sensible breaking of the fast like a piece of fruit etc. but full scale pancakes, eggs, oatmeal etc. I think one day of fasting on fresh juices might be a good thing but I doubt more than that.

We have had no rain all week, I can hardly believe our good luck. I think I will take Mr. Marley out for a walk this morning. He has been lying around the house sleeping just to much.

Goodmorning Alice!
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Old 11-25-2001, 12:10 PM   #8  
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Angry Good morning,

A dreary day here, and they said that it will start to rain by tonight. We need this rain very badly.

ledom~That's really great that you stayed the same in spite of all the festivities. You were very brave to hop on the scales I, on the other hand am a complete chicken!
Did you get any of the tornado that hit a couple of the southern states? The juice fast does sound intriguing, but I don't think I could do it.

judi~Is the wart hog bigger than Bentley? I bet he'll look cute playing with it. When Lacee was very small she had a plush bone toy that was bigger than she was. She looked soooo cute running through the house with it in her mouth I miss Shamrock too, but Lacee has taken the "sting" out of it.

There was a good article in the magazine section of one of the Sun. papers we get. It was about people who do not have pets who are envious of people who do. It was quite interesting. One woman said that she never could understand how people could become so attatched to pets until she had one of her own.

I have done well on my eating so far today. I had oatmeal for breakfast, and for lunch I plan on some soup and I am heating up some chicken to go along with it.

Take care. Alice
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Old 11-26-2001, 08:54 AM   #9  
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Default Goodmorning,

The tornados were in other parts of the state. We have thunderstorms predicted for today. Like you Alice, we really need the rain. By mid-week we should have cold temps again.

Boy was it hard to get up and workout this morning. I really dragged through it. It didn't help that it was raining lightly during my jog. I did get to try out my new rain hat I bought for kayaking.

When I think about fasting, the thing that will be even harder for me to do without for a day than food is diet coke. Really my biggest toxin. Yikes! I try to avoid thinking about how addicted I am to it, but this subject has really made me look at it again. I literally get sick headaches when I try to go cold turkey with it. I have read it is better to wean yourself away from it gradually. Oh, but I love it so.

Well, better drag myself to work. Only three week until Christmas break, I can do this.
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Old 11-26-2001, 09:55 AM   #10  
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Angry Happy Monday Morning,

We did have some much needed rain overnight. This morning it is quite foggy, and the sun is trying its best to peek through. OMG I got on the scales this morning and I gained another 3 lb. So it's back to PMDing today. So far I have had a very small dish of fruit, not even 1/4 cup, as I just wasn't hungry, and a bowl of oatmeal, and it is back to my 2--2o min. walks. I am hoping this is just water weight as I did consume a lot more sodium than I usually do.

ledom~I am relieved that you didn't get the tornado. I've been watching the news and I kept thinking about you. Have you tried the Diet Coke w/lemon in it? I kind of like it because it's different. I am not a Diet Coke fan, but I love Diet Pepsi. Now they have lemon in their's too. I am addicted to coffee. That is the first thing I reach for in the mornings when I get up, otherwise I am in a fog until I get my daily fix of caffiene.
At least you did get out to jog, that's great!

judi~I hope you had a great weekend. Does your DH drink juices whenever he is hungry, or just a few times a day? I wish I could do that, but I get very lightheaded when I have nothing solid on my stomach, and I start to shake, and once I eat something, even if it is just a cracker, I am fine.

It is time to go for my walk. I am going to take advantage of this mild weather we've been having. Take care. Alice
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Old 11-26-2001, 12:33 PM   #11  
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Default diet coke, diet pepsi and coffee

Good morning,

The three above I couldn't think of doing with out...I would turn into a werewolf or something without them. I have tried the lemon coke and lemon pepsi and like it. I know in France they serve coke with a slice of lemon. The coke comes in a bottle too. I always buy those little glass bottles whenever I see them even if they aren't the diet ones.

Alice, the plush wart hog body is as big as Bentley's but the legs are shorter so it will be funny to see him running around with it.

The DH drinks juices a few times a day, when he does the juice fast thing. I always try to discourage him because he takes medications and I think some of them have to be taken with food and I don't think juice is enough.

The weather has been strange, eh? I hope we don't run into snow on way down to Ca. this week. We are leaving on Friday but will spend Thursday night in Vancouver. Pulling the 5th wheel and all makes me nervous as it is.

This week I am going to focus on EXERCISE. Both of you are inspirations in that area.
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Old 11-27-2001, 07:49 AM   #12  
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Default Goodmorning,

Alice and Judi, You both have great goals for the week. Alice, you know that those 3 lbs. will drop right off because you aren't giving them time to take hold.

Judi, good for your exercise plans. I give exercise full credit for my small successes this fall. The thing is that after a couple of months of being vigilant, I feel something terribly amiss if I DON'T exercise. The thing is, I don't kill myself during workouts, I do what I feel comfortable doing. After getting used to an exercise there is just a natural tendency to give yourself a gentle challenge, because you know you are up to it.

Winter is rolling in here today. I am planning to dress warm. I usually let my hair dry on the way to work but I think I better blow it dry this a.m. Gotta run so I can get myself together for the day.
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Old 11-27-2001, 10:06 AM   #13  
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Angry Good morning ledom & judi,

I did very well yesterday with diet and exercise. It is cloudy this morning and rather raw out. There is rain coming, but they don't know if we'll even see any of it. My cousin is arriving at my house on Fri. Then early...early Sat. morning we are off to NYC. We will be coming home late Mon. night. I am hoping that I will get to see "ground zero".

ledom~Thank you for your words of encouragement. You really have a great attitude towards exercising. I know what you mean about challenging yourself. It sort of breaks up the boredom.

judi~I bet Bentley will look so cute running with the wart hog in his mouth. You will get a lot of laughs. That's great to focus yourself on one thing. I am concentrating right now to get fit and hopefully the weight loss will follow. That's great you'll be heading to Calif. towards the end of the week.

Take care. Alice
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Old 11-28-2001, 09:03 AM   #14  
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Default judi

you are a rolling stone. I envy you the traveling you get to do. How's the packing going?

Not much from this end. The cold rainy weather arrived - it feels like winter now.

I'm just rocking along. Diet and exercise on target. I am interested in weighing again, but want to wait until I'm sure I'll show a loss. Sometimes if I weigh and don't see that I get bummed and it plays with my head a bit. So, I'll wait a few more days.

D got her ACT scores back and she did very well. Looks as if she will be eligible for good scholarships. We are so proud. My school is doing a production of Heidi Chronicles this weekend so I think we'll go see that.

Alice, you must be getting so excited about your trip to NYC. You'll have to give us a full report when you get home. Have a great time!
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Old 11-28-2001, 09:38 AM   #15  
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Default HIYA!

Ledom, give your D a pat on the back and hug for me. That is GREAT

You are going to NYC, Alice?! Lucky you, window shop for ME. (I am keeping a lid on it this year..."real" spending I mean)

Ledom now that we have the 5th wheel there is very little packing. I have clothes in the trailer and I bought doubles of appliances I like so I don't have to move things from the house and back and forth. So basically I just grab my purse and journal and we hook up and go.

It has started to snow here so we might have to leave today and stay in Vancouver for a couple of days (at an RV park) because we have a precarious driveway and steep hill and if we don't get the RV out now we might be stuck.

Now that it is almost the end of the year I have to look at my last year's resolution to exercise everyday and say "Boy, I blew that one."

Well, have a good 10 days and I will email when I can. Enjoy getting ready for CHRISTMAS!
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