Core Chat for Dec. 11-17, 2006

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  • Hey, friends!! I am FINALLY home. Judd wants to go out, though, so his friend is on his way to pick me up. I'm making Mexican cornbread because I needed one more recipe for the book. I wasn't going to put it in until I did a dry run, so now we have dinner for tomorrow night.

    I'll be back in a little bit to update on the day. It has been a DOOOOOZY!
  • vickie, what is the name of the pain meds? curtis hurt his shoulder when he was putting on a shirt this am. he's been grouchy cuz of pain. that made me grouchy. it's one of those:

    "principal griped at the teacher;
    teacher griped at the students;
    students griped at their siblings;
    siblings kicked the cats"

    type of days.

    he's feeling better and so's his mood and so's mine. life is good. thank goodness the gripey time is over.

    we just worked together finishing up christmas cards. i got the pre-lit tree out but haven't put it up yet. tomorrow.

    i also need to go to wi in the am. i think i've lost.
  • kathy, i make mex cornbread all the time. we love it. so what kind of doozy have you had?

    where's frouf?

    where's rhonda?

    where's melissa?

    where's everyone else?
  • Sandra, it's called Etodolac 500 mg tablets ACTAV. Good luck at weigh in tomorrow. I'm having a cup of tea and a Natural Ovens cookie. We are enjoying watching TV. I'm glad you and Curtis are both feeling better.
  • Doozy. DOOZY!

    A long day at work. Then I took the copies to Staples to be cut (I made two to a page) ... went to the store to get things for Mexican cornbread. Leaving the store, and Staples called saying my order was ready. I went back and picked it up. Went to Walgreens. Went to get some gas. Put up the groceries and made the cornbread. Judd called ... we went out. Came home to stare at gifts that need to be wrapped. Found a letter to myself that I wrote in 2002 ... it made me sad. I tried to explain it to Judd and he doesn't get it. I'd like to have someone to share my life with. Oh well, huh?

    So now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I'll work for 7 hours, assemble the cookbooks, take them to Staples to be spiral bound. Then I'll come home and wrap gifts, address the Christmas cards to people that Judd just now thought of (Air Force people at Whiteman) ... clean up and load the truck for Saturday. Saturday we go to Tyler to my parents' house because they aren't able to come here. Sunday I cook all day so that on Monday, I have the things ready for people at work. Our closest friends got Gifts from Hersheys ... so we have to deliver them too.

    I'm pooped.
  • Wow Kathy, sounds like a doozy.

    And, drumroll please... I rejoined WW last night! My mom and sister ended up going to last night's meeting, and I tagged along. Dh said it'd be OK to spend the meeting $$ again...what a guy. At least as a "paying Lifetime" member, I didn't have to pay the registration fee, just the weekly one.

    I'm excited about being back on the program, and I'm really going to give it a good go here. I want to be a good example to my sister, who has been skinny all her life until the last year when she put on about 45 pounds.

    I am currently 138, which is about 14 pounds above my lowest weigh-in, and 8 pounds above my WW goal. Not too bad for 7 months of inattentiveness to the plan. I would like to try for a goal of 120 this time, as my healthy weight range is 109-137. The new cookbook they've come out with, "My Turnaround Program Cookbook" looks really great. We bought it, and will share it.

    I hear my little one paging me from her bed Better go.

    Later ladies,
  • Good Morning Chicks! I'm just cleaning up around here today and putting away all the wrapping supplies that are literally spread all over my living room and dining room. Cassie will be happy to have her playroom back to herself! There is stuff everywhere! Jim and I are expecting 2 more items that need to be wrapped, so we'll keep a rolle of paper out to take care of those. I'll take the day off today except for planning the execution of the shopping list and the calendar to figure out when everything else will get done.

    Now if I would just manage my weight loss efforts so well!

    Melissa, hang in there! Is that class done yet?

    Kathy, even your post sounds out of breath! The Hershey jar is cute. I'm a dark chocolate girl so I never look at the Hershey site. I never think of them for dark chocolate. They have some cute stuff.

    Have a great day!
  • Angela, I could NOT be happier for you! DH is TOPS in my book. You sound happy. Congratulations! I'd have to say that you have been successful on maintainence. The most impressive thing you did was to get back before a 10 pound gain. We REALLY cheered for the people who joined before the holidays! It'll be great having you for motivation.
  • Hi All:

    I've been feeling a bit grouchy myself but after reading the most recent posts, I'll put it aside. My troubles are small: my stomach mess has not gone away really. If it's still here on Monday, I'll go see a doctor.

    I'm taking today and the weekend as totally OFF as I can. A friend is here from Saskatchewan and she's coming to my home to drink tea and hang out... that will be very healing.

    Take care all of you busy holiday bees and remember "this too will pass"!

  • My remark about "most recent posts" hardly makes sense...I was sitting here staring out the window drinking tea and you were all writing in! Good to see the day is cheering up out there.

  • Rhonda, there's nothing like a great cup of tea and an equally great friend! I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
  • So, Melissa, I have a question. Do you ever watch WLEX and if so, do you know a meteorologist named Tom Ackerman? It was his dad who was the coworker who passed away last Monday. I had been watching for the obit, never found it, and finally I decided to just go nationwide and search like that in an obit finder. They must not have put one in the local paper because services were going to be up there.

    I'm trying to make all my lists so I can get everything done today. Hopefully I'll only be here until 3 or so (supposed to be off anyway today but you know how that goes).

    Rhonda, I hope you feel better soon.

    Vickie, I think they have dark chocolate too. What we bought were the big 8x8 cards that we had personalized. They are very cute and everyone likes them. They're like this, but are Christmas-y and have our names in chocolate (not white).

  • angela, i am so happy for you. i guess you saw at the meeting the chart that said folks who go to meetings lose 3x more than those who don't. i don't know if that's totally accurate but i do know i lose better when i go to meetings. also, coming here daily (multi times usually) helps a lot, too. you're lucky to have other family members doing this with you. i wish you all the best of success.

    vickie, thank you for the medicine name. i'll give it to curtis. he said his shoulders feel like jelly today. last night he was very very depressed. i got worried about him. he had both shoulders replaced in 2000.

    kathy, i looked at the site. those are cute gifts. your friends will love them.

    rhonda, i hope you're feeling better. enjoy your visit with your friend.

    i just got home from wi. i lost 1.6 lbs this week. i'm happy about that. now i need to get off here and make lunch.

    later, chickies!!