Intuitive Eating #3

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  • Jo, my dose of prednisone is pretty low right now so I don't think I can use that for an excuse anymore. ha! My DH is a veterinarian and he checks my blood now for calcium so I haven't been to the dr for awhile. I don't like going to the dr dad was a dentist and he was like that, too. I just got on Rob Stevens free offer to his website with Dump the Diet Day. You get 2 free months. He's even written to me a couple times and wants me to call to discuss prednisone. Haven't gotten up the courage to do that. I once called Judy Halliday who co-wrote Free to Be Thin with her dr. husband and she talked to me for about an hr. With the prednisone she thought I should watch some of the things I ate.........i.e. stick to low fat. She was really nice but I didn't really feel like I was getting it. How does low fat fit with IE? I've never felt I ate for emotional reasons. When I was first sick I lost 30lb and looked good for the first time in 20 yr. I cried when they put me back on prednisone. But it seems to always work except for the weight gain. I love to cook and eat. I just think Rob Stevens book makes so much sense and feel that if I hadn't dieted all those years my weight would be normal.
  • In general how often do ya'll get hungry?
    I ate what I wanted for breakfast (regular sized bowl of oatmeal with organic sugar) and I'm having a nice salad (which I love) with cheese and real ranch dressing. I've been pretty active this morning and I am hungry. Since all this is new I know it will take time to really get in a rythym with things. I knew I was hungry because my stomach felt empty and started to burn, then I did a little test and took a bite and waited yes I am still hungry so I will eat.
  • Oh yeah, I'm removing my ticker because I am not going to focus on weight. I'm also putting the scale away. I feel very happy.
  • Everybody is different. I'm always hungry right away in the morning unless I've eaten late. If I don't eat much breakfast I'm really hungry at lunch. Then I'm usually hungry about 5 so I have a snack and don't eat much dinner. We eat late because my dh is a veterinarian. I feel like everything gets messed up when we are away from home. Schedules get changed then.
  • My breakfast is generally 3-5 after I wake up, 2-3 if I worked out. Thats about when I get hungry. After that just depends on what I eating and doing. At work I have to eat at a specific time. At home after the first meal, which is usually pretty feeling its about 4-6 hours than maybe a snack and then if I am up late another snack later on. This all can change depending on what I am doing and what I am eating.
  • Something else about breakfast. Just because it is my first meal of the day I don't necessarily eat "breakfast food".
  • Thanks for the replies. The past three days were good. I was thinking about all the time I've wasted thinking and obsessing over diets and food. It's really quite sad, and I don't ever want to go there again.
  • Carol, I thought listening for the shout in your signature was about your IE, like listening for your stomach to tell you to eat. Then I looked up 1Thesssalonians 4:16-17 and now I know what you mean. I guess I really need to read my Bible more. I did get a good chuckle though!
  • Sorry for that. I'm not much with computers or I would have thought of that myself! Every website is so different and takes so long to learn. I mentioned I am now on Rob Stevens website temporarily but I'm sure I'm not doing it right. ha! I only put the link at the bottom as a suggestion from Obi. I was answering a lot of introductions here and got in trouble for putting the link in my message. Guess they consider that spamming here. Really all those kinds of terms are Greek to me. Hope this is not too confusing. Oh, I rarely answer introductions anymore. Don't want to cause trouble for this link.
  • I could put my Bible verse under my avatar but I don't know how to do that. Any suggestions?
  • Quote: got in trouble for putting the link in my message. Guess they consider that spamming here.
    So is there a policy to not put any websites in posts? I've done it and I've seen a lot of others do it also. Or is it just some links that are not allowed? I don't want to get in trouble.
  • I was answering about 5 introductions a day and putting in the link to IE just like I have it in my signature. It was putting in the link and trying to get them to look at IE that was the trouble. So Obi suggested I just put it in my signature and after that I didn't hear anything back. But I could problably take it out now as it seems plenty of people have found IE since then.
  • Carol - I didn't see a way to put your verse under your avatar in the user control profile. The only thing I can think of is if you put your avatar in a graphics program like photoshop, added the words underneath, then saved the whole thing as a new file to use as your avatar.
  • Carol-
    Don't apologize. I like the bible verse. I meant it was funny because my mind was on IE and I thought that's what it meant. Then I had to laugh at myself for having a one track mind. Anyway I looked it up and even read a little more of the Bible. So that was a good thing. I'm glad you have it there, and I am glad you had the link to this thread there also or I wouldn't have found it on this forum. So thanks!
  • Your welcome, Problysewin. My son has lost over 20lb using IE but he uses a bit different method. He only eats in the evening. He says if he eats breakfast he's starving by noon. The evening thing isn't hard and fast as he eats, for example, if he has medicine to take. But he says he never blows it because if he does he says to himself, "Tomorrow is a new day," and goes back to what works. Since he's lost quite a bit I don't argue. He probably could lose another 30. He was doing heavy cement work and hurt his back so right now he is also dealing with that and seeing the dr. today for the 2nd time. Back problems seem to be so elusive.