Intuitive Eating #3

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  • Jo,

    I wouldn't necessarily say that you will be disappointed most of the times you eat, but my experience after doing this for a while is that it has turned me into a definite food snob. When you eat quality foods, you train your palate to expect quality foods. That is one of the reasons I do so much of my own cooking--I just find that most restaurant food isn't up to my standards.

    I used to have a friend that hung out over at my house a lot. He would have dinner with me 3 or 4 nights a week. He was single and had been perfectly happy with typical bachelor fare--burgers, fried chicken, frozen burritos, etc. After about a month he told me that I had ruined food for him, LOL--the stuff he used to eat just didn't taste good to him anymore.

    So, the bottom line is, I still like food A LOT, but I don't necessarily expect to find "the best food I've ever eaten" in a restaurant. Especially where we live

    And I am feeling a little better today
  • I so agree. Most restaurant food just tastes nasty to me now. Things you make at home is usually much better quality. Quality ingredients, fresh -- and tailored to your tastes!

    The only restaurants around here that do a good job are expensive and about 1-1/2 hours away!
  • Just saying no
    Ok, I am not sure whats going on I think my body is adjusting to TOM and healthy eating. I have had more cravings in the last 2 days than the last 2 months.

    So I am making a stand, no more little choclate candies.

    My girlfriend bought some and put them in the candy dish. Normally I eat one every 2 weeks and forget about them any other time. I have eaten 8 of them today and refuse to eat anymore. I'm not hungry, and maybe my body needs sugar,but I think I want to be able to choose. I also know if someone was in the room with me I wo uldn't be eating so there is an element of sneaking here.
  • Obi,

    The week before TOM was always when I got the worst food cravings. Since I cut out the sugar and processed foods I don't really get the cravings now, but I still want to eat more food more often during that week. On the flip side, if I just continue eating the same way I do the rest of the month, I usually lose lots of weight that week.
  • Thanks fiddler. I think that was it I also over ate at home, not by much, and I was ok with it. I drank alot more water than usual as well. Today seems to be better and I am on the tail end of my TOM, so I think it is coming to an end.

    Quote: Obi,

    The week before TOM was always when I got the worst food cravings. Since I cut out the sugar and processed foods I don't really get the cravings now, but I still want to eat more food more often during that week. On the flip side, if I just continue eating the same way I do the rest of the month, I usually lose lots of weight that week.
  • Holding steady with food. No breathroughs yet. Hubby bought me a new treadmill last night, though. (My old one was just -- well, it ...... well, words just won't do right now, LOL.) They should be delivering it this afternoon!
  • Well the PMS seem to have run down. Even for the week I was wacky didn't eat too badly. Still on track for my excercise. Finally getting tired of the WATP, just need something different. I orders some Prevention magazine workouts. I did the first one today and could feel the difference. I will be alternating with those.

    Fell on some black ice this morning, but ok

    How is everyone else doing?
  • Hey everyone,
    Weird thing, I have no appetite of hunger signals right now. My four year old son came down with some sort of stomach bug on Friday and I was awake all night taking care of him. I guess watching someone be so sick was enough to kill my appetite. But all day yesterday I didn't get hungry at all. I finally convinced myself to eat a couple of hard pretzels at noon because I could feel my energy draining. Now I woke up this morning still not hungry. I wonder if this means I'm going to come down with the virus my son had. I don't feel sick, just not hungry or interested in food. I probably wouldn't have noticed this lack of hunger if I wasn't doing IE. Anyway, my question is, is it okay to go for long periods with no food? Part of me is afraid my body with go into "starvation mode" and then lower my metabolism. Any thought on this? Should we force ourselves to eat a little bit instead of going all day without food? Or should I continue to listen to my body?
  • Quote: Hey everyone,
    Weird thing, I have no appetite of hunger signals right now. My four year old son came down with some sort of stomach bug on Friday and I was awake all night taking care of him. I guess watching someone be so sick was enough to kill my appetite. But all day yesterday I didn't get hungry at all. I finally convinced myself to eat a couple of hard pretzels at noon because I could feel my energy draining. Now I woke up this morning still not hungry. I wonder if this means I'm going to come down with the virus my son had. I don't feel sick, just not hungry or interested in food. I probably wouldn't have noticed this lack of hunger if I wasn't doing IE. Anyway, my question is, is it okay to go for long periods with no food? Part of me is afraid my body with go into "starvation mode" and then lower my metabolism. Any thought on this? Should we force ourselves to eat a little bit instead of going all day without food? Or should I continue to listen to my body?
    I would continue to listen to your body. I sometimes go for long periods of time without food, particularly on weekends. If I am doing something really interesting, I either don't get hungry or don't want to stop to eat. It has not slowed my weight loss any.

    I think you would have to fast or eat a very low calorie diet for many days in a row to put your body into "starvation mode." There is something that bodybuilders sometimes do to lose extra weight called "calorie cycling." The basic premise is that if you vary the amount of calories you eat every few days and keep your body "guessing" about how many calories it's going to get, it will keep your metabolism up. So as long as you are alternating days when you eat normally with ones where you feel like eating very little, I don't think it will have an adverse effect on your metabolism. That's pretty much what I do.

    Just make sure you still drink plenty of water, especially if you think you might be getting sick.
  • Good morning, everyone!

    I think I am going to go clothes shopping today. I have a skinny pair of bright turquoise jeans that I need to find a top for.

    Hope you all have a terrific day!
  • Where is everybody? LOL, it's like you all got beamed up over the weekend.

    I had a good shopping trip. Found a shirt to go with the jeans and bought about 5 other shirts all in regular sizes (well, XL, but at least it wasn't Plus sizes). Of course, once I got home and washed them they all shrunk so now I have to lose another 5-10 pounds to be able to wear them, LOL
  • Hi, Fiddler and all. I'm at my daughters in Portland and her computer and connection aren't the best. Not doing to well on vacation. Too much eating out. It's all so much easier when you're at home. Lots of things still to learn about IE. I ordered a new book and should have it by the time I get home. I'll let you all know how it goes.
  • Congratulations, Fiddler, on the shopping trip! I wish I could fit into jeans. They don't make jeans that fit me. Really. Nobody makes pants for people who are 4 sizes bigger in the butt than in the waist. Plus I have really short legs so I am all butt and thighs. It is a good thing they don't make pants like that. It would look really goofy. Bonnie - I agree; listen to your body. Being force-fed is just not a good idea, even when it is you who is force feeding yourself! I think the fear of slowed metabolism is kind of overblown; I mean, i am sure it happens but at the same time, it can't be that extreme of an effect or else those poor starving people would not get emaciatedly skinny, right? Besides I think it can be slowed and then it can pick back up; from what I understand it is not a one-way valve. Carol - you are in Portland! I used to live there! Tell me, where are you eating out? I will probably be envious!
  • Congrats on the shopping fiddler. I was lurking on other parts of the forum and didn't post.

    Eating has been pretty ok. I had 2 donuts today. I think it was more convience than anything else. I hadn't eaten yet and just went to the cart before really thinking about it. Stuck to what I brought for lunch and snack the rest of the day so not a huge deal.

    Sat down and really thought about my goals and what I want to work towards. I am a planning junkie and with out some kind of goal I lose focus. Its a little scary since my first major goal is 70lbs, but I realized I've been doing IE (with the occasionaly bumps) pretty faithfully since september. Thats pretty huge for me since the longest I ever lasted before was about a month.

    I think me and my boyfriend are slowing down. I still think he is the one for me, but he's not ready. He is of the belief he needs to have his life perfectly in order before he can continue with me. So I consider myself single once agian. Funny, I am not all the upset although I didn't see myself in this place again.

    Off the box for now.

  • Good News
    Down another 5 lbs. I kind of paniced that I was losing too quickly, but after some reassurances (see post in 100lbs forum) I seem to be doing ok. Have to thank you guys and IE.