Show Your Support!

  • Hi All,

    Me and christie were talking yesterday about the terrible situation that suzanne is in that runs these boards.

    I know we have so many people that view and use this board. I know that if it weren't for this board then I would be lost and I wouldn't have made so many great friends. You are all great.

    But the truth is that she needs help financially. I know how easy it is for us to say we don't have the money to help. But with 14,800 members imagine if we all just gave .50 a month that would be $7,400.00 to support this board. There may come a time very soon that this board won't be here. I never really read the articles about the girls that started this and never gave it a thought that they were using their own hard earned money to pay for this site. I always thought that they got help from outside sources. Well this is not the case. Suzanne has supported this board and spent all her time watching and managing it with her own funds and she is running out of money. Especially with the rising costs to handle all the new members.

    I know that many of you viewed the post that called for help.

    Why not do our part and give just .50 or a dollar a month to keep this board. Maybe then we won't lose our home away from home. I know I couldn't do without this board. I get more support here then I do from my own chapter here in NY. Isn't it worth to you .50 a month to be able to get the support you need to get where you are going.

    I know we can all afford .50 a month. I never have any money and we live paycheck to paycheck like you all do. But I know that you can find .50 a month to give up to such a great cause. Where would you be right now without the support of this board? Think about it. Don't just pass this by. If you really care about the boards and you use them then you should help support them. Otherwise we won't have them for long.

    Thanks for listening,

    Given the fact that we use this board I'm sure no one would balk at donating at least 50 cents per month for this privilege...and more if possible.

    I would suggest that each and every member send in .50 - $2.00/month (depending on your situation) in order to keep this site alive.

    I have no problem with this (hope they accept canadian funds...hehe) but not sure where or how to send this??

    If we could get a mailing address or a way in which we could send in our donations that would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL.

    Any ideas??

  • Here's the answer...
    Just go to the top of this page.

    You'll see a box to the right of the banner ad that says "Help Support 3FC - Click Here".

    Click as instructed and you'll be whisked off to yet another page, with a link to

    If you've ever purchased anything on Amazon, it's a safe bet that your payment info is already in their system (you'll probably have to log into your Amazon account first). If you've never used Amazon before, just follow the steps.

    The 3FC donation site on Amazon defaults to $1.00 US. If you want to give more, just change the amount...and if you're overseas, don't worry, Visa/Mastercard will figure the exchange to US dollars!

    MUCH easier and less hassle than sending a personal check! Go for it, gals! It only takes about 2 minutes.
  • Frouf,

    We need more people like you to respond. You are right it isn't much and anything would be appreciated.

    Here is the address to send the check to:

    Suzanne Barnett
    3 Fat Chicks On A Diet!
    P.O. Box 5063
    Johnson City, TN 37602

    Make the check payable to Suzanne Barnett

    Thank you and I hope to hear from more of you that use this board and you know who you are. WE CAN GIVE .50 A MONTH AT LEAST. Aren't we all worth that. We get so much from these boards we are thankful they are here for us.

    To all you viewers you need to show your support to. Let suzanne know that you love this site and you will support it. Do your part to help her. She has helped us all out in a great way with this board we can help her out now.
