Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks!!! (Everyone is welcome!)

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  • Hi everyone! I still want to get to personals but was so busy yesterday. I still gt kids to kick out this a.m. too. So hopefully soon. Well yesterday I finished up my walking for the month. 2465 minutes! Whoooohoooo!!! That is an 82 minute a day average! Okay so the past two days I have done fairly well with getting my cals back on track again. Yeah! I was rewarded with the first loss of the week this a.m.(my main weighin day here is sunday) .50 a pound. Hooray!

    SO these are the stats for November, I lost a total of 7 pounds but had gained one back during turkey week. So 6 gone forever though AND I enjoyed the holiday! Yeah!! Not bad!

    Ladies we have 3.5 weeks left til x~mas so get your butts moving!

    Okay I did want to adress the people on a limited income!!!!!! I am as well. We have 5 kids at home. haha Thank God 4 of them get free breakfast and lunch at school. BUT they have 3 weeks coming upo so I am going to need to get pretty creative! haha My limited budget is why I have not been able to switch to organic fruit yet like I would really like to!

    As far as boneless skinless chicken breast goes, I know sometimes it is $4.00 a pound I NEVER buy it for that! It usually goes on sale like twice a month for about $1.87 a pound so that is when I stock up. (I generally try to do my big shopping at the beg. of the month) I also have a big deep freezer so that helps alot!

    Another recommendation. The chicken breast halves usually go on sale for like .99 cents a pound. So if that is more feasible for you, get those and rip the skin off! I get those once in a while but that is when I want to do shake in bake and be a little bad and have the skin as a treat! I have no clue how much the bone adds to the weight of the item so I always figure at $1.87 a pound the others are just as cheap!

    Here is another option, if you HAVE to get the thighs cause they are on sale or what have you, do so. But rip the skin off! The thighs are fattier but it is better for you than red meat. There is alot of fat in the skin though.

    Turkey ~ We are going to try to be incorporation more turkey in our eating. It is healthy for you, not red meat and it has been listed as one of the "super foods". Cook one on a sunday and carve up and freeze leftovers! Especially now since they are on sale. We still have two in our freezer! I think some of the sales were as low as .39 cents a pound!

    Brown rice ~ find a store that sells that in bulk! rice is cheap!! It is also listed as a super food!

    Pinto beans ~ They are also cheap!!! And very healthy for you!!! They are also listed as a super food!! I just got done yeterday making a huge crockpot full of chili beans yesterday and oh my gosh it was awesome! And cheap to make too. DH and I talked and this winter for sure we are going to be making a pot every week! This will give us some variety to our bnormal fare, he loves chile, I really like it to, and it is full of healthy/filling ingredients! (All I had on hand this time was one 2 pound package of 4% fat ground beef, I used 1 pound) I know the 4% gets expenisve but the 22 grams of fat per normal is rediculous! We rarely have gr. beef anyhow. Next month I am looking for the ground turkey!

    2 pounds of pinto beans ~ cheap *also superfood
    1 pound of gr. beef 4% ~ 3.00(substitute turkey/ *also superfood
    cummin ~ .99 cents
    chili powder ~ .99 cents
    1 onion ~ cheap(next time I am adding 2!) *also superfood
    garlic ~ cheap *also superfood
    salt ~ cheap
    chili flakes ~ .99 cents * also superfood
    3 tomatoes ~ ( they can get pricey, but I had some left over and did not want to waste them, they can be ommitted)

    Anyhow most the spices you should already have on hand and you only use a tiny bit so its not like a dollar for each spice every time you make it! That recipe actually made about 16 cups!!! So yeah we have leftovers and that was for a family of 7 last nite!

    Add some cheap jiffy mix corn bread for .29 cents and you got a healthy meal! (of course we could argue the healthyness about the muffins! )

    Anyhow the point is you can do it. Buy frozen veggies as oppposed to fresh. Like blueberries fresh in my store is like $5.00 for 6 oz!!!! Rediculous! I found them in the freezer, a pound for like $3.00. Still a lil pricey to do every day but I try to get a few packs a month! Watch the fruit for what is on sale at the store that week. My staple fruit is usually gala apples. At Ralphs they are 2.00 for 3 pounds. SO like .66 cents a pound. But if you try to buy them not in a bag, they can run as much as 1.89 a pound out here! SO watch for bag specials! Veggies, buy frozen too!

    Total is a great cereal to get. A little pricey sometimes but you can catch a sale about once a month. BUT it has 100% of 14 different vitamins and minerals such as calcium!

    Yogurt ~ get a big tub

    peanut butter ~ get the biggest tub

    bread ~ the ezekiel is not any more expensive than the other quality breads, 2.59 for 24 oz. Now some store white bread is "cheap" but it is also nutritionally "cheap" and if you wind up having two sandwiches or being hungry and reaching for something else or an unhealthy snack cause it spiked your appetite, how "cheap" is that?

    I am the same way as some of you. I find it appaling that it is cheaper for a bag of chips than a bag of fruit. Twinkies were on sale for .99 cents! But let us remember our health! How cheap is it going to be if someone gets diabetes from eating all that crap? Or heart disease? Etc. It is not cheap in the long run! You can't buy good health. But you can buy healthy food!!

    I think I also heard that Trader Joes has some good prices. We dont have one near so I dont know. Anyhow good luck to every one! Start eating healthy and your body will thank you!!

    Martini glad to hear you are doing shakes too! Are you doing the low carb one?
    I wanted to warn ya about slimfast though, check your can! I have seen 3 diufferent varietys myself! The old one had 33 grams of sugar per serving!!! The newer optima one had less, 13, not bad, but I seen the low carb one and it is a bit more expensive but I chose that one cause it only has 1 gram of sugar! It taste fine to me. I know you are not doing low carb per say, neither am I. But I would rather save the carbs for something else like healthy carbs, fruit and veggies. It also(low carb one) says it has 6 carbs but I guess when there is fiber added in there they can subtract it, so 4 grams of fiber = only 2 carbs that affect blood sugar. That is what my can says anyways!

    There is a video called WALK AWAY THE POUNDS. You do it in your own home.
  • I almost forgot! Today is my weigh-in day.
    269.8 Woo. Still looking at the 60's!

    Jasmine: I'm doing the optima one, that's the only one they had lol! Disadvantages of a very small town, I guess! I will have to stock up on slim fast when I go to Cold Lake next week. I also want to get a protein supplement to mix in with that! I have also started adding my morning fruits to my slim fast shake, it's sooo good! It's almost like a freaking treat, I tell ya!
  • Ok Mande. SOunds cool! Yeah it is marketed as the low carb one. AND it already has more protein in it!!! My can says 20 grams of protein! So maybe if you get that even though it may cost a bit more it will still be alot cheaper than buying additional protein powder!!!
  • That is great you are still in the 260's!!! Whoohooo!!
  • Adding fruit is great! Oh I need to look for the calcium link. Ladies, make sure you are getting enough daily calcium! Not only to prevent boneloss etc but I just read a week or so ago that they did a study on women who had more calcium vs. women who didn't and the women lost a LOT more belly fat!!! than the other women!! I'll go get the link!!
  • Yogurt May Help Burn Fat, Promote Weight Loss
  • One thing I did want to add was watch the sugars though! Try to get a lowfat one with low sugar!

    Welcome Canuck!!
  • Leygh - well, as a runner I say no such thing as too cold...well, nothing above about 0F - but for indoors get aerobics tapes - I like the Firm tapes so you get aerobics and weights. If you are at a higher cardio level try jumping rope.
  • i do turbo jam whenever i have time to do it also 10 minute soulutions is great

    about sugar do anyone know an estimate of how much is too many grams of sugar for a food?
  • mia - it really depends on the food, the type of sugar and the serving size. Lots of foods have natural sugars in them like fruit and yogurt...that kind of sugar doesnt hit your system the way added sugars do. Its better to read the ingredients, if any kind of sugar is in the first 5 ingredients (also called fructose, dextrose, maltose etc. ) then limit the amount you eat.

    Also think about how much of the food you eat. I avoid HFCS for the most part, but there is a big difference between the teaspoon of catsup on my bocaburger and a soda in how it will impact, even though they both have hfcs
  • Well good afternoon everyone! It took me awhile to catch up on the news since last night. Anyway 4 straight days of being incredibly good. I'm feeling really motivated. I'm sticking to 1200 calories and have done 1 hour plus exercise every day.

    Well the big snow storm hit Michigan. It's a huge mess outside. I know I live in Michigan, but that first dumping always depresses me. The kids were so bummed that school wasn't cancelled. Then there were two bus accidents today.

    I'm always cold and I would not dream of exercising outside. But that's me. I sit at work wrapped in a blanket and everyone laughs at me. I have a gazelle and a recumbant bike that I work out on and it works pretty well.

    I'm pretty stress over the amount of christmas parties that I need to attend starting tomorrow. I know what I'm suppose to do, but will I have enough willpower? I'm not sure I'm strong enough, but we will see.

    Every night I make my family dinner and I have something different like a salad or soup or a fat free grilled cheese sandwich (ff cheese & bread 110 calories). Portion control is too hard for me so it's better that I don't even try.

    Official weigh in tomorrow. I really hope to show a loss. Nothing in three weeks!

    I need to get my Christmas cards, wrapping, shopping, baking, etc. done.

    Happy to report that my son took 34 steps. I need to go shovel a path for him to get off the bus now. Wheelchairs and snow don't get along.
  • Jasmine: Thanks for your advice on buying foods. I also want to add that buying frozen fruits and veggies can be pretty cheap. I usually get a 3 pound bag of broccoli for $1.89. Since I am the only one eating it (I take it to work so I have a healthy choice. Frozen fruit is great for smoothies! or even to have a sweet snack that takes a while to eat. (Although it is a bit more spendy that the veggies. unless you find them on sale).

    My monthly stats are: I lost 3 pounds, did 1520 minutes of exercise, I've lost an average of 1 inch, and .2% body fat.
  • Stopeating You are doing so great, but I don't know what to tell you about the christmas parties. I am sure I will eat and drink because my willpower has been wanning in the past couple weeks. My first party is next weekend. That is why I am trying to at least keep up on my exercise. Great job to your son on his steps
  • welcome sharon and kiwi!! I hope you like it here!! This is a great place for inspiration and support.

    Leygh, I would suggest getting exercise tapes.
  • HI everyone

    I see Jasmin started a new tread thats cool I hope everyone has been doing well I have been shopping for Xmas and had not gotten around to post but I have been loosing weight so I guess thats good. Hope everyone did well and lost a lot of weight on last challenge my goal now is 12 lbs I'm excited about loosing as much as I can to reach my short term goal for my B day 12/31.
    Hope everyone drinking plenty of water and working out.

    PS I saw an old fried of mine yesterday and she was surprised to see how much weight I have lost and told me that I looked grate that made my day

    Hi Jasmin
    Hi Mande

    Welcome to all the newbies