Beat The Bulge~ Game 10!

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  • I'm here girls! I couldn't sign on any sites for a couple days!
    Same as last time.....

    Exercise: 1 point for every 30 minutes of exercise(half points allowed)
    Water: 2 points for every half gallon/2 litres/64 oz.
    Meals: 2 points for every healthy meal depending on your chosen plan
    Snacks: 1 point for every healthy snack

    Because some of us eat 3-5 smaller meals a day, the first 3 will count as meals and the rest as snacks.

    Pounds/Inches lost per week: 5 points for every pound and/or inch lost!
  • yay game 10.... feeling kinda depressed today
  • got news... hubby goes in for the second blood test on the 9th, should have results by the end of November. Hoping it comes bsck clear but probably won't. Did find out that he did not have a blood tranfusion so he has not had this for 22 years. He could of got it on the job (as simple as changing the wax ring on a flush) so there would be a chance that meds could rid it. Keeping my finger crossed.
  • CM~ What is wrong with him if I may ask?
    Court~ AWWW! Hope your spirits rise!
    Just on my way out to the Dr. to get some results on tests, I'm hopeing he says i can continue with school this year, but I'm very doubtful. Guess I'll have to start all over in February<sigh>
    Catch ya later1
  • hopefully ill feel better tomorrow... hard to say... I am having a much needed chat with the boyfriend tonight - I just hope it doesnt blow up in my face.
  • Quote: hopefully ill feel better tomorrow... hard to say... I am having a much needed chat with the boyfriend tonight - I just hope it doesnt blow up in my face.
    I hope things go okay.

    Today has been really really rough for me. To keep it short, I ended up leaving work two hours early in tears. As I said, really rough.
  • Wendy--He may have Hep c.

    well I was quite inpressed when I got in the scale today for my oct. challeng. I ate loads of peanut butter this week and last night I had 3 little bags of cheesies and 2 mini coffe crisp plus 2 days ago I had 2 BIG pieces of cake also today aunt flow deciced to show and I am still down a pound. It could have somthing to do with going off the meds I put on about 4-5 pounds (it flutuated)while on them.
  • Lydia - what happened? hope you are okay?

    Things went great with my boyfriend. I ended up talking to him over MSN so I could be more in control and not mess things up. He can get angry really quick - if I miss word something and when we talk in person I sometimes tend to over-react if he says something I don't like - we have a real hard time with communication. Anyway it went perfect. He had no idea that I felt like we were getting ready to break up (witch is good! because it means he doesnt feel that way) - he said he is trying his hardest but then I kinda think he realized he isn't. Because when I came home from work (after talking with him) he greated me with open arms and kisses. He had dinner all ready for me. This morning when he came home from work he ran to get in the shower with me and then made me breakfast. He also made some comments about how he sleeps too much and all that. So anyway, I am really glad we talked. I was so stressed yesterday I didnt eat from 8am till 7pm. But I am feeling 100% beteter today!
  • Hi everyone! I'm back in the game! My computer is still messed up but dammit, I've missed too much already! I'll get my computer fixed sooner or later but I'll just have to live with it for now.

    Lydia, what happened?

    Courtnie, glad everything went okay.

    CM and Wendy, I hope all your doctors tests comes out the way yall want it!
  • So, I'm home till Feb. No more school for me. Today i'm just vegging and going to make some peanut butter cookies, might even eat a couple.
    Not really myself today, kinda down because of the medical issues.
    Chat tomorrow..
  • what's going on wendy? if u don't mind me asking.....why can't u go to school???
  • Basically what happened at work is that we were short-handed, customers were complaining. So, my store manager (we'll call him Jez) came and was helping us out, handing out the orders to customers while barking out instructions to everyone. The customers then started complaining about that. I discretely pulled him aside during a quiet moment and told him what the customers had said, and his response was, "It's because everything is so disorganized. *turning* See, look. There's a customer waiting and you're over here."

    I took three more orders, then promptly went back into the storage area and cried. And cried. And cried. He'd also told one of the other managers that he couldn't depend on me. After about 10 minutes of me crying, Jez came back and asked what was wrong. I told him straight-up: "Honestly, sir, YOU are what's wrong." And I explained to him what he'd done and told him I didn't feel like I could keep working that day. I asked him, "Which is more important: the employees or the customers?" His incorrect response was, "Customers are always first." That sent me over the edge. That's what made me leave them even further short-handed that day. To say that MY needs were less important than the needs of that guy who ordered coffee that one day is BULL****, in plain Englsh.

    So that day, I went home and spent three hours writing him a long letter telling him all my problems with him and his management. I gave it to him yesterday, and we spent well over half an hour discussing it. We talked about it a little more today. Hopefully he'll do stuff about what I complained about. We'll see.

    Last night was also interesting because my boyfriend told me that he'd been lying to me about saving money the last 5 months. See, he's supposed to be moving out here next year, so he was supposed to have been saving money every paycheck. He's blown all the money. Needless to say, I was FURIOUS. I yelled at him for a long time. But then I got to the point where it was like... what is yelling going to solve? So I asked him, "Are you going to get better?"

    He completely washed away my anger with one word: Yes. I know it doesn't seem like enough to fix it, but it was. Why? Because every other time I've said something like that, his response has been "I'll try." He's not going to try, he's GOING to get better. And therefore I'm going to stand by him and help him get better. He even offered to send me $900/month until he moves out here so that he can't spend the money. I told him I wouldn't take the money; he needs to learn responsibility. I will, however, stay on his butt about it. I'll be talking to him about his spending all the time.

    He's never lied to me about anything before. He only lied to me about this because he thought he could handle it and thought that it wouldn't be a lie at first... until it ended up turning out that way. It's kind of like many of us: we didn't realize we had a problem with our weight (and we lied to ourselves and others about it) until we stood back and said holy cow, what the heck happened?

    He thought I was going to leave him. When I told him that the thought hadn't even crossed my mind and that I wanted to help him to become more responsible, he cried. He never cries. I know he wants to change, not just for me, but for himself. He's already a very good man, but he wants to be a better man. I hope I can help him.

    I'm sorry for the long read, I just needed to get all that off my chest.
  • Wendy, are you okay? Or is it just one of 'those' days?

    Lydia, wow! Your boss sounds like an *** like my boss. And you are so good to your man. And he sounds like a good guy.
  • Howdy!
    No, I'm ok. I just have to leave school for awhile and have some stress relief.
    I keep having mini-strokes and they think some stress relief is in order. I'm going through some tests to try and pin point where the blockage is, they think in one of the arteries in my neck.
    So,looks like your stuck with me here,day in and day out! LOL!
    Hope you are all ok.
    Lydia, hope all gets better for you!
    CM~ Thats not a good sign, I'm sorry to hear that.
    Shari~ Glad you're back!
    Courtnie~ Hi!
    Ro~ stop disappering on us! Even if your being a bad girl and suckin' back the halloween treats like I am,please come and chat with us!
    La3y~ I sure hope all is well with you and yours hun!
    Brandy~ hawaii!! When are you home???We miss you!
  • Oh Wendy, I hope they can fix this quickfastinahurry! I want you better!