300+ and Ready to Try Again #1044

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  • I posted a picture so you can see what I look like !!!

    Thanks for reading!

    Erika Leigh
  • 300+ and Ready to Try Again #1044

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears .
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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  • Hello everyone! Thought you could use a new thread since you were up in the 40's!

    The weekend was a decent one. Had a Halloween Party I went to. Posted my photo's on the photo thread. It was nice. Yesterday I had yard work...ALL DAY! I was SO tired last night but it's all better now. That didn't stop me from going shopping yesterday! I bought a new skirt - in a 16! I was so happy! I own something that isn't baggy again! My thighs still think they are an 18 though! Still, nice to find something that fits and was on sale!

    Food this weekend was okay...used all my flex points, but that was expected. I've been really good otherwise. Not that the scale knows it. It's up - again. Big surprize there.

    A few replies:

    Misti – I COMPLETELY sympathize! I just keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs over and over again! I'm going to set my tracker at 238 and just leave it there until I'm under 230! I'm SO TIRED of this too!

    Sharon – So nice you and Ammi had a good time, but MY what a time you had after! I'd have been pulling my hair out with all that going wrong. Congrats on the loss!

    Katt – Your day didn't sound that lazy to me. Lazy to me is a Jammie day! Where you just don't even get dressed. I Love Jammie days! Nov. 5 – Guy Fawkes? Is that right? So strange to us here, thinking of fireworks in November.

    Valerie – Looking forward to hearing about the new job! Good Luck!

    Nancy – A bakery across the street would be a real problem for me! On the way to my car I walk past a pizza place, a steak house, two coffee houses and a bakery! I'm usually starved by the time I get to my car at 5 p.m.


    Zelma – Watched your program! I still think that you should have won…but at least you deserve an apology! But regardless…You look FABULOUS! So nice to see someone you know on TV (well, on internet – but it's the same thing!)

    Ammi – Don't feel too bad about eating poorly…I think that everyone does it now and then. Heaven knows even skinny people have "fat days". The difference is – you don't do it forever! You had a few bad days and now they are over and you get back on track. It'll be okay. Glad you and Sharon had a good time. Great photos!

    Heather – You said:

    Ask yourself this question: if the scale never moved again, but you became fitter, and stronger and less at risk of disease, would that be worth it enough to continue this lifestyle? If so, then try to place less emphasis on what this piss-poor tool says. (though, I have to say, I certainly celebrate when it goes down, like everyone else!). Give it less power over you!
    As usual, you say just the right thing. I SO WANT that scale to go down…but I'm not giving up just because it isn't. Thanks!

    Well all, I better get moving. Lots to do today!
  • Good Morning all and Happy Monday!

    I have read all the posts but I don't know if I can catch up to you all.

    Lilion: Thanks for telling me the type of puppy that is in my Avatar. He is so, so cute.

    Mechelle: Yea to you on getting a smaller jacket. What a great NSV

    Wyllen: Thanks so much for all the positive posts and cheer leading.

    Nancy: Congrats on the -2 moore pounds.

    Lavandel: Congrats on the -2 more to you also and hope you had a great weekend trip.

    Nitekat: Yea on another -1 for you.

    Po****a: Don't feel like a pest. Please come and post anything you feel like sharing. Hopefully someone will have something brilliant to say about it.

    VAl: Whoop, Whoop on your new job. I knew you'd get it. I hope that your frist day is fantastic. Have a great day.

    Andie: Hope you are not feeling blah anymore!

    Jill: Great attitude about not having to blow the whole day just because you had breakfast at MC D's.

    Patti: Congrats to you on all the losses you are having.

    Katydid: Hugs to you about your mother in law. I know how it feels to hear things about how your in laws really feel about you. Hang in there and try to not let it bother you.

    Wesi1126: I finally told my hubby how much I weigh. It was scarry and I cried and appologized to him that I let myself get this big. I appologized because it effects his life too. He was very loving and supportive. He told me that he wants me to get healthy and that is his only concern and that he still finds me beautiful. So maybe it will be a great thing for you if it is on your heart to tell him. Hugs to you.

    ErikaLeigh: Welcome

    Zelma: You look so beautiful on the Current affair thing and always. Glad to see you posting.

    Ammi: Hi sweetie. DOn't be too hard on yourself. You can do this no matter if you gained weight or not. It will come right back off. Jump on your gazelle and go like crazy!

    Sharon: So glad that you had a nice vacation. I wish I could have met you all there too. Hope things work out with the washer and stuff.

    As for me, I had a great Pampered Chef party where I ate too much. I had a horrid not op weekend but I'm back on track now and really motivated to do well. Today is my DH birthday and I am making his favorite coconut cream pie instead of a cake. I know I won't have any so I feel no fear!

    Blessings to you all and have wonderful op days,
  • hello chickadees! i just got back from the gym and am still having my exercise high! i love the mood i'm in when i leave the gym--so goofy!

    good news! i'm winning the war with the halloween candy! i made a deal with myself not to eat any candy yesterday and i actually did it! it's pretty unbelievable since it's right by the front door, but i did it! but.....i may be winning that battle, but i'm losing the one with the scale! i know i haven't been as committed as i should be, but i still thought i was doing ok. however, i jumped on the scale today just to see what it said, and i'm up 2 pounds from last week. my offical weigh in is tomorrow, but i'm sure i won't be losing two pounds by then. so frustrating!!! i've been using work as an excuse to miss some exercise, so i've promised myself i'd get back on track this week. i figure if i can stay away from candy, my arch enemy!, for a day, i have the will power and strength to get my exercise in and have food that is good for me. well anyway, i hope weigh in is a little better tomorrow. i did do 45 minutes of water aerobics today and then about 10 of treading and some water running after class.

    anyway, on to some personals:

    lilion--i love your halloween costume! it was great! we went as sally and jack skellington from "the nightmare before christmas". i'll try to post some pictures soon.

    erika-- and great job on your loss already! hope to see you on often and get to know you better!

    nancy--thanks for the info on photobucket. i'll try that--maybe i can actually figure this out myself without DH! i am so jealous of your upcoming trip! i hope you have a blast! i'd love to be going to the beach soon! and you were cracking me up with your "unintended exposure" swimsuit!

    valerie--hope you have a great first day on your new job!!

    sharon--i'm glad you had fun on your trip with ammi! i'm sorry things were so crazy when you got back! isn't that how it always goes--it couldn't just be the washer--it has to be three things all at once and happen in the middle of the night. that's my luck too!

    annie--thanks for the positive thoughts about telling my husband the scary truth about my weight. if i do it, i'm sure it won't be as hard as i'm making it.

    well, hope everyone has a great monday! see you tomorrow after i weigh! lori
  • lori -- isn't it possible at least part of that 2 pounds is water?? Do you think you ate an extra 7000 calories?? Don't fret about it. Don't give that stupid scale power over you!!
  • Annie good for you for telling your husband.. i bet it feels better too.. i have recently opened up about my weight too and am getting loads of support!
  • wyllenn--i'd hope i didn't eat 7000 extra calories! i always forget how many calories it would have to be to gain or lose a pound. let's hope some is water and goes away soon! thanks for the reminder! i know--that mean nasty scale sucks! maybe that's my arch enemy--or maybe he paired up with the candy and they're working together! anyway thanks again! lori
  • Just a flyin visit ...

    Im happy dancing!! I reached my mini mind challenge and made it 285!!! Albiet Im over by .2 ... but Im so happy I reached it ... esp after the wine on the weekend! Good on Richard Simmons and Pilates!! (I did Pilates last night for 20 min instead of Richard ... omg was I sweating!!!??? I was shocked at how hot I got in 20 minutes .. ) ... got on the scale this morning and there it was . 285.2 ... so Im off to change my ticker .. that makes this months loss 10.6!! Okee ... off to change my ticker .. will write more later OMG .. I almost hit my 40lbs total too!! hehehe .. okee.. that has boosted my motivation for next month now lol ...

    Oh .. I also passed my exercise goal by 180 minutes!!
  • way to go Katt!
  • Thanks to everyone for the nice comments. I'd never give up...I can't, and I refuse to. I just get so unmotivated sometimes...I just wish I had more time to devote to this place, like I used to...you guys kept my attitude in check!

    So, I went to the doctor this morning. When I came home from Andrew's house at 6am, I asked my Mom to call and make me an appointment, because I needed to try and get some sleep, as I never did get back to sleep after I woke up at 1:30 this morning. I have NO insurance, so we were just going to go to the walk-in clinic, because we figured it would be cheaper or something. So, she called, and got me an appointment for 10:50am. I slept until 10, and got up, threw on some jeans and a hoodie, and headed out. Got there, and was told we'd have to go around to the other side of the building, as that's where people with appointments go. Went around, and told the lady my name, and she told me that the doctor on the other side of the big room would help me, so I had to go to the other receptionist. I walked around the corner......and saw babies. Lots of babies and toddlers. I looked at the sign on the wall..."Pediatrics". I'm thinking....great...they put me in PEDIATRICS?!?! I'm 20 freaking years old! I went over to the receptionist and asked her if there was a mistake...and she said no. So I went over to pediatrics, and talked to their receptionist. She saw me, and asked how old I was...I told her I'm 20, and she said, "Oh, I don't think the doctor will look at you". By this time, I'm pissed. I made an appointment so I wouldn't have to WAIT, and it looked like I was about to go and wait. So we went back over to the walk-in clinic, and I signed in....we waited in that damn waiting room for THREE HOURS. Three hours of complete misery before I could see the damn doctor. She came in, looked at my throat, and told me that my left tonsil was swollen really bad (well, ya THINK?!?!) She swabbed it, and I waited another 10 minutes to get the strep test back. It came back negative. The doctor said that I'd have to get on some anti-biotics, and if it's not better by tomorrow, I'll have to do a follow-up, and possibly go to a nose, throat, and ear specialist. Freakin' A. I canNOT afford that. It cost me $107 today...that's almost all the money I had! I have $100 to last me 2 weeks until I get paid again.

    This is the first time I've been actively off my diet in 10 months. I haven't eaten in over 48 hours, so I'm trying to force down some chicken noodle soup. I hope this gets better. I haven't felt this miserable in a LONG time. You know, I don't get sick very often, but when I do, it's HORRENDOUS.

    I'll be around this evening, so I may just get to some personals. I'm definately NOT going to class tonight, and I might not be going to work tomorrow, depending on how I feel. Thanks for listening..
  • Kayley - So sorry you are ill! Don't worry about how you eat for now. Just concentrate on getting better! Get well soon!
  • Thanks so much, Lilion!
  • Hi, all! I'm more well-rested now after the weekend. Luckily, my beginning symptoms never turned into a full-blown cold and have pretty much completely subsided now. I did have a horrible headache earlier today, but who knows where those come from. In any case, I was up at my usual 4:15 this morning and did my WATP, so off to a good start for the third week in a row! My goal this week is to get in all 5 weekdays of exercise (I've only gotten 4 in each of the past 2 weeks).

    Kayley--I hope the antibiotics clear everything up for you so you don't have to go to anymore doctors

    Congrats to all the losers, and hang in there to those of us (myself included) who can't seem to make that stupid scale move (I've done more exercise in the past 3 weeks than in the past 6 months combined--shouldn't that count for SOMEthing? ).
  • Valerie – I hope your first day of work went well. That was a close call with the things left at the store!

    Sharon – What a way to come back from vacation! It sounds like now you need another one. Congratulations on the 2 pounds down!

    Misti –I wish I knew what to say. Of course there is no way you could have gained 4 pounds overnight, but that is very frustrating! Here is a big

    Andie – 5 pounds is fantastic! Congratulations. I can’t help you with the medical coding. I work in accounting, although right now I am thinking about going into sales. One of our salespeople just closed a deal for which she will get almost as much commission as I make in a year. It is so unfair!

    Lilion – I loved your pics of your costume! You and your hubby both looked great. I haven’t done the dress up thing in many years, but I will wear a pair of horns tomorrow that I got at the Ren Fest.

    Erika – Thanks for posting your pics so we can put a face to a name. Congratulations on your graduation.

    Annie – That is so sweet how supportive your hubby is. A very happy birthday to him!

    Wezi – I know that I am extremely sensitive to the amount of salt in food, and I can easily go up 5 pounds in a day if I eat a meal that is really high in salt. What did you have for dinner the night before? That could easily account for you being up 2 pounds. Whatever the reason, don’t fret about it. You are doing great!

    Katt – Congratulations on meeting your goal! That is very cool. Only .2 pounds to 40 lost – that is awesome.

    Kayley – I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling so badly. Nothing sucks more than feeling sick and then feeling the stress of not being able to get the care you need. Please feel better soon and definitely don’t worry about eating a bit of chicken soup. The important thing is that you feel better.

    Do any of you ever feel like none of this is real? Like you haven’t actually lost any weight – that somehow it is your mind playing tricks on you? I know it isn’t the case, but sometimes I have a hard time accepting that I am changing. People have started to comment on weight loss and I can fit into things I couldn’t several months ago, but still there is this nagging worry that someone is playing an elaborate trick on me and “fixing” my scale to make me think I am losing when in fact there hasn’t been any change. Weird, I know, but lately it has been a hard feeling to shake.

    I’m missing some of our people. Where did Kim get to? I haven’t seen Xena/Deb or Tracey in awhile. What about Amy – did the move go ok? Angie – I think you have been busy because your hubby was leaving, but how are things? Kenya – are you surviving school? Anyone talk to Crock recently? I know there are others too - sorry if I missed you. If you are hiding out there, please drop in and let us know how you are doing!