Core Support Board for Week of October 1-7, 2006

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  • Congrats on the tickets!
  • Sneaking in to say HI!
  • So I guess I need to stop whining and eat less, huh?
  • how cool is that Frouf,.,,,,Elton John!!!! love him
  • hey, girls. i am doing great after a fast start on eating at breakfast. i think i woke hungry cuz i ate so little yesterday and did water aerobics.

    my doctor told me (last time i was in for weightloss 2 weeks ago) that he's really really happy that i'm losing slowly. he said that's why my blood tests came back sooooo good. (just thought i'd throw this in.)

    kathy, congrats on getting the skirt.

    frouf, i'm still in the lead for that top. i'm also in the lead for the rockabilly black sequined dress. what the heck is rockabilly? i searched and couldn't find out.

    wow!!! congratulations to you on those tickets. if dh doesn't want to go, give me a call.

    hi there, melissa and vickie. how are your days going?

    curtis needs the phone. i'll be back later.
  • Sandra, congratulations on the numbers! I think that's one of the biggest benefits of weight loss ... I know of several people who have been able to discontinue diabetes medicine, blood pressure and cholesterol medicine, and arthritis and pain medicine. When you think of how much extra weight we were carrying, it's not surprising that our knees, feet, legs, hips and back hurt!
  • ELTON JOHN! I'm sooooo jealous.

    The 900 calorie diet is a very old idea in bariactric medicine. So is high protein/low carb. One of my family members is an obesity researcher and he has assured me that there is not much new under the sun in this adventure.

    The CR information is interesting. I remember when the rat studies were published. My colleagues and I had lots of discussions about them and one of them continues to eat much below his recommended intake and is doing very well.

    I also believe that it takes a lonnnggg time for the body to start consuming its own muscle and since I don't plan to reduce my calories that much for too long a time, I'm not researching this one too carefully.

    And, I agree 1000% that most people who eat too much have almost no idea what "full" means, so some of the Core suggestions should be taken with a "grain of salt." If I ate until I was satisfied, whew, I hate to think what would happen!!!
  • Rhonda, I agree! I hardly know what satisfied is anymore. And to some, it could mean "stuffed until I can barely breathe."

    Well, I'm finally home from work. I stopped by the corner bar and got a big salad to go, then came home and divided it into two containers. I had planned to eat one of them tonight, but I think I won't. I'm putting a HUGE note on my steering wheel saying DON'T FORGET YOUR LUNCH!

    I received another ebay order of those clear boxes for my VistaPrint cards, and so I just finished putting them in. I am still ordering, as their specials are still running. I'm afraid everyone I know is getting stationery for Christmas!!

    We're watching Grey's Anatomy from last week -- we missed it due to picking out that campsite. Tomorrow night Judd has something else lined up to watch, and then there's another episode on Thursday, so we have to do it now.

    I'll be back in a bit.
  • I know the difference between satisfied and full.
  • I'm sure you do; I know many who don't though. I work with 99% of them!

    My favorite is the one who "does" Atkins ... he loves to tell of cooking a pound of bacon at breakfast and eating it all, then saving the grease and cooking cabbage and brats in it for dinner. And lunch is a pound or so of summer sausage and cheddar cheese. Not a vegetable in sight -- and he wonders why he gains. He never bothered to read the book and do it right.
  • Hey, I forgot to tell you guys that I saw a wreck on the freeway this morning. There was a car following very closely behind me, and then all of a sudden they swooped around me. At that very second, I heard a huge THUD and for a minute, I wondered if they had hit me! When I realized that I hadn't felt anything, and then heard another THUD, I looked in my side mirror and the cars two lanes over had smashed into each other. It freaked me out.

    Lunch is made and I'm done with my chores for the night. I'm ready for bed but will probably wait until 11.

    See you in the morning!
  • Morning all! Vickie, I have to agree that I can also tell the difference between satisfied and full. Now, whether I listen to that difference all the time is another story!

    I go in for allergy testing this morning. They say it'll take 3 hours etc etc. I'm expecting it will be an interesting morning.

    I can hear my kids stirring, and I need to jump in the shower. Later ladies!

  • Very true, Angela! I think I'm the same way -- I know exactly what I should be doing. Doing it is a different thing altogether.

    No incidents on the way to work this morning so that's good. I've made my list of things to do for the day and it actually doesn't look so bad. Most of it is stuff for after work, and since I have to be here til 6:15, I hope they're still open. I have to get my oil changed because I looked up at the sticker this morning and saw that I'm a few hundred miles overdue. I think the two trips to Tyler threw me off. No big deal, I'm sure.

    I managed to remember my lunch today so I'm happy about that.

    Okay, they're lining up to ask questions. I guess I'd better scoot...
  • Morning chickies,

    I like Angela - know when I'm satisfied but sometimes eat more than I should. I find it particularly hard at lunchtime - I obviously pack my lunch the night before or morning - and 'guess' how much I should eat - then sometimes at lunch I feel like I have not eaten enuf - but sometimes I know I am full but continue cuz I feel like I should finish what I brought! I should just learn to chuck it but I so hate wasting food!

    Kathy - so glad you were not involved in any car accidents. The other day I was inching my way to the main highway - car in front of me decided to 'let someone in' and while I had enuf space to stop the lady behind me - who was like in my trunk didn't - and tapped my bumper! I was so P.Od! Got out of my car to check (yes stopped traffic on a busy one lane street) - of course no damage but I gave her the evil eye - she did apologize - like that's going to help! Back off of the Froufie van I say!!!!

    Angela - good luck w/the allergy testing - must be a lot of tests if it's going to take 3 hours? Let us know what you find out!

    And I have TWO MORE ELTON JOHN TICKETS for those that want to join me Finally found some in section C (altho only row 20?) which is closer to the side w/Elton and his PIANO! So I got those as well - I know I will be able to sell the extra tickets and the concert will most definitely sell out!

    Sandra - did you get the top? When does the auction end? And I definitely want to see this rockabilly dress!

    So today is the BIG DAY - I have packed my runners, gym capris, t-shirt and the PLAN is to go to the gym and sign up for a 3 month membership! I am not really in the mood to exercise but I sure have to do something as the weight is creeping up again - I am not being diligent with my eating and I am hoping that the exercise will help me get back on track!

    I also have my ladies' group meeting tonight which I really forgot about (luckily put it in my calendar at work!) - so will have to get home, shower, change eat and head out for 8 pm - busy froufie!

    Is it lunchtime yet?

  • Happy birthday, Melissa!!