Week of ~Sept 17th~

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  • Ladies I posted a photo of me today...don't mind the sportsbra and workout shorts but I thought it'd be the most accurate photo I have without revealing too much.
  • Holy - hmmm, i hate phone problems. Try unplugging everything, from the wall, from the phones themselves, from computers, from jacks. All of it. Let it sit for like 5 minutes. Plug it all back in. check it again. That's all I can think of to do, sorry.

    Melody - WTG on the loss!!! SWEET!

    Stevi - i'm a disney nut too. Although the princesses and mickey hold special places in my heart!!!

    Squishy - I'll go check out the bios!

    Hope I'm not driving you all crazy with my constant posting. I am home all day long. I have no kids and I have a laptop, so even when I am on the phone, eating lunch, watching tv, crocheting, etc. I still have my computer on and hooked up. Just tell me to shut up if I talk too much!!!

    I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill today. Watched more of Madagascar, laughed out loud a few times. I did dishes, laundry, vacuumed and am now making dinner for myself. My boyfriend is a commercial fisherman and today was his first tuna trip. They usually leave around 2am and get back around 11pm. He also works building docks and because fishing is so bad, the trips are few and far between. I hope they caught something today. He fishes for giant bluefin tuna, and they have to be 72 inches to keep, if you can imagine that!! HUGE fish!! So, who knows when he'll be home.

    The new TV season is starting. I am a TV junkie. I love my TIVO too. I just spent an hour on the yahoo TV website looking at the fall preview, trying to schedule my tivo so that I catch the shows I want to watch and try and figure out what i want to watch. There are alot of good shows on at 9pm on Monday night, what's with that???? No fair!!! LOL Anyways, I got it all figured out.

    Saw the preimier of Studio 60 on Sunset Strip last night. I have to say. I was disappointed. Oh well, it conflicts with What About Brian which starts up in a few weeks anyways. There are so many new shows this season too. i'm looking forward to watching Friday Night Lights, Jericho, The Nine, and Brothers and Sisters. All theo ther new shows conflict with shows i already watch regulary so I'll catch them every once in a while.

    OK, far too much info about TV, can ya tell I'm obsessed??????
  • the phone problems cleared up but so much for recouping. i got alot done and probably would've gotten more done if it werent for that phone..talk to you ladies tomorrow
  • Good Morning!!
    I got on my scales this morning (I'm not supposed to) And the thing is that these are the scales that I weighed on before I started going to the "WW meetings" at my church. Also, I used to weigh in the AM, now I weigh at like 8:30 @ night. so, Accordidng to the scales this morning...... I weigh 151!!!! Thats 14lbs lost which makes me at middle point. I am not going to make this my "official" weight, but its a nice number to tuck back in my mind. Hmmmm maybe I should adjust my goal weight, to make the "lbs lost" the same. Whatcha think?
  • Mornin' gals!

    Wannabe ~ You ROCK! How exciting is that? Have a carrot

    Holy ~ How ya doin? Glad your phone is functioning again. Sounds like you're staying busy...but don't overdo it! Where did you post your pic?

    Princess ~ Love the postings! I can usually read throughout the day, but don't have enough time to post....so it's nice to see your updated posts throughout the day! By the way, Madagascar is one of my fav movies! Hilarious! I didn't get to see the premier of Studio 60----was it that bad? Bummer...I was kinda looking forward to it! I rarely have time for tv, but I like to TIVO (the GREATEST invention ever) and catch up when I have free time. Honestly, I can't wait until tomorrow night...Grey's Anatomy!

    Melody ~ I can't remember if I posted my response to your pics (I think I did, but it was in the posting that mysteriously disappeared!). YOU LOOK AMAZING, DAHLING..... major carrots to you!! You have every reason to be so proud of yourself. You truly are a motivation to all of us!

    Stevi ~ You'll have to let us know what the decision is about the costume. Every year I have a tough time trying to figure out what I want to be! Plus, costumes have become SO pricey! Ugh. I don't mind paying a little more for my young son's costume (age 3) because he wears it alot; but for an adult? Come on----

    Goddess ~ Hi!

    Nail lady ~ Olah!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

  • Hello ladies!
    Not much time to post, but just wanted to say hi and check in before I got too far behind!

    Holy~I am glad that you were able to take the day and do what you felt you needed to do, but just remember not to overdue it. Take care of yourself.

    Christie~I usually consider my DH weight lifting to be moderate to high intensity because he usually does work up quite a sweat. So, at 249lbs mod to high for 45 min, I would say that would give him 6 activity points. But that is just how I would do it.

    Stevi~hope the allergies clear up, my DS was taking Zirtec, but we recently switched him to Clarinex,it does not seem to make him as drowsy.

    Fit~WOW, 5 kids!!!! Hats off to you!

    Melody~Congrats on the loss!! I was thinking that I may watch the biggest loser this season, maybe it would be the motivation that I need??

    Sorry not more time , but Hi to everyone and hope you all have a great day and I will try to check in again later.
  • Morning ladies
    Wanna WTG heres a carrot for you
    Holy glad the phone thing panned out now how will your husband be contacting you ie.., phone computer cell?
    Fit im like you i read all these post but never have time to do one my self (most the time)
    Stevi I love the drawing
    Melody you look great it must feel so good to look at those pics and know you accomplished something

    hi to everyone else i need to get my butt in work mode now i'll check in later
  • Mornin' all,
    Anybody want a 14 year old hardly used? I'll let him go for very cheap....Late to school AGAIN!!! Over sleeps, "I didn't hear my alarm go off..." Funny, I DID, TWICE! I thought he was up and going. I try and catch as many morning winks as possible as the Lil feller has a tendency to wake very early. He also REFUSES to take his lunch. I do not want him eating that crap high school has. He's lost 16lbs by cutting out fastfood. Whatever...He also forgot his Dads b-day today. Asks me this morning to pick him up something...LIKE? He's in bed at 9pm with his lunch made from now on...If he doesn't like what I pack, make it yourself. Ok I'm done.
    DH and I had a very good conversation about lifestyle stuff (food and exercise) for once. He usually gets all pissy and ends in a fight. I was even able to address his defensiveness with out incident! I was able to express my concern for the family as a whole (mostly his influence on the boys) and my concern with us both having food issues, how bad it could get if I joined his side of the coin. I let him know how hard it can be to try and continue to "stand tall" for health and fitness when he's at every turn condoning if not encouraging the opposite. He called me a nag at one point which is typical. I said expecting (example, turkey hot links oppossed to reg 7 fat grams vs 25g!) that he should actually READ that packaging of the food he buys or taking an educated interest in the Fast food he eats is not nagging. Especially when he looks like nothing but a hipocrite to my 14 year old. Confuses the poor kid, when he hard asses him for all the Fast food charges on his credit card (mostly drinks) and he's doing the exact same thing only WORSE! TAlk the talk then walk the walk damn it. Call me a nag all day long. I told him flat, I will not sit by an watch you not only lie to me, but more importantly yourself. Prior to this statement he had claimed, I just need to exercise, you exercise , thats why you can lose. I responded, " I lost the majority before I ever started to work out. It actually STALLED my loss. You need to eat much LESS. What else ya got big boy? We will see....I'm wearing him down though, Mu ah ah ah!!!
    Darcy~ This place can go off the hook if ya don't check in...I always lost. I think I will get soemthing else for the allergies, every morning I'm a mess of snot and sneezing... Blek!
    Fit~Last year, no year before...last year I was PG..der. I waited last minute, as is typical, and won a stinkin' contest. I pulled a geisa costume together with stuff I already owned + about $7 for a red cup towel and the hair orniments at a craft store. Sheer luck I tell ya! I'll look for a pic.
    Wanna~ Like Fit said, If I didn't like ya, I'd hate ya! I wanna weigh any where NEAR 150!!! Your purty.
    Holy~ Yer a machine!!! Girl after my own heart. I get like that often..On a mission to get it ALL done. Only to have to do it again later but whatever! Glad yer feeling better with DH gone. ((((HUG))) Yeah...where's the PIC???
    Trish~ You and my DH would get along swimmingly! He's the guy that knows the name of every character actor to have graced the small screen. I'm not kidding, he is a trivia champ. TV is his 1st love. We have Tivo in our room, and I had asked what he wanted for his B-day coming up very soon....Tivo for the family room...Great. Good thing I could care less about TV. I like Discovery health channel, the more blood the better! j/k...sorta. other wisw I read or draw and paint, mostly the latter. Post away!!
    Shout out to everybody else!!!
  • Just popping in before DH gets home from his physical- should be interesting- I know Cholesterol is high.

    Just went for a walk again with my friend. 3.7 miles with HILLS FROM ****! I feel good- havent exercised since the weekend other than my horseback ride.

    Catch yall later- I may be having the same chat with DH as you Stevi!
  • Hey girls!

    YAYA, nice to see posts on here, i purposely stayed away today! HAHAHA But I"m BACK!!! LOL

    Got lots of sleep last night. One of the perks of not having children. Woke up to find a few more of the freecyclers had picked up their stuff. One of the people I gave something away to yesterday was soo nice. I gave him a webcam that I had kicking around from YEARS ago when I was in a long distance relationship. He was gonna use it to talk to his daughter in Virginia. He was sooo excited, i could see the tears in his eyes. Was so awesome to be able to give someone such happiness like that. I don't get the opportunity enough.

    Stevi - AHH yes, the TIVO. I too want one for the bedroom, since our main one is in the living room. I mean, HEY, sometimes there are more than one show on that you want to tape. Also, you can tape certain things in one room and others in another. Oh boy, I'm pathetic!! Sorry to hear about your son. Hmmm, I remember being JUST like that at 14..heheh Oh to be a teenager again when the only thing you worried about was homework! DHC - ahhh yes, I'm addicted to that and animal planet during the day.

    Fit-LOL Studio 60 - well some peole liked it. Don't judge it til you watch it I guess! Yes, TIVO is by far the best invention ever!!! Oh yeah, Grey's starting up...One more day and counting!!!!! that is one show that both I and my boyfriend just LOVE.

    Holy - so glad the phone problems were resolved!!! But I'll repeat what everyone else is saying, don't overdo it!!!

    Squishy - 3.7 miles!! WOW!!! Awesome!!! Hope all turns out well for DH and his physical.

    WannaB - Hmmmm, well, i would think to stay even you should use the numbers on your official scale and weigh in, but just know in the back of your mind the weight at home. 151...oooh, can't wait to see that again!!!!!

    Melody - you should post pics, they are inspiring! I think travel appeals to most everyone but we don't put it in our hobbies list cuz it's just too darn expensive and life seems to take over first!!! i was lucky enough to be able to take a 2 week vacation to Colorado this summer and was fascinated. Loved every bit of it. I took the train there so it was 2 days on the train. Interesting characaters, beautiful scenery. Was very very interesting.

    707 Goddess - Hello!

    Nail Lady - hi there

    So nothing was caught yesterday. Report was that is was very slow. Only small fish. Although they did have a couple of shark bites, mostly blue sharks but one mako. He got back around 9pm yesterday.

    I had an interesting dinner. When I'm home alone I hate going out to buy things and our kitchen is a bit of an empty nest right now. So I had to take what I could get. This is what I did. Cream of Chicken soup, cut up chicken breast, 1/2 box frozen peas, some cayenne and hot sauce, salt and pepper, and some brown rice. I just mixed it all together. It was actually pretty good!!! oh, and a tablespoon of fat free sour cream.

    As I type this I am being serenaded by my pet cockatiel. Wouldn't it be nice to be a bird. he sings cuz he's just so happy!!! The life of a domesticated animal!!

    On TV last night I watched House and Standoff. Tuesday seems to be lacking good shows. House is very interesting but something about the Doc really gets on my nerves. Standoff was pretty good. I guess each week it'll be a different crisis negotiation. It's tough cuz they try to cram so much info into such little time but it entertained me.

    the Biggest Loser - PREMIEREs tonight!!!! 8PM EST....wooo hoooo. 50 contestants, one from each state. I can't wait!

    If you aren't into the Biggest Loser, check out Jericho's premiere tonight. I watched the full first episode on yahoo! TV and it's very good!!!

    TTFN Ladies!
  • OK, he's alive. DH got back from physical and is being put on CHOL lowering med (he forgot to bring in prescrp so I dont know which one yet). His LDL is 186 but he failed to remember HDL or total so this means little to me. I told him to be sure to write it down, but, silly me, he is a man and forgot! UGH> Needless to say with his fam hist and fact that he doesnt eat terribly that it is probably a good idea. I like to think that docs will say "try lifestyle changes for 3-6 mos and we'll go from there" but nope, not in this case. His mom had a stroke in her 50s so it is prob best. Plus with South Beach dinners (I always supplement his plate with bread or potatoes) it may help too.

    I have been craving sweets yest and today. I will check in on SB forum and see if this is common. I am on day 13 of 2 weeks on phase 1 so what gives! I bet it is TOM coming up. Since bmy breasts have shrunk I am not sure if I will get that tenderness this month to warn me ahead of time...
  • grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the middle of a large post explorer craps out on me *sighs* just my luck.

    hubby went and did something amazingly stupid last night. Nearly threw his entire military career away for alcohol. He was detained for D&D...they called his first shirt over here and dealt with it. They sent him to an army base hotel and he got a talking to today from his first shirt. He wasn't charged and there's no record of it i guess.

    I told him he was lucky...he asked if I still loved him. I think he was being serious. He's had a problem for almost 2 years now. He knows he has a problem and just the end of july he'd been talking about how he wanted to quit cuz he doesn't drink socially, he drinks to get messed up. Fortunately he's not like my father who is mean and abusive when drunk. He must've ticked off the security guard real good to get the cops called on him cuz hubby's the guy everyone wants to hang out with when they're all drunk. He never causes problems with anyone when drinking except for me and that's cuz i'm a sober nag.

    He can't drink in afghanistan, they won't allow alcohol over there. I imagine he'll have some serious butt kissing to do when he gets back, the first shirt had to talk to his commander today...so I'm willing to bet they put him in some sort of alcohol awareness class when he gets home.

    I'm certainly already stressed enough as it is and he goes and adds this to it. He feels bad. Asked why I rubbed salt in the wound. I had to make him understand how hard it is on me over here without him doing stupid crap like that. I asked if he was going to drink like that when he gets home and he says "i don't think so"..............i told him it was either yes or no...

    That was just since i left work today. Work was no picnic. I'd rather be here at home staying busy than to be at work. we're down a few people b/c we don't have people hired for these positions....then i hear the one person who gets away with everything is quitting. makes me happy except all her work gets dumped back on me, and I'll be the only person in my position who knows ALL claim types.

    *sighs* dangit.

    oh...photo is under my profile
  • btw he did say no when i asked him if he's gonna continue drinking like that.
  • Oh Darling Holyterror!

    You need all the hugs you can get! What a downer! You have definately had too much stress this week! How much more can you take!

    Sounds like these 4 mos away will be lifestyle changes for him too and some serious thinking. He will DEFINATELY need some professional support when he gets back if he indeed meant "NO". Readjusting to home is tough enough after being ina war but to have this to combat too!

    Special to you today!

    I am sadly feeling sorry for myself today but it looks so dumb in Holy's light. I am only down 5 lbs (yes, I am back to 165 from 163) on the last day of South Beach phase I. They say 8-14 lbs expected loss but what gives! I have been eating about 1150-1350 when I track what I eat on FitDay so I am annoyed. How much should I guess is from it beig the week before TOM? I normally only notice 1 lb difference!

    Discouraged! I had my TSH tested and it is fine (even given newly recommended lower levels as normal) but i am just wondering why this is slow-going!
  • Holy ~ bless you heart, girlfriend! I am SO sorry this is all happening! Do YOU have a support group (besides us?)? Just remember, he's a big boy...let HIM own his issues, just be supportive--don't take them on as yours. [Sounds like you are handling appropriately.] I agree with Squishy, he WILL need professional help when he gets back. It's not your job to be his doctor. Who knows, this 4-month hiatus could very well be the best thing for him. I know it's extremely difficult for you, but this will probably open his eyes to some of his problems he needs to fix. And you KNOW, he will be missing you terribly, so he'll appreciate all your support. You hang in there.

    Squishy ~ You're probably not eating enough calories! I had the same issue about a month ago. If you're not fueling your body with enough calories to burn, it goes into "starvation mode" and starts retaining fat and stores it up to burn later. Took me a long time to understand this concept, but it's true. In order to LOSE weight, you have to EAT. Sounds like you are probably eating the RIGHT foods, just not enough. Just food for thought... Also, remember, you're probably retaining fluids, too. I always retain alot of water right before TOM. The best time for me to accurately weigh is the week after TOM. Besides the "weight", how do you feel? Are your clothes fitting better? Do you have more energy? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. Forget about the stupid scale...... Sorry to hear about the hubby, too. I COMPLETELY understand your situation. My DH is obese and says he wants to lose weight, but won't commit for more than a few days at a time! Drives me INSANE! $#@! Just keep taking care of yourself.....you can't make someone else do something they don't want. [I have to tell myself that every day!]

    Princess ~ Love your posts....you always sound so cheerful and pleasant. Glad to have you here!

    Goddess ~ By the way, love your name..... HI!

    Nail Lady ~ How are you?????

    Stevi ~ I, too, have a 14 year old up for sale! haha He is currently grounded from LIFE. He doesn't get in trouble often, but when he does...whew! He's been lying to me and his father (we're divorced...not a good situation) and playing us against each other. He's been surfing the internet, too, looking at inappropriate things. He knows better, too. L-O-N-G story, but it took me, my DH and my ex to all get in a room and discuss the situation and decide on punishment. Honestly, that's the first time we've all been in a room together without our attorneys. I was nervous on how it would go, but it went fine. We decided on punishment together and told our son together. He was COMPLETELY taken off-guard, too. For ONCE, he is in trouble at both our houses. It's usually ME being the big-meanie, but this time I held his father's feet to the fire and made sure he kept to this word that he would comply. [He doesn't know how to be a father...just a "buddy"]. Anyway....gosh, it's hard making your kids be responsible, isn't it?

    Melody ~ How ya doing, skinny!

    Wannabe ~ One thing I've learned...every scale is completely different! My scale at home NEVER matches the doctor's scale--it's always less. SO--I use the weight on my home scale !! makes me feel better!

    Okay -- better get my day started.
    Have a good one, girlies!