red meat

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  • I seem to be full of questions today.

    How often do you eat red meat? How often do you think we should. I have read that a real oldfasion med. diet consists of mostly fish / shrimp and meat sparingly. How do you eat? What do you think?

    I am going (at least try to) to easy my meat to once a week and eat fish and vegetarian dishes the rest of the time. Just a thought.
  • I don't eat much red meat at all, it's high in saturated fat and unless you are raising the cow yourself in a bucolic wonderland ending with a quick, painless blow to the head, the life of a cow raised by the meat industry is pretty horrible. Almost all the meals I cook at home are vegetarian, I like them and it's easy for me.
  • I only eat when I go to a Thai or Vietnamese restaurant (I get the beef salad). Other than that, I've been a fish-eating vegetarian for 20+ years, haven't missed chicken at all.

    There are lots of great beans, soy options, etc. so it's pretty easy to have a healthy/varied diet w/o red meat or poultry. For me, I feel it's important to keep eating fish b.c. of the Omega 3 acids, plus I just like it.
  • Although I've been incorporating more fish into my usual beef/chicken/vegetarian routine, I probably only have been once every 2 weeks. It's hard to pass up a good filet mignon.
  • I think I have red meat about once a month, maybe even less. I've cut out a lot of meat lately but I usually eat some meat on the weekends. During the week, it is mostly vegetarian meals.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • My husband and I have drastically cut our red meat consumption, but my PMS beast won't let me give up red meat completely. I really do feel like a werewolf, because about a week before my period, I begin to get extreme cravings for red meat and chocolate (apparently werewolves like chocolate).
  • I eat red meat about once a week. I really crave it. The rest of my protein (and that's a lot of protein) comes from egg whites, cottage cheese, chicken breasts, more chicken breasts, fish, shellfish and protein powders.

  • We eat red meat - usually a steak - about once or twice a month, maybe a little more often in grilling season. Mostly we eat chicken and salmon. I almost never buy hamburger anymore, and if I do it's the 5-7% stuff. I'll get buffalo burger when it's available, and sometimes we have friends give us moose or caribou burger. Otherwise, it's Boca or other veggie crumbles, occasionally ground turkey.
  • Kaplods, I'm a werewolf too!

    At certain times of the month, DH gets scared in the supermarket, because apparently I get this look in my eyes that indicates I could tear open a packet of raw meat and eat it!!! I haven't done this though!!!

    I eat red meat about once a week. I tend to buy the best I can afford, which is usually from our farmers market. I get upset with the way livestock are handled so buy from farmers that I trust.

    I gre up on a farm where my grandfather really cared for each of his animals, and thats stuck with me.
  • Another werewolf here because when I eat red meat, it has to be rare or I won't touch it, hehe. I do really crave it at times. I think it's because I'm anemic and need the iron. We eat it about 2 or 3 times a month. Mostly, it's chicken, turkey and soy mince for us.
  • I grew up in a family that considered a steak cooked "medium" as nearly raw, so I had never even tasted a rare steak until I met my husband. Now, when I am in carnivore mode, I will order a medium-rare steak in restaurants I know. (I don't mind the rare texture, but I want it warm all the way through. Nothing disturbs me more than meat with a "refrigerator cold" center).
  • I've been thinking of buying an iron skillet as a means to increase my iron and because my mom always had one and I loved using it. I would try to steal hers but she'd probably bite me if I tried. I used to eat a lot of red meat but really I have mostly lost the taste for it.
  • I don't buy or cook red meat, so if my boyfriend wants it, we have to go out for it. I use lean ground turkey (lean is key, or even ground turkey BREAST--regular ground turkey can have just as much fat and calories as beef) to replace beef in just about everything (turkey burgers, ground turkey in spaghetti sauce, turkey meatballs, ground turkey in tacos...).
  • I eat meat about once a day, and red meat maybe 2-3x a week. I try to go with more lean cuts when I do get it. The other days I eat shrimp, chicken, salmon, tuna, tofu, etc.