Doin it the old fashioned way #2!

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  • 2500 calories????
    I work out 4-5 times a week. I try to eat between 1400-1500 calories. I also do heavy weights. I sometimes feel like I am not eating enough for all of the working out I do. Where did you come up with the conclusion that you should eat 2500? calories? I am tempted to up mine to 1700-1800.
  • I've come to that because it works for me, I've lost 32 pounds doing it this way. I burn around 500 hundred calories a day via exercise. That brings me to 2000 to 1900 hundred calories a day. A normal 153 pound woman who does no exercise needs around 2000 calories a day to maintain. My weight is falling and I'm not complaining. I work hard, I eat well and I'm losing weight. Plus I never messed up my metabolism with yo-yo dieting. Also I have a lot to lose. I expect when I hit a stall I'll drop down 100 calories or so. But that hasn't happened.

    I'm very active, I play basketball, tennis a couple times a week. And I lose about a pound a week. Oh yeah, I don't speed walk (I walk normally) or workout with super heavy weights. The thing for me is being consistant. Being more active to me is way better than slashing calories to the well beloved 1200 or 1500. Slow and steady just works for me. Also it's easy for me to stick to.

    People just has to do what works for them.

    I use a biotrainer when I walk. If you don't know what that is checkout to track my burned calories. Oh yeah, I also you this thing on my palm 3 . that helps because I don't have to add, just put in the calorie amount and it adds for me. The only thing I was missing was support that lead me here. Alright I better get back to work.

  • Hi oldschool,
    Nice to meet you! I am glad you are doing so well!
    It seems you are doing a great job with your excercise, and I am glad you are having success with your weight loss.
    You are able to lose weight eating a lot of calories, and this is due to your exercise and also your current weight level. If you find you are reaching a point where the scales are not going down anymore, you may have to lower your calorie intake by a couple hundred calories. This will probably happen as you reach nearer the 200 mark.
    I am glad to have a newbie to this thread to get all of us oldies motivated again! I am married with 2 children-3 and 6 months. I am artsy and like to do interior decorating, cake decorating, and sewing. I also love Harleys. I am a stay at home mom with such little ones, but I am a licensed cosmetologist and wedding coordinator.
    We have some great girls on this thread-Willbethin, Southern Gal,& Sadiegirl to name a few. Willbethin and I get to post more often than the other girls.
    We are glad to have you!
  • Livein-Oldschool's weight loss at such a high calorie level is parlty due to her current weight, which is higher than yours. The higher your weight, the more calories you burn a day-so the lower your weight goes, you may have to cut a few calories to lose more.
    How heavy are the weights you are using? I also weight train, and my stepfather is an exbodybuilder. This may also be contributing to your slow loss by adding muscle mass.
  • I suppose my comment about heavy weights was misleading. I meant to say I am 'heavy' into to weights, meaning I do them often. I guess that didn't sound how I intended it to.

    Anyway, I am beginnnig to think that perhaps I am not doing enough cardio. All of the classes I take at the healthclub have a lot of weights, and less cardio. I am starting to get myself on the treadmill to walk/jog. I am also going to try to commit to running with the dog at night, even if it is 20 minutes each night. I spoke with one of the instructors and she is going to lend me her heart rate monitor to help me get an idea of where I should be working. I am trying to remember that weight training is going to build muscle and therefore add weight but it's hard sometimes when the scale hardly budges.

    I will admit, as far as eating goes, each week isn't perfect. I guess sticking with it is the key.
  • aphil hello,

    You hit the nail on the head about why this is working for me.

    Livein, I don't believe I do all that much cardio.... well yes playing basketball and tennis is fun for me and consided cardio but I do it because it's something I enjoy. (basketball with my husband, and tennis with my best bud) I believe the extra muscle tone I get from weight training in conjunction with the cardio and as aphil pointed out, my high body weight allows me to lose weight at this calorie level. You mentioned that you weight train, isn't it great to know our bodies burn calories for 24 hours after weight training? However I don't plan on ever eating below 2200 no matter how slow the weight loss becomes. I love sports, and I love food. What can I say. I don't think there are good or bad foods, just good tasting food and bad tasting food. Anyways I see that your doing great Livein, Keep up the fantastic work!

    well i want to thank you aphil, for making me take a reality check. everytime i looked in my freezer and saw my veggie nuggets, veggie burgers, and my lowfat popcorn in snack closet, i would say what am i doing??? these healthy foods are not allowed on somersizing.

    i binged for a couple of days, and i panicked, so i thought i have to do something really strict( i think i was punishing myself).

    reading everyones posts, getting back to the real way to eat, i know this is where i belong.

    for you newbies, take it from me, a person who has tried to leave this board, for three different programs in about a month, this is the place to be.

    PATIENCE, PATIENCE PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey all,
    No problem Willbethin!!!!!!
  • Getting back on track and feeling better!
    Hi all,
    As all of the regulars to this thread know-I have been really stressed the past few months, and have been suffering from hair loss and headaches from the stress.
    I was told to up my calorie intake until the hair loss slowed down.
    It has slowed, but not stopped, so I am slowly lowering my calorie intake back down-and making sure I take my vitamins.
    I did not get on the scale during the time I had to eat more, and I finally did over the weekend-I had gained back all that I had lost.
    I have brought my calories down slowly over the past 3 days, and I am back down 2 pounds to 198-which feels a lot better than the 200 on Saturday!
    I am eating around 2000 right now, and in a couple weeks I will take it down to 1800-1900, and a bit more once I start to plateau.
    I am starting the exercise back up really slowly-for now I am just doing yoga and some walking.
    I feel better already-and I told my husband if my hair loss doesn't stop, at least I can be thinner and bald, instead of fat and bald!
    I can't wait to hear from all of you.
  • Calorie count question
    I went to a website called Food fit and filled out my information. It told me in order to meet my goal of 140, I should be eating 2115 calories a day. Is it possible? Not that I truly need that many calories but I'm curious as to why everyone has such different ideals, and how do we find out the real truth?
  • Livein-
    That sounds like a lot of calories to get to 140. It sounds more like maintenance calories to stay that way after you get to that way.
    Peoples metabolism's are different, so it is so hard to say an exact amount for weight and height. I always start around 2000, and go down a little to see what level I can lose 1-2 pounds a week at. You should never go below 1200 though-you can slow your metabolism this way.
    If you are near to 1200 and not losing, you may need to pick up your excercise a bit to speed your metabolism.
    If that does not do the trick-consider your goal weight in accordance to your height and frame. My stepmother for instance is 5'11" and weighs 170 pounds-because of her height-she is a size 11 but looks very thin.
    It would be unreasonable for her to want to wear a size 6-she would look sickly while someone who is 5'3 would look fine.
    You have to figure out what works for you.
    Your body fat level is another difference-2 women can be the same height and weight and wear a different size-depending on how fit they are and what their body type is-I always think "apples" look heavier than "pears" of the same weight because they have bulkier chests and shoulders-but apples always seem to have nicer legs with hardly any cellulite!
    Hope this helps!
  • hi everybody
    how are you all doing???

    aphil, i am very happy for you, sounds like you are really going for it, got a plan and everything. good for you.

    this past week i had a couple of binge days and i gained back 2 of the 13 lbs i had lost. but i am back on track this week.

    my grahm keeps going up and down with her health, one day she is fine the next she has a setback, she has a touch of pnuemonia, which at 84 and just haveing had a triple bypass is not good, she is in icu. but me being unemployed, i get to go see her alot, which makes me feel better , that i get to spend time with her.

    still just trying to eat what i want, but less of it. still in the back of my mind, thinking of these stupid diets that had failed in the past. dont worry i am not going on anymore. just trying to eat healthier.

    i am addicted to carbs though, so i have to just try to eat more lean protiens and veggies. nice to hear from you. keep up that positive attitude, that is what will take us to our goal, slow and steady, health comes first.
  • Willbethin,
    I am glad you are ready to stick with it again! We have to keep each other from backsliding and going back to the way we were!
    I love bad carbs like pastries and candy, too-I can relate!
    I still find I can eat less of it and feel satisfied if I eat it after a meal with a decent amount of protein like chicken or an egg.
    I have a million things to get done, but I will post again tomorrow!
  • hi all
    how is everyone doing???

    hi aphil, your are right, we cant keep backsliding. i have been eating more protiens, which has been suppressing my appetite, but now i have to learn to pick leaner protiens, with alot of protiens comes fat, bacon , hotdogs, and hamburgers.

    you are also right about eating, some carbs with protiens, seems to satisfy.

    lets just keep on keeping on.

    my weigh in day is tomorrow, so i hope i at least lost the 2 lbs i gained last week.

    sometimes with all this nutrition information, it all gets so crazy.
  • Hi,
    Well, at least the fatty proteins don't spike your blood sugar and make you crash and burn later-it's kindof a double edged sword-the fat in proteins if eaten in excess isn't good for your cardiovascular system, but things low in fat like a lot of carbs-spike your blood sugar and make you want more food! aaaahhhh!!! What's a fat girl to do!
    It's all in moderation-there is some merit to the high protein diets like Atkin's as far as blood sugar goes, but if you don't eat plenty of fruits you are missing all that fiber and cancer fighting antioxidants! Then the people on low fat diets have clear arteries, but their skin is all dry and their hair is brittle due to lack of fat! I am just going to eat a little bit of everything and say to **** with it!
    Everyone knows too much of a good thing is bad-and when you vow never to eat something again-it's all you think about! Let's just try to find low calorie foods we enjoy-find new recipes to share with each other, and have that occasional small treat-but cut back a little before or after to make up for it.
    Let's get our rears in gear-and hopefully a year from now they will be smaller and less wobbly!
    I am in a great mood today-my anniversary was this week-my birthday is next week and my stepmother took me and the kids out yesterday-and my mother in law just took the kids for 2 days so I can get some things done! yahoo! We are closing on our new house on Halloween, and everything seems to be going pretty smooth. It is 9:30 in the morning and I am just now starting to want a little breakfast-so things are okay.
    I am going to use this time to myself to take a bubble bath, polish my toenails, and start taking some pictures down and in boxes to get ready to move!
    Hope your weigh-in puts you back where you should be-I'm rootin' for you Willbethin!