300+ And Ready To Try Again #989

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  • We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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  • AliceEep - Thanks so much for the compliment!! Also, as I said on the exercise thread...awesome minutes today!! You go chickie!!

    Abbeycat - Thanks!! I guess I look happier 'cause I am, tee hee! You REALLLLY do need to find that measuring tape - or buy a new one for $1, lol! - I would hate to not know how far I've come the last 3 months....4" off my waist...4" off my hips...2" off each upper arm...2.5"-4" off each thigh, respective....it's insane!!! Go get that tape chicky!!! Thanks again for your wonderful comments!

    Hi Ladies - Well got in 74 minutes of walking aroudn doing more errands today, woo hoo! I think my goal will be 900 minutes in September...just incase I need to slow it down a bit - to 30 or so minutes a day. Gonna try to finally get my strength training in tonight...I've missed a session! But it's okay, I'm not off-plan....off-plan to me is no cardio and no calorie defecit...I'm good. Got a couple things for my nephews birthday...2 pairs of shoes...next payday I'll be getting an outfit as well for him and sending that off. He'll be 3 in September!! I haven't seen him since last Christmas - same as ALL of my family...kinda sad that he doesn't remember me because he doesn't see me often. But DH and I are spending Christmas in Victoria with my family, so, yay!! DH and I hope to move back to my hometown in a couple years....you never know. Well I'm off - POGO TIME!! Hehehe! Hope everyone is doing FANTASTIC!
    Stay OP chickies!!

  • ok i'm going to bite the bullet and ask if its ok if i join your group, i never got to 300lbs but was well on my way !

    my name is kate, i have twins that are 10 now (still carrying that 50+lbs not to mention the other 50 that tagged along for the ride !) i've been married for 13 years, hubby is pretty close to perfect, except i just wanna slap him as hes gained about 2lbs since weve been together (15 years) hes a total sweetheart and has never said anything about my weight increase, although i know he preferred me at 150lbs (long ago ) but if i ask him, he just says that i'm beautiful. i think hes afraid to tell the truth !!

  • Hi there Kate

    Welcome on in .. you are more than welcome to join us here You will notice there are a few ppl on here in TwoTown but that is no reason to leave here

    Great to have you want us to join you in your new journey .. your hubby sounds like a doll ... and I know what you mean about still having the weight from when you had your kids lol ... but if there was ever a reason to put on weight Im sure the twins are your one

    Hope to see you on the boards ... you look like youre doing great with your weight loss .. are you doing any particular programme or exercise regime?? We are alway curious about what everyone is doing

    Have a great OP day!

  • Hey Everyone~
    I have been a lurker for awhile now. I used to post here but only a few times. I really am looking forward to getting serious about shedding this weight. And I hope to stay on this board and this group. I think it will really help me stay focused. I think that has been my problem these last three years I can't get focused. I always give up. Well today is my birthday. I turn 25 today. And all I can think about is this weight. I have been between 300-340 for three years now. I have a good bit of health problems because of my weight. And recently I was told I have pre-diabetes. So I have had many wake up calls these last few months. I don't want to go another year being 300 pounds...my health can't take it. So I am hoping to get a jumpstart. I am going to cut out all sodas and bad foods. I also moved to a rural town in Alaska. And we don't have great roads here. Its mostly dirt and muddy. And I really need to start walking or somehting. My Husband counted out how many laps I needed to do in a row to make half a mile in the house. Its basically walk down the hall to the end of the living room. Sounds funny....but its still getting me moving right? Also quick question..I am realizing how much processed food has kept me fat. But I was looking into some lean cuisine meals or something similar. Has anyone had any luck with these? Well like I said I hope to get involved on this site and start losing this weight!

    Have a good day!

  • Gald to have you back, mechell! I do remember you posting here before...I was told I was pre-diabetic when I was in early high school, but I shot that down in a year just by stopping rinking regular sodas every day (which was hard for me, because I HATED diet sodas!).

    Welcome to the group, Kate! The more, the merrier! I'm no longer 300+, but I was at one point...this is an amazingly helpful group for people at ANY weight, really!

    Alright, now I had every good intention of coming back and continuing with my personl responses yesterday when I got to work. I had been pretty bored at work all week, so I figured yesterday would be the same. WRONG! I got to work only to find I had a new proposal to write, and it is due Thursday, so not too much time to get everything pulled together! I was busy all day and then came home and passed out on the couch after dinner I even forgot to eat some of the food I'd brought to work with me, so I was starving! I made a great meal, though. I made a pan of chicken cordon bleu (thin-silced chicken breasts covering the bottom of the pan, a layer of thin-sliced swiss cheese, a layer of small ham slices--kind of like Canadian bacon--another layer of swiss cheese, and then some honey dijon marinade spread evenly, then topped with another layer of chicken). When I make it this way, it comes out almost like a casserole or lasagna where you can cut a piece out of the pan. It was AWESOME!

    On a happy note, I am finally down another pound (after working for 4 days to lose what I'd gained over my 3-day off plan weekend). Maybe I should actually change my ticker since I'm down to 284 now. And it seems such a short time ago I came crawling back here whining about being back up to 296. Thank goodness I am sticking to my plan like glue!
  • Good morning, everyone!

    Wow have I ever gotten behind on the threads... been kind of busy the last couple days and it does not take long to get behind.

    Welcome to the newbies! I think several have joined lately, and glad to have all of you!

    Kate, come right on in, and welcome! I never made it to 300 pounds either but was just two pounds away, wow! But this group is wonderful and, like you, I wanted to join anyway, and you are VERY welcome!

    Alice, I am laughing at your DDD comment. Believe it or not I am thrilled to be DOWN to a DDD -- my boobs were so huge there was no way to stuff them into the biggest bras I could find and I hung out all over.

    BUT that leads me into a great... for me... NSV yesterday! The bra I was going to wear to work is getting pretty "shot" and I noticed it had a place that was ripping out so had best not wear it since I didn't want it to "explode" mid-day. So I was hurriedly digging through my bras and "caught" myself mumbling... "too big... nope, too big..." as I went through them. Then it hit me... WOW! And I dug out a 44 DDD and it FIT.. I just barely hung out on the sides! I have needed the 44 for quite a while but cups were too small so had to get 46 and sew up the sides or let it be too big. AND I had it on the smallest hook so really need a 42 now. Yippeeeee! But as Alice says, I can't wait to lose a few more "D"s LOL.

    Melissa, your pix are very nice... congratulations. And yes, I agree... your happiness shows. Good job!

    The FFM is still ignoring me... must be hung up there in the UK or somewhere... but I am trying to look at it as time invested since I have been doing very well on my plan AND exercising a lot so something must be happening.

    Blessings to all... I have to catch up on posting my exercise, yay!
  • Hmmmm... okay I KNOW I saw a post from someone either here or in the exercise thread... but the way these threads jump around so constantly even doing a search I can't find it. But I know I read someone asking WHAT type of swimming we do as they found it boring. So sorry I can't find your post and hope whoever it was finds this.

    I used to do more swimming also... then I tried water aerobics and it is SO much more fun! I highly recommend a pair of water weights... I am amazed at all I can do with them. I also have a noodle, ankle weights, a frisbee, and two hollow plastic balls... one about the size of a volleyball and the other bigger... I think 15" or so... that will hold me up as I bounce around on it. This has been the GREATEST and least boring exercise ever for me. I am going to have to come up with another plan when the pool closes in a week and I will miss it! I am going to check into some local indoor pools.

    If the person who asked the question wishes to contact me more, I would be glad to share more details about the types of exercises I do in the water.
  • Misti, I could faint, a DDD! I wear 40Bs some days.... I'm actually kind of a hard size, some bras I need Cs, some bras I need Bs. I love bras but I hate shopping for them.

    I was thinking about jeans last night and I have to say that jeans are what have helped me stop gaining weight in the past. At my highest weight, I bought a pair of size 32 jeans. I thought to myself that I was wearing the biggest size I could find in the store and I had to stop, so I stopped and started trying to lose weight.

    At the beginning of this year, my size 24 levis were feeling a bit snug and I knew if I gained another lb, I couldn't wear them. So at that point I stopped and told myself I needed to get on track again. Those jeans are now hanging on me and I don't even have to unbutton them to take them off.

    For me, jeans help me not to gain weight so that is a plus.
  • Michelle: Hope to see you around lots here!

    Misti - Thanks!

    Hi Ladies - Now it's starting to bother me...weight is still stalled...I'm NOT pleased! I don't know what to do!!!!! Less exercise? More? Different calorie limit? HELP! Should I go back to what I did when the WL was consistant?? I was eating 2000 calories a day and exercising about 15 minutes a day. (Right now I'm eating 2000 average a day, and exercising averaging 60 minutes a day.) Also, DELL is replacing my laptop since it's overheating an INSANE amount...so now I gotta save all my files!! AHHH!! MY alarm clock is on the fritz...the last 3 times I've set it it hasn't gone off!!! DH *just* got to work in time!!! I can't really afford to get a new ones now either, so...this is gonna be interesting, lol. And he's doing his 2 more 12 hour shifts at work today and tomorrow....FUN....ugh. Well...we shall see what the weekend holds. I have so many things to worry about, lol! Hope everyone is doing well!
    Stay OP chickies!!

  • LOL Nelie! Believe me, it is a nightmare having boobs this big! But the good news is that I do lose there so hopefully they will go away! I envy your Bs and Cs

    Melissa, I sure know what you mean about being stalled on weight! I was stalled forever at 246 then dropped down and stalled again. <sigh> I hope the FFM visits you soon.

    Regarding jeans... I haven't been able to WEAR any in so long I am not quite sure how they would feel LOL... I can't wear zip up pants because of my big stomach... however, I have been trying on some pairs that someone gave me and can almost wear them. Also with smaller butt and thighs I have found that men's jeans fit better since women's are made SO big in the legs.

    I have been up for hours and can't eat or drink except water since I have a blood test at 9. I am really wanting coffee
  • Hey! YAY! After I wrote that last post I decided to try on a pair of pants someone gave me a long time ago... zip up. I tried them a couple weeks ago and they were too tight. But they FIT... I can ZIP them AND button the top button!!! YIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Decided to try on more and found another pair I can wear AND a nice black zip up pair that I can zip but not button yet but soon... and both of these zip up pants fit me perfectly!!! The butt and legs are not even huge LOL
  • well i have really been OFF PROGRAM for about a week but i am back now . my health has been going down hill since before the fifteenth. i just decided to come clean and get some moral support again!
  • Swimming.....I love it.
    I developed my own routine, after participating in some aquacise classes. The key is to do everything under water. Example, Jumping jacks, you want to feel the resistance in the water so do not bring your arms out of the water. Other exercises I do, besides laps are: Hop scotch, Squats, lunges, leg scissors, running, long step walking, water weight training, washing machine andknee to chest lifts. Hope this helps. Key is to never stop moving in the water. Good luck =0)
  • I am obssessed with weighing myself. I am slowly losing but do not see the results in my face and it is annoying the heck out of me. Makes me feel like I am doing nothing with my weight loss mind set.

    What is everyones take on eating all of your meals? Yesterday I was a bit depressed and did not get out of bed until 330 pm. I ate dinner but that was it. Is it really as bad as they say to miss meals?